The Domestic Hero

Chapter 848: Every mortal, tremble

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of domestic heroes!

(There was an emergency yesterday, I arrived home very late, I will fill in the chapter today ~~ Old proud love you ~ Thank you for your support)


In recent years, the name Vampire has been popular all over the world for various types of European and American blood races. In fact, this is the blood family celebrities helping to promote the nobility and charm of the blood family to the world.

For the blood race, Wen Ruhan is naturally not too strange.

It's just that she didn't expect that there are really vampires in reality, and she still appeared alive in front of her.

"Miss Wen is surprised?" Paul elegantly squeezed the glass of red wine and smiled evilly. "Did my presence subvert your worldview?"

Wen Ruhan paled slightly, took a few deep breaths to calm down his heartbeat, and said with a deep voice: "It's really beyond my expectations. It seems that this is the game you and Williams designed for me."

"Haha." Paul laughed. "Miss Wen is really clever. As early as three years ago, Williams admired our noble blood and tried his best to join our Edward family and became a noble blood. And he Of course, the entire Winbond Group can contribute. "

Under the brainwashing of a large number of blood tribes and dramas, a large number of young people worshiping blood tribes have emerged in this world. They want to become blood tribes to obtain longevity and beauty.

It is by this opportunity that the blood tribes of North America have flourished over the years, and most of them have a posture beyond Europe, where the blood tribes originated.

You should know that the blood races that followed the new immigrants to the New World and were either expelled by their families or those who could not mix themselves in Europe before going to the New World to try their luck.

Just as the new immigrants overthrew the sovereignty of the suzerain, North American blood races have also been separated from the Dark Council and have become a major force in the North American Dark League.

"Ridiculous," Wen Ruhan said with a look of anger, "Williams has only 23% of the shares of Winbond Group. Why should we give Winbond to your blood race."

She finally understood.

Over the past two years, Williams has changed a lot, with small movements, and has always wanted to sit in the position of chairman. At first I thought that his ambition was vigorous and his desires were full of desire. But it was really unexpected, it turned out that he turned into a blood.

"Yes, it's really ridiculous." Paul nodded in agreement, "Miss Wen's total shareholding in the Winbond Group has reached 41%, and as long as 10% of the shares are held together, he can occupy an absolute dominant position "Speaking, he spoke, and said with a smile," Originally, Williams and I just wanted to achieve a win-win situation by marrying you. But Miss Wen seems to have a boyfriend, hehe ... "

Wen Ruhan is really shocked and angry. You are competing for you in the mall, even if she loses. Unexpectedly, Williams had come up with such a mean method. It was just the three words of the boyfriend that made her look like Wang Yan.

The tall, handsome and sunny young man.

At this moment, she had never hoped that Wang Yan could be by her side, giving her support and confidence.

No, no, although Wang Yan is very good, in this case, he will only put him in danger.

For a time, in her heart, it was really a mess, and Pitt teeth bit his lips and said angrily: "Paul, I admit defeat, I am willing to sell all the shares to you at a discount, and I will withdraw from the Winbond Group."

As soon as this remark came out, she was heartbroken. But there is also a sense of relief, and since then, she can grow up with her daughter. And Wang Yan, if, for example, then, then ...

"Exit?" Paul was drinking red wine, his eyes filled with teasing colors, "Dear Miss Wen, things have already developed to this point, my fangs have been exposed. You even thought about it, and retreated ?"

"You!" Wen Ruhan's complexion faded, and he stared at Paul angrily.

Paul stepped towards Wen Ru step by step, like a tiger teasing his prey, watching her panic, really enjoyed it. He stretched out his fangs and said evilly, "Dear Miss Wen, don't you want to live forever? Don't you want your beauty to be permanent?"

Wen Ruhan was furious and stepped back a little: "No, I just want to grow up with my daughter."

"Hey, unfortunately this is not a multiple choice question." Paul grinned a little, "From today, you have to abandon the identity of humanity and become a member of our glorious and noble blood. Now you will resist, but wait for you to become After the blood race, you can experience the happiness. "

Wen Ruhan sat down on the sofa, retreating irrevocably, and his heart was mournful. It was over. Is it really over? Warmth appeared in her mind, and Wang Yan appeared.

Just as Paul was excited to prepare to pounce on, puncturing her throat with sharp fangs.

Suddenly, a sudden voice sounded.

"Hey, your wine doesn't taste like that. The heritage of Rice Country Winery is not as good as Europe."


Paul and Wen Ruhan had different expressions and looked at them together.

Not far away, Wang Yan in casual clothes didn't know when to sit on the sofa, tilting his lazy Erlang legs, and when he had a glass of red wine in his hand, he still had some disgusting expressions in his eyes.

"Wang Yan!"

Wen Ruhan covered her mouth in surprise, how is this possible? Although she also had some fantasies, the sunny and handsome Wang Yan would appear like a protagonist in a TV series at the juncture of crisis and save her from fire and water.

However, after all, fantasy is just fantasy. With her age and experience, how can she not be clear that it is just a random story written by a screenwriter and novelist, satisfying people's YY desires.

Reality is reality after all, how can there be so many stories of heroes saving the beauty?

Paul was more surprised than Wen Ruhan, there were many of his men on this yacht. There are several D-class barons and two C-level viscounts. How did this guy named Wang Yan get to his yacht silently and did not alarm anyone?

His expression was fierce: "How did you get up?"

"I also have a yacht. I just toured the scenery with warmth just now." Wang Yan said innocently. "Just seeing your boat, I came up to ask for a drink. Mr. Edward, drink you a drink, you As for the angry teeth, are they showing? "

Paul was frightened, and no one could guess that Wang Yan ’s guy should not be an ordinary person, Shen Sheng said angrily: "It turns out that the three-body yacht was yours just now. You have been aware of it and you are staring at me. Cunning Chinese people. "

"Hey, Mr. Edward, look at what you said." Wang Yan said with dissatisfaction. "This is on the site of our China country. I drove around the yacht and it was also hindering you? Hey, you still We thought that our country of Huaxia was the Manchu government of a hundred years ago. There are concessions around here, and we Huaxia people are not allowed to enter. "

Paul angrily took a few deep breaths and said, "I looked down on you. You are not an ordinary person."

"Wang Yan, you ..." Wen Ruhan also calmed down the waves of emotions and said hurriedly, "This Paul is a vampire, you must pay attention." After all, she is also a woman with rich experience, although shocked Wang Yan seems to Some are not simple, but I don't want him to get into trouble because he doesn't know the enemy.

"Sister Ru Han, you can rest assured." Wang Yan handed her a confident look and said with a smile, "But it's just a few vampires. On our territory in China, we can't turn the sky."

"Everything !?"

Paul Edward has always been very satisfied with his bloodline identity and very proud. In his eyes, mortals are just food containers and inferior creatures. This Wang Yan dared to despise the blood clan so much, and immediately aroused his anger, and sneered again and again: "Very well, you succeeded in angering me. I know that you may have some skills, but you don't know a blood clan at all. Earl ’s power and terror. "

Between his speeches, a strong breath filled him. This breath, however, was confined to the yacht and did not spread outward.

Obviously, there are some special devices on his yacht that can shield the breath and the signal.

The horrible **** smell permeated the interior of the yacht.

Wen Ruhan felt an unprecedented sense of fear in her heart. Paul felt like she met a tiger in the wilderness. No, he was more terrifying and dangerous than the tiger.

"Xiao Yan, you're running, don't worry about me." Her face was pale and her teeth clenched her lips. "Hurry up and call the police when you go out." She has checked the phone and the signal has been completely blocked.

"Run? Hey, where can he run?" Paul released the powerful breath of the predator and looked at Wang Yan playfully, "You should be a young man with a little ability, think he can save the heroes. Unfortunately, You are too young to understand the power of our blood family. Boy, I will bite your throat and taste your blood. "

"Mr. Edward, are you going to transform me into a blood race?" Wang Yan asked with a calm expression of drinking red wine.

"Transform blood, hey, you think too much, we have strict requirements and restrictions on blood, and you are only worthy to become our noble blood blood slaves, food containers." Paul grinning, stepping towards Wang Yan step by step Go, "tremble, regret, stupid and arrogant mortal. I will let you see the power and fear of a blood Count ..."

"Paul, don't hurt him. I am willing to be a member of the blood family, and the Winbond Group will be incorporated into the name of your family." Wen Ruhan rushed up in surprise, blocking Wang Yan.

Suddenly, a few powerful **** breaths rose unabashedly.

The blond men and women of Paul retreated into the cabin living room in horror. Their eyes were horrified and awed.

"How is it possible? Those breaths ..." Paul's **** pupils squeezed, staring at the door, those breaths were the breath of blood races, and each of them was of Earl rank.

Two of them are almost equal to him, while the other two are even stronger than him.

The four enchanting beauties of the blood race penetrated coldly.


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