The Domestic Hero

Chapter 947: tragedy! Scud

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"How can it be!?"

This time, Scud, who was involved in the admissions task, suddenly jumped up, and the frivolous face was full of unbelief. "This little girl, even with some superpowers, I can poke her with one finger. . "

"Ha ha."

Wang Yan slowly peeled a big white rabbit toffee, said with a smile, "Then we will wait and see, keep up with the goal!"


The secret agent responsible for driving respectfully led his life and drove to keep up with the convoy.

Four cars, driving forward at the same speed and frequency.

"Principal Wang." Little Rabbit took a special instrument and connected the signal. "It's already done."

During the talk, the loudspeaker heard the conversation between the two little girls inside the nanny car.

"An An, Junxi in our class is so handsome, there are several girls who handed him small notes. Woo, but he ignored me."

"I don't like Junxi, he is too naive, and he just pretends to be cool all day long."

"Who do you like? Don't tell me Mingxun. He's so mature. He heard that his father took him with him in meetings. Oh, people really want to have monkeys with him."

"A young boy, a dull gourd, has no meaning at all." An An said dismissively, "

at the same time.

The hairy legs on the back of the vehicle were dumbfounded and said, "Lao Wang, listen, what are the little girls thinking about now? They are only in the sixth grade of elementary school. I was at their age, what is the taste of even dating I do n’t even know. "

"Hee hee, my elder brother looked at you, and now you seem to know the taste of falling in love." Little Rabbit smiled with her mouth covered.

Suddenly suffered 10,000 points of injury, he said helplessly: "Well, I just don't understand. How can such a cute little girl be able to cope with this crisis of kidnapping."

Suddenly, at this moment, an accident happened.

When the convoy passed a lively commercial street, the man in a black suit driving a nanny car was still concentrating. Several tissues in a box of tissues on the side of the bridge floated quietly.

As if being blown by a wind, it slammed into the driver's face.

The driver's line of sight was blocked, and the tissue on his face was instinctively ripped off.

"Be careful!"

Exclaimed another man in a black suit on the first officer.

The driver waved his hands again and again to block the paper towels floating like snowflakes. Under the blurred vision, he seemed to find a trembling old man crossing the road ahead.

Instinctively, he slammed the steering wheel to the right.

"Bang!" The nanny car hit the roadside flower bed. Fortunately, the speed in the urban area is not fast, and it has not caused a major disaster.


The side door opened, and two small figures rushed out and merged into the crowd.


The black suit men in the nanny car and the Mercedes-Benz car changed their faces one after another, and the two little girls ran away.

Ajie in the rear Mercedes-Benz rushed to the nanny car like a cheetah and picked up a small pendant that fell a few meters beside the car. A Jie remembers very clearly that the ornament is just a gadget on An'an schoolbag.

He broke into the babysitter's car three steps and two steps. As expected, the seat belt buckle on the luxury seat had been unfastened and the two little girls had disappeared.

Ajie's face was very ugly, and his elite secret agents of the State and African Affairs Bureau would be slipped under the eyes by two little girls.


A Jie Shen Sheng said, "They are still young and can't go far."

A group of secret agents lined up to surround the audience, spreading their fronts around and chasing in the direction of the two little girls running away like a fishing net.

Two or three minutes later, in the open babysitter's car, the two little girls supported each other and got off the car slightly. They were all very pale, holding hands and running in the other direction.

This is a commercial street with a lot of people. They quickly got into a big mall, slipped out of the back door of the mall, and ran into the subway station. After crossing the station, they quickly got off the bus and did not leave the station. They directly entered the toilet in the station.

"An'an ~"

The chubby girl Zhizhi, holding her good friend An An tremblingly, was afraid, "He, who are they? For, why should we catch, catch us. Woo, I'm so scared."

"Zhizhi, don't be afraid, we are safe." An An patted her back and comforted, "It's just some bad guys. I've sent a distress signal to the police with a signal tracker, and they will be there soon . "

The little girl An An also suffered a kidnapping two years ago. It was during that kidnapping that his father equipped her with several veteran bodyguards, and she also placed trackers on her schoolbags, shoes, and hair accessories.

In order to prevent being thrown away, the three tracking locators will actively send out a distress signal as long as they are 100 meters away.

For the safety of her daughter, her father also worked hard.

As soon as I heard that the police arrived, the little fat girl Zhizhi was also a little calm.

But at this moment, a crisp applause rang, accompanied by a playful laughter: "It's not bad, I didn't expect you to understand tolerance and calculation in your young age."


The two little girls who had just settled their hearts suddenly changed their faces.

"Women's toilet, I won't go in." The voice outside was fluttering and full of frivolous and mysterious atmosphere, "Sister An'an, you are a smart person, I advise you to walk out by yourself."

One minute passed, two minutes passed.

The two little girls held hands and walked out of the toilet.

The chubby girl Zhizhi was terrified and shivered all over her body. And An An's face was also pale, his big watery eyes blinked, his face filled with innocent and pitiful.

They have noticed that everything on the subway platform has changed.

The usual bustling crowd has completely disappeared, and the entire subway station is empty. There are only six men in black suits, plus one is not tall, thin and petty middle-aged uncle.

"Uncle ~"

An An's voice was trembling and whispering, "I can ask my father to give you as much as you want. Please, don't hurt me and Zhizhi."

"Hehe ~"

The wretched middle-aged uncle smiled, "I will introduce myself first. My name is Scud, you can call me Uncle Leg."

"Uncle leg." An An greeted tremblingly.

"Are uncles handsome?" Hairy legs asked with a smirk, supporting his chin slightly.

"Hmm ~" An An's watery eyes widened, and he carefully surveyed the hairy legs and shook his head like a rattle. "Not handsome, uncle legs, you are so groggy."

There was a drop of cold sweat in Scud, but he laughed immediately: "Very well, Uncle Leg likes your honest child. Child, you are quite amazing, you can still design escape in that situation. Talk about Look, Ajie, where are they showing their feet, so you can see the flaws. "

"Uncle Leg, people, people don't know anything." An An said innocently and pitifully, "Woo, An An is so scared, An An wants to go home. Uncle Leg, you can let An An go, people are still What about elementary school students. "

Woo woo ~

An An squatted on the ground, crying in fear.

As soon as she cried, the little fat girl Zhizhi also cried, wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

As soon as the two little girls cried, the scene suddenly changed. The entire set of Scuds is like a wretched old hooligan, and is molestingly playing with two innocent little sisters.

Even the six men in black suits couldn't help but take a half step back, indicating that they had drawn a line with Scud. This master of superpowers is really too insignificant, and scared the little girl as soon as she appeared.

The SCUD was embarrassed. Fortunately, the latest environmental interferometer developed by the Rune Science and Technology Research Institute was arranged in advance. Otherwise, if he was crying in public with two little girls under the eyes of all eyes, he would really be regarded as a pervert.

"Okay, let's not cry first." Hairy legs scratched his head and walked up, his voice said softly, "Uncle Legs did not intend to scare you, do not cry or cry, Uncle takes you to eat KFC."

He was coaxing sincerely, but with his wretched expression and tone, it looked like a wretched man who abducted a good girl.

As expected, the little girls were even more scared. Especially An An, the pretty little face was crying with pear flowers and rain, and she fell down on the ground and turned a piece out of her schoolbag. Come on, little magic fairy staff, exclaimed: "Bad uncle, don't come, Woo, you come again, people will use magic. "


Seeing that, the hairy legs almost spit out old blood. What is this situation? This is too silly. A bell of bells and bells, pink, pink, little magic fairy staff!

"What are you doing as a family?" The hairy legs are speechless. Although the little girl is a little smart and seems to have some special abilities, she has absolutely no ability and qualification to become a key student.

Maybe in a few years, but definitely not now.

Now she is still too young and childish.

"Oh, my little sister, I now announce that you are being scouted ..." Scud teased her heart, rubbing her hands deliberately and pushing forward step by step, laughing repeatedly.

"Come on, magic is released!"

An An seemed to be anxious and shouted with a cute voice.

At the same time, in that wand, the little magic fairy staff spewed out a white smoke, accompanied by a crackling sound and light effect. The smoke, obviously ordinary ecstasy smoke, was used by An An as a last resort.

After Scud froze for a while, he immediately laughed: "Little sister, you have to admit that you are really cute. Is this your last killer? Well, I'm so afraid ..."

Before the Scud had finished laughing, his pupils tightened, and a strange and dangerous feeling hit his heart.

After reaching the B level, his life constitution has undergone earth-shaking changes, in addition to the speed field, the mental power is also particularly keen. At that moment, he felt countless tiny needles, which had enveloped him.

He is only two meters away from An'an. And those inexplicably fired needles are as many as hundreds, like the rainstorm pear flower needle, covering him all over the body.

The needle is too fast, he is too close.

In addition, the smoke and sound and light effects of the little magic fairy staff that she used, covered up the sound of the needle when it was launched, and blocked his sight.

"damn it!"

The SCUD is worthy of being a strong player in the B-level speed field, even in this situation where it is impossible to hide. His speed exploded violently, flashing countless overlapping images, and in a flash, he avoided most of the needles.

But most, only most.

There are still more than ten needles, quietly pierced into the face, legs, and body of the hairy legs.

Although he has reached the B level, he is only a speed-type strongman after all, not like some defensive strongmen, he can even carry bullets. After the needle penetrated into his body, the pain of severe pain instantly flowed all over his body along his blood vessels.

The hairy legs suddenly changed, frightened: "Little girl, what toxin did you apply to the needles? Ah, it hurts, it hurts me. Woo, itching, itching is dead." A whole body was torn The severe pain caused the hairy legs to fall on the ground and roll straight, causing him to twist his face.

The rest of the men in black suits hurried to protect him, then stared at An An with great vigilance. This little girl is really terrible. On the surface, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but once it starts, it is extremely decisive.

"Nothing, that is, some toxins extracted from bullet ants, and some violent itchy toxins. Without my special antidote, you will definitely die in pain and itching." An An has stopped crying, The expression became very calm and calm, "Who the **** are you? Why did you kidnap me !?"

She took it, and the little magic fairy staff, aimed at the black suits, her eyes full of indifference: "especially you, Ajie, how are you treating Uncle Xiang? My poison needle, but can Sprayed many times. "


The hairy legs were sore and itchy, and he began to scratch his body with his hands, and scratched out a blood stain.

Those men in black suits passed a chill in their hearts, when they were about to answer.

There was another applause from the side.

I saw a person who was all burning with flames, and suddenly appeared in front of everyone. He applauded and said: "Interesting, interesting. Before reading your information, I thought the information was exaggerated. But I did not expect that you It is a little more powerful than what is recorded in the data, and even a B-level strongman is planted in your hands. "

"You, who are you?"

An An's pupils shrank, and he stared at the person who was burning with real fear, holding it. The little magic fairy stick said: "Don't come, I will shoot you when you come ..."


The toy-like little magic wand spewed out a needle, which enveloped the flame person.

"Ha ha!"

The flame person does not hide or hide. The hundreds of needles before his body seem to be controlled by an invisible force, one by one suspended in an orderly manner in front of him.

"Wow ~ Monster!" An An's little face became completely white. The scene in front of her has completely exceeded her imagination.


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