The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1102: Money is moving (three more)

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The two cavemen in the cave world, the Five-Strength Heavenly Power, did not understand what was going on at all, but suddenly fell into a pinch. The most terrible thing is that they never dreamed that the two guys who were supposed to be their own would actually stab a knife behind them, and they were really not prepared for it at all.

The change came too fast. Although it was faced with eight Dongtianjing three or four heavy guys, these eight people suddenly launched an attack, which was also enough for them to drink a pot. Moreover, these eight people obviously did not intend to cause them any damage. The main purpose of the great killing was to entangle them for the time being, paving the way for Yuan Feng to start the mysterious formation.

Trapped in the two holes of the big space, the first time the five-day sky powerhouse was ushered in by Chu Tianyu's full blow. Chu Tianyu, who had been uncomfortable for a long time, was like a tiger going down the mountain. Under the situation of occupying the right place and the right people, capturing the two cavemen who are in the world of Wuzhongtian is a piece of cake.

It didn't take too long. The two strong men in Dongtian Realm were all brought to Yuan Feng by Chu Tianyu. The latter used some means, and the two strong men obediently became obedient. His subordinates never lost any temper.

"What do you two call? Which domain do you both belong to?"

Conquering the two Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian people, Yuan Feng naturally will not treat them as they did when they were in the Dongtianjing Three-Fourth Heaven. Can be regarded as super strong.

"Return to the young master, we are all under the seat of the Lord of the Magic Lord, but starting today, both of us will focus on the young master, and everything will be under the command of the young master."

The two cave heavens and the fifth heavenly people are very knowledgeable about current affairs, knowing that there are no other choices at present, so they all chose to submit respectfully and respectfully.

"Oh? Are the strong men under the main seat of the magical realm? I heard that there are many strong men under the main body of the magical realm. In the next time, you will find a way to get them all together. I need them all Abandon the dark cast and turn to my seat. "

Hearing the two's reply, Yuan Feng couldn't help looking bright and laughed softly.

"Young Master rest assured that the two of us will definitely bring more people from the Magic Lord Realm, and even some friends and acquaintances from other realms, to let them work for Young Master."

Regarding Yuan Feng's purpose, the two were undoubtedly well-known, so it was unnecessary for Yuan Feng to say more, but to bow back at the same time.

"Okay, let's go, remember, what I want is alive, and no mistakes are allowed." He waved his hand, Yuan Feng opened a gap directly, and released the two directly.

Neither of these guys suffered any serious injuries. After going out now, it should be able to bring him gains.

"Brother Yuan Feng, it seems that this business is quite good. There are two Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian guys. Maybe today, we can win dozens of Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian people. Then! "

Chu Tianyu is recovering at the moment. Before the shot, he used his full strength to hit it in one shot. Naturally, he should recover well so that he can continue to be efficient in the future. Shot.

"The situation is not bad. If you follow this efficiency, you ca n’t guarantee more in this day, but there should be no problem with forty or fifty. Of course, the premise is that there are no errors."

Yuan Feng also felt very gratified for the appropriate action. There are a large number of manpower resources that can be called, and they occupy the absolute advantage of the mind. He can count every one, or three or two people in the cave heaven and five heavens, just like the two people who calculated the magic land before. Like people.

The people in the Moro Realm are more moralistic. This trick is more suitable for people in the Moro Realm. As for those in the French realm or the Astrological Palace, he said that he must not take some other means. It's done.

"Continue, since the start is good, I believe it should be OK next."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng first arranged Chu Tianyu back to his cave world, and then temporarily closed the mysterious array and began to find the next goal.

The mind is released in all directions, just like a network, all the situation can be seen at a glance, the choice of each goal, the arrangement of the plan, and the plan are all simulated by him over and over again. action.

This method is no doubt a great way. At least, before there is no failure, he can continue to concoct this way.

The next time, Yuan Feng sinks his mind, and continues to lead the strong men of the Mo Luo world to his own mysterious array, and then they are attacked by grouping up, and finally imprisoned with the mysterious array until they are conquered.

For Yuan Feng, this is an extremely wonderful process, because every time he successfully introduces a cave heavenly five strong heavenly strong person into the mysterious array, it means that he has another powerful cave heavenly five strong heavenly genus Down, and the subordinates of the Five Heavens of Heaven in Heaven are not comparable to those in the Three Heavens and Four Heavens of Heaven in Heaven.

The strong men of the Dongtian Realm and the Five Strong Heavens have become the lingers of the Dongzhong Realm, and they have joined the army of the Dongfeng Realm of the Yuan Feng. Each additional strong means that the strength of the French Realm and the Moro Realm is weak. With the passing of each other, the balance of victory was tilted more and more toward him.

The position is constantly shifting, more and more powerful people start to recruit. Gradually, the recruits are not only strong in the Moro realm, but even the five-day celestial people in the cave realm of the French Realm are beginning to be recruited. Yuan Feng conquered one by one.

Obviously, Yuan Feng had some prejudice against those in the realm of law. In fact, when he learned that the people in his world were in danger, not all of the strong in the realm of law were high-minded. Pending.

The day passed quickly. At the end of the day, Yuan Feng ’s Dongtianjing Army was a full-fledged Dongtianjing Five-Strength Strong, and most of them were from the Moro realm, but The strong in the French realm also accounted for a small part of the total, but the number was also quite large.

Forty-odd Dongtianjing Five-Strength Powerful, plus the previous 360-strong Dongtianjing Three-Fourth Heaven-Heavenly Man, at this moment, Yuan Feng's masters have already had four full Hundreds of people.

The battlefield of more than 900 people turned out that in just a few days, 400 people had changed hands. If you let the superpowers of the two worlds know this, I'm afraid I will never have the mood to fight you again. Take it.

Four hundred strong men, that's almost half of the power after the two worlds are added together. At this moment, aside from the overall power, Yuan Feng is more than the number of strong men in the cave heaven alone. There are more Mo Luo circles.

When there were more than forty subordinates in the cave heaven and five heavy heavens, Yuan Feng's thinking mode had some changes unconsciously. He also knew in his heart that by now, on the entire battlefield, he could not continue to be subdued by him. Therefore, in the next action, he must study some stronger talents.

Unfortunately, in terms of his current strength, the person who conquers the Five Heavens of Heaven is already the limit. As for the stronger, even if you can control it temporarily, it is difficult to conquer it.

The entire dry and snowy area has become extremely quiet. Originally, those who were constantly fighting were mostly those in the cave heaven three or four days, and a few people in the cave heaven five days. And now All these activists have been subdued by Yuan Feng, and everyone has become a family. Of course, there will be no more deaths.

By now, of course, the people of interest have begun to notice the changes in Ku Rongxue, and Yuan Feng's next action will undoubtedly be affected.

"Brother Yuan Feng, it seems that the situation is not so good. It has been a long time since the new Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian has been attracted. It seems that our expectations are a little too ideal!"

It's been a little over half an hour since the last wave of people in the cave heaven and the Fiveth Heaven was attracted. Unfortunately, this time, Yuan Feng failed to attract a new strong. It does not mean that no target was found, it was just that after the target was found, the previous method of asking for help did not work anymore.

The dangerous breath has spread unconsciously in the dry snow area, and as a strong man in the cave heaven fiveth heaven or above, he already has a sense of self-protection. Obviously, the great thing of saving people is not just casual. Can do it.

"It is a bit more troublesome than expected. It seems that the next time, it will be a slight change."

With his eyes narrowing, Yuan Feng was not too anxious. Speaking of which, the same method can trick 40 or so cave-level Five-Strength strong men. He is already very satisfied. The excuse was not attractive at all.

"What they let them do, they will resist, but if it is profitable, it should be much better!"

The scheme under the pretext of asking for help is nothing more than one. Of course, Yuan Feng cannot have this kind of scheme.


When he raised his hand, a huge ice-blue spirit plant appeared directly in his hand. This ice-blue spirit plant was an extremely cold thing at first glance, and was full of spirituality and energy. Even if the people in Dongtian Realm are five or six heavy, they will definitely be tempted. And this ice-blue spirit plant has hundreds of them.

"The wealth is so exciting. These souls are so full of spirits. They take all these things outside. Those with a good sense of smell will definitely find them along the breath, and then let everyone go around and believe in the remaining caves. People under the sky should be able to be attracted! "

I ca n’t bear the child's inability to trap the wolf. Since I want to catch people, then naturally I have to pay some price. Anyway, in the end, if nothing happens, these things will eventually return to his hands.

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