The Domestic Hero

Chapter 911: Impressions from the starry sky

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Emmons' opinions on Wang Yan are already very big.

Now that Lydia has played like this, one can imagine what kind of mood Emmons will be.

"You even killed Gu Sheng, are you still afraid of my grandfather?" Lydia saw a little nervous look in Wang Yan's appearance, but was somewhat proud.

"Are you really looking forward to fighting me with your grandpa?" Wang Yan touched his nose, his expression somewhat helpless. "You are so full of eyes, you drag me out, and you are not afraid to affect your reputation?"

"Compared to you, Son of Flame, I'm just a small person. Okay, let's not talk about it." Lydia grinned blushingly. "And, don't think I really have any thoughts about you .. I just stayed a bit bored at the ball and wanted to come out breathable. "

"Okay, but this starry sky is really beautiful." Wang Yan stepped on the platform floor of the Starry Sky Tower, looking up at the starry sky, and his heart became calmer. "The tower under our feet is the most famous of the Starry Sky Academy. Is the Starry Sky Tower? "

In the ancient tower, each stone is full of historical charm, and the slightly mottled stone surface is engraved with mysterious and atmospheric magic inscriptions. It is said that each of these magical inscriptions, each stroke and stroke, was inscribed by the Star God of the Year. Even after a thousand years, it still affects the laws and regulations of this world, and it is magnificent and atmospheric.

At the mention of this, Lydia ’s expression also became serious, and there was a longing in her eyes: "Yes, this starry sky tower was built by the **** of the sky in the past, which was used to attract the power of the starry sky. . It is not only the logo of the Academy, but also the center of strength of our Star Academy. "

"Senior Dharma God is really remarkable. Unfortunately, we are not in the same era." Wang Yan's emotions were slightly regretful.

"The tower of the starry sky is not just a matter of gathering the power of the starry sky." Lydia said, "According to records, in the last few years of the starry sky god, he has been retreating and meditating on this stargazing platform. It is said that his old man broke the void , Into another dimension. So our junior students, as long as they have the opportunity, will be on the stargazing platform, hoping to feel the mood of the starry sky god. "

Break through the void?

Wang Yan's brows are slightly wrinkled, and there are many stories about the starry sky god. Some say that he fell, and some say that he broke through the void and became a true god.

But all this seems to have nothing to do with Wang Yan.

Take this opportunity to feel the power of the vast starry sky.

Wang Yan stepped on this platform, as if he felt that he and the world were integrated into one body, and the body and soul were under the baptism of the power of the starry sky, and they had a feeling of transformation and detachment. He had to sigh with emotion. The senior star **** of the sky thousands of years ago is really a very remarkable master.

Even if it is based on the history of the entire earth, he is also a very bright and dazzling master.

Demigod level strong!

Each is the existence of catching stars and catching the moon and turning the river into the sea.

Imagine that in the past, Senior Star God of the Starry Sky was also standing on this stargazing platform, looking at the starry sky, full of infinite reverie?

Wang Yan felt the magnificent shore and vastness of the power of the starry sky. There was a lot of space in the Lingtai, and his state of mind was surging for it.

Human beings are so small in the boundless universe.

But human beings are so great.

The arrogant of heaven in an individual class, for the rest of his life, constantly explores the rules of heaven and earth, and the mysteries of the universe. The weak body of mankind, in the evolution of time and time again, can one day grow up to coexist with the heavens and the earth, and compete with gods.

Wang Yan's inner vision is endless, he is firm, and sooner or later, he will also come to the starry sky god.

Time passes unconsciously.

Seven or eight passed, and the sky became white, and a ray of dawn broke through the sky silently. The bright starlight in the sky suddenly faded. Both Wang Yan and Lydia were covered with a thin layer of morning dew.

Wang Yan blinked his eyes, only to feel that Lingtai was clear, and his whole body seemed to be comfortable after washing the marrow. There was a smile in the corner of the mouth, the pure yang real fire in the body leaked a little, and the morning dew on the clothes and hair was completely translucent.


Lydia also suddenly looked back, whispering in surprise, "I didn't expect that the two of us unknowingly entered a deep meditation." Her eyes were very clear, as if under the baptism of the power of the stars But the impetuous, distracted mind.

"Thank you, Miss Lydia." Wang Yan's eyes were restrained and she smiled. "This is really a unique feeling, and it is very important for my mental baptism."

Wang Yan has grown up to now, but in just a few years. The improvement of strength is very fast, but it also causes the disadvantage that the state of mind cannot keep up. This time, through the power of the Starry Sky Tower, it was a great refining of the heart, and it was also clearer and firmer on the road to the future.

Lydia ’s pretty eyes are purely like gems: "Son of flame, I still want to thank you. I have been to the star-gazing observatory of the Tower of Stars many times. But I have never reached this kind of gods. In addition, the level of deep meditation. "

Obviously, this deep meditation is of great benefit to Lydia.

The dawn shattered the dawn, and the golden light swayed on the two, as if to give the young men and women a golden light.

"Son of flames, don't you want to learn the teaching mode?" Lydia Mao recommended, "In a few days, let me be your guide."

"Okay, then trouble Miss Lydia." Wang Yan nodded politely.


It was midnight again, very far northwest from the Starry Sky Academy.

In a secret and cold Western European forest, Marshall, the deputy dean of the Starry Academy, is walking forward cautiously.

The night in the forest is terrible quiet. The sky was as if smeared with thick ink, and the gloom shrouded above the head, even the glimmer of stars could not be seen.

The moonlight was dim, and the dim white light scattered from the silent hills and forests seemed to mourn and be weird.

A cold wind blew, and the sound of a "whimpering" wind horn was heard in the forest. The sound was like a crying like a ghost, which made the heart cold and creepy.

The deputy dean Marshall walked in this woodland, he could not help shrinking his neck into the hood. The subconscious driving magic power makes the light from the tip of the wand in the hand urge the brighter point.

"If you can choose this kind of ghost place, Marshall absolutely does not want to come again for a second time."

After Marshall came to this place for the first time, he kept the truest thoughts in his heart.

But once something starts, there is no choice. He had to bite the bullet and avoid the crowd again and again, sneaking into this terrible forest.

If it is just an ordinary forest, or even encountering a few fierce abyss demons, he, the deputy dean of the starry sky college and the chief tutor of combat magic, will not even have a ripple in his heart.

But this forest is definitely not as simple as imagined.

This place originally belonged to the ancient Celtic territory. It was still a popular town more than a thousand years ago.

However, in the later Middle Ages, a black death plague swept across Europe. In just seven years, it almost directly killed one-third of Europe's population with its almost horrifying lethal ability.

Coupled with the seven-year peak period that has continued to spread, the number of deaths across Europe has exceeded 200 million!

After the Black Death is contaminated, there is almost no cure. Those unfortunately infected with the Black Death will be very miserable in the end.

The Black Death disease is very violent. It can cause necrosis of human body tissues. On the day of the victim's illness, the body will be covered with blisters and boils. Immediately after the inflammation and ulcers begin to attack, the skin will bleed and the wound will turn black. The pain will be direct. Cardiopulmonary.

After the onset, the victim becomes very weak and suffers from fever, cough, vomiting, and ulcers throughout the day, and then will die in pain in just three to seven days.

At that time, the epidemic seemed to be pervasive. It spread rapidly on the European continent and the ocean in a short time. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people died in every town.

Every day at dusk, there will be a cyclist pushing a wheelbarrow, shaking a bell in his hand, shouting everywhere: "The corpse has been collected, the corpse has been collected."

So every household carried the dead body out, moved it into the car, pushed it into the forest outside the city, burned it in the excavated pit, and buried it.

"Why not send the body to the churchyard?"

"Aren't Europeans going to church after death to accept the burial ceremony?"

Ha ha, if someone saw the horror scene at that time, they would never ask such a question.

There is no place in the cemetery any longer, adding a place to bury the newly added dead bodies. The clergyman who first came in contact with the dead body died first. The whole church was filled with corpses, and the scene was like hell! People eventually even had to burn the church together with the corpses.

According to statistics, the members of the Holy See who are on the front line of dealing with the Black Death, during the period before and after the spread of the Black Death, the clerics who died accounted for almost three-quarters of the entire population of the Holy See!

Later, as the number of victims increased, even the woods outside the city had no pits to bury. So the body, like garbage, was randomly discarded.

Some bodies were even parked in their own homes. Relatives of the deceased and local pastors dared not enter the room. No one dared to touch the dead body infected with the disease.

Over time, one village and one town were extinct one after another. At that time, some island countries and island cities in Europe, after seeing that their country or city was not saved, they all sailed to try to escape to other cities or countries. However, no country dared to receive them, and all ports were self-sealing and refused to enter the port. .

However, the sailors who sailed on the sea usually died on the ship before they reached the land. Because of this, most of the "ghost ships" that have spread to this day appeared at that time.

In short, at that time, the entire European continent was shrouded in terrible death. This terrible epidemic once spread to Egypt and once reached the edge of Africa and Asia.

It was precisely because of the terrible plague that Marshall was in the area where the people and animals of the entire town died, and the woodland under his feet was buried with bones under almost every inch of soil.

"It's terrible to the extreme, even the Bright Holy See is almost destroyed!"


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