The Domestic Hero

Chapter 999: One master and three servants

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From now on, after accurate time calculation, Wang Yan has actually been in the cold lake for twenty-four minutes.

Anatoly's face was gray, which meant that he had completely lost the game, and he was still running on the road of losing his panties, gradually away.

Every time Wang Yan insists for another minute, he will lose twice as much. Within five minutes, he seemed to be able to bear it, but once five minutes passed, he was cutting bones and digging his kidneys.

Originally Anatoly, had been secretly praying, are you enough for Son of Fire? It's been twenty-four minutes, should you come out?

Unexpectedly, there was a beautiful woman's voice.

What the **** is this?

Anatoly's eyes were glaring out. The son of flames, your dog day, could not hold it, so he made a woman to help you warm? Don't take you to play like this.

"Do n’t worry, Meier, this is the most pure elemental water condensed by ice elements." Wang Yan said with relief, "Although you are not a water system or an ice system, but use the ice element to refine the body and Spirit is good for your future promotion to legend. "


The sound made Anatoly's chest sullen, almost spurting blood. He was still fantasizing before, twenty minutes later, the child of flames may have been extremely reluctant, maybe an inattentive died in it.

Unexpectedly, the sound from the son of flames is so hearty and healthy, full of energy, and there is no sign of "life is in danger". As a result, God knows he can stick with it for a few more minutes?

"Well, Master, I will listen to you everything. Your command is my glory." The succubus replied obediently, staying aside, using the power of the ice element to temper his own body and spirit.

Her so-called tempering is to resist hard, and belongs to real tempering.

In this regard, Wang Yan has no way to help her. After all, the attributes of the two sides are different, and Wang Yan can't crystallize the hardened ice law for her to absorb and use. As a result, she is at most able to use the power of ice to carry out a smelting and upgrading of herself like the red tank.

The succubus is obediently obedient, and belongs to Wang Yan personally from body and mind to life. Compared with today's women on earth, it is totally different.

Her soft, soft cotton voice came out from the ice mist, almost every man or woman present was numb, and her soul throbbed.

Succubus, which is a natural charm species, contains a terrifying charm in every word. And even more bizarre is that her charm wave objects are gender-neutral.

Even female creatures are often charmed by succubus.

This is the survival strategy of the succubus, and it is the foundation on which to live.

"Here, this is the half-step S-class succubus of the Son of Flame?" The red tank is very strong-minded, and after only a touch of influence, it wakes up instantly and recognizes the succubus's voice.

As early as the youth conference, the succubus played as Wang Yan's favorite pet, and his strength is extraordinary and impressive.

"The son of flames still has the power to let the succubus come out to refining and benefit from refining and refining?" Berissa covered her small mouth and said in surprise, "Isn't it his limit at this time? Has he already reached SS level strength? "

"No, he's just an S-class." The square face of the red tank was also slightly shocked. "It's because we look down upon him too much. If we want to come, he should have some means we don't know about."

With a half-step S-level succubus, is there an unknown means?

Anatoly seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer in his chest, and he stepped back two steps, his eyes full of jealousy. Just having a legendary half-step S-class succubus has made him envious of jealousy.

But that guy still has some unknown means? It ’s been twenty-five minutes, right? Even if he came out now, he was already a big loser. In an instant, Anatoly blushed and his teeth creaked.

"The succubus is very young. It is said that he is also the light father of the Holy See who personally reshaped his body and gave him the slave of the flame." The red tank said with emotion, "It is really a super succubus, if you can cultivate S The queen of succubus, her value is comparable to a complete secondary artifact. I have to admit that I am still very jealous and jealous. "The Pharaoh ’s guy is really lucky, even the father of the Holy See is facing he.

"You also want a succubus?" There was a cold chill in Belisa's pretty eyes, staring at the red tank like a smile, "If you like it, I can find a way for you One. "

The succubus is a species of the universe. Not only in the abyss, but also in the world of hell. In fact, some succubi have survived on earth.

The red tank trembles for no reason, and an inexplicable chill spreads straight from the tail vertebrae to the back of the head. He hurriedly shook his head into a rattle: "No, no, I just sighed, sighed." Even the red tank feels a little puzzled, so afraid of what Berissa is doing?

That super succubus, if there is a chance, which man does not want it?

"Well, you're still acquainted." Berissa showed a sunny smile like winter and snow. "I'll go back and hunt a strong polar bear for you and roast it for you."

It is indeed a fighting nation, and to say something tender and gentle, it is all so domineering and different. Poor polar bears will definitely shout to heaven if they are wise, if you fall in love and love, close my polar bear wool?

Why do you say a love story, and you have to piggyback a polar bear?

The throat of the red tank surged, and he swallowed drunk. The delicious polar bear roast suddenly aroused his appetite. He nodded and said, "Okay, good. The polar bear roast with vodka is the best delicacy in the world." ... especially your craftsmanship of Berissa, it is simply awesome. "

Berissa glared at him, man, really a single-celled creature, with food and wine, obediently obedient. Then, in her mood, she began to lift Nanlian's arm and talked about her private words: "Nanlian, although your family's son of flame is the best in the world, she is also a good-looking son. There are too many, you have to think of ways to cure him. "

Nan Lian heard this, but smiled and said: "Our family Xiao Yan is really excellent, and it is too much to attract bees and butterflies. However, he is also very affectionate to me, so let him go. What's more, in many cases, he didn't deliberately provoke emotional debt. "

"You're quite open," Berissa said with a smile, "but indeed, the son of flame is indeed a rare and excellent young man in the world. In your Chinese country's words, he is a delicious Tang monk meat. . If it were n’t for snatching too many demon foxes, and you and I were in love, I would n’t be too emotional for him. But now ... "

While speaking, Berissa glanced at the red tank secretly, with a touch of tenderness in her eyes.

"The tank is really good." Nan Lian smiled indifferently, said by voice, "Loyal and honest, and can give you a strong sense of security, is a good man."

"The most important thing is that no one has robbed yet!" Berissa smiled secretly. "Even if someone dared to rob, the old lady collapsed her with one arrow." A sturdy breath emerged suddenly during the speech.

Inexplicably, the red tank shuddered again, and felt a slash of murderous air enveloping the whole body. Suddenly inexplicable danger, feeling throbbing, could not help but look at Berissa.

It turned out that Paris smiled sweetly at him like a cream, which made the red tank feel like eating honey. He still felt the sweetness of his heart, and he couldn't help smiling.

He, who lacks love experience, can't have expected that he hasn't even begun to taste the taste of love yet, he has been secretly blocked by Berissa to kill all his retreats, and he is regarded as something in his pocket.

They are in a good mood here, and have time to talk about love.

But Anatoli, the Tiger of the North, was a sorrowful face. Especially Anatoly himself, his face pale to the extreme, from the heart to the muscles, all twitching.

The Son of Flame has been in it for almost thirty minutes.

According to the rules, every time he exceeds one minute, his loss will double. As long as he was neglected for thirty minutes, the bet he lost was definitely an astronomical figure.

Not to mention that after that, Rao is now. Even if he sells his Tiger from the North, he will definitely not be able to afford the money.

at the same time.

In the pool of ice elements, Wang Yan did not care about the mood of the tiger in the north. He is now humming, a little bit of refining the power of the element of ice, here he digests himself a little bit, and he takes a bite to the three-legged Jinwu.

As for the hairy crab, it belongs to the water monster, and it can absorb some of the power of the ice law. Under the protection of Wang Yan, it absorbs the power of the ice law little by little like a thief to strengthen itself.

How powerful is a god? How profound is the realization of the law, so vast and infinite. The hairy crab can be used indefinitely even if it can absorb one hundred thousandth.

At this time, the color of the crab shell is slowly changing from heavy cyan to heavy blue. It also means that it is changing from a water monster to an ice monster.

Just when one master and three servants are constantly absorbing the benefits of the pool of ice elements.

Suddenly, the succubus could not resist some.

Her voice was charming and trembling, moaning: "Lord, Master ~ Me, I can't do it. No, don't ...

That voice ecstasy and bite bones.

When Anatoly and others were struck by lightning, they looked at each other and their nosebleeds bleed out. What the **** did the **** child of flame do in the pool of ice elements?


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