The Domestic Hero

Chapter 902: Once famous

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Fortunately, even the Saladin, the referee, couldn't stand it anymore. With a wave, a magnificent magic power swept the ring. Those dark tentacle monsters, skeleton hands, all disappear.

Not waiting for the dark chanter Babbitt to challenge, Saladin directly announced that the dark magician Quentin won.

Although Quentin was a little dissatisfied, how dare she be dissatisfied with Saladin? Respectfully said: "Student Quentin, respect the resolution of His Highness Saladin."

And Wood, already dull eyes, lying on the ring like a loveless man. The torture just now, although not long, has completely destroyed his already fragile will and self-esteem.

If there is no accident, with this man's broken heart broken by playing, I will never think of any achievements in this life.

Saladin was also disgusted with that Wood. With a wave of his hand, he took him back to the student seat and asked his tutor to take care of him.

"Which other graduation season student is coming to challenge?" Saladin was uncomfortable being forced to serve as a referee and wanted to quickly end the farce. He shouted aloud, "I count to ten, and no one comes out to fight, then I declare that the Blackthorn College won this time."

"Ten, nine ..."

Many students, tutors and professors have shown pain.

At this point, things are already very obvious. There is no student in the college during the graduation season who is Quentin's opponent. Although their hearts were filled with anger, unwillingness, hatred and other emotions, they did not help at all.

"Hahaha ~" Dark chant Babbitt laughed proudly, "Star Academy of Magic, but that's it." Fifty years ago, since he was expelled from Star Academy of Magic, he had been thinking about coming back to fight face.

It has been for fifty years for this day.

For a time, Babbitt had mixed tastes in her heart, and she couldn't help but feel the urge to shed tears. She felt so cool that she stepped on the feet of the idiots from the Starry Academy.

Especially when looking at Emmons's almost distorted old face, Babbitt couldn't say anything. Facts have proved that his black magic road is the most correct. There is no right or wrong in magic, only the heart of the user.

Are these so-called magicians who do not touch black magic one by one moral models?

Also, mentor, mentor, you drove me out of Starry Sky Academy, did you ever think that there will be today?

He wanted to laugh, he wanted to mock.

Suddenly, while Saladin was counting, he was interrupted by a sudden voice.

"Wait, there are people to challenge."

Wang Yan's voice resounded throughout the square.

Under everyone's eyes, a little fat man kicked off the seat, and in front of him, there was Wang Yan's finger pointing to his head.

"Fat pig bob?"

Everyone's eyes were on the little fat Bob, their expressions filled with shock.

In fact, the fat man's strength in the same class is very weak, but as a civilian, he has always been low-key and has a good temper. Second, it has been suppressed by the small group headed by Wood and slandered.

It is also because of this that some young students dare to call him fat pig bob, without deterrence. Even if this time his performance on the magic train was amazing, many students began to worship him, and it won't change the long-lasting impression for a while.

"Bob, don't be stupid." Several students who had a good relationship with Bob exclaimed, "The opponent is too strong, don't be a hero."

"Bob, we lost this time." Some mentors also advised, "Don't go up to death." He also cared about Bob. Throughout the graduation season, there were only two C + students.

One of them has suffered severe psychological trauma, and the future is slim. And the only remaining C + students, if there is a problem, the loss of Star Academy is too great.

The graduation season has reached the C + level. I dare not say that I will be able to promote the legend in the future, but as long as I do n’t die, an A level ca n’t escape. Star Academy is not as good as it used to be, A-level is already a precious combat power.

"Bob is so handsome." Some girls in the lower grades have started tears with some tears. The college suffered from oppression, and they felt the same and felt humiliated.

In this crisis of all dangers, Bob was able to stand up without any turning back. The heroic momentum alone is enough to shock people.

Many people are shocked.

But the most shocking thing is Bob himself. He didn't even think about jumping out.

Perhaps at the beginning, he had the idea of ​​being generous and passionate, and going up to challenge. But after seeing Quentin's pervert, he quickly dismissed himself.

In the eyes of countless people, Bob's scalp was blown up, creepy, and he looked at Wang Yan with a face of coercion. Ma, Muggle brother, you, this is pitting me.

"Jin Jie ~"

Quentin, standing on the ring, was stunned, and immediately laughed abruptly: "Little fat man, I admire your courage. After seeing my powerful, you dare to challenge me. Do you say Like my dark tentacle monster? Jie Jie Jie is too interesting. You can rest assured that I will meet your wishes well. "

A deep cold meaning spread from the fat tail of Bob's tail vertebrae to the back of the head. I remembered Wood's misfortune and shivered uncontrollably. Don't, I don't want to be blown by the monster, don't be blown by the monster chrysanthemum ~ ~, If that happens, how can I find a girlfriend in the future?

Muggle brother, how can you pit me like this, wooh ~ My fate is too miserable.


Just when Bob's legs trembled, hesitating whether he would surrender immediately. A gentle and nice voice rang in his ears, "I appreciate your courage, so please do your best."

Tutor Lydia!

Bob shuddered, and an inexplicable force poured out of his heart. In the minds of some male students, Lydia ’s mentor is a goddess. Their age is only a few years older than them, but their magical attainments are far different.

I do n’t know how many male students secretly like it silently and adore Lydia ’s tutor.

Not only is Bob not an exception, he likes Lydia more than other male students and worships Lydia.

Woo, did even Lydia ’s mentor advocate that I play? Bob's heart was throbbing, and a burst of blood came to his head, and his confidence and strength burst into flames. It was like that terrible Quentin, but it was just a terrier chicken.

"Garbage!" Bob's face was flushed red, his whole body was trembling, and his fat fingers pointed at Quentin. "Our Starry Academy, it's not your turn to arrogant."

At this moment, Bob's momentum skyrocketed, as if he was possessed by the tremendous peerless powerhouse.

"Great, Bob is good at learning."

"Master, I will have a monkey with you."

"Bob senior ~ long ~, do you have a girlfriend? If so, you don't mind one more."

The girls in the college shouted sulkingly. Everyone is a young man in his twenties or twenties, and once he is bloody, he is still very relaxed. What's more, Bob's momentum at this time is indeed very handsome.

Even Lydia looked at Bob cheerfully. This student who had been very low-key before, had already given her a big surprise yesterday, and a B-level gargoyle was so easily killed.

He either concealed his strength or gained some mysterious heritage.

"Bob, please give me another surprise." Lydia murmured in her heart, for the Star Academy and for the grandfather who had worked hard all his life.

The morale of the Starry Academy is exploding.

But the Blackthorn College was shocked. The fat pig-like student's breath was only C +. But he dared to jump out of the game and dare to point at Quentin and scold.

Is this idiot looking for death?

Quentin, but even these classmates, they feel very terrible, the means is cruel and terrible.

Quentin is the biggest reaction. For the first time in his life, he was scolded for rubbish, and he was a fat pig student. Angrily, he throbbed all over, grinning tremendously: "Okay, very good. Bob is right, I will definitely make you die better than you, and in my life, I will collapse and tremble when I hear my name.

"I will also let you remember my name." Bob's blood faded slightly. But things had reached this point, and he could not tolerate any further retreat, stubbornly stern.

But he was also slightly disturbed in his heart. If he could not exert the magic power on the train in the ring, would he really be beaten into a pig head.

"Good boy, I really did not misunderstand you. You are the protagonist selected by the goddess of destiny. In the future, you will definitely stand at the pinnacle of life and win Bai Fumei." Just patted his shoulder.

Bob felt a burning breath from his shoulders and poured into his heart, then through his heart, it was transported into the blood, and then spread all over the body. In an instant, he felt his blood boiling, and every cell was filled with endless power.

At the same time, Wang Yan's words were like a flame, lit a firewood pile, burning in his mind. Brother Muggle, but master the existence of big prophecy.

He must have seen the fate of himself.

Yes, I am the protagonist in the novel. After twenty years of hard work, he has become famous all over the world. From then on, go to the top and marry Bai Fumei.

Quentin, Quentin, you are the stepping stone to my Bob's rise.

Bob was ambitious and jumped into the ring with great enthusiasm, forcing him to tickle his finger at Quentin: "Garbage, don't hurry to give your family Lord pig, no, Lord Bao kneels down."

Wang Yan, a cold sweat from under the stage, this little fat man, it is estimated that he has not read Chinese online novels.


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