The Domestic Hero

Chapter 299: A virtue

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"B-level inner pill essence can't be less, with Xiaoyan your constitution, use one per week, about 50 per year, almost." Wu Ya Ange added on the side, "If you practice like this for a year, With your qualifications and potential, your cultivation strength will be at least pushed to the top of the B level. And because there are so many fire pulps to wash the pulp and cut the hair, the probability of truly comprehending a trace of the flame heaven law is very high. "

50 Nedan essences?

Wang Yan's mouth twitched slightly. Is this the rhythm of taking B-grade Nedan essence as a drink?

"This has already removed the merit value of 10,500 points." Nan Lian thought for a moment and said, "I can exchange it for another extremely positive fire lotus. I remember it is 7000 merit value. Xiao Yan's administrative level is the main hall level. It can be exchanged. When Xiaoyan reaches the peak of level B, it is very possible to take the flame of flame into the body in one fell swoop to achieve level A. "

Uh ... two women, in a few words, removed 17,500 merit points. The value of Wang Yan's merits quickly dropped from five digits to four digits.

"Cultivation resources are already sufficient, and the remaining Xiao Yan can be exchanged for some fine treasures." Wuya Ange said, "Some excellent treasures can only really exert their power when they reach the A level. But Xiao Yan, if you If you warm up and communicate early, you will save a lot of effort when you reach level A. "

"Wait, I do n’t need the treasure. I already have the fire unicorn armguards." Wang Yan shook his head hurriedly. "My resources are already too abundant. If all the resources can't pile me up to A level, there is no way To understand and integrate the law of flame, I do n’t need to mix it up in the future. Sister Nanlian and Ange, I think you lack resources. So, I still have some loot that I have n’t exchanged with the SAFE. The merit value is around, plus my remaining 9500 points, we will turn it into resources. "

Seeing two women a little silent. Wang Yan added: "Sister Nanlian, Sister An Ge, don't think I'm subsidizing you. Think about it, a good guy needs three gangs. If we rush to the A level together, we will team up and fight together How easy will it be to blame the brush task? I ’m paying a little bit of merit now, I believe that there will be ten times and hundreds of benefits in the future. It ’s impossible, do you want to look forward to Gao Mingyue all your life?

The eyes of Nanlian and Wuya Ange light up.

From the bones, they are extremely confident and proud women. They believe that their qualifications will never be worse than that bright moon. The reason why no one achieves high achievements now lies in resources.

They are famous and decent people who have been born and inherited for thousands of years. Since childhood, they have built up their muscles and tempered their physiques. Each step is supported by sufficient resources and has the best teachers.

The two of them, if put in the ancient times, put it bluntly, they are loose repairs. Without the teacher ’s teaching, any cultivation resources have to be saved a little bit and fought. To be honest, they are very young, and it is already extremely talented to be able to go to this stage in this situation today.

They are confident that if they have the same background as Gao Mingyue, their achievements today may not be worse than hers.

But reality is reality. Anyone who can step into the world's top ten outstanding youths is a young talent with a strong background and a very high background. What a light lady, a child of darkness, etc.

Of course, because of the generosity of the National African Affairs Bureau, Nanlian and Wuya Ange are also relatively smooth and can gradually emerge. Try another place, even if their qualifications are better, they will be completely buried. The pearl is covered with dust before it shines, and finally disappears into the dust of history.

The two women glanced at each other, and they both saw a hint of contending and strong heart inspired by Wang Yan from the other's breath.

"Xiao Yan, you are really good at it." Wu Ya Ange stretched lazily lazily, Mei Mei gave him a glance and said, "For a long time, you won't choose one of me and Nan Lian. It's a plan to keep both sides together, and the two will close together. "

At the same time, Nan Lian also took off his sunglasses and stared at Wang Yan suspiciously, as if he wanted to hear his explanation. An Ge is right about this point. Wang Yan's attitude has always been rather strange.

Wang Yan's face was hard and he couldn't laugh or cry. What does it mean not to choose one? Brother is practicing pure Yang Shengong, and he doesn't have the capital to choose a girlfriend. This is the rhythm of being wronged.

But now, everyone knows more and more. Wang Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Well, okay, I'll call it honestly. My practice is called" Pure Yang Divine Skills ". Once I start to practice, I must abstain from desire. I can't get close until I reach practice. Women's. "

"Ah? Is there such a practice !?" Wu Ya Ange exclaimed with her mouth covered, and then giggled with a sudden realization, "No wonder, no wonder, every time I want to push you back, always Will fight hard to resist, to die or to live. I thought you were a chaste and fierce man who was as good as a jade. It turned out to be limited by exercises! "

Wang Yan is sweating in a waterfall, what is this called? Even if I did n’t practice this exercise, I ’m not a casual person, okay?

"This, Xiaoyan, what kind of situation will your practice be considered to be successful?" Nan Lian's ice eyes swelled slightly, full of curiosity. I have seen this kind of exercise in the novel, but I have never heard of it in reality.

"This ... to practice to the ninth floor." Wang Yan is also a little depressed face.

"The ninth floor?" Wuya Ange chuckled and said, "Then what level do you practice now?"

"I just broke through to the third floor not long ago and is moving towards the fourth floor quickly." Wang Yan sighed a bit pale.

"That's pretty fast." Wuya Ange broke his finger and said, "Even if the difficulty will be doubled later, but according to your progress, it will be almost three years. Fortunately."

Wuya Ange is very optimistic. But Nan Lian felt as if the problem was serious. She frowned and said, "Xiao Yan, how long did it take for the adult to reach adulthood? In addition, what level will this practice reach the 9th level? "

"My Master? He said that it seemed that he had achieved mastery after about twenty years of practice, but he had practiced earlier, and he should have practiced in his thirties to become a master." Wang Yan said with a slightly sad face. "I don't know the next one, I asked the lady."

Then, Wang Yan took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a text message to the young lady.

"Why should I ask my wife? Isn't it Master !?" Nan Lian asked in surprise.

"Uh ... my master now slaps my heart." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Waiting to contact him after a while when his emotions have stabilized."


at the same time.

On a luxury yacht, Cao Cannon wore sunglasses and nightgowns and lay on the deck to bask in the sun. Linghu Yaofei on the left holds a glass of red wine in her hand and feeds him from time to time.

The Duke of Roses on the right peeled the grapes and chopped the seeds clean and fed them one by one.

Cao Cannon was sunbathing, meeting both sides, as if he were in heaven.

Suddenly, the Duke of Roses took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and quickly betrayed Wang Yan: "Her husband, Xiao Yan asked what level was Chunyang Shengong practicing to the ninth level? How should I answer?"

"Oh, less than half a year later, this kid couldn't hold back anymore." Cao Dagong touched his **** beard and said with a smirk, "You have to continue to put on the suit, but there are some on the ninth floor It ’s exaggerated, and I ’m afraid he will lose his motivation. Tell him that the seventh floor of the Pure Yang Divine Skill is barely a big deal. ”

The Duke of Roses ordered his life and quickly returned a message to Wang Yan.


"Seventh floor?" Wang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. "It doesn't seem too exaggerated. I'm already on the third floor. With so many resources, the fourth floor is also close."

But before I was too happy, I received the next message on my mobile phone: "The first three floors of Pure Yang Divine Skills are entry levels, and the fourth to sixth floors are considered to be small realms. The seventh to ninth floors are considered great. The corresponding is that Seventh level is S level, the eighth level is S + level, and the ninth level is SS level. "

"What !?" Wang Yan spit out old blood and stared at Tongling. "Is this the little maid teasing me? The seventh floor is equivalent to S-level?"

According to Wang Yan's understanding, those who reach the A level before the age of 30 are considered to be the top handful of people. Few people can break through to the S level before the age of fifty.

Wang Yan estimates that he may be able to break through to grade A within two to three years. But the next S-level is completely bottomless.


"Oh, Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, Master is already good enough for you." Cao Dagong said, drinking red wine and eating grapes, "I thought I was ignorant and cultivating until I was nearly forty years old. Lies. "

"Almost forty years old?" The concubine Linghu Yao on the side pinched her fingers, and the cold air on her face gradually filled up, sneering like a fox, "Uncle Gun ~ You said that Yuanyang's body was handed over It's mine, but this time seems wrong. "

"Her brother, didn't you say it was the first time when I was with me?" The corner of Duke Rose's mouth revealed a pair of sensuous fangs. "So, have you been lying to me?"

Cao Cannon felt a cold heart, and the secret path was not good. Finally, the two of them were smoothed out, and at one time they felt too secretly complacent and said that they were missing. Pointing hurriedly to the distance, he said with shock in his face: "What, mermaid?"

The two women turned back together, but only saw a dolphin jump out of the water. Feeling fooled, when he turned back, Cao Cannon had burst into the sea with a puff.

"These two masters and disciples really have a virtue in their bones. They are obviously practicing fire, but the skill of water escape is so skillful." The Duke of Rose said with a sneer, holding his hands.

"Huh, the monk can't run the temple." Linghu Yaofei's eyes were greatly increased, "Sisi, we have to stand on the United Front for this matter. The problem is too big!"

"Sister Yao Fei, don't worry, I planted the blood beacon on him, he can't run away." Duke Rose's hand waved, the blood mist filled, and a monster formed by the blood mist appeared on the yacht. .

"Bloody, chase this Duke."

"Ao ~~" Blood Spirit growled and plunged into the water.


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