The Domestic Hero

Chapter 963: It turns out that you are President Wang

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But the nuclear bomb is a nuclear bomb after all. Even if it is a miniaturized personal tactical nuclear bomb, Wang Yan doesn't want to try it.

With his current capabilities, it is okay to try conventional warheads for cruise missiles.

When thinking about being in Beimeng Mountain, Wang Yan once called DF-15 to explode the boy. It's just that he didn't blow it up and didn't blow him to death in one breath. Since then, Wang Yan has also encountered several missile attacks.

Only with Wang Yan's strength at that time, he could only dodge in the face of cruise missiles, and he never dared to stay in the core explosion area.

Otherwise, once it is bombed, it will be crippled without dying.

But now Wang Yan has reached the S level, and the golden body of Wang Liuli, who is still immobile, has also reached the state of Xiaocheng. When I think of DF-15 again, I just want to try hard.

As soon as I thought about it, my heart was filled with blood, which is my own progress, and my ability to survive has been greatly improved. When I saw cruise missiles before, all I could do was hide and seek and escape.

But now, Wang Yan has the confidence to carry a DF-15 conventional bomb.

Such great progress made him feel very happy even if he thought about it. Of course, if we can carry a nuclear bomb in the future, we will be happier. That is not to say that Wang Yan must like a hard-core nuclear bomb, but that a hard-core nuclear bomb represents a state of mind and a sense of spiritual security.

"Conventional warhead, isn't it?" Xiang Jiande understood Wang Yan's request, and he breathed a sigh of relief from the heart. When I looked at President Wang, I got closer.

At least, President Wang also has limits, and he can't do it with a hard nuclear bomb. In this way, he seemed to feel a lot better psychologically. Although it is said that the conventional warhead of hard-carrying cruise missiles also sounds incredible.

Xiang Jiande's order went on.

A missile regiment stationed tens of kilometers away, a vehicle that reached the launch vehicle slowly supported and stabilized the chassis, and the vehicle-mounted DF-15 was slowly erected under the action of a hydraulic device.

Under a series of complicated operations, after the coordinates are determined, the countdown starts.


The jet system of DF-15 was ignited, and it was like a launch vehicle, rushing into the sky under the roar of anger.

At this time, it is equipped with a conventional warhead. If it is equipped with a nuclear warhead, it will be the most powerful weapon in human history. And it is extremely difficult to hide, because its speed is many times faster than the speed of sound, you can not hear any sound from it.

When you see or sense it, the next two moments will bomb around you.

At this time, the magic disaster was reduced, and the major powers have begun to secretly develop and build a large number of cruise missiles. Human melee is not an opponent of alien aliens at all. If you want to contain your opponent, you must build a large number of over-the-horizon combat weapons.

The distance of tens of kilometers, for DF-15, just started to fall.

Under the extremely accurate guidance system, it quickly fell into the clouds and inserted Wang Yan's coordinates straight into a sword. Under the dual action of propulsion and acceleration of gravity, its speed is astonishingly fast.

When Wang Yan's eyes just caught the blaze of flames in the sky, it was already covered with a magnificent momentum, and it reached the sky above his head. In exchange for some more powerful intercontinental missiles, many fake warheads will be fired at this time, greatly reducing the probability of being intercepted.

But for Wang Yan, there is no need.


DF-15 exploded tens of meters above Wang Yan. This is not a malfunction, but at such a high explosion, the lethality will double. The shock wave diffusion surface will be larger, and the shock wave can rebound for a second time, resulting in greater lethality.

Wang Yan is only tens of meters at the core of the explosion, which is already considered to be a category of hard cruise missiles.

Shockwaves encased heat waves of at least thousands of degrees and swept away in all directions in an extremely violent manner. Wherever it passes, even the hardest steel can be twisted into twists and torn into pieces.

On the rostrum and student seats, we first watched this scene with great tension. Immediately afterwards, there was a violent light, almost so that they could not open their eyes. Then, a shock wave swept through, and those who were not strong enough could not sit still and almost rolled over.

Almost all people are shocked in their hearts, this DF-15, the power is too great. They are at least a few kilometers away from the core of the explosion, but even so, they can feel the power as devastating.

This is still a conventional warhead. If it is replaced by a large equivalent nuclear warhead, everything here will be instantly razed to the ground.

At the same time, they also had a feeling of admiration for President Wang again. This grandfather is too bullish to dare to carry a DF-15. Its power is greater and more violent than expected.

In fact, even the people of the army have underestimated the power of the explosion. DF-15 is indeed the main killer of the missile regiment, but usually it will not be okay to just play with fireworks?

It is the first time that this special division is planned to be released for the first time to release this powerful and extremely expensive killer.

Even Nanlian and Ange passed a chill in their eyes.

With their strength and defensive power, once hit by such a big weapon, it is absolutely dead. At this moment, there was a trace of worry about Wang Yan in my heart, would this guy be okay?

No one knows if President Wang is okay now.

Those drones that are observing the data are no longer dead when they are caught in the shock wave.

The whole battlefield was filled with smoke, dust and fire.

After a long time!

When everything went silent, the drone was dispatched again. What struck everyone's eyes was a shocking scene of scars.

The most jaw-dropping thing is that Wang Yan was standing out of thin air three feet off the ground.

At his feet, a land of three or four meters is still level. However, dozens and hundreds of meters around it, it shows a giant bowl-shaped crater with an inverted bowl, just like a common crater.


Everyone was sighing in the air, and with such a terrible explosive power, President Wang was unscathed?

No, he is definitely not unscathed.

The drone pulled a close-up close-up of him. The golden glazed skin on his body seemed to have cracked and shattered, like old skin, peeling off piece by piece.

The most important thing is that his mask, which has not been damaged, has been unable to protect it. The card wipes and cracks into countless pieces, revealing his handsome face.


The students were all taken aback. How did this face look familiar?

"Principal Wang is somewhat similar to Wang Yan." Si Kongzhi was most concerned about President Wang. His pupils shrank, "Could he be a relative of Wang Yan?"

The rest of the students were also surprised. Listening to Si Kongzhi's words, it seems to be somewhat similar. It's no wonder that Wang Yan's guy is a key student and seems to be quite taken care of by teachers.

This is clearly someone behind.

At this moment, on the leadership seat, two pretty shadows flew towards Wang Yan at a rapid speed. After a while, they successively fell beside Wang Yan. Judging from their speed, Wu Ya Ange is obviously faster than Nan Lian.

However, the two women have different attributes, and the fighting methods are also very different. Fast speed does not mean that Ange is better than Nanlian.

The strength of the two women at this time should be between Bozhong.

"Wang Yan, are you okay?"

Both women whispered with concern.

All UAVs that circled around again have audio collectors. The two women made this remark and immediately passed the signal to the big screen in front of the audience. Two clear "Wang Yan" fell into the ears of the students.


All the students were dumbfounded and showed incredible expressions.

This, this, this is amusing everyone?

Wang Yan?

Wang Yan is the principal Wang?

Impossible, this is impossible!

Especially Zhang Wei, who had suffered a loss from Wang Yan, had his eyes wide open, full of horror and unbelief. The appearance of President Wang is obviously more handsome than Wang Yan. Where in his heart is willing to believe, if Wang Yan is the principal of Wang, it is impossible for him to revenge in his life.

"It's okay, it's okay." Wang Yan in the lens showed a handsome smile. "I just stood here deliberately just now, just pretend to be cool, you don't need to worry too much. This mask ..."

Originally, Wang Yan also wanted to continue to hide his identity and play around in the school for a while. But now that the mask is broken, and the identity is called by the two girls, the student's identity is naturally not good enough to pretend.

After the relief, Wang Yan flew back to the audience with them.

With a wave of his hand, he put on a sunny casual suit again. After greeting them with Xiang Jiande, they immediately fell in front of the students, standing with their feet in the air, carrying their hands on their backs and saying, "My classmates, I had a little joke with you before, I don't think you would mind? , You have already thought of my identity. I am Wang Yan and your principal Wang! "

As soon as Wang Yan made this remark, he immediately set off an uproar among the students.

Although everyone was guessing before, it is estimated that the probability is 80% or 90%. But no matter how high the chance of speculation, it is just speculation. Now Wang Yan admits that he can't help but exclaimed.

"Big Brother Wang Yan, woo, you bullied us." The little girl An An thumped into Wang Yan's arms, and the little fist kept pounding, "You are clearly President Wang, why pretend to be a student?"

Si Kongzhi's eyes also burst into a brilliant light. This is President Wang, the existence like God in his mind. He was so young, so powerful.

As for Zhao Chengtian, his face was red, and he wished to shrink into the mud. This guy, Lao Wang, was actually President Wang? Before the loss, he dared to work with him and said that he should get out of the car.

Fortunately, later became a friend, and became a friend of Hupenggou.


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