The Domestic Hero

Chapter 820: Satan Apostle! Are you going to go against the sky?

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Dense fog like a canopy completely enveloped the sea area of ​​two kilometers.

The blood beneath tumbling, the atmosphere is in this moment, dignified Xiao Xiao.

Zhang Weidao swallowed his mouth, and the **** smell in the air rushed into his nasal cavity at once, making his original heart hanging even tighter.

"Old, old king, the situation doesn't look very good."

He instinctively leaned on Wang Yan's side for two steps, his forehead was already cold and sweaty, "I, I think, I have to inform my dad who is passionate about demon defense ..."

Zhang Weidao thought, his father, this generation of Zhang Tianshi, as the head of Tianshi Dao, the backbone of China's country, devoted his life to eliminating Demon Wei Dao. If he sees so many changes ~ the evil demon next time, he will be very happy. , May even praise him as a filial son.

But wait for him to take out his phone.

"What ?! The phone really has no signal!"

"Wait, help Fulu is not available ?!"

Zhang Weidao didn't even try to call for help several times, and he couldn't help but get out of the force. This time the trouble was even greater.

In such a crisis, he didn't even have the chance to call his father.

"Oh, ignorant junior, no matter how hard you try, it won't help." The man with a lees nose known as the marine disaster star Kovat laughed contemptuously.

"This mist is a part of my body. Under my control, it will not only shield all signals and spiritual detection, but only notice that this is a common sea fog outside, and no useful information can be detected."

"It's more than that." The painful Judge Carlson, wearing a black priest suit and covered with spikes all over his body, was brutal and pulled out a white Sensen spike from his body.

It can be seen that this pale white nail turned out to be a bone growing in his body!

Carlson threw this bone nail into the fog, and immediately there was a red-red arc, which shattered it into pieces.

The powerful power, as if the current of hundreds of thousands of volts instantly roared, scared the five blood maids on the yacht, pale and trembling.

The five blood-race maids have clearly felt that this seemingly simple red arc has terrible power. Their blood-race of this level, let alone rush out, may not be able to withstand even one click.

"Ji Jie ... Do you see? Pain and torture are the most beautiful art in this world."

Judge Carlson, the painful judge, grumbled grimly, and the cruelty in his eyes became more intense, "This thick fog and the sea area under your feet are carefully arranged by the elder Ben with a painful prison, as long as the elder Ben ’s thoughts move start up."

"It's a masterpiece of the elder Ben. Its damage reaches the soul. Even the angel summoned by a holy priest did not resist its torture. The angel and her master from the Holy See wailed and asked the elder Ben for mercy. Finally, I am willing to be my dog, as long as I let them go. "

Judge Carlson, the painful judge, finally said more and more excited, and laughed out loud, "Hahaha, but unfortunately, they only have A-level strength, the power is too weak, and finally I was tortured to death, 啧啧 啧, but that kind of It feels so beautiful! "

The painful presiding judge Carlson's laughter and horror made the atmosphere suddenly drop by a few points.

The faces of Wang Yan and others are all surprised and disgusted. It seems that this crazy abuse ~ to be mad, once really caught a holy priest, and tortured the holy priest and the summoned angel to death. .

The Satanist sect is really heinous and unforgivable.

Suddenly, a series of sounds of feet stepping on the deck came around.

Dozens of elite Satanists and some wanted criminals hidden by Satanist squads emerged from each of the six ocean-going freighters that formed the counter-hexagram magic array.

There are hundreds of Satan elites and wanted criminals together, including some A-level and B-level superpowers.

Such a team, plus two S-level legendary strongmen, four and a half-step S-level players, and two A + -level strongmen, really surrounded the waters surrounded by Wang Yan and his team. To the point where it doesn't work.

Five sweats on the bald head came out, a pair of bright eyes, full of surprise at the moment, "Brother Wei Dao, even if you can inform your father this time, it is estimated that when he brings someone over, we may be already in this sea. Floating body. "

He wiped his forehead. It seemed that the other party had already moved out of the nest. This battle really scared him a bit.

Although the Satanist sect is only a branch of the North American Dark Alliance, the accumulation of nearly a hundred years, together with the collection of wanted criminals from all over the world, is now a force that is now more powerful than the China National African Affairs Bureau and a branch.

At this time, let alone one Zhang Tianshi, even two Zhang Tianshi can't be changed. This situation is crushed by the other party.

"Old, old king, the trouble seems a bit big now. Do you have any cards, backhands or something? Hurry up, the poor monk is afraid ..." Wu Wujie also retreated to the king instinctively from the ship's side By Yan's side, there was some disorder in breathing.

He originally intended to be with Zhang Weidao, to follow Pharaoh to eat, drink and have fun, but no one told them that they would encounter such terrible things, and he now feels that the sky above him is about to collapse.

"Wu Wujie is calm, I want to see what other tricks they can make." Wang Yan is still calm, looking around calmly, but this scene can frighten Wu Wujie.

Pharaoh, you are really Pharaoh! Still calm at this time? The other party has formed an army of superpowers. If we calm down like this, all of us will die here.

The key opponents are all a group of abnormal demons. If they fall into their hands, they are definitely better than death, and it will be terrifying to think about it.

Wang Yan didn't care about Zhang Weidao and Wu Wujie, who were permeated by the cold sweat, and the blood sacrifice of 10,000 people at the foot, plus hundreds of thousands of marine creatures, formed a magical array, which is definitely not that simple.

His eyes turned again, and Wang Yan looked directly at the Satanic apostle Harrison, and said coldly: "Harrison, you have gathered so many top strongmen, and even sacrificed tens of thousands of blood to sacrifice tens of thousands of sea creatures, just to deal with me? No? Do you think some minor issues are overkill? "

"Just to deal with you? Hahaha ..." Harrison laughed loudly. "Son of flames, you are too overestimating yourself. It's enough to deal with your own leader."

"It's okay, when you die, you'll die more clearly." Harrison's laughter came to an abrupt end, his eyes condensed and looked at Wang Yan, and the evil spirit said enthusiastically, "When I dedicate my body and mind to Lord Demon Lord , Great Lord Demon God, taught me a way to make him avatar come to earth. "

"It's this perfect blood sacrifice array." Harrison watched the corpses floating under his feet, and the tumbling blood water seemed to be enjoying a perfect piece of art.

"With these flesh and soul, it is enough to tear the space and let the Devil God Lord's avatar come into the world, and you! Son of Fire, you will be the first living sacrifice dedicated to the Devil God Lord by this bishop!"

"His, it's really vicious." Wang Yan deliberately made a look of surprise. "Even if I was sacrificed by you alive, but after I die, don't you worry about the revenge from the China National African Affairs Bureau and my Master? "

"Yes, that's right!" Zhang Weidao seemed to have found a life-saving straw and immediately spoke from the side. "Our Master, but the patron saint of China, Yan Zun! His old man is the only demigod human in the world, you Dare to hurt us, we, the China National African Affairs Bureau and Master Yan Zun, will never let you go. "

"Hahaha, Yan Zun? It's Yan Zun I want to kill!"

Harrison's murderous outburst in vain, as if to shoot fire in his eyes, "It's because of him that the global superpower community has reached a peaceful consensus, formed a global integration and unity alliance, and even formulated the superpowers' code of conduct? , It ’s ridiculous! "

"So, after the Devil God avatar came, the first person we were going to kill was Yan Zun!" Harrison showed his madness, and his eyes were full of burning desire. "Without this human being, the only semi-godly strong man, The superpower of the earth will be scattered, all forces will be in the same battle as in the past, and our Satanist sect will rise in this chaos under the leadership of Lord Demon Lord! "

"With Lord Demon God, no one can track our movements. Under the leadership of Lord Demon God, we will unify the entire North American Dark Union, and then strangle the Prince Rose to unify the dark world of the earth! After that, we will kill The old thing of Pope Guangming destroyed the whole Guangming Holy See! "

"Hehehe ... By that time, there will be no forces on earth to fight Lord Demon!" Harrison grinned grimly. "And we will also sacrifice the entire population of China to open the way to **** Earth ’s permanent passage, the earth will fall into **** territory from now on, and become the private garden of Lord Demon God! And I will be the master of the earth, Lord Lord ’s most powerful servant! "

"Crazy, this guy is crazy."

Zhang Weidao and Wu Bujie stunned and shuddered. The five blood-race maids on the ship, under Harrison's wild momentum, were frightened and their faces were bloodless.

Harrison even wanted to kill Yan Zun and dedicate the entire earth to Hell Devil God. The idea of ​​it was terrible, but from the point of his confidence, there is definitely such a possibility.

You know, the master and son that Harrison believes in is a Satanic demon, but it is a high-level cosmic **** in the universe that is almost comparable to the father of the light church.

How strong is such a demon god? How strong is the devil's avatar? No one knows this world.

But one thing is very clear, once the devil's avatar comes, it will definitely be a thing that can kill Yan Zun and threaten the safety of the entire earth!


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