The Domestic Hero

Chapter 834: Shocked the world

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The principle of entering the body is naturally a symbol of the half-step S.

At this level, every action, every word and every action will contain the power of the law.

What Wang Yan comprehends is the law of flame, to be precise, it is the domain of the flame monarch, which evolved into the law of the flame monarch. In the way of fire, he is the king and ruler of this realm of law.

As far as the earth is concerned, no one can match Wang Yan in flame affinity. Strong men of the same line cast flames on Wang Yan, but instead would obey Wang Yan's orders and fight back.

This is the way of flame domination.

Of course, at the current level of Wang Yan, it can only be called the Fire King.

Ordinary people do not know the true level of Wang Yan in the way of flames, but only think that he has a strong affinity for the flame elements, as if he were the flame's son.

It is for this reason that all the people affectionately call Wang Yan the "Son of Flame".

No one can think that Wang Yan is really not a son of flame. In a strict sense, he should be called flame father.

Of course, it was Wang Yan who hid the clumsy one, and the flame dad was too unpleasant, so Wang Yan could not help but call them. The nickname of the Son of Flame sounds pretty good.

Wang Yan has incorporated some of the flame laws into himself, and has achieved a half-step S-level. It is a pity that if you want to be an S-class, the difficulty is more than that. A law must be thoroughly integrated into it, and to be me is the law, and the law is my point.

At that time, Wang Yan can be called a land fairy, or a living legend.

But even so, the achievement of a half-step S-level with the age of twenty-four is rare in the entire human history.

Wang Yan's bloodline maids looked at him with incomparable admiration.

At the beginning, they were sent to serve Wang Yan by the prince, and they were somewhat unwilling. But as time went on, their loyalty to Wang Yan skyrocketed.

Up to now, even if Wang Yan drove them away, they still refused.

Just kidding, a master who has reached the half-step S level at the age of 24 and won the championship at the youth conference of the strong, how could it not be? His future is definitely not as simple as legendary.

His master Yan Zun is a demigod, and his master may not be a demigod.

"Congratulations to the master, he has achieved a half-step S-class." Natasha came to see him in a crowd, with honey-like admiration in her eyes. At this time, she has blindly believed that the future master will definitely reach the level of demigod, and even beyond Yan Zun.

"Not bad." Wang Yan converged his dissipated flame and returned to the look of a handsome young man. His eyes swept. "You have made good progress, especially Natasha, who is already A-level."

"Ah ~"

The three-legged Jinwu flew from the heart of the lotus heart, the flames overflowed, and the majesty was majestic. It was ten times stronger than the grief reminder of a remnant soul. It proudly flew around the blood-race maids, and there is a sense of presence, indicating that your sun **** "pull" is also A-level.

Unexpectedly, the blood-race maids didn't even have a glance at it, and everyone focused on Wang Yan. What are you waiting for to take a bath, to cook, to help change clothes, etc., are too busy to deal with.

The poor sun **** "pulled", so completely ignored.


"Okay! Okay! It's so good!"

At the headquarters of the China National African Affairs Bureau, General Director Han Hongbo couldn't help but hold the material report in his hand and was excited at his desk and went back and forth several times.

Several LCD screens on the desk are looping photos of the Yan Zun couple fighting fiends in inner space, as well as pictures taken by Wang Yan ’s yacht camera.

This scene, once again made his heart surging.

"Frustrated the Satanist plan to subvert all mankind, and killed the heir devil Satan's avatar on the spot, showing the majesty of my great country in China." Han Hongbo was moved to the end, his eyes were a little wet, "Great, really! Yan Zun The couple really deserves to be my patron saint of China, as well as Xiao Yan, Gao Mingyue, these little guys, this time really made a great contribution! "

Han Hongbo, like Yan Zun, was bullied by the great powers before the founding of the People's Republic of China. After a long period of war, he later established the National African Affairs Bureau with Yan Zun and many friends. The whole thing was to revitalize China.

Now that his lifelong dream is about to be realized, how can he not be pleased and excited, but also feel emotional?

At the door of his office, several secretaries who came to inform the news were equally excited and proud. Outside the door were members of the National African Affairs Bureau, a large celebration and cheers.

If it were not for Gao Mingyue and Wang Yan's plan to discover the Satanist sect, and at the same time be aware of it without knowing it, the earth would definitely suffer a catastrophe.

What's more, it is the avatar of Satan, the demi-level strong man with divinity, a strong enemy that has never appeared in human history, but it has fallen on the spot under the joint battle of the Yan Zun and his wife. This has never happened in the past. Feat.


The deeds of Prince Rose, Pope Bright, Yan Zun's couple, and Wang Yan's youth, breaking the Satanist conspiracy and beheading the devil on the spot, not only caused a sensation in the country of China, but also caused a series of successes in countries and super organizations in the world. chain reaction.

Superpower organizations from all over the world have congratulated each other on power generation. Some small country organizations have taken the initiative to show their sincerity, saying they want to become a vassal of these three organizations.

Even India, which previously regarded China as a competitor, began to bow its head to the China National Bureau of African Affairs. The Southeast Asian superpower organization that left Kazan as a traitor was even more frightened. The head of the Southeast Asian organization even said that he would personally arrive at the China National African Bureau to apologize.

At this time, the world is already boiling, and this war has played a great role in promoting the unity of the Global Alliance of Superpowers.

But there was a place that seemed to be overturned by the shock of the sky like an atomic bomb was dropped.

"Fuck!" "Damn it!" "Why doesn't it matter!"

The North American Dark United Sect, in the headquarters conference room, the North American Dark Union master Charles, angry to smash everything in front of him, all smashed.

"That arrogant Harrison, where is his courage ?!"

Charles slaps fiercely, and the only desk left in front of him suddenly bursts into pieces of wood chips under his anger.

In front of him, all the men and sub-masters looked at each other, feeling nervous, and even dare not show the atmosphere.

Harrison, the Satan leader, not only wanted the blood sacrifice to summon the devil, but even wanted to subvert all mankind. Even the entire North American Dark League wanted to get rid of it. It was really desperate.

Not only that, his plan failed, and he directly pushed the organization directly above him, the North American Dark Union, to the top of the world.

In a few moments, a young branch leader reminded me with a trembling voice: "Cha, His Excellency, what should I do next? It's because of Harrison's dog thief, I, our North American Dark Alliance, are likely to become global superpower The object that the community will jointly attack next ... "

"What else can I do?" Charles glared scarely, staring at him, and almost scared the young sub-master to the ground.

"Submit the order, hunt down all the remaining Satanists, grab all their relationship members, and send them to the Earth Super League Organization for disposal!" Charles ordered his teeth gritted, "Showing the world that we have nothing to do with Harrison's plan , We have nothing to do with Hell Demon God, have you heard! "

"Yes, yes!" The men and sub-masters, only promised to respond.

Charles stared again, "What a stun? What about it?"

"Also, Hua Xia Guo is a country that we can't afford, and all members are ordered. Hua Xia Guo will be our key partner in coming down. Even if Hua Xia Guo is going to kill you, you are not allowed to give it back. Not allowed to mention! "Charles thought was full of sadness at the thought of the China National Bureau of African Affairs.

"Yes, yes, His Excellency, we will do it now."

A group of men and sub-masters fled out of the meeting room in a panic, leaving Charles alone, facing the window alone, his expression changing.


On the other side, in the martial arts court of a private courtyard in Dongying, the leader of Dongying sat on the main seat, with a frosty face.

In front of him, sitting on his knees, An Pei Zongxiu, the proud son of Yin Yang Master.

"Your Excellency Mitsui, Harrison wants to summon the demon and subvert humanity. The subordinates really have no idea. The subordinates have not participated in any actions. This time, please help the subordinates to prove their innocence." Zong Xiu lowered his head, and his face was extremely blue.

Things have evolved to such a point that he, who has always been proud, has to bow his head at this point.

He originally thought it would be a matter of collecting profits, but he didn't expect Hua Muying to betray himself.

Fortunately, at that time, he only responded outside and found that something was wrong, immediately fled the scene, and no one was found. In addition, he just gave Hua Muying to Harrison. Hua Muying did not know his agreement and plan with Harrison.

In this way, as long as Dongying leader Mitsui can come forward to protect him, how much can let him out of the relationship, so as not to be suppressed by the global superpower.

"Humph! Stupid stuff!" Mitsui glared fiercely at An Pei Zongxiu, his contempt was overwhelming.

"It's okay for me to prove it to you. I can even join the Red Monk Masao and come forward to help you get rid of the relationship." Mitsui pondered for a moment, narrowing his cunning eyes slightly and said coldly.

"However, I have to take back all the shares of the Mitsui Consortium held by your family as a penalty for your competition loss, and at the same time, you will not lose the resources of our Mitsui Consortium to the people of other countries and lose my face. . "

An Pei Zongxiu was shocked, where did he want to help him? Obviously, he wanted to fall into the rocks and join the Dongying Tantra against him.

Asking his heir to the Yin-Yang Road to surrender the shares of the Mitsui Consortium would be like letting him cut off his family's financial resources, and his family would be in a terrible situation ever since.

Previously, Ampei Zongxiu continued to say that he wanted to revive Yin and Yang, now it seems to be a joke!

"Well, it's up to His Excellency Mitsui."

An Pei Zongxiu lowered his head again, swallowing this bad breath.

He looked at the ground with his eyes, as if there was a fire burning, full of endless hatred.

The Son of Flame, Yan Zun, China National Bureau of African Affairs, and the stupid Mitsui and Dongying Tantras are all forced by you! You guys are waiting for me!


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