The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1027: Three more (four more)

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Yuan Feng's six major protection methods have been controlled by Yuan Feng, which allowed Yuan Feng to see an opportunity, one that slowly eroded the magic penalty area, and then radiated the entire Mo Luo world opportunity.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be thought of, and only by thinking can it be possible to turn the ideal into reality. The big Mo Luo world, the strong is like crossing the river, and there are many, if Yuan Feng can control the entire world in his own hands, then everything can be solved easily.

The Baizhang high-rise towered on the ground. Although Yuan Feng now only controls the six law-enforcement methods of the magic penalty area, he can come to Japan. Maybe at any time, even the eighteen major domain masters of the Mo Luo realm may become his servants. And if it's really that time, even the strong men in the realm of law will definitely look at his face and act.

Of course, all of this is currently only Yuanfeng's good wishes. It is not a joke to control the entire Mo Luo world, at least, at present, he absolutely has no such power.

However, the entire Mo Luo world is not easy to control, but he can still try it in only one magic penalty area.

Heiqing protection law has been sent out, and for Yuan Feng and others, as long as they wait patiently, can they continue to eat into the devil's penalty zone, I believe we can see the results for a long time.

As a superpower in the domain of magic penalty, Heiqing Guardian Law is definitely commendable. The former Dark Rain Guardian Law and others have already caught the trap, which is an excellent proof.

Yuan Feng is not in a hurry. The repetition of the old tricks is nothing more than a more secure decision. If he succeeds, it is good. If he cannot lie to someone, he has other options. So, for the next wait, he was fully prepared on the one hand, and on the other, he was perfecting other ideas.

At the same time, there are three men in the void at an infinite distance from where Heiqing Hufa and others are located, and a discussion is going on.

"They found the Blood Demon ancestor, but the Blood Demon ancestor did not hide in the mysterious array. Now Hei Qing Protection Method turned to us. Do you think there is anything wrong with this?"

The opening was an old man who was covered under a black robe, showing only one pair of eyes. Although he only leaked a pair of eyes outside, it was just this pair of eyes that could make the person feel fierce.

"Well, how can He Tufu be considered, what can be wrong with it? The black engine protector is a good old man, and the relationship with us is also good. Can he count us as unsuccessful?"

When the previous old man's voice dropped, a middle-aged man on the side grinned and replied calmly.

"That being said, however, those of us who work in the domain of the Lord of the Domains must be very careful in everything. Although there is no holiday with this black engine protection method, it is also true that there is no friendship, and we naturally have to guard against it."

The old man's gaze flickered slightly. Because he couldn't see his face, he didn't know what his expression was at this time.

"This seat feels nothing. Heiqing is the only one besides him. The other two are Zi Ye and Ye Xin. Among them, Hei Qing has better strength and wants to count the three of us. Obviously, that qualification is not yet available. "The middle-aged man still picked his eyelids and looked completely indifferent.

As law-enforcement powerhouses in the magic penalty area, each of them has his own pride. Xiao Ding's law-enforcement has always been everything. No one can let him be afraid of it except the first law-enforcement Ben Lei!

"Meng Yue protects the law, tell me your opinion!"

Regarding Xiao Ding's remarks, He Tu's law did not agree with it, but he did not object to it. As the other party said, Heiqing Protection did not calculate their reason, let alone calculate their strength. However, one of them did not speak at the moment, and he really wanted to hear the opinion of the last one.

Collecting ideas from all sides, the decision made in this way can be the most correct decision.

"He Tu protects the law, I also think that Xiao Ding protects the law very much, but the only thing that makes me not quite understand is that when it comes to the mysterious array method, it seems that the dark rain protects the law better than us. The dark rain protection method helped us to find us, but there was a sense of curiosity in it. "

Meng Xun's protection is a very young man, and there is no fierce atmosphere in his body. If he is a Moro, I am afraid that he is not quite like him.

"What's this? Maybe Hei Qing, An Yu, and Hu Bo have had festivals in private and can't find them for help? Isn't it clear that Meng Yue protects the law between these people?"

Xiao Ding's law-protection was obviously very tickled, so no matter what the other two said, he would answer it as soon as possible, as if he was afraid that the two would not help the black engine protection law.

"Xiao Ding's protection is reasonable, maybe it's too much consideration here." Nodded, Meng Xun's protection also felt that this explanation was reasonable, of course, the trace of doubt in his heart, but It still remains. After all, for such a long time, he really hasn't heard of any festivals by people like Black Engine Protection and Dark Rain Protection.

"So, do you think this trip is feasible?"

When the talk between the two was over, He Tufu Fa on the side spoke again, but the light in his eyes became brighter.

Frankly speaking, in his personal opinion, this trip is definitely going. The situation of the Blood Demon ancestor is not too clear, but if he can hunt and kill a person in the cave world, the harvest is absolutely unimaginable.

Leaving aside the Gorefiend ancestor, there is nothing to say. Just destroying the Gorefiend ancestor, the other person's blood is enough to make a lot of money.

In the devil's domain, who doesn't know how he slaughter and protect is the most horrible one to eat people to practice? If you want to come to Hei Qing to protect him, you should be aware of this! After all, there is not enough seductive power, and not everyone is willing to desperately work with people in the cave.

"He Tufa, don't hesitate. Regardless of whether it is dangerous, as long as the three of us are careful, I'm afraid there is no situation that can make it difficult for the three of us to respond."

Xiao Ding's law-enforcement has begun to squint his sleeves, and it is an impatient expression.

"I have no opinion, but it is necessary to be vigilant. I will be optimistic about the situation at that time, and don't let the situation exceed my control." Nodded, and Meng Yue's law was agreed.

"Okay, so, let's rush over here, alas, I have heard that the Blood Demon ancestor is very extraordinary. I will meet him face to face this time to see if I can leave it in the devil domain and set off !!!!!! "

The ancestor of the blood demon, from this name alone, it is already in line with his taste, if this trip is not going, it is simply unreasonable.

Others may not know that his exercises have reached an extreme. He is only one step away from the Five Heavens of Heaven, and he feels that this blood ancestor event is likely to be his promotion to the Heaven of Heaven Five. An opportunity for Zhongtian.

Dongtianjing is five-days long, and it makes people's mood surging when you think about it. Once he can be promoted to Dongtian Realm Fiveth Heaven, then his entire status will definitely become unusual immediately.

Thinking of this, he was anxious to fly directly to the territory of the White Wolf Protector, swallowing up the Blood Demon ancestor.

The speed of these three people is not slower than that of the three people in the dark rain protection method, especially He Tu's protection method. His cultivation has reached the peak of the cave heavenly quadruple sky, and he leads the way, and the speed of the other two is naturally also raised. So, in such a hurry, in only a few days, they crossed the endless space and came outside the territory of the White Wolf Protector.

When they arrived, similarly, the spirit of the Heiqing protector approached them for the first time, and led them to the meeting. Soon, the six strong defenders met in the canyon.

"Well, Hei Qing protects the law, three of us came here by invitation, hey !!!"

The figure landed in front of the three members of Heiqing Protection Law. The three people headed by He Tufu were clearly keeping a certain distance from the three members of Heiqing Protection Law, and the whole person was full of vigilance. Vigilance.

"He Tu protects the law, Xiao Ding protects the law, Meng Yue protects the law, you are finally here!"

Hei Qing protects the law with Ye Xin and Purple Night protectors. They stepped forward for the first time, but did not show any defense against the other three. Some of them just welcomed and rejoiced the arrival of the three, and they were like this. The expressions undoubtedly made the three of the opposite He Tufufa feel at ease, and the vigilant heart weakened a little.

"Well, Hei Qing protects the law. As soon as I heard that you are in trouble, the three of us rushed over non-stop. Hurry, where is the ancestor of Hei Qing now? Let me see them. "

Xiao Ding's law-defending method is definitely a master who can't rest. He stood up while talking, and while he smiled strangely, he asked the three of Hei Qing's law-protection method.

"Here, three of you."

The matter is important, and Hei Qing's protection method is not hesitant. He talked sideways to reveal the space behind him, and his action completely exposed his own empty door. If he is disadvantaged, he will definitely suffer.

Undoubtedly, his actions actually made the other three people vigilantly down, and even a little kind of sorrow about the gentleman's abdomen with the heart of a villain.

"Three guardians, this is the mysterious array that the Blood Demon ancestor hid. The three of us have tried various methods to break the array, but unfortunately we have not been able to break the large array."

Already had experience once, this time the black engine protection method, performed even more in place, every expression, every action, can be described as a sense of disobedience, at this moment, no matter how the three people who protect law Be vigilant, but you wo n’t be able to guard against the triad of black protection like the enemy.

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