The Domestic Hero

Chapter 973: Ice God

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Nan Lian was shocked and happy, and countless doubts began to fly through her heart.

This necklace is an item left by her mother and the only clue to find her mother. So she put on the necklace, and she never took it off.

Previously this was covered by clothing and was not seen by Berissa for the first time, but now it is revealed as he walks.

As a result, Berissa just glanced at her and could no longer look away.

Is it that Berissa has something to do with her life experience? !

On the other side, Wang Yan's eyes lit up after hearing this, and turned to look at the two women.

Although the visit and exchange mission declared this time was for the purpose of strengthening the contact and cooperation between the two countries, the Polar Bear Secret Service has also specially invited many times, but Wang Yan wanted to search for some mother's information for Nanlian.

At the beginning, besides this necklace, he did not get any specific clues, but he and Nanlian both believed that since they decided to come over and look, they would walk around on the vast Siberian plains, maybe they would be somewhat new Find.

The amazing Baikal Lake is located at the beginning of the southern Siberian plain, so the two used it as the starting point for this journey.

I just didn't expect that the clues came so fast. Is it all a matter of heaven?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Berissa and Nanlian.

After carefully observing the bottom of the necklace, Berisha raised her head, "Of course I know, this is the mark of our tribe."

"Look, this rune symbol represents wind and snow and winter." Belisa pointed to the inside of the pendant, a rune symbol like a hieroglyph.

Under the light of the sky with snow flakes, the pendant on Nanlian's chest reflected a faint blue fluorescence, like an ancient ice that has passed through 10,000 years, quiet and beautiful.

"The structure of this rune really resembles the trajectory of snow and snow. Is my mother related to your tribe?" Nan Lian cast his eyes in amazement, hoping to get more answers in the eyes of Berissa.

"There should be a great relationship." Berissa nodded, and after a slight pause, the tone was somewhat uncertain. "To be precise, the rune in this necklace is the belief of our tribe, winter. Totem logo of the god. "

"It is said that our tribe is a descendant of the **** of winter. All generations have used the symbol of the **** of winter as the totem of our faith. Therefore, each of our people and the items we make and use will carry this kind of snow symbol. "

Saying that, Berissa took out her bow and sword, including her wrist, as well as her darling, the foot of the bear king Reynolds, with a small totem mark.

Nan Lian saw these totem marks, her eyes as beautiful as ice and snow, and she was worried. "That is to say, my mother may be your clan, or may just have the item you made, and finally leave this item. Gave me? "

"It is indeed possible." Berissa nodded irrevocably. "As early as the Red Revolution more than a hundred years ago, our tribe joined the Secret Service of the Military Department. As a key force, many of our tribes He left the tribe and took part in the battle. For a long time to come, the descendants of our tribe, as well as related items, all had an outflow, and the quantity was difficult to count for a while. "

Berissa's statement reinforces Nan Lian's idea once again.

During those turbulent years, who can determine the true attribution of something? This is like a piece of antiques or jewelry, whose hands will be lost in the future, and it is still uncertain.

Upon seeing this, Wang Yan comforted Nanlian's shoulder and said: "Don't worry, since you have found a clue, it's only a matter of time to find your mother."

"I promise, no matter how hard it is to find and how much time it will take, even if you poke the earth into a hole, I will help you find her."

Nan Lian's heart was warm. She looked back affectionately and immediately nodded. "Well, I believe."

"Cough, interrupt." Berissa coughed lightly and raised her eyebrows. The two men were really concubines, so show their love everywhere, is it really good to spread dog food?

"Son of Flame is right, and I have a way to determine whether you are descendants of our tribe." Berissa turned her eyes and looked quietly at Nanlian, "If you can be sure that you are our tribe Your descendants, then your mother will be easy to find. "

"Really?" Wang Yan and Nan Lian's eyes lit up, and they asked in unison.

There was another wordlessness in Bertha's heart, and it was again, now it was not Valentine's Day.

Okay, okay, it's important to talk about business.

"However, I will take you to a place that was originally planned by us in private and invites you to be a guest, not too far from here."

"I know where it is. The ruins can indeed determine the bloodline of Nanlian." The red tank smiled and walked to a military off-road vehicle, opened the door and said, "We will go to the branch office to report, and then together past."

"Okay, let's get in." Wang Yan and Nan Lian entered the back seat respectively.

The hairy crab was carrying a big parcel, followed dumbly behind the two, and rolled his eyes in fog, "My boss is mysterious, what is this going to do? Isn't it good to go to the lake, see you Is it a **** and enchanting Russian female crab? Now that they are all at the lake, how come they got on the bus? "

The hairy crab was quite helpless. Anyway, the boss got into the car, and he had to keep up with it. After putting the suitcase in the trunk, he crawled in.

After everything was ready, the red tank drove and drove the crowd to the Polar Bear Secret Service, located on the Baikal Lake, the branch base of Irkutsk city.

The branch office base is located in the suburbs of the city. Where did Wang Yan and Nan Lian receive a warm welcome from the branch directors, and enjoyed a sumptuous lunch.

Accompanied by the Red Tank and Beresa, the two high-ranking members of the Secret Service, Wang Yan and Nan Lian became very free. The two left behind several diplomats from the State Administration of African Affairs to deal with matters related to this visit and exchange, and then followed the red tank to the destination again.

The crowd drove all the way to Olkhon Island on the shore of Lake Baikal in the evening.

Olkhon Island is a small town with a fairly large area. Most of the island is composed of granite and gneiss mountains, with a forest in the north and grasslands in the south.

Red tanks often come on vacation. His aunt's family is on the southernmost part of Olkhon Island.


A clear brake sound, a heavy military off-road vehicle carrying everyone, was steadily parked in front of a distinctive wooden building.

"We have arrived."

The red tank got off the bus first. He took a deep breath towards Lake Baikal, and the fragrance of the lake and the forest on the face made him unable to help but show a happy expression.

"Pharaoh, it is too early for you to come. When the winter ice age is over, the maximum thickness of the ice on the lake surface can be more than one meter. After that, the lake ice will continue to expand and squeeze under the influence of temperature and pressure, thus forming a There are huge cracks and ice peaks. The scenery at that time was more spectacular than it is now! "

Wang Yan took Nan Lian's hand and got out of the car together.

After standing, looking up, you can see the endless lake against the setting sun, rendered into a fiery red between the sky. On the side, the lake is clear and bottomed out. Looking at tens of meters away, the bottom of the lake can be clearly seen.

If it weren't for the first time, Wang Yan and Nan Lian wouldn't believe that a piece of lake water would be as clean and transparent as air.

"The scenery here is truly beautiful." Wang Yan hugged Nanlian's shoulders and couldn't help but praise.

Perhaps this kind of place retains such a high-quality natural environment precisely because of its sparse population. While mankind survives and develops and builds the earth, it ignores the more precious nature. This is indeed worthy of our reflection.

While everyone was enjoying the view of the sunset lake, the hairy crab claws had no bowel and also crawled out of the trunk of the car.

Seeing such a beautiful and vast lake, all eight crab claws were shaking with excitement.

What a wonderful place is this? How many beautiful and **** Russian female crabs will be raised in such a wide and clear lake? How excited will it be when the boy is in the water?

Thinking of this, the hairy crabs' excited bubbles spit out.

"Son of Flame, next I need to take Nanlian alone and go to the shaman rock left by our ancestors. That is the place of sacrifice left by our ancestors, where it can be determined whether the blood of Nanlian belongs to our tribe . But following outsiders will lead to elemental disorder, making it impossible to communicate with the ancestors. "

After a glance at Nanlian, Bai Lisha turned her attention to Wang Yan, as if seeking his opinion.

"No problem. The scenery here is good. Brother Tan and I are waiting for you here." Wang Yan patted Nan Lian's shoulder, indicating that the other party did not care about him.

"Well, Xiaoyan will come when I go." Nanlian nodded to Wang Yan, and after saying goodbye to Wang Yan and the red tank temporarily, she followed Berissa and walked all the way to Shamanyan.

"Pharaoh, let's not be idle, they come back early, let's go, let's go fishing!"

The red tank went to the car to take out the fishing gear, took Wang Yan to drive the small boat by the lake, and paddled towards the center of the lake. The hairy crab also followed behind the two.

After a period of time.

Berissa took Nanlian to a torch that extended to the center of the lake.

The mountains and rocks protruding from the ground and the quaint vicissitudes are like a stone tablet that witnesses the undulation of the earth, full of traces after years of washing.

Standing in front of the rock, Nan Lian could immediately feel a primitive and pure spiritual power, covering the entire area, and the surrounding ice elements began to flow from all directions, continuously flowing here.

"The belief of our tribe is the **** of snow and ice from nature. At the same time, she is also the **** of hunting and winter. As early as in ancient times, our tribe had activities throughout the Siberian plains, so there were many gods to worship the winter Location. "

Standing on the side of Nan Lian, Bai Lisha said quietly, "The rock in front of us embodies the spiritual power of our tribe's ancestors. They will determine whether you belong to our tribe."

With that said, Berissa turned her attention to Nan Lian. "Next I will summon the ancestor spirit, Nanlian, are you ready?"


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