The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1065: Confrontation

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The principle of being careful to sail for thousands of years is an eternal truth for anyone. Unless you have the power to despise everything, you must always maintain a vigilant heart.

However, defying all the power, who would dare to brag about Haikou? The so-called outside the world there are people outside the world, there is no strongest, only stronger, no one dares to say that he is invincible.

Therefore, although the method of extinction is already very strong, even if he is faced with a junior who is far lower than himself, he will never be too paralyzed.

The cave in front is more than a few kilometers deep, but after a little thought, he still didn't go in, but ordered two cave heavenly people to enter the cave to explore the road.

With the remaining five cave heavens and five heavenly strong men, the Extinction Guardian quietly waited outside the cave and was ready to shoot at any time. Regarding his cultivation, if he didn't take the shot, he would take it. When he shot it, it would be shocking, and there would be no mistakes.

"Everything is up. The goal this time is not easy."

While waiting, the law of extinction was insecurely commanding to the other five strong men. I don't know why. Although the goal he faced is really nothing, he always has a faint sense of danger. Because of this, he didn't take the shot himself but took a wait-and-see attitude.

The five people behind were all affected by the law of extinction, and all of them were extremely cautious. However, compared with the two people entering the cave, their caution is a little witch.

At this moment, the two who have entered the cave are like exploring a Jedi at this moment. Even the pace is slow and terrible. They are more clear. If there is no danger, the extermination protection method will already be on their own. But since the other party did not go by themselves, but sent them both, it definitely proves that there is something wrong with this cave.

The two strong men were left and right, and their minds had covered every corner. I do n’t know when their spiritual soldiers were recruited. Obviously, both of them were fighting their spirits.

"Nothing abnormal? No life fluctuations at all, and there is no movement, it is a bit too quiet."

"The more it gets, the more problematic it is. I look above and you look below. Be sure to pay attention to possible crises at any time."

"No problem. As soon as there is a change, you and I will shoot together. Even if you are a strong man in Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, it is absolutely impossible for us to be stunned in an instant, not to mention that there are extinct adults outside us.

The two powerful cave heavens and the five strong heavens were searching deep into the cave while talking and talking. They are also super powerhouses in the Capricorn Realm. They naturally know each other. As for the usual small festivals, there is no need to think about it at this moment. Everything must focus on security right now.

A few kilometers of the cave was soon explored to the end by the two strong men, and at the end of the cave, a very spacious compound cave finally appeared in their sight.

"Well? That's not right, this compound hole is weird !!!"

Slowly entered the Fudong, the two strong men finally stopped, released their minds to each place, and began to investigate the abnormality of the Fudong.

Previously, what they heard was clearly spread from this complex hole, so if there is something wrong, it must be in this complex hole.

The mind searched every place in Fudong. The two strong men felt that there seemed to be something wrong, but under the rush of time, they couldn't determine for a time.

"Here !!! There is no way to focus here ..."

Anyway, they are all strong in the cave heaven fivefold sky, which is almost a search of time. One of them found the anomaly, that is, in this complex cave, there is a space at the entrance of the cave. There is no way to explore with your heart.

When they did n’t see it with the naked eye before, their minds thought that the entrance was so narrow, but now they found out that the entrance of this complex is actually very wide, but the space on the side of the entrance ca n’t even use their minds. Perceived.

Feeling this anomaly, the strong men in the two cave heavens and the fifth heavenly sky were a little surprised, and then they raised their own spirit soldiers and made shots.

Since there is no way to investigate with their hearts, they will feel better with their own spiritual soldiers!

"Two, wait a long time !!!"

However, just when the two powerful men had just noticed the anomaly and wanted to figure out what was going on, a chuckle came suddenly. Then, a young man appeared to the two. At the same time, at the same time, the entire cave was caught in a chill at this moment.

"not good………!!!"

Suddenly, the sound of the ears surprised the strongest in the two caves and the fifth heavenly sky. They didn't want to think about it. The two were working with the power of the cave and wanted to evacuate quickly.

They have been tense all the time, fearing that there is an ambush in the cave. After really seeing the ambush at this moment, they didn't even think about looking at each other's appearance, and repairing and strength. The first time I thought, Turned out to be.

However, just before they had time to use their power to escape, a painful chill hit their whole body instantly. Under this chill, they found in shock that they The power, including the power of the cave, was suddenly frozen.

So far, they have never experienced such an appalling chill, and even more terribly, there is a feeling of paralysis in this chill. Obviously, this chill is still mixed with paralyzing poison.

"Hum, so you want to count this seat? Dreaming !!!"

"Sculpture of worms, fire of Senro !!!"

The two big players were both shocked by the sudden change, but as super powers in the Capricorn Realm, how could they not have their own housekeeping skills? When the chill with a paralyzing effect struck, the two used their means of life-saving, one summoned a weird armor shield for the time being, and one suddenly recruited a raging The flames directly dispelled the cold and poisonous gas.

The two strong men cooperated tacitly, one for the time being to protect them, and one to solve the cold of the raid in an instant.

However, just when the two thought they had solved the attack by their opponents and wanted to show their fists in turn, there was a slight spatial shock in the entire mountainside. This space shock was passed on just as they took care of the chill and poisonous gas. At that time, they didn't take it seriously and didn't have the energy to take care of that much. By the time they had resolved the cold raid and retracted the Shield of Defense, the sight in front of them had completely changed.


Putting down the shield and the flame, the two cavemen in the Five Realms of Heaven Realm suddenly changed their faces. They thought they had taken the attack from their opponents, but now it seems that they are a move away from chess, obviously still being counted!

"Xuan Zhen !!! It is Xuan Zhen !!!"

When they felt that they were in a mysterious array, the two strong men became panicked, and they dared not think about it. The spirit shield that had just been stolen again appeared in front of them again. , Protecting them behind the spirit shield.

Frankly, both of them were really scared at this moment, because when they fell into this mysterious space, they already felt that their power of the sky had been greatly affected, and some of them could not work at all, and The chill that had just disappeared at this moment was obviously more exaggerated against them, and their actions were greatly affected.

"Two, on the way !!!"

Almost immediately after the two had just fallen into the mysterious space, a cold hum came suddenly, and at the same time, a golden swordman seemed to open up the ground, facing the two powerful cave heavens and the five strong heavens. After that, the first choice was the guy holding the Shield.

"Well? I block !!!"

Seeing the sword slamming above his head, the man holding the Ling Shield suddenly changed his face, subconsciously raised the Ling Shield above his head, and wanted to take the sword of the opponent.

He is more confident about the spirit shield in his hand. Moreover, he was imprisoned by the power of the cave at the moment, and was affected by the force of the ice. Even if he wanted to hide, it was not so easy to escape, so he only Hard hit this blow.

"Well !!!"

However, when the mighty Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian thought that he could resist the opponent's sword, and then strove back and forth, he couldn't believe it.


The golden sword awn split his spirit shield with almost no hindrance, and then slashed at him head-on. Before he could think about it, his body was divided into two from the middle. , The horrifying Jian Mang cut his body directly into the sky and made a huge noise.


The body of Dongtianjing's Wutiantian Dongdong can't be damaged by ordinary spirit soldiers, but this time, it was directly split.

A cave heavenly five-day person fell instantly!

"Ah !!!! How is this possible?"

The powerful aftermath of the explosion directly lifted another person from the Dongtian Realm Wutiantian and flew away. The remaining Dongtian Realm Wutiantian exclaimed incredulously.

"It's your turn!!!"

Did n’t give the remaining man any chance, it was almost a gap that could n’t be sent, and it was a golden swordman cut off in the air, and the remaining cave heavenly quintet is still waiting for the huge one. Stabilizing the body in strength is also split by a sword and burst into a mist of the sky.

The strongest in the two caves' heaven and the fifth heaven, even at this instant, explained one after another.


The two powerful men were killed instantly, and a low drink came suddenly. Then, the figure holding the golden long sword disappeared with the black figure on the side.


Almost as soon as the two disappeared, a huge palm print, like a giant mountain, was suddenly photographed in the air, and the powerful Jiuqu Yellow River array was directly photographed like a thatched house that could not help but wind. Into powder.

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