The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1144: Poison Oath (one more)

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Yuan Qingyun used the spirit to directly portray his wife's appearance in front of the three great lords and Yuan Feng, and soon, a resemblance of a woman appeared in front of everyone.

When seeing the woman's image, the three lords of the three main gates nodded frequently, apparently amazed by the woman's appearance and temperament. Although it is only the image portrayed with true qi, but even so, the stunning beauty of the woman and the touching spiritual atmosphere still convince them.

"You, this is the appearance of Wu'er. I have two deaths in Yuan Qingyun without regrets. One is to marry Wu'er and the other is to have Feng'er, and Feng'er need not say. As for my Wife, hey! "

After depicting his wife's image, Yuan Qingyun's face is full of nostalgia. For many years, I have left without saying goodbye. It has passed too many years, but for his wife, he will never forget. It is a pity that he knew very well that his wife was definitely the pride of heaven. He Yuan Qingyun was really not worthy of the other party.

"I never imagined that the wife of Yuan's homeowner was so beautiful and elegant, and such a woman is really not an ordinary person!"

Suwen Tianzong, the suzerain of the ancestors, pinched his own beard, admiring his face. Tianxinzong has always been good at mentality and has the ability to know people. Although it is only a true image, he can still see the extraordinaryness of women from this image.

At this moment, he had some understanding. It seems that the reason why Yuan Feng will be so arrogant is that he inherited his mother's genes. As for Yuan Qingyun, I don't have such excellent resources.

"That's right. The wife of Yuan Jiazhu is not an ordinary person at first glance. Such a woman, if she has met her, will never forget. In the future, I will always pay attention to Yuan Jiazhu."

"Yes, yes, when I go back, I will organize some disciples of Jianzong to distribute Mrs. Ling's images and mobilize them to find Mrs. Ling's whereabouts."

The three great masters are extremely enthusiastic. They really want to help in order to reunite the Yuanfeng family. Even if you don't say Yuan Feng's identity and strength, just looking at a family reunion is definitely a happy thing.

"Thank you three lords, if you can really find Wuer, you will be grateful." Yuan Qingyun couldn't help looking at the three people and thanked them. Road.

"Fenger, I haven't thanked the three lords yet." It seems that he felt his gratitude. Some people said lightly, but Yuan Qingyun turned his eyes to Yuan Feng, and said to the latter with a loud voice.

However, just as Yuan Qingyun greeted Yuan Feng, the latter seemed to be immobilized and remained there motionlessly. He stared at the true image in front of him, and never heard it. Yuan Qingyun's shout.

"Fenger, what are you thinking? Don't hurry up and thank the three lords?"

Seeing Yuan Feng's god, Yuan Qingyun could not help but stretched out his hand, shaking the road in front of Yuan Feng.

"Eh?" After Yuan Qingyun shook his palms in front of Yuan Feng, the latter finally looked pale, and then suddenly returned to God, but deep in his eyes, there was still a hint of thick Weird color.

"What happened to father?"

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Feng tried to make himself look calmer as much as possible, but, although it was calm on the surface, at this moment, in his heart, there had already been a monstrous wave.

The aura image in front of him is so clear. It can be seen that his father should really miss his mother so that every detail of this aura image is so perfect.

However, when he saw the appearance of his mother, it was the first time that he overlapped this image with one of the images in his mind, and then he discovered that these two images turned out to be amazing. Consistent.

"Will this be true? She ... would she really be my mother?"

His face became more and more calm, but Yuan Feng's heart was getting hotter. If his father was not portrayed wrongly, then he is almost certain that he has really seen this woman.

However, at that glance, he clearly felt the terrible power of the woman. Was the superpower really worthy of a man like his father?

"Fenger, what's the matter with you? How do I look like you are absent-minded." Yuan Feng's fault, naturally he still couldn't escape from Yuan Qingyun's observation. He can see that Yuan Feng definitely has a mind, otherwise he should never Like now.

"Cough, my father was more worried. The baby was just the first time to see his mother, and he looked a bit stunned for a while." With a light cough, Yuan Feng knew that he couldn't hide himself completely, so he hurried to think for himself An excuse said.

"Oh, that's the case. I can't blame you. When your mother left, you were still a baby. Before that, the cultivation of your father was limited and you couldn't portray your mother's appearance. Connaught, this is your mother. You kid already has the power of heaven. You must get your mother back in the future, have you heard? "

Yuan Feng's reason was not far-fetched, and everyone naturally didn't think too much about it. It was Yuan Qingyun, who couldn't help but smile at Yuan Feng and asked. Of course, his order was not an order, because he knew in the heart that his wife had chosen to leave at first, so it would not be easy to find someone back.


When Yuan Qingyun's words fell, Yuan Feng was shocked, and then suddenly exhaled a long breath.

"Father, the child didn't know what the mother looked like before, so I couldn't find it, but this time I have seen the mother's face, and the child swears that if he can't bring his mother back in this life, he will be hit by five thunders and never be born again! !!! "

Yuan Qingyun said very casually. However, he could be very casual, but Yuan Feng was not casual at all. Almost when the other party's voice fell, he stood up suddenly, one finger at a time, a word Swore swearing.

"Uh ... this ..."

Hearing that Yuan Feng so solemnly made such a poisonous oath, the three major lords present, plus Yuan Qingyun and Mu Hai, were all physically furious, and all of them were fixed there.

Where do they want to be, Yuan Feng will give such a poisonous oath, although many warriors do not take the oath very seriously, but there is a **** in it, Yuan Feng makes such an oath, if he ca n’t find his mother in the future , Then for his future practice, I am afraid it will have a bad influence.

"Fenger, you child, I just let you find a way to find your mother. Why did you make you swear?" Yuan Qingyun's face shook, but she was speechless.

Although he really wanted to see his wife, if he was asked to choose now, he would rather choose his own son. If Yuan Feng had a long and short, then he would really have no courage to survive.

"Father, as a son of man, this is what a child must do. If he can't, he should be punished like that." With a look, Yuan Feng wasn't joking at all.

If he didn't know it, he would know it now, but now he knows, if he can't bring his mother back under such circumstances, then as he said, he can really die.

"You ... hey, that's it, your mother has been separated for many years, and you don't expect that you can really bring her back for your father. You can have this heart, and you are already content with your father."

Yuan Qingyun didn't know Yuan Feng's thoughts, but Yuan Feng's tenacity made him feel relieved. Being able to have such a son is definitely his greatest blessing.

"Little brother Yuanfeng, don't worry, all three of us will help you find your mother. With so many people in the three schools, you can definitely get your mother back."

"Yes, when we have finished drinking, the three of us will go back to arrange immediately. As long as Lingtang is still within the scope of the Tianlong Dynasty, we will definitely be able to find out."

"At that time, we will also call the Qingxian Zongxiu's Xiu Xiu, and the four major gates will be shot together. Even if the Tianlong Dynasty is dug into the sky, people will be found."

One of the three enthusiastic lords is more enthusiastic than one. Obviously, Yuan Feng's vows have deeply infected them. At this time, don't reach out for help, when will you stay?

"Thank you for the kindness of the three princes. However, the three lords still do not need to bother, and do not hide the three lords. With the current strength of the disciples, the entire Tianlong dynasty can be explored between the ancestors. In the Tianlong Dynasty, I have already discovered it. I feel that my mother may have left the world of the Tianlong Dynasty. "

Arching his hands at the three, Yuan Feng declined the kind intentions of the three, because he knew very well that even if the three major gates dispatched everyone, it would be impossible to find a target in the Tianlong Dynasty.

"Well, that's it ...... that's the case. Since that's the case, then we don't have to make a big splash."

After listening to Yuan Feng's words, the three realized that they now have nothing to help Yuan Feng. Even if the three major gates or even the four major gates are linked together, I am afraid it is simply not at all Can not reach a finger of Yuan Feng.

"Dad, first accompany a few lords to drink a few more cups, and the child has some things to do, so I will not stay with you for the time being."

Yuan Feng suddenly found out that he could hardly sit down anymore, and a voice in his heart told him that he must act now.

"Fenger is busy. Everyone is his own. There are not so many rules."

Hearing something about Yuan Feng, the crowd didn't keep much. They hurriedly waved at Yuan Feng to signal that Yuan Feng was free.

Yuan Feng also stopped talking and bowed to a few people, and then disappeared directly.

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