The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1025: Convinced (second more)

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For the Heiqing protection method and the purple night and night Xin protection method, now everything is owned by Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng's order is imperial. As long as Yuan Feng said in a word, then even let them count their loved ones Friends, they have absolutely nothing to say.

Speaking of them, the three members of Heiqing Protection Law and the Dark Rain Protection Law did not have any festivals with each other, but Yuan Feng had orders, and they naturally had no choice.

Having said that, the three members of Heiqing Protection Law also understood that Yuan Feng would let them calculate the Dark Rain Protection Law and others, and they would definitely not kill a few people in the end. In the final analysis, did Yuan Feng still want to control these people? Since it is only controlled, it is not unacceptable for people such as the Dark Rain Protection Law.

The calculation this time, Yuan Feng and the black engine protection method are extremely well prepared. The existence of the array outside the people is unexpected, and the black engine protection method's presence is even darker. The three-man defense of the rain protection method is invincible. The final result is probably doomed from the beginning.

When the ultimate uprising of the Jiuqu Yellow River Array came into operation, the three talents in the Dark Rain Reality really realized the terror of this super array. It is a pity that even in the deep array of space, no matter how frightened they are, they are no longer useful.

Yuan Feng's ultimate uprising of the Jiuqu Yellow River this time did not work too hard. When the three men's cultivation fell to the second heaven of the cave heaven, he stopped directly.

For him, the power of space was imprisoned, and the man who was seriously injured in the cave heaven dual sky was no longer a threat to him, not to mention he had four powerful helpers.

The first one to be found by Yuan Feng is naturally the dark rain protection method that is proficient in the Xuan Zhen method. Since this guy knows the Xuan Zhen method, it is natural to be the first to conquer it, so as not to really let the other party crooked, The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation was destroyed. Although this possibility is almost zero, Yuan Feng still has to guard against it.

When Yuan Feng took the subordinates of the Four Caves Heaven Realm and appeared in the weak rain rain protection method, the latter's pale face became even paler in an instant.

The five-member group in front of him is definitely a group, but what he couldn't imagine was that the three members of Heiqing Protecting the Law would betray the devil domain and join forces with outsiders to calculate them.

"Hei Qing, Ye Xin, Zi Ye, you three are so brave !!!"

The physical injury and the loss of strength filled the dark rain protection method with anxiety and anger. When he thought that these were brought to him by the three people, he had a desire to swallow the three people. Impulse.

"Dark rain protection method, I'm helping you, don't you know what to do."

Regarding the anger on Dark Rain Guardian's face, the three members of Heiqing Guardian did not show any embarrassment. Instead, they all looked for each other's good expression. It seems to them that the situation of Dark Rain Guardian is obviously better now. prior to.

"Help me? Hey, Hei Qingpi, are you kidding me?" Hearing the words of Hei Qing's protection method, the dark rain protection method was so angry that he couldn't see it. It's helping him.

"The Lord of the Devil Realm is cruel and unkind, and he doesn't treat us as human beings. You and I have cast secretly before, and now this seat and Ye Xin and Zi Ye have abandoned the cast, and then we will talk about the dark rain protection method and Hu Boil and burn the law. "

The meaning of Hei Qing Hu Fa is astonishing, and he doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong, and the more he looks like this, the more the dark rain protects his face, the more angry he becomes.

"Abandon the dark and cast the light? You, you ..."

By now, the situation is obviously very clear. With a stunned expression, the dark rain protector's eyes suddenly looked at his forefront, only to find that the three people of the black protector and the **** ancestors were standing Behind a young man.

The eyes focused on the young man in front of him.

It is obvious that Yuan Feng in front of him has not yet been promoted to Dongtian Realm. To say that the three members of Hei Qing Hu Fa have trusted the young man in front of them, this sounds like a little crazy!

However, the three of them were indeed respectfully standing behind Yuan Feng, and the situation was already quite obvious.

"Oh, you are the dark rain protection method. I heard that you are very proficient at Xuanzhen, but you do n’t know the Xuanzhen I arranged. What can you tell?"

Seeing the dark rain protecting law staring at himself, Yuan Feng, behind his hands, let the other party look at himself, while he accepted the other side's examination, he laughed.

"His ... What are you talking about? This mysterious array ... is your plan?"

When Yuan Feng's voice fell, the dark rain could not help but took a breath, and the whole person was startled. He was still thinking that if this super array was arranged by the **** ancestors, then the latter's cultivation is probably not under him. Because he believes that if you want to arrange such a mysterious array, you must have a strong cultivation for support.

However, Yuan Feng in front of him is obviously not yet promoted to the cave heaven. If this mysterious array was arranged by Yuan Feng, he really can't believe it, nor is he willing to believe it.

"Isn't anyone else? I can see that you seem to be very interested in this mysterious array. If possible, I will give you some pointers. If you can, I hope you can master this mysterious array."

Dongtianjing's subordinates have already received several, but he has not received one of Dongtianjing's subordinates who are proficient in the methods of Xuanzhen. There is no doubt that the dark rain protection method in front of us definitely has something worthy of cultivation than others.

"You ... who the **** are you?"

Stepping back subconsciously, the Dark Rain Guardian really couldn't figure out when such a terrible young man appeared in the Mo Luo world. Although the other party ’s cultivation did not reach the Heavenly Realm, in the presence of the other party, he felt a horror that he had never experienced before. This kind of feeling, even in the face of the demon domain master, he never appeared. Too.

"I don't need to know who I am. As long as you know, from now on, everything you control will be under my control, including your life!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng stopped talking, and he waved his hands behind him. After that, he had been preparing for a long time to protect the black engine and the night Xin, and in a flash, came to the front of the dark rain protection. On one side, directly grabbing the arm of Dark Rain Guardian in his hand, and firmly controlled the opponent.

"Ah, what are you doing? Hei Qing, Ye Xin, I'm here for thousands of miles to help you, but you are so ungrateful, even if this seat is dead, it will never let you go."

Imprisoned in the middle by the two strong men, it is difficult to send even a trace of movement. At this moment, the dark rain protection method has an impulse to share with the other party. It's a pity that he didn't have the courage to show up until the last moment.

"Thank you for helping us, but we are also helping you now!" Hei Qing's face still smiled, and he explained a little to the dark rain, then turned his head, not at all Take care of each other.

"you guys………"

The Rain Guardian has nothing to say. The two people next to him seem to have been brainwashed. No matter how angry or cursed he is, they are afraid that there will be no trace of emotional fluctuations.

"Well, the dark rain protects the law, mixing with me may not be a good thing for you !!!"

Seeing the dark rain protection method to be said more, Yuan Feng stood up at this time, interrupting the other side's opening. The words dropped, his figure had come to the other side, the hand shadow flipped, and the complex runes began to quickly condense.

"This is ..." The dark rain protection method is not very knowledgeable, but unfortunately, he has no clue at all about the means used by Yuan Feng at this moment. The only thing he can feel is these means by Yuan Feng. I am afraid to control him. Perhaps, after Yuan Feng has performed these measures, then in all likelihood, he will become the second dark engine protection method!

"Brush brush !!!"

Yuan Feng's shot is very fast, just a few breathing exercises, he is to enter a complex rune into the other's body, the time is not long, the dark rain protection method is watching his body openly A blood-colored image emerged, and when he saw this thing emerged from his own body and was eventually taken into the palm of his hand by Yuan Feng, a deep sense of weakness was instantly spread all over his body, letting him No more courage to resist.

The horror of the blood curse magic power is not understood by anyone at all. However, once controlled by the blood curse magic power, the accused person will soon feel the magic in it. Obviously, the dark rain protection method has already been Understand that from now on, I am afraid he will be completely contracted by Yuan Feng.

At this moment, he also understood why Hei Qing Hu Fa and others kept saying that it was good for him. Perhaps, in the eyes of Hei Qing Hu Fa, the tribe and Yuan Feng were all good things.


Sitting on the ground softly, the dark rain protection method obviously also needs some time to straighten out the current thinking, and Yuan Feng on the side is not in a hurry. He knows that this transition from freedom to restraint will undoubtedly take some time. adapt.

"Another one, this is already the sixth one. Now I have control of the six holes in the Heaven Realm, and there are two more waiting for me to control. Now it seems that even in the entire Mo Luo world , I should be standing at the very top, too! "

While taking advantage of the dark rain protection method to adapt, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling upset. Who would have thought that he had made such an appalling harvest in less than a year since he came to the Mo Luo world. It now seems that as long as he is willing to assist the French phase to destroy the Mo Luo world, it is not impossible at all!

But is it really necessary to destroy the magic world? He obviously has a different idea on this issue now.

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