The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1132: Overwhelmed (one more)

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The geographical location of Chaos Demon Domain is destined to have an extremely complicated environment in this area.

Here is a border area close to the spatiotemporal chaos. In this border area, due to the existence of the spatiotemporal chaos, there is a mess around.

The mighty flow of time and space, even if some small space storms are separated, is enough to destroy everything. In this turbulent area of ​​space, there are roaring gale winds, and in these gale winds, the angular sand and gravel are like the most powerful spirit soldiers, in these small stones, Even the strong in Dongtianjing must carefully protect themselves. As for those under Dongtianjing, as soon as they enter, they will be sieved by small crushed stones.

"Well !!!"

The sound of flying through the air came from a distance. It was not long before the figures of the two men appeared in this turbulent turbulent area. Obviously, because the space here is too unstable, they dare not move the space at all. They can only fly into this dangerous area.

"Brother Songyu, where is the Lingbao you saw? Your previous actions will not be noticed?"

While flying, Hua Xinyang's face couldn't help showing anxiety, and he could see that he was much more anxious than Bai Songyu, because he knew very well that if the spirit treasure that Bai Songyu found was really a **** tree, then for For them, it's just about to develop.

Yun Shenshu is extremely rare. No one has even seen it at all. They only know some information about it from the books.

"Just in front, Brother Xinyang, don't worry. After Ling Zhi was discovered by me, it was carefully guarded by the other World of Warcraft. As for my previous drive, I was more careful 12 times. Just rest assured. "

Bai Songyu's expression was still calm, but there was a hint of excitement. But what he was excited about was only in his own heart.

"That's good, as long as you don't bring those two guys over, even if they are found by other people, it's not a big deal. I don't believe it. In addition to those two people, there are other people who dare to grab things from me. "

Hearing Bai Songyu's words, Hua Xinyang was slightly relieved, but the speed at his feet became virtually faster.

The forces worked, but the two did not say more. Soon, Bai Songyu, who was leading the way, stopped outside a turbulent area and made a sound gesture toward Hua Xinyang.

"Brother Xinyang, this is it. Through this area where there is a lot of turbulence in the space, you can see the chaotic rocky beach where the spiritual plant is located, and the powerful World of Warcraft."

When he stopped, Bai Songyu calmed down, and spoke to Hua Xinyang.

"It's a secret place hidden so deep. The baby in it must be very old." Hua Xinyang's face showed a hint of clearness, but the light under his eyes became more Bright up.

He also searched in the whole chaos domain at first, but in the impression, it seems that he has never really visited this area. It seems that it seems that the chaos of space and time has contracted before it appeared.

"Brother Song Yu, I will destroy that World of Warcraft in a moment. Then you will see what happens and our brothers will have a good time together."

At this time, Hua Xinyang had nothing to say. If it was normal, he would not cooperate with people like Bai Songyu, but now he has to cooperate for the sake of common interests.

"Okay, just as Brother Xinyang said."

Bai Songyu has no opinion. His task has basically been completed. As for the next situation, it will undoubtedly be much easier to handle.

Looking at each other, the two moved at the same time, and ran into the space directly.

"Well !!!"

With two muffled sounds, the two passed directly through this thick space turbulent area, and then a large area of ​​random stones appeared in front of them.

"Squeak !!!!"

As soon as the two entered the rough area, a warning call came into their ears for the first time, and then a huge eight-claw Warcraft was reflected in them. eye.

The call of Warcraft is not loud, but it is very penetrating, and it is full of warning. When seeing this huge eight-claw Warcraft, Hua Xinyang was still excited, but his face was It became directly dignified.

"His, what an eight-claw Warcraft, what kind of monster is this? This breath is really strong enough!"

Hua Xinyang has confessed to seeing all kinds of Warcraft, but this big guy in front of him is the first time he has seen it. From the other person, he feels the strong five-day weather in the cave world, I am afraid it is even his The character of Dongtianjing Liuzhongtian may not be able to get this guy easily.

On the other hand, when he saw this super behemoth, Hua Xinyang had no doubts about what Bai Songyu said. Speaking, his eyes crossed the huge eight-claw Warcraft and looked behind him. There, a silver spirit tree was mostly blocked by Warcraft, but the little silver was still keenly He noticed.

"Yunshen tree, really is Yunshen tree !!!"

His face was full of ecstasy, and at this moment Hua Xinyang was simply excited. Although the silver spirit plant is not just a kind of Yun Shen tree, at this moment he believes that this plant is definitely a Yun Shen tree. Regardless of whether this thing contains a **** tree or not, anyway, he is right now.

"Brother Song Yu, I'm going to entangle this World of Warcraft. You wait for the opportunity to dig out the Ling Zhi that it protects. Remember to be careful, you must try not to hurt Ling Zhi's root system."

When I saw the baby, where did Hua Xinyang manage so much, he knew to Bai Songyu and rushed directly to Warcraft. The impatient performance made Bai Songyu grin.

"Hahaha, big guy, give me the baby, I will save you a life, kill !!!"

Hua Xinyang was obviously really eager to wait, and he laughed, and offered his own spirit soldier, and greeted directly to the Eight-Claw Warcraft, as if he could not wait to get the baby in his hand.

"Well !!!"

When Hua Xinyang started, the eight-claw Warcraft was unequivocal, and tentacles struck like a steel whip, surrounding Hua Xinyang in a fierce blow. Of course, with the repair of the Sixth Heaven in the Heavenly Realm of Huaxin Yangdong, this level of attack is simply coping with ease, without any slight confusion.

"Well, although you are not weak, but a level of gap, that is not what a beast like you can understand. Since you don't know any good, then I will kill you directly."

Long swords flutter, and Hua Xinyang's sword changes, cutting all the shots of the eight-claw Warcraft into pieces, but after being cut off, these tentacles will immediately grow new, which is basically like Endlessly the same.

"Brother Songyu, what are you waiting for? Not yet!"

While dealing with the Eight-Claw Warcraft, Hua Xinyang did not forget to remind Bai Songyu, and he was working hard, it seemed that he wanted to create more and better mobile phone games for Bai Songyu.

"Well, I'll do it."

Bai Songyu's eyes flashed a little light, and slowly he looked for opportunities outside the room, almost an instant of work, his pupils were suddenly frozen, and then his body was almost It turned into a residual image and disappeared directly.

After seeing Bai Songyu's hands-on, Hua Xinyang couldn't help but be happy, but thought that the other party should try his best to **** the Ling Zhi, but it was almost an instant, and his heart was born with an abnormality Feeling.


When Hua Xinyang felt something wrong under his heart, a shouting and killing sounded directly above his head, and then a huge slash was cut directly in front of him.

"What? Bai Songyu, are you crazy?"

Hua Xinyang's face suddenly filled with an incredible look. He thought that the other party was going to attack Ling Zhi, but he didn't expect that the other party launched an attack on him. , There is no way to make a complete response, can only be a simple block in a hurry.

"Boom !!!" This knife did not cause him any harm, but split him in the direction of Eight-Claw Warcraft. When Hua Xinyang flew towards the eight-claw Warcraft, a more dangerous breath was born from the heart of Hua Xinyang.


Another shouting and killing sound was passed on, but this time the shouting and killing sound was much stronger than Bai Songyu in both voice and momentum. During the talk, Hua Xinyang felt a strong man of the same level. Breath, completely locked him.

"not good!!!"


There was a bad voice under his heart, and Hua Xinyang could not wait to respond, but was blasted into the ground by a sword.

"Kacha !!!!"

As soon as his body shape hit the ground, Hua Xinyang felt only a chill, and then his entire body suddenly lost his ability to move.

"This this………"

Hua Xinyang was completely embarrassed. First, Bai Songyu's sudden attack, and then a strong blow from the cave heavenly sixfold heavenly power made him instantly injured. At this moment, he was hit The cold chill temporarily frozen his body, and a series of calculations made him have no time to react.

However, this is not the end. Just when Hua Xinyang thought it was almost, the space around him was slightly shaken. When he opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him had already changed dramatically.

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