The Domestic Hero

Chapter 983: fear! Child of flame

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"not that simple?"

Wang Yan, Nan Lian and the Red Tank all looked at Berissa with some curiosity. "What kind of test will it be difficult for us to fail?"

"This is the test for selecting guards for the **** of winter. First of all, you must get the top ten results in the hunting road with the young juniors of Zu Ting and other tribes in the winter festival of our tribe. Eligible to enter the second stage. "

Berissa said seriously, "A hunter in the wilderness can become a prey at any time. Especially in this eternal tundra and many islands in the Arctic Ocean, the difficulty of tracking and capturing monsters is not ordinary. A superpower can do it. "

"Even if the superpowers are strong, but the wild beasts who are good at hiding escapes are often more tricky and cunning. If they don't understand the relevant hunting knowledge, they are very easy to fall into the trap of prey and become a prey."

"In addition to facing many competitors, as well as harsh environments and extremely cold climates, this seemingly simple task is actually full of difficulties and dangers."

The three of them nodded slightly after hearing it. It was indeed a little difficult. People with no hunting experience could not compare with real hunters in the wilderness. Even if you have strength, but there is no decent prey, there is no way.

Fortunately, all three of them are full of confidence. Although it is a bit difficult, it is not an impossible task.

"Compared with hunting, the most difficult thing is next, the baptism of ice and snow elements."

Berissa frowned, and said with some concern, "Our tribe has a pure ice pool formed by pure ice and snow elements. The pool contains a consciousness left by the winter god, only through the element quenching body , And the huge divinity left by the **** of winter, the double test, to qualify for recognition, set foot on the winter island deep in the ice. "

"The toughness of the element quenching body, even my father and Grand Priest Salar, only barely passed in that year. In addition, there is the coercion left by the **** of winter in the ice pool, which will make the simple element quenching body , To the point where both the body and the soul suffer. "

"Since our tribes, many outstanding awakeners who passed the hunting test eventually failed here." Bai Lisha looked at Wang Yan and the three men with concern. "Although it passed the quenching body, it has not been recognized by the goddess. . "

"Miss Nanlian is an awakener of ice powers, maybe you can pass this test, but Christopher and Son of Fire, you are not convinced by the ice system. After entering, you will be vigorously repelled by the snow and ice elements. There is also the will and coercion left by the Winter God, which may be very dangerous! "

"At least so far, no alien has been recognized by the goddess and is eligible to enter Iceland ..."

"It's really a bit difficult. Miss Berissa's worry is not unreasonable." Wang Yan took Nanlian's hand and smiled indifferently, "but the mystery of Nanlian's life experience is very important to her and me, even if the sword is in flames. , I'm going to give it a try too. "

Nan Lian's pretty face turned red, and she gave Wang Yan a very moving look. The beautiful ice eyes were immediately filled with a firmer luster. "Although this kind of experience is difficult, I have full confidence in the three of us."

The red tank smiled happily, then squeezed his hands, and his fists made a loud noise, "Belissa, did you forget what the outsiders called me? Those guys who lost to me called me undead monsters! I But it ’s a monster. How can I be less such an interesting experience? "

Berissa stared at the three people for a while, and the light in her eyes gradually increased, and finally she laughed out loudly, "I really can't do anything with you. Since that's the case, I will go back and forth with you, honor and shame!"

However, even if Wang Yan and the Red Tank are not approved by the goddess, it does not matter much. As long as Nanlian passes by, she is eligible to land on the island.

"Hahaha, it really is a group of energetic good kids."

Patriarch Cole looked at the four young people in front with great relief, rubbed his rough hands, and laughed aloud, "Since you all go all out, you will not hunt, the patriarch will teach you personally, I believe you will be able to Get the recognition of the **** of winter, and even get an interview with the **** envoy! "

"Yes, with your outstanding qualifications, you can stand out." Salar the high priest smiled lovingly, and then raised the old arm, "Go, Cole, Berissa, entertain us well VIP, there is not much time left for preparation. "

"Old seniors say goodbye."

After the people simply said goodbye, the high priest Salar's face gradually became cold.

Just then, behind Salar, the black crow, which had been motionless, suddenly issued a grotesque scream, "Ah! Alas ..."

At the same time, Hei Ye even spit out someone's words in his mouth, "Damn the child of flames, but it's really abominable to run into muddy water at this moment!"

"The Son of Flame is coming, I am afraid things are not easy to handle ..." Salar's eyes were full of scruples, and he sighed and worried, "Your mourning banshee who has been planning for so many years, all died in his hands. , Do you think we should wait a few years before we start? "

"Wait? Haha ..." The Black Crow sneered mercilessly, "Old things, depending on your lifespan, can you wait a few more years?"

"The magic disaster will come in a few years. Do you want my lord to wake up and face the abyss demons without any preparation?" The black crow's eyes were gloomy, staring coldly at Salar, "not to mention, gradually moving towards unity Earth superpowers, will give you the opportunity to start in the future, will it give me the host will be reborn? "

The black raven's ridicule and questioning made the high priest Salar's face sad and silent, his face darker and duller.

"Ji Jie ... How can you compare to the idiot like a mourning banshee? Her failure is entirely her own blame!"

The black crow's eyes flickered and sneered, "Don't forget, for this moment, how many years have you and I prepared? I remember at that time you were just an indigenous who had just advanced to the high priest and knew nothing about power. "

The black crow's voice was hoarse and gloomy, and Salar was powerless to refute it. Only his face was cold and water-like, and his eyes were fiercely staring at the gleaming bonfire in front of his eyes.

"Ji Jie ... don't worry." The black crow looked at Salar's expression change and smiled yawningly. "Once you win the treasure in the Ice Temple, no one can stop you."

"That relic of the goddess of ice and snow should have belonged to you. When you absorb that treasure, you will have the supreme power of this world and become the highest will of this world!"

The black crow stood on the top of the high seat, staring straight at Salar, his voice with a bewitching taste, "And my lord will also use this power to be completely reborn, and even become more powerful! At that time, my lord will respect you three points ... "

In this bewildering voice, Salar's eyes kept tightening, the desire burning under his eyes became more and more hot, and his expression became more and more fierce.

"Yes! Whatever the Son of Flame came to this extreme north, he was looking for death!" Salar spit out a few words coldly, "Our plan remains the same, no ... we want to be the Son of Flame Prepare more gifts. "

Salar's old face was covered with fierceness, and a cruel arc was hung in the corner of his mouth. As soon as he became a high priest, he was planning all this from the moment he touched the law of heaven and earth.

He understands that human life is limited, especially after stepping into the S-class, and wanting to take a step closer, it is almost impossible to accomplish, and his life is constantly being lost day by day.

He couldn't get stronger power by himself, and he couldn't get more life, which made him desperate.

But their tribe has a treasure that is enough to change all this!

Once successful, he will have almost eternal life Yuan, and supreme power! Even in the future, he is very likely to become the only **** on this planet!

God! What does this mean? It means everything in the world!

As for the Black Devil Venerable? Salar sneered in the bottom of his heart, want to use this power to rebirth? Haha, dream!

After he obtains this supreme inheritance, the whole world will belong to him. Who will dare to violate his will? Even Hei ** zun can't compete with him!


Just as High Priest Sarar and a mysterious black crow were pregnant with each other, Wang Yan and his party had already walked with Bai Lisha in the ancestral court of the Winter Gods.

"Belissa, I found these black crows everywhere in your tribe. The environment in the north is so cold, how can they survive here?"

Wang Yan asked curiously. He found that there were some black crows everywhere on the roof, treetops, and top of the sentry tower. The key is that these crows are not afraid of people, and they do not hide when they come. It is really special.

The hairy crabs who were behind everyone looked at the crows with a curious look, and they spewed bubbles in their mouths, as if thinking that this bird looks really uncomfortable, or how many dogs would they come back and try?

"Xiao Yan is rare and weird? This crow should be called a jackdaw, and this crow can also be seen in the North China Mirror."

Nanlian held Wang Yan's arm and looked up at the crows, and then speculatively wondered, "But here is much colder than our North China Mirror. These jackdaws can survive here. They should be with the tribe of Berissa, Formed a dependency relationship. "

"Yes, in our tribal legends, crows represent the eyes and ears of gods, messengers that convey information, and also have the role of predicting the blessings." Berissa explained to everyone, "So our tribes, It will not harm crows and allow them to live freely in our ancestral court. "

"It turned out to be so." Wang Yan nodded thoughtfully. "In ancient Chinese civilization, crows are also the birds that represent the auspicious and prophetic roles in folklore. But it may be because of its long ugliness and carrion, so it was gradually regarded as an ominous sign. "

"Oh, it's really interesting, the crow is lying innocently in China."

In the pleasant chat among the people, there was a fierce fighting and roaring suddenly in the distance.

Wang Yan and the Red Tank immediately alert, "What's going on?"


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