The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1110: Compromise (three more)

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The battle, which was originally equal, was fundamentally changed by the advent of the Lord of the Astral Palace. Three-to-one, although the Six-Star Master Wujin has fallen to the realm, the side of the Astrological Palace still has the absolute advantage.

The strength of Samsung's arrogant battle was not weaker than that of Mowu. Now there is one more star of the star palace, and Mo Wuxiang was injured by the attack by the other side. At present, the situation is very obvious.

The master of the Star Palace is absolutely strong during the heyday. Although the injury is now gone, he is definitely much stronger than the ancestor of the phaseless demon. This time, three to one, there is nothing in the magical phase. Opportunity.

"How? Magic Wuxiang, how do you choose? Continue fighting, or give up the day to refining the magic palace?" The main star of the star palace continued to exert pressure on the other party, making it clear that he would not give the other party too much consideration. "This palace can tell you clearly that even if it is placed in your hands, the magic palace on this day will definitely not be of any use. Therefore, you have to think about how to choose."

Regarding the **** of Tian Lian Mo Gong, he was very clear. As a force comparable to the strength of Tian Xing Gong, Tian Lian Mo Gong's palace is definitely not worse than that of Tian Xing Gong, or even a little stronger. With these guys in the magic world, of course, it is impossible to open the Tianlian Magic Palace, and even he has not grasped the magic palace.

However, no matter whether he has the confidence to open the magic palace, he must take this magic palace, for nothing else, it is the possible divine crystal in the magic palace.

Wu Xiang's ancestor's complexion was cloudy, apparently he was struggling fiercely. Of course, he is unwilling to give the Tianlian Demon Palace to the other party, but at the moment, he is not the opponent of the three of the other party at all. If he really fights, I am afraid to copy the original ending, and this time, I am afraid that the entire Mo Luo The world is in danger.

As the old ancestor of the Moro Realm, of course, he did not want to see his homeland become ruins, and his people fell to the ground, because then he would be a sinner in the Moro Realm.

"Hey, nothing more, aliens, the Moro world is already sore, and I really don't want to fight with you anymore."

For a long time, Wuxiang Mozu sighed quietly, and finally made an extremely difficult decision, that is, give up!

At the beginning, the advent of the Tianlian Demon Palace caused heavy losses to the Moro Realm. Only one of the super strong left him, and a large number of people in the cave heaven also fell. Now, the strongman of the Tianlian Demon Palace is gone. If a magic palace destroys the Mo Luo world, it is really worthless.

"An alien, this palace, I do n’t want Mo Luo world. If you like it, take it away. I just hope that from now on, you do n’t set foot on my Mo Luo world. Otherwise, even if you join the entire ethnic group, , My ancestors will end with you. "

Wuxiang Mozu really doesn't want to fight anymore. He has studied it for so long anyway, but there is no way to enter it. For such a useless thing, there is really no need to compete with each other. .

As for revenge, this is really anxious. After all, with his own strength, he can't beat the other three strong men for a while.

"Ha ha ha, okay, Wuxiang Mozu, this is the most correct decision you have made, and you will definitely be grateful for the correct decision you made this time."

When the words of Wuxiang Demon ancestors came to an end, the main star of the Star Palace could not help laughing.

No doubt, such a result is what he most hopes to see. Although his mouth was very bullish, in fact, he was nothing but a strong foreigner. If it really started, and it was the kind of life or death, then after the war, I am afraid that For a long period of time, they could only hide and no one could see them.

"Hum, talk less about those who are useless, summon all of your people, and quickly leave my Mo Luo world, ancestor I never want to see you again."

Frankly speaking, just letting the other party take away the treasure in the magic world, his heart is naturally full of reluctance, but no matter how reluctant, it has no meaning anymore.

"Huh, needless to say, we will do it!" This time it was Samsung ’s pride that spoke. This star ’s Samsung star was obviously injured, but the situation was not bad.

"Everyone stops fighting, come and gather !!!"

The leader of Samsung is proud of his noble status. Even in the presence of the star of the Great Palace of the Star, the right to speak is great, and it is naturally up to him to give orders.

The sound is not loud, but with the dry snow area as the center, in the surrounding areas, the sound of Samsung's proud battle is instantly rippling. Obviously, this ability can only be achieved by those who have made a great change.

"Huh, what kind of power is this?" Hearing Samsung's arrogant shouting and drinking in all directions, Wuxiang Mozu hummed, but he shouted the same. Now, let these guys go. "

Now that he has decided not to continue entanglement, it is natural that no one needs to continue to fight. At this moment, he just wants to quickly send these people away from the Astral Palace to restore the peace of the Moro kingdom.

"Buzz !!!!"

"Well !!!"

When the commanders of the two worlds conveyed their orders, all the cracks in the space of the dry snowy space appeared one after another. The powerful men who originally fought in the different dimensions of space were all from space. Deep out of it. Obviously, the voices of these two powerful men not only spread in the world of Mo Luo, but also extended into the space of different dimensions.

"Brush brush !!!"

One by one, the super powerfuls appeared, and as soon as they appeared, everyone started running directly to their own powerful ones. The strong men in the French Realm gathered for the first time behind the three strong ones, and when they saw that their own super powers appeared, every master in the French Realm was excited.

Originally, they had occupied a certain number of advantages, and now there is another strong one, and this advantage is significantly greater. But having said that, for this old man who suddenly appeared, there were really few people who knew him.

The Moro world is completely the opposite. Although they are looking forward to the appearance of the non-phase demon ancestor, even if they only deal with the other two, they are already struggling. Now the number of each other has increased. It is even more conceivable.

"Well, there are people here again. How many superpowers do these aliens have? Isn't this life-threatening?"

"Damn, it looks like I'm going to lose again this time. No matter how strong Master Wuxiang is, he won't be the opponent of the other three strong ones."

"I knew this so long ago, I should have fought hard to kill these aliens."

The domain-level powerhouses returned to Wuxiang Mozu, but when they saw the three superpowers on the other side, their faces suddenly became a little difficult to look.

Everyone is a clever person. You can see from the expression of Wuxiang Mozu and the reaction of the three people in front of him. This time, the Mo Luo world is obviously at a disadvantage and is being bullied by the other party.

"Old man ..."

"Well, don't say it. I have promised them to take this Tianlian Demon Palace to them and take them away. From now on, the Mo Luo world will never be turbulent because of Tianlian Demon Palace."

Among the eighteenth domain masters, the demon domain master wants to say something, but if he doesn't wait for his words to exit, he will be blocked directly by the non-phase demon ancestor.

For the Moro Realm, Tianlian Demon Palace is really like an ominous object. This thing stays in the Morro Realm, I am afraid it will cause more trouble. In this case, it is better to give this thing to the other party And the aliens who get this palace may not have any good results.

"Ah, nothing, everything depends on the ancestors." Although Wuxiang Mozu disappeared for a long time, of course, no one would dare to oppose his words. Although the eighteenth national domain master was also unwilling, but ultimately only Can be swallowed.

"Well !!!"

The strong men in the cave heaven have returned from all directions and stood in their respective camps, while the three strong men in the Star Palace also began to be busy at the same time.

"Pride, no trace, this heavenly refining demon palace is too huge, and I will try my best to carry it later. At that time, the two of you will stare at Mo Wuxiang. If he dares to have the slightest change, at any cost They will destroy me.

Although the Mo Luo world has agreed to give them the Heavenly Refined Demon Palace, but this super big Mac, just to bring it back to the realm of law, is a super big project. Even if it is based on his strength, he must also go all out. Just do it.

"Although the main lord of the palace has shot it, it will not be a big problem to let these house-level figures, and all others who are strong enough, to help, and want to bring this thing back."

Obviously, the three strong players can't shoot at the same time. After all, although Wuxiang Mozu has promised them, God knows whether the other party will suddenly attack when they move the magic palace. So, at least, Samsung ’s arrogance must pay close attention to the phaseless demon ancestors.

"Just do this, but first put away those ordinary cave-dwellers for the time being, and don't cause too much loss. These people will be brought back to the French realm, which will be useful in the future."

At this moment, the strong men of the French Realm and the Moro Realm are everywhere. If the French Realm is to leave, naturally all the people brought back will be brought back. Moreover, the three have just gone through the war, and it does take some time to recover. Status before you can start to move the Tianlian Demon Palace.

In any case, being able to take the Tianlian Demon Palace back to the realm of law is definitely a happy thing. Even if it takes a lot of hard work, they will inevitably spare no expense.

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