The Domestic Hero

Chapter 829: Big Sheep! Satan Apostle

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"Son of flames, you are too much." A demon with a height of five or six meters, covered in black scale armor, roared angrily in the stratosphere at a height of tens of thousands of meters. No matter how it escapes, Wang Yan will always catch up like a maggot.

Beside it, surrounded by three masters in the shape of a pin, each exhibited his unique tricks, and bombarded the demons one after another.

After some fierce fighting, the demon has been injured many times and is in a state of embarrassment.

"Harrison, you sacrifice your soul to the devil and transform yourself into a devil. After all, everyone has the right to choose their own path." Wang Yan said with a fire hammer, and said aloud, "But you should not be a thousand Do n’t be arrogant and arrogant, do nothing, and sacrifice tens of thousands of blood, trying to sell the entire earth to the devil. Today is your death! "


The flame in the warhammer soared into the sky, and the flame image of the fire pheasant's spirit flew to Harrison with his teeth spreading, and he couldn't live forever, as if to say, you are pretending to be forced, and you are going to grab the limelight of my master.

"Ice Storm!"

The ice queen Nanlian's white hair is like a waterfall, and three thousand snow silks are flying in the sky. The vast force of ice condenses a powerful snow storm and rolls towards Harrison like a thousand blades.

At an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, the temperature of the surrounding environment was originally at minus fifty or sixty degrees. After an extremely cold snow and ice blessing, Harrison's surrounding environment suddenly dropped to minus one hundred and dozens of degrees.

At such a terrible low temperature, even a bottle of hot water will instantly freeze into ice.

The body is strong like a demon, and the blood is sticky and the movement is not smooth.

"Gecko ~" "Crack!"

The succubus screamed like silver bells, mixed with whip. It is the instinct of the succubus to display the charm technique in battle. With her current half-step S-level strength, once she is full of charm, the superpowers with a slightly weaker strength will be directly overwhelmed by the charm, striking back.

Of course, Harrison is strong and determined, and it is extremely difficult to completely charm him. But even so, the charms of time after time have greatly interfered with Harrison's fighting rhythm.

Harrison's mind fluttered slightly under the charm of the charm, and his consciousness was blurred for a moment. Although he was sober, he was too late to avoid it.


A burst of flame energy hit Harrison's chest like a shock wave, exploding its skin and flesh and blood.

At the same time, Nanlian's ice storm roared, and like Ling Chi, Harrison was cut into flesh and blood, and numerous scars. After losing it as a demon, it is extremely strong, and its scale armor is outstanding.

In exchange for a slightly worse opponent, Nan Lian's ice storm will directly freeze it into a popsicle, and will be executed later!

Pappa ~

The succubus' soul-eating bone whip arrived as scheduled. While tearing apart Harrison's flesh and blood, he added endless pain into Harrison's will, making it painless to live, and to die rather than live.

Under the siege of several masters.

Harrison has been hit hard, almost at the end of a crossbow. Knowing that there is no hope of escaping, it is so angry in its heart, that hate in its heart. If it wasn't for Wang Yan's bastard, it would summon the demon avatar, and he would definitely be able to talk about it.

Unfortunately, all this is ruined.

Under the siege of the three-and-a-half god-level powerhouse, the demon avatar is still unknown.

In the future, even if the devil deity was furious, he would send an army to settle the accounts. That would be the future, and Harrison could not see it, nor could he hear it.

"Son of flame, the ice queen. Even if the leader is dead, he will pull you to die together." Harrison roared furiously, and the dark magic in his body madly poured out, trying to gather a small black hole, pulling Wang Yan and so on People die together.

"Dying to the end, dare to run wild."

Wang Yan had long been guarding against the Harrison dog's hurried jumping over the wall, and gathered the pure Yang real fire all over his body, and threw the fire hammer violently. At this time, the fire hammer contained the power of a terrible flame, and the sound barrier was instantly exploded under fast flight, reaching several times the speed of sound, like a meteor galloping in the air.

This is Wang Yan's mortal warhammer, used as a flying sword. The power of this hammer is no less inferior to the missile than the missile.


The Warhammer blasted Harrison's chest and passed through, leaving a hole in its huge body.

The dark magic that had just converged suddenly collapsed, twisting its body to pieces.



A generation of young devil lords completely fell.


Wang Yan grabbed the hammer handle that flew back and let out a sigh of relief. This Harrison is also a generation of wizards, can reach this point at a young age.

It's a pity that this person's character is too extreme and rampant, and he has gone all the way, and finally got this end.


A demon-shaped pendant on Harrison's neck couldn't help but bombard and burst. Some miscellaneous things swarmed out and fell down under the force of gravity.

It felt like it was a BOSS, and it also burst by the way.

"It turned out to be a storage pendant." Wang Yan looked a little distressed. The storage pendant that can be carried by people of Harrison's level is definitely a dozens of cubic high-end goods.

Unfortunately, the internal space of the storage pendant collapsed and had no value.

"Mei'er, Sister Nanlian, pick your equipment quickly." Wang Yan flicked her wings and stared at a box in an instant. "Slap!" He shook the box with the figure shaking, and the box was in his hand, letting his mind slightly relax.

The succubus and Nanlian are also extremely fast, while landing at a very fast speed, while falling all over the sky, everything is left in the bag.

"Oh, it really is the prize of the Youth Conference." Wang Yan was very happy and opened the box.

In this brocade box, there are really three products of Nedan Essence, two of which are of S grade, one bottle is of S + grade, and there is a black card lying next to it.

The exchange price of the S-level inner dan essence in the State African Bureau is 15,000 points of merit, and the S + level has reached 30,000 points of merit. As for the black card, there should be 1.2 billion US dollars.

Poor Harrison, the hard-won prizes were all cheaper than Wang Yan.

The succubus and Nanlian also flew to Wang Yan and began to count the loot.

The first is Harrison's body.

Demonized it, the strength is almost S-level. Unfortunately, the flesh has been shattered in battle. Fortunately, there is still a pair of devil horns on the head, plus some flesh and blood genes for research.

"Why doesn't this guy have Neidan crystal nucleus or something?" Wang Yan gathered some Harrison's wreckage and said quietly.

"Cough ~" The succubus said with a smile, "Harrison belongs to the transformation of human beings into demons, which has not yet been successfully transformed. It can only be regarded as a pseudo demon. In this case, if it can break through to the S level, it is estimated that the body will grow. Come out the Demon Crystal Core. "

In fact, Wang Yan also knows this truth.

The so-called inner crystal nuclei are all organs in which souls store the essence energy of life. These "organs" have evolved from a long evolutionary history and are written into their genes.

Like the demon clan, this race with the blood of the Xinghe beast, they all inherited the genes of similar organs. Therefore, the essence of their cultivation is stored in the crystal core of Neidan.

Many powerful races in the universe have similar organs, but with different names and shapes.

Just like the angels, their crystal nucleus is equivalent to a piece of energy crystal like jade, not jade, which is called "bright jade".

The blood race is different. Their strength is all in one body of blood. Only when they voluntarily will they condense into blood sperm for the descendants to enhance their bloodline strength.

If you reach the demigod level, the blood crystals condensed from the blood of the holy ancestor level are called the tears of the holy blood, or the heart of the holy blood.

When Prince Rose was the Duke, she rose to the top of the S-class by relying on the crystallization of several tears of holy blood.

As for humans, there is no similar organ in the dominant gene, but it does not mean that there is no ability to condense crystal nuclei. However, only when the cultivation reaches a high level, different cultivation methods will form different crystals. For example, like some strong monks in China, when they are at the level of land gods, they will condense into an inner pill.

Like some high-ranking monks, relics will condense in the body. Like those who practiced the Great Light of the Holy Canon, they will gradually form a Holy Jade similar to the Bright Jade in the body, and even after the death of some of the most devoutly top strong men of the Light Holy See, they will form the Holy Jade.

Of course, human strong people like Wang Yan have not yet practiced to the level of terrestrial immortals. Naturally, there is no energy crystal in the body. This is the difference between humans and some other species.

"Master, what do you think this is?"

While Wang Yan was thinking, the succubus jade turned over and took out a box sealed with a six-pointed star array.

Wang Yan opened it and saw a vast dark magic looming, and his eyes were bright immediately: "Well, I know that Harrison is rich and has many babies."

In that box, densely packed with a box of dark magic crystals, those dark magic crystals are black and flawless, exuding pure and vast dark magic power. There is also dark magic on the earth, but it is extremely difficult to condense such high-quality dark magic crystals, and even if it is, it is extremely rare.

It is conceivable that the source of the dark magic crystal of this big box must be the plane of hell. It is estimated that after Harrison promoted the Satanism and recruited many fanatic believers, the devil Satan gave him a reward.

Seeing this box full of dark magic crystals, it is clear that he has not just gotten it, and has not had time to enjoy it yet.

This box of dark magic crystals is definitely worth the price. There are many numbers for those who practice dark power on earth.

"Oh, it seems that Ange is cheaper." Wang Yan said with emotion.

Wuya Ange, the cultivation is pure power of darkness. With the help of this box of dark magic crystals, I believe that she will advance by leaps and bounds in the future.

In addition, the treasures in Harrison's storage space are staggering.

Harrison deserves to be the leader of one religion, and it is really fat.

Wang Yan was very excited, and this time he made a fortune.


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