The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1135: Three Rabbit Caves (four more)

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There are fifteen holes in the realm of chaos in the realm of chaos. At this moment, there is only one left who is not in control, and the rest have been wiped out by Yuan Feng.

In a place like Chaos Demon Realm, no matter how long the arms of the 36th Mansion will not reach, the domain master of Chaos Demon Realm will not show up easily. In this way, Yuan Feng is in Chaos Demon Realm. In fact, it is already a foothold.

The last question he is facing now is undoubtedly the question of whether the Dongtianjing Qizhongtian guy should contact him. For him, the blood curse magic can control the strong man in Dongtianjing, and the strong man in Dongtianjing. That is absolutely impossible to control.

In other words, even if he shot at the Dongtianjing Qizhongtian guy, he could only kill it, but there was no way to control it.

It is really not very meaningful for Yuan Feng to kill a strong man in the Seventh Heaven of Dongdong Realm. Instead of killing him, it is better to keep the other party. When his strength is stronger in the future, he can be killed again. Conquer. Of course, after all, the strong man in Dongtianjing Qizhongtian isn't Xiaoyan. It is by no means a simple matter to kill such a strong man.

"Let ’s just do it for the first time, there is no need to take any more risk, that Qiongtianjing Qiutian guy, let him be free for a few more days, sooner or later I will get him."

After finishing the service for everyone, Yuan Feng thought about it, but finally decided to stop.

"A few of you, don't be idle for the rest of the time. I want you to take a shot together to create an underground kingdom in this chaotic realm where no one can get in and no one can find."

Looking at the three cave heavens and the six heavenly strong men in front of him, as well as the people who carried the cave heavens with him, Yuan Feng turned his mind, and then ordered to everyone.

Now that he has decided to set up a palace in the Chaos Demon Realm, he must do something decent. At least, he has to make his palace absolutely safe, even if he is a strong man in the main domain of the government. Want to find him in the realm of chaos.

"Young Master rest assured that the three of us will do our best to build the most solid underground kingdom."

Of course, the three strong men have nothing to say. In their capacity, digging in the underground world is of course never experienced, but since Yuan Feng has spoken, they have no way to refuse.

"Rest assured, your task is to use space means to make my underground kingdom tougher. As for digging, it's not going to take you to do it, Xiao Ba!"

Smiling slightly at the three, Yuan Feng called out Xiao Ba as soon as he raised his hand.

This is the area where the chaos is close to the spatiotemporal flow. In this area, even the minds of the superpowers will not be explored for no reason. In addition, he played the mysterious array at this moment, even if someone probed, he couldn't find them.

"Squeak !!!"

Xiao Ba naturally understood Yuan Feng's idea, and in the middle of talking, he started to produce Warcraft. It also knew that the project volume this time was definitely not small, so the production of Warcraft was also extra large.

"His ... this guy ..."

Seeing that Xiaoba began to produce one after another of the tyrannical Warcraft, the three strong players present were stunned, and they only knew that the guy who had dealt with them before and had extraordinary strength turned out to be so. Amazing ability. At this moment, they undoubtedly have to look at Xiao Ba as another.

"Puff puff!!!"

One by one, Warcraft appeared, and then they started to make holes in the ground. These Warcraft were specially made to punch holes, and the efficiency of the work was simply scary. Time is not long, one by one, the World of Warcraft is dug out of the holes that have been exposed on the ground below the mysterious array.

"Do n’t be idle, just put away the excavated soil for a while, and wait until the last time it is thrown into the chaos of time and space. Someone in the province will find that there are signs of being developed here."

There is no need for other people to dig holes, but everyone can participate and help together.

"Hua Xinyang, you are responsible for pouring earth, Dou Tianxiao, you are responsible for reinforcing the excavated hole, He Yingkui, you will be responsible for planning the layout of the underground palace below, remember to place the entire earth palace in a turbulent space. This way, as long as the hole is hidden, no one else wants to enter our underground world. "

Yuan Feng is obviously going to do a big job this time. In an instant, the three major caves in the scene, the sixth strongest man in the field, and the twenty-five strong people in the cave realm, have become collective. Excavators, everyone is extremely serious, and built the most reliable underground kingdom for Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng's heart is very clear. Nowadays, his safety factor is not too high. There is no way. What he has to do can almost be said to be the boundary between the whole law and the entire celestial palace. Although every shot is made, It's safe, but God knows if there will be a miss, so he must leave a retreat for himself.

It is definitely the safest way to open up the underground world under the chaos of time and space, because even the strongest in nature, it is difficult to grasp the direction in the chaos of time and space, let alone break the ground of chaos of time and space and enter The world below.

The busy army is extremely fast. Xiaoba produced thousands of World of Warcraft. These World of Warcraft entered the underground world. Following the command of Yuan Feng, they were directly divided into several teams. Each team of Warcraft was responsible for mining a piece of underground space. Obviously, this time he It is really necessary to mine a huge underground maze.

A single space must not be too safe, so this time, Yuan Feng has to mine underground spaces one by one, and then arrange these spaces independently of each other, and connect them with a teleportation array. As a result, his own palace Where it is set, then no one else's help is needed.

It can be imagined that when the entire underground space is full of independent small worlds, even if the strongest one enters it, I am afraid that it will suddenly faint.

After all, the underground world that everyone is mining right now is nothing more than Yuan Feng used to cover people's ears. As for his real hiding place, it must be his heavenly refining magic palace.

With the strength getting stronger and stronger, Yuan Feng has been able to control this super palace more perfectly. Right now, he has been able to reduce the huge sky to refining the magic palace to a height of one person. Go to some corner of the underground world, who can dig him out?

The excavation project is also progressing smoothly. Warcraft is responsible for punching holes. The cavemen are responsible for reinforcement and layout in the underground world.

All kinds of palaces are indispensable. To build these palaces, you only need to process the excavated soil. After this thing is built, almost no one will live in it.

Yuan Feng did not dig by himself, but it was more tiring than doing it by himself, because at this moment he not only had to instruct everyone on how to plan, but also had to split his mind to control the resources and even the Warcraft and the powerful outside. It is also necessary to monitor the movement of the astronomical palace through the strong men in the astronomical palace. There are too many things he needs to consider.

Fortunately, everything is going on in full swing, and he has the blood curse and magic skills in his body, at least do not have to worry about any betrayal problems, this alone can save him a lot of things.

Everyone is doing things according to his will. Speaking of which, this can be regarded as a matter of pride. Aside from other things, it is just three powerful cave heavens and six heavenly strong men who were arranged by him. When you go to dig the earth palace, this is already hard to imagine.

You know, even if you are a strong leader, you will never let your cave ancestor sixth heaven belong to the earth palace. If you really do that, even if you are a loyal subordinate, I ’m afraid you have already chosen Already.

When others were busy and tense, Yuan Feng returned to his Tianlian Demon Palace and began to study the palace further.

First of all, it is natural to shrink the magic palace as much as possible. When the cave heaven is fourfold, he can only shrink the magic palace to about ten meters. At this moment, under the control of the stronger mind, he It is to shrink this magic palace to a height less than one person, and such a palace is simply sending and receiving as you like, and you can fiddle with whatever you want.

Of course, although the size has been reduced, everything inside the magic palace has actually not changed. Therefore, the weight and ability of the magic palace will naturally not change.

Just like this moment, although Yuan Feng was able to bring Tian Lian Mo Gong into the heavenly world, it would not be possible if he changed someone else.

"It's almost there. I have basically controlled the maximum limit on the day of refining the magic palace. However, when this thing is running, the energy consumption is too great. Use this thing to perform an attack, less It is said that there are hundreds of millions of stars, and such consumption is really not affordable for ordinary people. "

The heavenly refining magic palace does not move. When it is moved, it must be urged with huge energy. Not to mention the attack, even if you use this thing to run the road, it can consume hundreds of seconds. Tens of millions of stars are crystal.

Of course, the huge energy consumption naturally has a value. At least, driving this thing to escape is definitely faster than Yuan Feng's own movement. When encountering danger, this thing can defend him.

"When the underground palace is built, I will go out and continue to deal with the Star Palace, a few old, weak and sick, but I want to see what is great about you !!"

The charging has been completed, and the next time is to continue to fight against the star house.

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