The Domestic Hero

Chapter 839: My avatar is a dragon

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"Cough ~"

Wang Yan was nearly choked to death.

Although this sounds harsh, it might be justified. She now regains her status and has made credit for the National African Affairs Bureau. She is a normal law-abiding citizen.

Now something is wrong, it must be to deal with the State African Bureau.

It makes sense that Wang Yan was speechless.

But he is a little puzzled. Many people can handle this task. Why did Feng Feng ask him to handle it? Wang Yan and Shen Mengting get along, which is somewhat embarrassing.

But it is a matter of loyalty and loyalty.

Since Wang Yan eats the bowl of rice from the State Administration of African Affairs, he naturally has an obligation to deal with the matter.

He picked up the information and looked at it. Sure enough, the cargo ships of the Shen Group were constantly attacked, especially recently, which became more and more rampant, forcing the cargo ships of the Shen Group to dare not leave the port.

Fortunately, the sea monsters only attacked and frightened them, without actually sinking the cargo ship and harming human lives. Otherwise, the losses of the Shen Group will be greater.

"Mr. Shen said, is there a suspicion?" Wang Yan closed the data and closed his eyes halfway. Of course, he would n’t think that Shen Mengting, who had a half-step S-level, would sit back and wait, maybe the matter had been fully investigated, so he waited for Wang Yan to close the case.

"We Shen Group has an opponent called Zhao Group." Shen Mengting said calmly, "Since our cargo ship accident, Zhao Group has repeatedly taken over our business. According to analysis of vested interests, Zhao Group There is a great suspicion. "

Wang Yan was surprised: "Mr. Shen didn't investigate in person? Just by inference?" She was too calm, the loss should not be small in these two months.

"I'm busy." Shen Mengting was drinking red wine elegantly, and there was a slight blush on her cheeks. "This kind of thing will be handled by your professionals. It is impossible, you still expect me to go to the Zhao Group to kill Quartet? "

"It's still free. I prefer you who are law-abiding and law-abiding." Wang Yan hurriedly waved his hand and said, "So, you arrange a cargo ship to sail, and I will deal with the matter."

"Yes." Shen Mengting said with a phone, then picked up Kun Bao and said, "There is a helicopter on the top of the building, let's go directly to the port."

Go here?

Wang Yan is very speechless about her recklessness, but since she is here, do her job well.

On the top floor, he boarded a helicopter and went all the way to the cargo ship in the port.

Under the order of Shen Mengting, the ship laden with cargo slowly departed from the port and walked deep into the sea along the established route.

at the same time.

In a luxurious villa on the outskirts of Huahai City.

A well-dressed young bearded man is practicing golf putting.

When the phone rang, he answered, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth: "That woman is not reconciled? How dare you **** herself. Fortunately, this time let her completely give up. Tell the Dragon King, this time give her a cruel .

The bearded man hung up the phone and took a putt. The golf ball fell out of the hole more than ten meters.

On the sea with yellowing colors.

A huge ocean freighter with a length of one hundred to dozens of meters is just a flat boat in the vast sea.

Wang Yan and Shen Mengting stood on the bow against the wind, and the sea breeze was blowing, before being close to three inches, they were expelled by an invisible force.

"Mr. Shen." Wang Yan said with his hands in his pockets, and said with ease and comfort, "You have been preparing to do business on this side? Have you ever thought about joining the National African Affairs Bureau and serving the country?"

A half-step S-class is definitely a great combat power. Moreover, Wang Yan felt that Shen Mengting had great potential, and it would not be a problem to achieve S-level in the future.

S-level, but is known as the pillar of a nation. There are more than two hundred countries and regions on the planet, and many small countries cannot even find an S-class. This shows that the rare value of the S-level legendary strongman.

A powerful S-class strongman can even withstand an army.

"Serve the country?" Shen Mengting picked up a glass of red wine and said indifferently, "I'm just a businessman, chasing benefits is my instinct." With the gradual return of memory, Shen Mengting will naturally not have too much of Wang Yan Good complexion.

Wang Yan shrugged helplessly, expressing regret. No more words, his eyes swept the sea. I have to admit that the magnificent sea will give people a feeling of open mind and calming mind.

It is now.

A few kilometers away, the sea water was boiling and tumbling, under the slightly muddy sea water, as if there was a huge shadow passing by quickly. Looking down from the sea, it looks like a submarine galloping against the sea.

Wang Yan on the ship's side narrowed his eyes slightly: "Mr. Shen, how did you offend your competitors? It seems that the opponents really want to block you completely."

"Oh, nothing. When I was pursuing me, I poured him a glass of red wine and asked him to go back to look in the mirror." Shen Mengting said calmly.

"Uh ..." Wang Yan touched his nose silently. It seemed that Mr. Shen's temper was a little grumpy, and the average man couldn't bear it.

While the two were talking, the huge shadow was getting closer.

"Wow ~"

A kilometer away, it drilled directly out of the water.

It was a huge monster. Its first half was like a prehistoric giant crocodile, with thick scales, huge mouth and sharp teeth. But in terms of physique, even the legendary king crocodile is far less horrible.

The claws are sensuous, and their eyes are fierce.

This huge ship of one hundred and dozens of meters long seems to be a plaything in its eyes.


On the seashore hundreds of kilometers away, in a "derelict" dock warehouse.

A young man in his twenties was sitting cross-legged in the room, eyes closed and said, "Shiver, mortal. Shiver under my Godzilla, tremble!"

Some of the sailors on the ship's side of the ocean-going ship cried out in shock, as if seeing the end of the world, running in embarrassment on the ship, calling Godzilla, Godzilla and the like out loud.

Godzilla, that is a very classic film.

This monster is really similar to Godzilla. The same huge, the same terrible.


Shen Mengting spit out two words gently, and these two words rippled, covering the entire ocean-going ship. Everyone's ears and hearts were buzzed. But magically felt that the fear was dissipated by half, and the monster was no longer terrible.

"Son of Flame, it's your turn."

Shen Mengting glanced at Wang Yan, "Carefully protect the property of the country and the people."

"Hehe." Wang Yan smiled and took a step forward gently. There was a surge in the surrounding space. In just a few seconds, Wang Yan had been flying over "Godzilla", without spreading his wings, but suspended in the air in flesh, watching the huge monster with great interest. .

Obviously, its physique is very huge, with a terrifying and powerful breath.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is undoubtedly that kind of invincible monster.

But Wang Yan is a half-step S-class powerhouse who is so powerful in the world. With his fighting power, even if he encounters an S-level powerhouse, he might not dare to fight hard.

In his eyes, this terrifying monster is nothing but a strong foreign player. Blindly increasing the volume and pursuing strength, but has no perception of the field and the law.


The expression of the eyes of the young man in the derelict warehouse with closed eyes revealed an incredible look, "How is it possible? How is this person suspended in the air? Is this a dream?"

At the same time, the grim face of the "monster" also showed a sense of horror, staring at Wang Yan suspended in mid-air with surprise, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ha ha."

Wang Yan smiled and said aloud, "I am Wang Yan from the China National Security Bureau for Abnormal Incidents, Mr. Godzilla, let me call you that. You have violated the state ’s safety management regulations for superpowers, now officially Arresting you, you have the right to choose silence, but every sentence of yours will become a testimony. "During the speech, Wang Yan also showed his ID.

Of course, the monster could not be seen, and it had nothing to do with Wang Yan.

"National Security Bureau for Abnormal Incidents? What the **** is this?" The expression of the youth in the warehouse was dumbfounded, completely frightened, "Guo, the country has come to the door, it's over."

He was sweating anxiously, and since he was electrocuted that time, he found that he could share his vision with a small crocodile he kept. After sharing his life, he had been doing things carefully, afraid of being caught by the country, and then Anatomical research is better than death.

At the beginning, he was just cautious about selling some seafood, mussels and other things along the coast to make a little money. Later, as the strength became stronger, he ran to dig the sunken ship.

After drying up, he even contracted a small island to cultivate seafood products, since he was the owner of Shenlong Island.

His long history of smooth winds and smooth water made him more and more courageous.

Unexpectedly, it finally attracted people from the country. As soon as he saw that this man was able to levitate in the air, he knew that it was not annoying, trembling, and hurriedly dived to the depths of the sea to escape.

"Dare you dare to escape?" Wang Yan shot with a palm.

A fiery flame burst into the sea, the heat wave rolled, and the seawater boiled instantly.

"Aoao ~" The monster was screamed and screamed, so he picked up a fierce man and escaped faster.

"Swimming speed is quite fast." Wang Yan smiled, picked up the hammer and smashed it. The warhammer roared like a flying sword, and a huge wave exploded in the sea.

The poor sea monster was smashed by the "flying hammer" and almost turned his white belly in the sea on the spot.

After this, the monster dared not run away, lying directly in the sea, holding his paw and pulling the white flag. There is absolutely no fighting spirit and morality.

"Oh, I know you can understand." Wang Yan said with his hands on his shoulders, "Comrade Monster, who is the master behind you, let him come out and surrender immediately."

In the warehouse.

The young man lay prostrate on the ground, crying quietly, "You are more like a monster than Godzilla."


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