The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1010: Avoid (four more)

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Suddenly, the entire area of ​​magical punishment suddenly became very lively. Some strong men who rarely showed up on weekdays, for some reason, even started to show up and started activities in the entire area of ​​magical punishment.

This doesn't count, those who are interested will also find that the space of the devil's penalty zone has obviously become more turbulent than in the past, but everyone who knows it will understand that the whole space becomes active for only one reason That is, within the scope of the magic penalty zone, there must be more than one cave celestial strongman who frequently moves space.

The action of the strong man in Dongtianjing is no small matter. Feeling this situation, any meditation that does not belong to the major forces has become extremely honest.

Everyone can feel the tense air that surrounds the magical punishment domain. At this moment, everyone is guessing what happened in the magical punishment domain, but what is really qualified to understand the inside story is only the super strong under each powerful.

At the same time, in the magic penalty area, one of the residences in the White Wolf Protectorate Territory.

This is a large family mansion in the White Wolf Guardian Territory. The entire mansion is very large. In this huge mansion, there are palaces lined up in a row, and in each palace, the strong man of this family hides Which practice.

However, no one knows. At this moment, in one of the many palaces, the people who originally cultivated in it were replaced at this moment, but there was one more person in the palace.

"Listen, the next time, you are just as usual, how to cultivate and how to cultivate. As for my existence, you don't know, do you listen?"

In the hall, at the moment, Yuan Feng was commanding a man who looked like an old man behind his hands.

This old man is the master of this hall, but not so long ago, Yuan Feng had already shot and controlled the other party with the power of blood curse. This made the old man who had achieved great annihilation become his most loyal servant.

"Young Master rest assured that his subordinates will never let anyone know the existence of Young Master."

The old man was more obedient. After being controlled by Yuan Feng with the power of blood curse, he knew that his small life had been held in Yuan Feng's hands, so he dared not have any resistance at all.

What's more terrible is that his strength is far too different from Yuan Feng's. Yuan Feng puts his orders to his heart, even if he wants to disobey. This is the magic of the blood curse magic, the controller has absolute command over the person being charged.

"Very well, sit down and practice!"

Upon hearing the old man's answer, Yuan Feng smiled with satisfaction and signaled that the other party could sit down and practice, but the latter was not hesitant. After bowing down, he sat down with his knees down and practiced as carefully as ever.

"Ah, let's hide for the time being. At this moment, I am afraid that the entire devil domain must act. It is unwise to show up at this time. You can only hide for a while and wait for the wind to pass. Ah! "

After ordering the old man to continue practicing, Yuan Feng shook his head and sighed bitterly.

The plan can never keep up with the change, and the journey to the realm of magic heart can really be described by twists and turns. This has just set foot on the second realm, and such a thing happened. This time, I really don't know how long it will take!

"No matter, take a break here for a while, the strong man who wants to come to the devil domain should not think that I will hide here."

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. No one in the devil domain can think of it. After beheading and killing the White Wolf Guardian, he will hide in the territory of the White Wolf Guardian. Here, it should be the safest decision.

In the escape of Ye Xin's protection, it is definitely the blood-devil ancestor who cut and killed the white wolf protection. Of course, he will not think of him. Therefore, the people searched by the devil domain can only be the cave-old ancestor He is a strong person, not a small person who is an obscure person.

"For the sake of insurance, it's a little hidden."

Frowning and thinking for a while, Yuan Feng's thoughts moved Xiaoba out. The little guy showed up, there was no need for Yuan Feng to say more, it was just starting to produce Warcraft.

In the time of speaking, a few special World of Warcraft appeared in the hall, and after a few big guys appeared, they went directly into the ground of the hall and began to live in the ground.

The time is not long, these heads of Warcraft are back on the ground, and the body is retrieved by Xiaoba, while Yuan Feng repairs the holes left by Warcraft one by one, and finally leaves a hole directly under the hole. Go below.

"Hey, although those guys aren't looking for me, it's better to be prepared."

Going down to the underground space, Yuan Feng couldn't help smiling and looked at the underground space casually.

With just a few minutes, the ground-drilling World of Warcraft opened up this underground space with a size of more than ten meters. Here, he can safely escape for a while.

"It seems a little worse ..."

Looking around the entire underground space, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand. Soon, a small Jiuqu Yellow River array covered the underground space. In this way, this small space seems to have disappeared from the magic world, and no matter how strong the strong one is, it is not a chance to perceive the existence of this small space.

"That's ridiculous. Now, even if I make a lot of noise here, I don't have to worry about being perceived by the outside world."

The layout of the Jiuqu Yellow River array was completed, and Yuan Feng smiled slightly, and then she was completely relieved.

"It's time to sort out this harvest. This time, it should be the most rewarding one!"

After doing everything, Yuan Feng sat down quietly, and with a change of mind, the Devouring Wuling appeared in front of his eyes, and the Devouring Wuling at this moment turned into silver and white, it looked like So fascinating.

"A lot of Dongtian Power, a Dongtian Realm triple sky powerhouse exploding Dongtian Power, can be huge Ruosi, this time, really make a lot of money!"

Looking at the power of the cave engulfed in the swallowing martial spirit, Yuan Feng couldn't restrain a happy smile. Compared with the Dongtian Power that he had obtained during the calculation of Guanlan's law protection, he has more than doubled the Dongtian Power this time.

The vast majority of the power of the Heavenly Celestial Guardian Law that was scattered away was absorbed by the Yellow River Formation of Jiuqu, collected by the swallowing martial arts, but only a very small part. But the power of the white wolf guarding the sky was completely exploded in the space of the mysterious array of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array. Although some of it became the energy of the explosion, the rest accounted for the bulk.

"So much power in the sky, this time, my cultivation can be greatly improved again! Hahaha!"

Previously, with the little power of Guanlan guarding the law, he reached the triple realm of annihilation. At this moment, there are so many powers of cave. He believes that he can at least reach the realm of annihilation. Environment, at least two steps closer.

When he thought of it, his heart was beyond words.

"Adjusting the state first, and then rushing in the best state, should help me go further."

Smile converged, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it, but began to adjust his own state. This toss, especially the last one that suffered the explosion of the White Wolf's protection method, made his blood boil, so he must adjust it, then refine the cavernous power, and then repair it. breakthrough.

Originally he was anxious to rush to the Demon Realm, but the situation in front of him had left him no choice. In this case, he can only rest here for a while with peace of mind, and after Xiu Wei has been promoted, he will find a way to continue his journey.

There is not much time since the last breakthrough. Therefore, Yuan Feng ’s interest rate adjustment this time was intentionally extended. After adjusting for almost three days, Yuan Feng opened her eyes leisurely and began to order the Heavenly Wuling to refine those cave-like powers.

For three days, this is also a buffer period for him to see if he will find out for insurance. Now it seems that his hiding should be fair.

"Come on, swallow up the heavenly martial spirits, and give me all the power of these caves. This time, I want to improve it once."

The swallowing Wuling began to run rapidly, a large amount of space power was digested and decomposed, and then slowly entered the meridian of Yuanfeng, and finally flowed into the seven mysterious caves in Dantian. Once ignited.

"Well !!!"

All the true qi began to operate rapidly. The seven mysterious caves greedily devoured and absorbed the energy transformed by the force of the cave heaven. The seven caves began to grow with the naked eye, and Yuan Feng ’s cultivation was also dying. The quadruple realm is striding forward.

"Although I was unable to conquer a subordinate of Dongtian Realm, but I collected so much Dongtian power all at once, and it was really worth it. The only pity is to let go of the Yexin Protection Law, and if that guy is destroyed, , Or catch it alive, then you do n’t have to have the trouble now. "

While controlling the refining energy of Dongtian Power to enter the seven mysterious caves, Yuan Feng still has the energy to think about other things. As for the matter of releasing Ye Xin to protect the law before, he is now unavoidably a little bit worried.

"Quiet Realm Quadruple, come on and see if this time there will be the last vision."

The last time he practiced, he felt a very special breath in his seven big caves, and this time, I don't know if that will happen.

As time goes by, a little bit of power from the cave turns into special energy and enters the seven mysterious caves. Yuan Feng once again enjoys the thrill of being able to ascend quickly without force. Such treatment is not something other people can enjoy.

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