The Domestic Hero

Chapter 991: glory! Ice Queen

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"Come on, clatter!"

The first thing that caught sight of him was a tall and gigantic figure. In cold weather, he only wore a military T-shirt. The evaporated sweat and heat on the body lifted up a white mist.

Behind him was dragging a large self-propelled pallet truck. The pallet truck was seven or eight meters long, and the eight wheels were all hardly cut out of wood. Several of them had a little oval, and they turned and banged.

This is really nothing. What surprised the crowds on the scene was that the scooter was full of prey, just like a small mountain bag, so amazing.

"Yes, Mr. Red Tank!"

"It's awesome, really worthy of the famous red tank! Are you sure he was really hunting for the first time?"

"This is the first time I have seen that someone can capture so many prey at once!"

The tribes at the scene were cheering, and several tribal elders were also chatting with each other about the Cole elders.

"Brother Cole, this is a colleague of your daughter Polar Bear Secret Service?"

"It's very young, so powerful, how many days have you taught him to hunt? It's really rare to get such a result."

"If he can be included in our tribe, it will be a great help to the future of our tribe and your daughter's future ..."

The surrounding discussion made Berissa's cheeks rosy, slightly annoyed, and embarrassed to interrupt, so she turned her eyes to the front.

"I'm sorry, there are a lot of prey, so I made a pallet truck and dragged it over." The red tank dragged the pallet truck to the meeting point, and Lisa smiled at the park, "I didn't catch it indiscriminately. , I only packed a few high-level leaders, and the rest were all released. "

Speaking of putting down the cricket, the onlookers took a closer look. There were icefield snow leopard, wilderness wolf, frozen soil python, bighorn deer, and even a diamond ape more than three meters high and weighing more than half a ton, and two The greasy minions and ancient tundra centipedes that are like cars!

Bai Lisha glanced at a lot of prey, most of them are awakening beasts around the B level, and then Zheer smiled slightly, "Well done well, although there are no rare high-level spirit beasts captured, fortunately, there is a lot of money. It ’s not a problem. "

Human genes will mutate and awaken to become superpowers, and naturally beasts will even have a greater chance. A small amount of proper hunting will not only damage the herd, but will also benefit the herd's survival.

The red tank laughed even brighter after hearing the compliment, but just before he could speak, two slightly ridiculous hums came from behind.

"Oh, if you catch this level of prey, can you advance?"

"When did the trial standard of our tribe become so low?"

The red tank looked backwards with anger, and Igor riding an iron-backed black wolf, and Halbara riding on a fang boar, were coming from two directions, respectively.

Yes, the red tank is indeed an S-class powerhouse, but the S-class powerhouse does not mean that the hunting ability is strong. Hurry to learn for a few days, how can it be compared with them soaked in this way for decades.

Both Igor and Halbara were full of complacency. Obviously, this time the harvest is not trivial, at least to regain the honor they lost.

"This, this is the Tundra Lizard!"

"Also, the woolly one-horned rhinoceros!"

"Aren't they all extinct? How can there be such a beast now? And they are all advanced spirit beasts after awakening!"

After seeing the prey dragged back by Igor and Harbara, the surrounding tribes were all amazed and discussed.

"Igor's prey is five meters long, with bone spurs on the back, a crown of neck, a brown-gray cortex, and spots on the abdomen. All the characteristics show that this is indeed an ancient period. Tundra Lizard in the Tan. "

Belisa glanced at the beast corpses on the ground and assessed, "But it is not an ancient creature that is extinct in the true sense, but a tundra lizard that has returned to the ancestor after the blood awakened."

"This tundra lizard has reached the standard of a high-level spirit beast, ranking higher than the red tank, and temporarily ranked first!" Berissa's assessment was very pertinent and won the unanimous approval of the tribes present.

Igor proudly looked at the Red Tank and Berissa. Since he had already reached the top, he naturally had nothing to say.

Berissa walked to Halbara again and looked at the prey he had brought back. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, praised: "It turned out to be a hairy unicorn? Halbara, how did you do it? In our permafrost, we haven't seen it in decades Horned rhinoceros. "

The woolly one-horned rhinoceros is also a leaseback creature.

In the extremely distant ancient times, the rhinos were once large mammals. On the Pangu continent of the Triassic period, they once taught as long as dinosaurs.

In the vast permafrost wasteland of the Winter Gods, there are few people, and there are some creatures before the flood. The woolly one-horned rhinoceros is an extremely rare lease-back creature with a combat power of A level or even A + level.

"Haha, I can do it in Harbara naturally." Harbara laughed proudly, accepting the cheers of the tribe proudly.

This one-horned rhinoceros is not inferior to the tundra lizard skin. After a little hesitation, Palisa made them tied for first place.

The Winter Gods people cheered for them.

In any case, hunting is the tradition of the Winter God clan. Men who can hunt, especially those who can hunt powerful rare prey, are most loved and welcomed by the clan.

The red tank shrugged and smiled, not fighting for the honor with them. He is a person who seeks truth from facts. In terms of strength, it is no problem for him to beat ten of them. But in this hunt, he was indeed inferior to them.

Losing is losing. The red tank never makes any excuses for itself.

Right now, there are Anatoly, the tiger of the north, Nanlian, the ice queen, and Wang Yan, the son of flames, who have not returned.

The Winter Gods clan people who have been excited by the prey at the moment are starting to look forward to it, and then the prey of the few guys will come.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

After a while, two black spots appeared one after the other on the vast ice sheet.

The one in front, with a burly figure, rode a snow-white tusks giant tiger. It was an icefield fangs tiger king who awakened the ancient tiger king lineage, and its strength has reached A level.

That was the darling of Anatoly, the king of the northern tiger, and a symbol of his status. This kind of icefield fangs tiger king is very rare, there is a certain possibility to achieve S grade. Compared with Palisa's ice giant bear, it is not inferior.

"Anatoli is back." The people of the Winter God clan began to cheer and looked away at Anatoly.

As he drew closer, what the icefield fangs tiger king dragged before it caught everyone's eyes. After seeing what that thing was, he immediately took a breath.

"Gosh, it looks like an ancient mammoth!"

"A great mammoth is an ancient mammoth. It weighs more than ten tons. It is definitely the king of ancient mammoths!" Everyone is a tribe of winter gods and has the ability to distinguish prey from an early age.

Ancient mammoths are extremely rare, and their size has reached such a level that they are definitely half-step S-level combat power. And ancient mammoths are group creatures, there must be a group guard next to the king beast. Of course, those ethnic groups are not necessarily kings of ancient mammoths!

Anatoly was able to win this beast, which is already called the hunter level.

In the cheering of the sky, Anatoli, the tiger of the North, slowly entered the camp. His burly body was covered with scars, but his face was full of pride.

"Northern Tiger, Anatoly. Northern Tiger, Anatoly! Hunting God, Hunting God! Hunting God Northland!"

There was a lot of cheers, and many people thought that Anatoly was a well-deserved hunter.

"Good guy!" The red tank also praised, "It's not easy to hunt that big guy. It seems that this Anatoly is not easy. This time, Pharaoh, I'm afraid it's too fierce. But it should be, let him Frustrated. "

In the eyes of everyone, it seems that everyone has ignored it, and Wang Yan, who is about a kilometer behind Anatoly. At this time, he walked alone on a hairy crab, and the hairy crab did not drag any prey.

"Huh, the son of flames seems to be returning empty-handed?" Some sharp-eyed people have noticed Wang Yan.

"Could it be that he put the loot in the storage space?"

"Maybe, but with limited storage space, how big a prey can he load? Alas, it seems that Anatoly won."

When everyone talked about it.

Anatoly sneered back: "Son of Flame, strong strength does not mean strong hunting ability. Or, take out your prey and let the big guy see and see?"

He is not afraid of losing himself, and can hunt the ancient mammoth king, which is already one of the best achievements of all dynasties, enough to win the title of hunting god. Hunting conferences, not every time someone gets the title of hunter god, it takes an average of a few decades to have a hunter lord.

Today, he has enough proof that his ability is not inferior to the long winter hunting **** Palisa.

"I just hunted a few birds." Wang Yan smiled lightly, too lazy to talk to him. A few prey items, large and small, flew out of the daisy in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and they landed on the ground after getting bigger and bigger.

"What a big bird!"

Everyone was startled, and then when they looked at it, they immediately exclaimed, "This, this, this is the legendary Thunderbird?"

"Thunderbird, is it impossible? Isn't it that Thunderbird has already disappeared?"

"Open your dog's eyes and look. These birds look exactly like the legendary Thunderbirds. The two big ones are all mature bodies in Thunderbirds. Look at that size is definitely A-level strength."

There was a lot of talk around, and it was amazing.

Palisa's eyes lit up, and she came forward to identify: "It is indeed a thunderbird, and it is also a pair of male and female mature thunderbirds, with three larvae thunderbirds outside. You are a son of flames, you are developed."

The mature body of a thunderbird is precious, but it is not as expensive as the larvae.

Because larvae Thunderbirds have been trained since childhood, they are more obedient and have great potential. They may even be promoted to S level in the future.

As the crowd spoke, two mature Thunderbirds stood up and wandered. They were just about to make a splash, but unexpectedly, they saw countless powerful people around, hurriedly and honestly pretended to be prostrate.

This level of high-level spirit beast has a high IQ.

At this time, Anatoli's face was very embarrassed. Prey of the Son of Flame, well, it seems more valuable than him. Especially the three larvae thunderbirds, which can be called sky-high prices.

"Dude, how did you do it?" The red tank also glared, "You are also able to get the extinct creature in the legend? You should change your name and call it Son of Destiny."

"Oh, I met a group of poaching mercenaries and snatched it." Wang Yan answered honestly.


The crowd was envious and envious and jealous.

Why should your Son of Fire go out and take a trip to get back five Thunderbirds. They lived in the clan for so long, but they even saw thunderbirds for the first time. Is this child of flame really a child of fate?

"Son of flames, congratulations." Palisa looked at Wang Yan with a faint look. "Your prey has now surpassed Anatoly, ranking first."

"Really?" Wang Yan looked innocent. "I just retrieved a few birds casually, and I already ranked first? Palisa, aren't you teasing me?"


Anatoly and others almost spit out old blood.

Son of Flame, you are also angry with your words. Didn't you debase us all into the dust?

The eyes of Anatoly's three men were full of grudges. Especially Anatoly, his face was red and white. The title of the hunter who had clearly got it was picked by the guy who was the son of flame.

And the other party picked it so lightly, as if it was picked up by the roadside.

Wait for them to have more reactions.

Outside the camp, on a long frozen ice field, there was a crackling sound. The ice field seemed to be lifted by a huge force, and it cracked into pieces of icebergs floating apart.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone was shocked, could it be an earthquake?


An incomparably huge monster got out of the cracked ice. There is a unicorn on the monster's head, and a heroic beauty is standing beside the unicorn. Her long hair flutters like a goddess from the world of ice and snow!

Ice Queen-Huangfu Nanlian!


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