The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1116: Absolute control (one more)

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Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, for a full seven days, it slipped away from everyone's fingertips.

In the blue starry sky, the two huge palaces, Tian Lian Mo Gong and Tian Xing Gong, are like two giant pillars, standing there quietly, highlighting their towering and magnificent.

At this moment, around the huge Tianlian Demon Palace, three small ants-like figures are surrounding the entire Demon Palace, jumping up and down.

"Large master, it will not work like this. There is no flaw in this refining magic palace. Even if we three explore it again, we will never find his weakness. If there is no practical solution, Then this time grabbing the refining magic palace, I am afraid it really does not make sense. "

Suddenly the Samsung Pride stopped suddenly, facing Hong Haitiandao, the main star of the Star Palace, who was about to continue.

For the whole seven days, the three of them have already thought about the conventional methods they can think of, both the hard and the soft have already tried, but unfortunately, no matter what method is used, in the end, Tianlian Demon Palace is a company No small mouth appeared, and it was still an unrealistic dream to want to enter.

"The third brother said, Omiya, if you want me to see, it's better to summon all the strong men in his star house. Everyone brainstorms, maybe there is a way to find out."

When the words of Samsung's Pride came to an end, even the Six Star Lord, who had rarely spoken, stood up without a trace, and was very serious. Obviously, during these seven days, he and Samsung are proud, but they have been unable to carry it.

"Useless, the three of us can't solve the problem, others are even more impossible to solve. I want to count on others, there is no possibility at all."

Hearing the words of the two star masters, the main palace master Hong Haitian shook his head and did not agree with the opinions of the two.

As the lord of the first house of the celestial palace, Hong Haitian naturally understood his own ideas of these two super subordinates. Obviously, the two of them really wanted to try their luck together to see if those who were in the heavenly realm could There is a way to open the Tianlian Demon Palace. Secondly, these two guys are still hinting at him, letting him release the person in captivity.

However, in either case, it is obviously not in his consideration.

"You two don't have to knock on the palace side by side. It's really difficult to crack the magic palace on this day, but as long as the three of us work together, there will definitely be a way to break it."

He knows his two subordinates too well. The nine star masters have a deep relationship. The two people definitely want to rescue the five star masters through this incident, but he cannot allow such a situation to occur.

"In the last three days, if within these three days, the three of us can find the best way to break the Heavenly Refining Palace, if not, then I will find a way by myself and no longer need you two. Help. "

Eyebrows suddenly raised, and Hong Haitian seemed to have lost much patience, but he didn't want to wait any longer. In fact, he did not have the means to break the heavenly refining magic palace, but this means was too precious for him, but it was his life-saving means. Too wasteful.

However, if he really can't open up the defense of Tianlian Demon Palace, then he can only endure pain.


When Hong Haitian's words fell, the two star masters had nothing to say. They did hide a little careful thought before, but now it seems that wanting this method * Hong Haitian to subdue is obviously not realistic.

"Come on, I hope you two don't let me down." Shaking his head, Hong Haitian didn't talk much anymore. When he was in shape, he started to get busy again. Seeing that he started to move, the two star masters had no choice but to raise their spirits and obediently help.

The three strongest men began to be busy again. This time, the two star masters did use their full strength. However, after the two began to use their full strength, they found out that the original use of full strength did not require full strength. .

This last three days is almost a chance that Hong Haitian gave himself, because if he can find something in these three days, he can save his life-saving means.

However, if Hong Haitian knew what would happen in three days, he would definitely not be so glad now. It is a pity that even if he is a super-powerful creature, he is unlikely to have the ability of an unknown prophet ...

The outside of Tianlian Demon Palace is busy and fiery, and at this moment, the people inside Tianlian Demon Palace are not idle.

In the secluded control tower, Yuan Feng was staring at the multicolored spar in front of her eyes, and at this time, this unknown special stone was undergoing inexplicable changes.

"Completed, and finally swallowed up the power of these juveniles! In the next time, we will take a look at this control system to see if we can really control the entire magic palace."

After spending a lot of time, Yuan Feng finally controlled his own power of the soul, and swallowed up the juveniles and souls of the multicolored spar, and completed the fusion of the souls, which was quite satisfactory at this time. Although still unable to think for himself, as long as Yuan Feng's mind is involved, he can control the consciousness in the crystal through his own consciousness. This situation is obviously easier than controlling an independent consciousness.

"This multi-colored spar is really a treasure. If I completely let it go now, then this group of spirits can definitely grow slowly into an independent individual, but at that time, it is absolutely not Will be under my control. "

Looking at the multicolored spar, Yuan Feng was able to guess. If the multicolored spar was left unchecked, this thing would definitely take his trace of spirits to another path. At that time, even if this trace of spirits came from him Those who are separated from the ontology will never have any relationship with him.

Obviously, Yuan Feng will never allow his own soul to slowly develop into a special individual who is not under his control or even has nothing to do with himself.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Yuan Feng must prevent this group of spirits from developing at will, and this multicolored spar is controlled by his main soul and soul through the separated spirits.

The power of the soul has been settled in the multi-colored spar. As long as Yuan Feng passes his instructions, it is equivalent to the brain of the entire Tianlian Demon Palace has been activated. .

"Such a complicated network, and I do n’t know if the seniors in Tianlian Demon Palace ca n’t be trusted. I hope this thing is really built to simulate the human nervous system. Otherwise, everything I ’ve been busy before will be white. A busy day! "

Looking around the complex control tower, Yuan Feng had a feeling that he didn't dare try easily.

After this attempt, there are obviously two possibilities. One is that the spirit is activated naturally, and then the nervous system of the entire Tianlian Demon Palace is in operation. In the end, the entire Tianlian Demon Palace * can be controlled in the hand.

The other, of course, is that after the activation of the spirit, the entire Tianlian Demon Palace central system is a failed work, so his efforts and efforts these days can only be blind lighting, and wasted.

Of course, for those senior seniors in Tianlian Demon Palace, he still believes it, but he knows more clearly that if he wants to build a control system for such a huge Tianlian Demon Palace, the difficulty is extremely ordinary. It is unimaginable. The contradictory mood made him hesitate to release this hand, but it was subconsciously sorting out one of the control towers and the energy line again and again.

The intricate energy lines make him unable to figure out where and where, and the more he feels the complexity of this thing, the more confidence he will have in those powerful men in the Tianlian Demon Palace.

For a long while, Yuan Feng adjusted his mentality to the best. At this moment, he knew that he could no longer hesitate.

"Either success or failure, that is not what I can change now, but this attempt is made anyway. In this case, now!"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng stabilized his mind completely. Between words, he suddenly dropped his mind into the trace of spirits in the multicolored spar, activating the trace of spirits directly.

"Om !!!"

The power of the soul is activated, and the whole multicolored spar trembles instantly. Then, the multicolored spar emits a dazzling light. At the same time, the special energy wires connected to the spar seemed to be suddenly charged, and one after another lit up.

"Brush brush !!!"

The entire control tower, like a charged machine, slammed into operation. As the energy wires in the control tower light up one by one, outside the control tower, in the entire huge space, the thick energy channels start to operate at this moment. The huge control system is fully activated at this moment. Come on.

"Successful !!! Really successful !!!"

Yuan Feng felt that her mind was suddenly in a very wonderful feeling. At this moment, he was no longer him, but the core of a machine. The energy channels spread to all parts of Tianlian Demon Palace, the feeling is like the entire Tianlian Demon Palace has become his body, and as long as his mind moves, he can completely control his own picture Special body.

"A good Tianlian Demon Palace, this control system turned out to be really useful. Tianlian Demon Palace, you are finally my Yuanfeng, hahahaha!"

The deliberate laughter echoed in Yuan Feng's heart, but at this moment, his subjective consciousness was in the spar of the Tianlian Demon Palace, but this laughter could not be transmitted at all.

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