The Domestic Hero

Chapter 909: Tears! Saladin

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The child of flames is really a cunning stink boy.

When Lydia was about to give you a piece of gold equipment just now, your various pretends show how little things are. In the blink of an eye, when you want to use a holy weapon to give thanks, you don't even have to say a few words of refusal, but you are directly disrespectful.

That's a "Holy Item".

In the heyday of the Starry Sky Academy, the flame holy weapon is of course nothing. But now, it is the time when the Starry Sky Academy is the poorest and the poorest.

Despite the blood dripping from Emmons's heart, he still said kindly on the surface: "Come here, take the 'Heart of Lisa'."

The deputy dean was a little embarrassed: "Master Dean, the heart of Lisa in our college is only a professor who has made great achievements ..."

"Shut up, if this is not the son of flames, our college will be in great trouble." Speaking of this, Emmons is still very angry. The black magician attacked the magic train, and Babbitt led the students to the door.

Speaking of which, it really is thanks to Wang Yan.

Thinking of this, Emmons still somewhat changed Wang Yan. Forget it, a flame holy weapon is a flame holy weapon. Both the granddaughter and him have spoken, even if they regret it.

In desperation, the deputy dean ran to get the heart of Lisa.

It was a pendant necklace embellished with a crimson gemstone and set with a blood-red star-shaped treasure. Even with the mysterious and complicated magic inscription seal, you can still feel the pure and powerful flame power.

This level of flame power, even Wang Yan, felt a sense of palpitations.

He held it in his palm, the flame energy in the heart of Lisa seemed to feel Wang Yan's extraordinary, a burst of flame energy burst into cheers, the slightest flame energy, lingering on him like substance Palms circulate.

"Wow," Heart of Lisa "likes His Highness the Son of Flame very much." Lydia covered her mouth and said in surprise, "She finally found the most suitable master. Congratulations, Son of Flame. Congratulations to Li." Shakespeare '. "

Emmons was so stunned, baby granddaughter, what did you say? It made me look at the Starry Sky Academy, as if no one could match the ‘Heart of Lisa’.

"Very powerful flame power, very exquisite fire law." Wang Yan also said with some surprise, "And I look at her, it seems that there is already some awakening of the spirit." Once the awakening of the spirit, the level of this treasure will be again. Climb a level and reach the level of the legendary holy weapon, even among the holy weapons, it can be regarded as a leader.

"'Heart of Lisa' is a treasure left by the master of our Star Academy-Flame Saint. He killed a legendary red dragon at that time, gathered dragon blood in the dragon crystal, and refined it It became a necklace. To commemorate the dead wife, he named him Lisa's Heart. "Lydia's eyes surged and she murmured," It's a great power of love, I'm so touched. "

Wang Yan's mouth twitched, wasn't it to commemorate his deceased wife, he made a necklace? What's so touching about this story?

However, since you are moved, you are moved. In this kind of thing, Wang Yan is not stupid enough to argue with a woman.

At worst, the flame saint was able to kill a legendary peak red dragon, and he was also a generation of cattle breaking characters, but it was a pity that he had not been promoted to the demigod, otherwise he would definitely make this 'Lisa's heart' awakening spirit, Become a legendary holy weapon.

"Lao Wang, congratulations, take a holy weapon." Saladin smiled, but secretly stared at Wang Yan, and said, "Brother, can you keep a low profile? Go on like this , I'm almost NTR by you. "

"I don't want to." Wang Yan whispered helplessly, "I'm low-key enough, okay? Also, can you please pay attention to the sentence? NTR refers to your wife or girlfriend to you Cuckold. First, Lydia has nothing to do with you for the moment. Secondly, neither Lydia nor I have anything to do with it. "

After staring back at Saladin, Wang Yan put the "Lisa Heart" around his neck. As expected, she throbbed rhythmically and slowly as if she had life. Every pulsation, there will be a pure flame energy, flowing to Wang Yan's limbs and bones, deep into the bone marrow, washing every cell.

This made Wang Yan also slightly moved. His current flame physique has evolved to a very high level. The ordinary flame treasure has little effect on the evolution of his physique, and it is optional.

But this Lisa's heart can slowly and uninterruptedly quench his body, strengthening every cell in the body.

"Good baby." Wang Yan felt as if he was in a hot spring, almost groaning comfortably, and could not help but praise.

"Sure enough, this 'Heart of Lisa' is very suitable for His Royal Highness." Lydia's eyes radiate light, "I'm not guessing wrong."

Emmons also touched his nose and stopped talking. Since the flame saint has fallen and left this treasure, it is not that no flame mage has used him. However, the half-awakened and ignorant spirit of the Heart of Lisa has always rejected the Fire Masters who have her. Wearing her flame mage, the benefit can not be as good as a piece of gold equipment.

But as soon as the baby fell into Wang Yan's hands, she played the light she deserved, and it seemed like she was reborn as she cheered.

This kid is simply an incredible flower. Emmons's inner heart is endless, and the baby granddaughter seems to have been hooked off. Even Lisa's heart fits well with this kid.

Is it true that this stupid boy really cares for the gods?

Emmons frowned slightly and was puzzled.

With regard to gods, magicians have very different views than members of the Holy See. In the teachings of the Holy See, human beings were created by gods, and gods are the origin of all things in the universe, even their own power comes from the gifts of gods.

But the magician firmly believes that the power comes from itself, and the laws of the universe of heaven and earth. The so-called gods are just some of the higher level and stronger spirits of cultivation.

The only **** on earth that can be semi-recognized by magicians may be Gaia, the mother of the earth. That is the will born from the earth itself, and it can be called the mother of the earth. However, even for Gaia, what she can do is extremely limited, and most of the time she cannot interfere with the normal operating rules of the earth, prosperity and decline.

Forget it, since you do n’t understand, do n’t think about it. Emmons looked at Wang Yan, there was always a feeling that he was old and eliminated by the world.

"Saladin." Wang Yan grabbed Saladin's shoulder and said, "Give me your necklace, and I will take other treasures to replace with you."

necklace? Saladin's heart trembled, and she had some bad hunches.

"It's your‘ elegance of the goddess of the wind ’,” Wang Yan said calmly. “Anyway, you do n’t major in the wind department, and the legendary holy weapon remains on you, which is pure waste.”

That ‘elegance of the goddess of the wind’ was the legendary sacristy that Saladin used to smash Lydia on the magic train.

"Isn't it?" Saladin's scalp was a little numb. "What are you going to do? Are you still going to repair the wind system? This is what I am going to give Miss Lydia."

Between the gags, Saladin's ominous premonition grew stronger.

"Then you try again." Wang Yan said.

Saladin bit his scalp and once again brought out the "Goddess of Wind's elegance", and said to Lydia piously and flatteringly, "Miss Lydia, as the son of flame said, this treasure remains on me, it is pure treasure. . This treasure matches your attributes and temperament, it really complements each other and is a perfect match. "

He didn't say anything wrong, but they really complemented each other.

Even Emmons, who was sad, was short of breath, baby granddaughter, you must take it, take it. This descendant of King Solomon is much stronger than the Son of Flame.

And this is the legendary ‘elegance of the goddess of wind’, a legendary holy weapon. Treasures of this level are very rare even if you look at the world.

Lydia's heart was extremely moving, but her teeth were still biting her jaw lips tightly, and she shook her head firmly and said, "Thank you, Your Highness, Saladin, for your helplessness, and I am sorry that I cannot take your treasure."

Although Saladin had long expected, his thoughts were still full of loss. The remaining professors, mentors, and even Emmons shook their heads in pain. What a treasure, if Lydia said no, no.

Wang Yan's move, "the elegance of the goddess of wind", was captured by an invisible force and flew into his hands. His expression said indifferently: "Miss Lydia, I received the‘ Heart of Lisa ’, but my heart was not overwhelmed. I hope to use this‘ elegance of the goddess of wind ’in exchange.

Is it just an exchange?

Lydia's eyes were a little bit sad, but she turned away with a happy thought: "Then thank you His Highness for the return of the flame son." Raised slightly between the eyebrows, his eyes faintly shy.


Saladin's head was like being hit by sky and thunder, and Lei Yin rumbled for a long time. Let me go, why is this? It is also a ‘elegance of the goddess of the wind’. Why should he be sent by Saladin?

When you Wang Yan sent, the attitude was still very bad. But the other girl, without saying a word, fart away.

He is also very happy, with a little happy look.

This feeling is like exchange of tokens between couples.

For a time, Saladin felt tears in her eyes.

Mother Earth, shall we? Me and the Son of Flame are your children. Why should the gap be so big?

What made Saladin cry even more was that the ‘elegance of the goddess of wind’ was still taken out of his pocket.


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