The Domestic Hero

Chapter 932: legend! Wang Yan

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It is also very reasonable to say that it is the 'sun' in Wang Yan's body. At this time, in the air sea cave inside Wang Yan, it was like a gray period in the chaotic period of the solar system.

Chunyang True Qi collided violently, burning a little pure Yang Mars in Qihai Dantian.

It was really this group of Mars, as if the sparks were ignited, and it instantly ignited this qi sea. "Mars" and "Mars" collide with each other, intertwined, and spread a little bit.

Soon, a flame appeared in Wang Yan's Qi Hai Dan Tian.

The flames were so pure that they were as fresh as the sun. Compared to the pure fire that Wang Yan used before, it's more than one step stronger. The flame is burning continuously, and its nutrients are the pure yang true energy in Wang Yan's body.

It was like a greedy glutton, and the whale swallowed every trace of pure Yang and Qi in Wang Yan's body, and every time it burned, the pure flame was bright.

But its greed seems to be endless.

When the pure yang in Qi Sea is exhausted, then the ones that stay in the meridians are drawn, and after the meridians are squeezed out, they **** up the cells. The flames did not stop until Wang Yan was sucked into an adult. At this time, it was already supporting Wang Yan's qi sea.

Next, something magical happened.

The flame that expands to its maximum, quickly collapses inward, the temperature becomes higher and higher, and the density becomes larger and larger. In just ten seconds or so, it collapsed into a dove-sized sphere.

It looks crimson red, not gold or jade. The smooth surface is covered with some flame-like textures. Those textures seem to contain the most profound mystery between heaven and earth. At first glance, people have the urge to worship.

Is this my inner core?

Under Wang Yan's inner view, he couldn't help but feel a little surging. He could feel that the tiny sphere seemed to contain immense horror power. Even Wang Yan himself felt a faint heart palpitations.


The fire-colored ball pulsated a bit, and a pure and pure Yang Qi rushed to every corner of his body like a tide.

At this time, in Wang Yan's body, the meridians dried up like an exhausted riverbed, and every cell was shrivelled. And after the pure tide like pure water passing by, the water was quickly irrigated. Soon, the depleted meridians nourished, and the shrivelled cells swelled up.

"Boom" "Boom"

The fire-colored ball in Wang Yan's Qihai began to rhythmically pulsate, and every pulsation will pour pure Yang energy into every corner of the body.

It acts like Wang Yan's second heart.

It's just that the heart's role is to circulate blood. The role of the red ball is to circulate energy. From the energy level and coverage, the function of the red ball is still above the heart.

Such a continuous cycle of power gives Wang Yan's pure yang real energy a general dispatch and supply, instead of being like a casual soldier.

"It's a wonderful taste." Wang Yan couldn't help but secretly praised, "This is the inner core of the crystal."

Those powerful cosmic creatures have similar organs in their bodies. Some demon races, monsters, or strange creatures that have awakened their blood veins will also grow similar organs in the body because of genes. They will help store and use energy in the body.

However, the inner crystal nuclei of human beings can only come from cultivation.

For a time, Wang Yan felt that his body was filled with endless power. If he was allowed to face Gu Gu again, he would basically be able to defeat the opponent without using personal tactical nuclear bombs or even relying on the outbreak of hidden power in the body.

Moreover, Wang Yan had a feeling that the benefits of attacking his liquid meteor at the entrance of the vegetable market that year had already been stored in the blood veins, and this time it was already consumed cleanly.

In other words, Wang Yan can no longer rely on burning the energy in the blood to achieve explosive combat power. Moreover, the understanding of the law of flame has been fully understood, and Wang Yan can no longer get more benefits from that adventure.

But Wang Yan has no regrets at all.

Because of that adventure, Wang Yan has completely changed the course of life. If it were n’t for that drop of liquid meteorite, Wang Yan would not be able to improve his physique, nor would he be able to join the National African Affairs Bureau, nor would he be favored as an apprentice by Uncle Gun.

What if the potential of the liquid meteorite is exhausted?

Uncle Cannon was promoted to S-class that year, almost 40 years old. And his Wang Yan, only twenty-five years old, is well ahead of him for more than ten years. Moreover, the so-called exhaustion of potential does not mean that Wang Yan's physique and flame laws have decreased.

In fact, after continuous improvement over the past few years. Wang Yan's aptitude for training is already an extraordinary genius, his affinity for flames is also unparalleled, and he has mastered the flame-like rules of the flame king.

With such a high start, Wang Yan believes that his future path will only get better and better.

As for the regret that it is impossible to rely on the outbreak and temporarily increase the strength, it is not regret for Wang Yan at all. It was like that when Wang Yan was fighting Gu Gu, he finally relied on the power in his bloodline to barely defeat the opponent.

But if the power erupts again, can it have its own conventional power? Now, I am always in the outbreak of fighting with Gu Sheng.

Wang Yan feels that he doesn't need to explode his strength now, he can suppress Gu Shengda. Among the ordinary S-class strongmen, it is estimated that except for a few special existences, that is, those S + -class strongmen can pose a threat to him.

And S + level or above, how many are in the world? You can count it clearly by breaking your fingers.

For a time, Wang Yan's mood was greatly relaxed, and he felt like standing at the top of the world.

As for the rule of the Fire King, Wang Yan always feels hazy and unclear before reaching the S level. But now, I feel very clear. As long as he changed his mind, all flames with a lower essential level than Wang Yan had to submit to him and worship him.

In fact, this degree is far from what the so-called "son of flame" can describe. The title of "Son of Flame" means that some genius characters have reached an unbelievable degree of affinity in the flame department, just like the heir of the rule of flames.

And Wang Yan ’s affinity in flames is obvious to all, so the outside world has given Wang Yan a nickname of ‘Son of Flame’, to mark his anti-natural talent for flame affinity.

But in fact, Wang Yan's rule of the flame monarch is actually a rule over the flame. Therefore, strictly speaking, Wang Yan should be called 'Flame Daddy'.

It's just that Wang Yan didn't want to reveal his hole cards in the first place. Secondly, the nickname "Flame Daddy" was really unpleasant.

Wang Yan's thoughts moved, and the hot melt that wrapped him around retreated like a loyal soldier to both sides. He stepped on the void and stepped up step by step. The power in his body was so surging that he felt invincible.

Of course, this is an illusion after a substantial increase in power. Just come to a demigod, and you will be able to beat his parents.

But there is no doubt that this time his strength improvement is very obvious, and the physique and laws of life have also undergone earth-shaking changes. As he stepped up to the sky step by step, Wang Yan thought of the golden armored corpse he had encountered.

It was an A-level golden armored general, but Wang Yan was beaten to nowhere and without ground, completely crushed.

But now, Wang Yan can easily crush the golden armored corpse with one hand.

From the perspective of this time dimension, Wang Yan can be described as growing rapidly, and has truly achieved one step at a time. Maybe another ten or eight years later, when I look back at myself now, I still feel that I am so weak now.

"Ao ~"

The ancient Yanmo seemed to feel Wang Yan's breakthrough, and howled with excitement, and a feeling of joy passed on.

Saying that this ancient Flame Demon, Wang Yan's feelings also made him feel a little emotional. At that time, he worked hard and healed the ancient Yanmo, and it turned out to be Wang Yan as Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong was the life of the flame that was born from the initial fire of the earth, and Wang Yan is a carbon-based creature, so he does not feel that he is his reincarnation.

It took a long time for Wang Yan to make it clear that he was not Zhu Rong. But even so, the ancient Yan Mo still believes that he is Zhu Rong's heir. The reason is very simple, that is, Wang Yan has Zhu Rong's breath, and also has the power of Zhu Rong's law.

That ’s right, the Fire King is the power of the fire **** Zhurong. The only difference is that Wang Yan is now slightly lower than the level of the Fire King.

This made Wang Yan very skeptical. Was the "liquid meteor" really related to Zhu Rong?

This is a puzzle, and I don't know if there is a chance to solve it.


A sound of dull thunder interrupted Wang Yan's thoughts. I saw that in the sky full of red, the clouds of fire were coming thicker and thicker, and a sense of oppression had already formed.

This is a very contradictory statement, because the fire clouds in the sky, the temperature is extremely high, the content of water molecules is very thin, it is impossible to form rain in the traditional sense.

The thickness of the fire cloud, the pressure of the red, the scorching flame pressure can not catch people's breath.

Even, Wang Yan can feel the pressure of palpitations.

"Wala ~"

The sky is raining, no, to be exact, the sky is raining. The scene was extremely magnificent and magnificent, more brilliant than the grandest fireworks festival.


A scarlet thunder burst like a spear that cut through the sky, and struck Wang Yan.

The heavens are so powerful that Wang Yan gave birth to a great disaster, the general feeling that the end is coming.

Heavenly Tribulation?

I rely on ~ Wang Yan, who is still immersed in the joy of promotion, and his sweat pores are erected immediately.


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