The Domestic Hero

Chapter 965: The joy of a new life

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The officers patted their chests one by one to ensure that **** students will be given special training.

Looking at them with their ruddy faces and bright eyes, it was obviously a hard-working expression to give those baby students a good class. Wang Yan nodded in satisfaction: "For the better characteristics of the students, but also to solve the superpowers I ’m going to equip you with powerful tutors of superpowers. ”

Supernatural tutor?

The eyes of the generals were brightened again, powerful tutors of superpowers, they were all sweet and sour, and Wu Yingqun coveted and said, "Are they all as powerful as Teacher An Ge and Teacher Nan Lian?"

Having said that, he also looked at Nan Lian's two daughters. If they can help teach in the army, it will be perfect, and the army will benefit greatly from it. As for whether President Wang can stay here permanently, they never expected.

"That is impossible."

Wang Yan shook his head and said, "Nan Lian and An Ge, they are both half-step S-class strong men. Their respective work is very busy, and they can spare time occasionally, they are already very face-saving. Our resident instructors, both These are super-superior mentors of C-level and B-level. But you can rest assured that they are enough to deter these students. In addition, I will also greet Director General Han, colleagues who have no task in each branch, can take turns Military exchanges will allow you to increase your experience of cooperating with superpowers. "

In this regard, the generals of the army are naturally delighted, and they have expressed that they will entertain those who visit the superpowers. The more you know about superpowers, the more you can develop a variety of rich tactics.

After a lively discussion, the students began to show their ability.

The students came on stage and showed their abilities in a new and colorful way.

Some people can control the flames, some people can control the wind, all kinds of abilities. Although they are still very young, the future is still very promising. Wang Yan is also looking forward to one or two S grades among this class.

After some ceremonies, Wang Yan left the "uninformed" students in the army and flashed people first.

In the following days, what will greet this group of students will be a history of blood and tears remembered for life.

at the same time.

In a villa in the college, Wang Yan was sitting on the floor in the living room. An elder Druid was constantly performing rejuvenation to help Wang Yan heal the injury in his body.

Wang Yan was naked and his body of flame energy boiled and circulated in the body. The white mist was boiling endlessly, covering him like a mist.

His vitality is so powerful, with the assistance of the elder Druid, the damaged cells are iteratively restored at an extremely fast rate. Within a few moments, Wang Yan received the merits, and his mental and physical conditions were restored to their best.

After thanking and bidding farewell to the elder Druid, Nan Lian's pretty eyes who accompanied Wang Yan were slightly white, and he glared at him: "You, don't really know the weight. What a demeanor, go and carry what DF-15, this is not subject to Is it a bit of an internal injury? In modern internet parlance, you pretend to be too much. "While speaking, she gently helped him wipe the sweat on his face and body, and his eyes were full of distress.

"Haha." Wang Yan scratched his head embarrassedly. "Sister Nanlian, it's normal for our superpowers to get some injuries. Besides, holding a DF-15 hard is also my obsession for all these years. It was the first time I saw the DF-15 explode at a long distance, and I was terrified. Now I have the opportunity to carry it once, and I have proved that I have not been in vain in these years. "

"If you have been in vain, why would it make all the superpowers in the world feel good?" Nan Lian angrily rewarded him with a burst of chestnuts. "You practice so fast, which makes me afraid that I will be pulled too far by you, and I have to work hard. It ’s good now. You ’ve stepped into the S-Class, but I ’m still half-step S-Class. ”

"Haha, sister Nan Lian doesn't need to care." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Your talent is excellent, and the realm of the half-step S-class is also very solid and heavy. Even if you go head-to-head with the desert emperor and the Satanic apostle, It ’s also unmatched. Advanced S-level is just a matter of being late. "

"That's your promise." Nan Lian smiled lightly, her eyes full of confidence. Indeed, as she matures, the ice blood vessels in her body gradually wake up and tend to mature.

The two were talking, and suddenly Nan Lian's cell phone rang.

Today, she uses a special mobile phone. Except for a limited number of people who can get through her phone, most people cannot reach her.

She took out her mobile phone, and her pretty eyes lighted up, but she did not avoid Wang Yan answering the phone. Her voice said softly, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

The phone turned out to be from her father.

Since the last youth competition, Wang Yan accompanied Nan Lian back home to attend her sister's wedding, her relationship with her family has been relieved a lot. This time, she took the time to go home and looked at her father during the New Year.

Wang Yan saw that her eyebrows contained a gentle smile, and she was very relieved. Anyway, as long as Sister Nanlian felt happy and happy, everything was fine.

"What! Sister is in labor?" Nanlian's eyes lighted up. "Okay, I will come back here." After a few words with his father, Nanlian hung up the phone and looked at her with a smile Wang Yan.

"Good thing, good thing." Wang Yan smiled and said, "Congratulations to Sister Nanlian, you're going to be an elder. So, I'll go back with you. It's just a long time since I saw my uncle."


The beautiful eyes of Nan Lian are full of gentle colors. Now that she is in a good mood, she will not refuse Wang Yan to accompany her.

For superpowers, the journey has always been to walk away, and there is no luggage to pack. Wang Yan put on a coat and the two went straight out. Because the distance was not far, and no satellites were used, Wang Yan went to the military area to borrow a helicopter and drove all the way to the destination.

With Wang Yan and Nan Lian's current strength, Ling Kongfei passed without any problem. However, in this way, sister Nan Lian will be very tired. It is better to simply take a helicopter, and the process is a little lighter.

After more than three hours.

He landed in a city in the south, and after entering the city, he took a taxi directly to the local women's and children's hospital. Soon, I met Huangfu Mingjie and his wife who were waiting outside the delivery room, and her husband Li Ruixue, Nanlian's sister Xiaobei, and his parents' elders.

Now girls are golden, and the birth of a child is often a matter of a big family. Everyone is waiting for labor. To be honest, Wang Yan, who experienced a hundred battles, also saw this battle for the first time.

When Huangfu Mingjie saw Wang Yan, he was naturally very happy and enthusiastic. He took Wang Yan and Li Ruixue two "son-in-laws" and talked aside. It's just that Li Ruixue's wife, who gave birth in the delivery room, was rather anxious.

"Reason, don't be too nervous." Wang Yan patted his shoulder and said, "I can guarantee that Xiaobei will keep her mother and daughter safe." I have already contacted the South China Branch.

Two superpowers who are good at treatment are now guarded near the hospital. If there is any irregularity in production here, there will be a slight accident, and the National African Affairs Bureau will quickly intervene. With the power of the National African Affairs Bureau, they will never let their mother and daughter have an accident.

Of course, if there is no problem, Wang Yan and Nan Lian do not want to let the National African Bureau intervene. After all, Nanlian ’s father and stepmother and other family members are just ordinary people. It is not a good thing to let them go too deep into the world of superpowers.

Moreover, Nan Lian also gave her sister Xiaobei some precious stones. Ordinary people wear it for a long time will enhance their physical fitness, and they will never get sick. Xiaobei's physique is very good, much better than the ordinary parturient.

"Thank you brother-in-law." Li Ruixue politely respected Wang Yan. In his eyes, both Wang Yan and his sister are capable people.

As for Nan Lian, the mother who accompanied her stepmother and Ruixue was comforting them quietly.

This situation also made Wang Yan feel somewhat emotional.

This is the world of ordinary people. Although ordinary, it is full of joys and sorrows of life. Compared to the world of superpowers, it seems more like a real world.

Next, inherit Wang Yanjiyan.

In less than twenty minutes, the nurse pushed the child out with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to Mr. Li, he is very happy."

"Ah!" Li Ruixue was full of excitement, and lunge rushed up, "Daughter, really a baby girl." He was a little crazy, looking at his daughter, and then another excitement, anxiously said, "Yes, my wife. "My wife Xiaobei, why didn't I come out?"

"Mr. Li, please calm down," the nurse hurried to appease. "All this time the smooth delivery is going well. Mrs. Li will come out after a little cleaning up. Please don't worry."

As soon as the nurse said this, Li Ruixue and his family were relieved, and then they all surrounded the child.

She hadn't bathed yet, her body was still stained with amniotic fluid and a little blood, and she was crumpled. But when her mouth narrowed, she burst into tears, and the crying was particularly deafening, very loud, and very healthy.

"This kid is good and healthy."

Seeing the birth of a new life, Wang Yan also felt an aura of aura, and his head was baptized.

"Little boy, he looks so cute." Nan Lian leaned closer, a slightly cold face, and a moving smile. That smile was like the death of Wan Zai's ice and the sunshine.

Let Wang Yan see it, but also slammed his heart, filled with warmth. Unconsciously stepped forward, held her soft Yi, and shared with her the scene of great joy. Unconsciously guessing, Sister Nanlian must have thought of her mother. When she was born, she was also so young, so clear with the new sunshine.

Sure enough, Nan Lian looked back at Wang Yan. In the original clear eyes, she was lost in confusion and hesitation.

"Sister Nanlian, no matter what happens." Wang Yan's voice said softly, "I will stand firm on your side."


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