The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1098: Central (three more)

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In the case of one-on-one, Chu Tianyu is definitely no rival among the strong players in his class. At present, in Yuan Feng ’s mysterious space, the opponent ’s power is limited, but his power is capable of being one hundred. 100% play, the outcome is even more imaginable.

After a busy period, Chu Tianyu successfully wiped out the strong men in the Six Heavens Cave and the Five Heavenly Heavens, and assisted Yuan Feng in conquering several people. Of course, in this, he naturally severely abused four of the six guys.

Chu Tianyu was undoubtedly full of resentment against the four cavemen who had tortured him for five days before, and this time, although he didn't kill the lives of the four, he really repaired them. .

By the time the four guys were controlled by Yuan Feng, they had already lost the strength to beg for mercy. Fortunately, Chu Tianyu listened to Yuan Feng's words, but he severely abused the four and did not really damage the four. Otherwise, the four guys may not be able to recover for a while.

With the last six Dongtianjing Wutiantian people being subdued by Yuanfeng, the 35 Dongdongjingjing who was attracted by him finally became one of Yuanfeng's super thugs without landing. , Can escape the control of Yuan Feng.

In the middle, there are a few strong men who are still relatively strong. At the last moment, they will almost burn the power of the cave, and there will be a magnificent explosion. Unfortunately, Chu Tianyu, a strong man based on the skill of ice, is here. It is very unlikely that anyone wants to blew himself up, because before he blew himself up, Chu Tianyu was already frozen directly.

It's the guys in the six caves and the fifth heaven. If they want to explode, Chu Tianyu may not be able to stop them, but these six guys obviously don't have that kind of backbone.

"Very good, everyone, everyone is now a family. From now on, no matter if you are from the French Realm, the Moro Realm, the Celestial Palace or the Celestial Palace, you must be united with each other. If anyone dares Against my will, hehe, then I can only feed him to my Warcraft pet. "

The large array has been withdrawn by Yuan Feng. At this moment, all the people subdued by him are standing in front of him one by one, as if each slave was under review by the slave owner.

More than fifty Dongtianjing strong men, ranging from Dongtianjing Triple Heaven to Dongtian Jing Five Heaven, such a group of people stood together and there was no gap between each other. This is definitely seen everywhere. Less spectacular.

"Observe the Lord's Order !!!"

"Observe the Lord's Order !!!"

When Yuan Feng's voice fell, everyone present bent down sharply, and bowed back respectfully and respectfully to Yuan Feng. By now, everyone is very clear about their situation. The blood was controlled by Yuan Feng, and everything about them was presented in front of Yuan Feng undefended. In this way, they had no other choice than to obey.

"good very good!!!"

Hearing everyone's uniform answers, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look happy, his face was full of satisfaction. At this moment, his team in Dongtianjing finally grew greatly. Now, as long as he throws this fifty-man army outside, the battle situation in the entire battlefield will be changed accordingly.

"Brother Yuan Feng is mighty !!!"

On the side, Chu Tianyu could see that his blood was boiling. He knew that Yuan Feng was omnipotent. With the practice of annihilation, he could control the lives and deaths of more than fifty cave heavenly strong men, and command these fifty people at will This is simply something he would never dare to think.

He knew in his heart, let alone annihilation, that even if he was a great conqueror in Dongtian Realm, it would never be possible to perfectly control over fifty super powerful people, let alone these fifty people from different worlds. , Different forces. It can be said politely that Yuan Feng has accomplished a feat that is impossible for a man in the Mo Luo world.

"Brother Tianyu, please don't make fun of your brother, wait for Brother Tianyu to make divine power, and even if he is a strong master in the domain, he will still obey Brother Tianyu."

Hearing Chu Tianyu's voice, Yuan Feng couldn't help but turn around and smiled slightly. Of course, even though he said so, he can clearly see that he is very proud of being able to control so many cavemen.

"Haha, okay, after I have completed the divine power, I will control the characters of the master of the domain master level, and then give them all to Brother Yuan Feng, and let Brother Yuan Feng continue to grow our team."

For Chu Tianyu, he will definitely not build any forces in his life, because his life must be based on Yuan Feng's horse head, all his life belongs to Yuan Feng.

"Hey, then I'll wait for Brother Tianyu to hone up the magic, and our brothers will dominate the world together."

Yuan Feng was originally a man with no ambitions, but at this moment, he also had an urge to dominate the magic world, and even dominate the middle and large worlds.

In this world, no one wants to stand on top of the world, no one is unwilling to overtake 10,000 people, and to be the master of anyone's obedience, of course, Yuan Feng is no exception.

"Shao Yang, the next time, take me to see what you mean by * controlling the refining magic palace. I'd like to see what kind of system is actually the power of the refining magic palace. They can only do it, but they can't control it. "

The things that should be done have already been done in the same way. The next time, it is time to study the Tianlian Demon Palace itself. As for the super-large palace, the longer Yuan Feng has been in contact, the more he wants to own the palace, and the more he wants to own it, then first of all, he must be able to control the palace .

"Young Master comes with me."

Among the crowd, Shao Yang Hu Fa flashed forward, then left without saying anything, and flew directly to a space in Tianlian Demon Palace.

"Just stay here and wait. You can get to know each other. From now on, everyone is one family. Brother Tianyu, let's go !!!"

Yuanfeng greeted Chu Tianyu again, and then the three of them left the place and went to the control hub of Tianlian Demon Palace to play.

The huge Tianlian Demon Palace, the layered space of mountains, is more complicated than any maze. This is because there is Shao Yang to protect the way. Otherwise, Yuan Feng and Chu Tianyu will inevitably struggle. Don't even try to find them The goal.

Under the leadership of Shao Yang Hufa, soon, Yuan Feng and Chu Tianyu came to a slightly dim space. The space was very huge. Yuan Feng roughly estimated that there would be half a black mountain. The country is so big, and in this dim space, all kinds of energy channels are intricately crisscrossed in the space, and each energy channel gives a feeling that the source cannot be seen.

Yuan Feng's eyesight is very good, and his mind is abnormally huge, but even so, he still looks dazzled and can't tell which energy channel is which.

Among these crisscrossed energy channels, a building like a tower is located at the center of the entire space, and each energy channel is finally converged in the middle of the tower-shaped building.

"Is this where the control hub of Tian Lian Mo Gong is located? Here, it is really a spectacular mess!"

Looking around in this huge space, Yuan Feng's heart was full of shock. At this moment he finally believed that, for this Tianlian Demon Palace, the strong men of Tianlian Demon Palace really spent too much energy.

"Young Master, this piece of space is the most central location of Tian Lian Mo Gong. The small tower that Young Master sees is the control tower of Tian Lian Mo Gong. If you want to control Tian Lian Mo Gong, you must Entering this tower, as to how to control it, this subordinate is not very clear. "

After the control hub of the Alchemy Palace was built on this day, the strong men in the Alchemy Palace began to study how to control the magic palace. Unfortunately, the strong men in the original Alchemy Palace, Before we can do more detailed research, what happened later is what happened. After a large number of Tianlian Demon Palace powerhouses have fallen, it is even more inevitable for the matter of controlling the Demon Palace.

"Go ahead and take a look. I'm going to see how difficult it is to control the * control system of the Palace of Magic this day."

Yuan Feng has always been unconvinced. Although it may be difficult to control the magic palace this day, he believes that he who has swallowed the heavenly spirit may not have the ability to control this giant palace.

Between the words, the three of Yuan Feng came to the control tower of Tian Lian Mo Gong in a flash, and when they saw the situation inside the control tower, Yuan Feng couldn't help pulling the corner of his mouth. A speechless feeling.

"This ... It ’s like this. After a long day of trouble, the strong men who refined the magic palace on this day turned out to create a brain for this huge magic palace. This is simply to activate the refining magic palace and turn it into A conscious being! "

In the eyes, there are energy lines in the entire control tower, just like the human brain. They are arranged in various shapes. However, no matter how he looks, he feels that these energy lines are the human brain. Hub.

Moreover, what made him feel more stunned was that in the middle of these energy thin lines, there was a huge energy crystal. This energy crystal does not see any material, but the energy contained in it is simply huge. It was a mess, and it looked like this energy spar was like a heart in the entire Tianlian Demon Palace.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. The strong man in Tianlian Demon Palace wants to give this magic palace a soul, which is really a big deal, but once it is really successful, then this magic palace can really be whatever it wants Driving control! "

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment was completely in spirit. In front of him is an opportunity, but it is also a challenge. If he can complete the unfinished business of the powers of the Tianlian Demon Palace, then the Tianlian Demon Palace really belongs to him completely.

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