The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1147: Breaking the kettle and sinking the boat (four more)

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The happy time is always short. The strolling journey of Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen lasted a little while, and in their feelings, this little time seemed like a blink of an eye to pass.

Yuan Feng really wanted to stay with Yun Mengchen for a while, but the things in his heart made him unable to convince himself at all. Speaking of which, for a long time, I have been very indulgent.

Yun Mengchen also saw that Yuan Feng really had something to do, so she wasn't obsessed with it. Almost when Yuan Feng showed a lingering expression, she offered to leave.

"Yuan Feng, no matter what you do, you have to remember to be safe, don't forget, I and your family are all waiting for you here!"

Before leaving, Yun Mengchen was also reluctant to give up. When he ordered Yuan Feng, her arm had not let go of Yuan Feng for a moment, enjoying the last warmth that Yuan Feng gave her.

"Relax, when I'm done, I'll come back to you. After this time, we really don't need to separate."

Try to make yourself more relaxed. Yuan Feng doesn't want Yun Mengchen to worry about himself. "Dream Chen, although the Tianlong Dynasty is not a big threat, I will leave you two for security reasons. Guard it! "

This incident made Yuan Feng understand the truth that no matter what the environment of the Tianlong dynasty is, some unknown dangers may still erupt at any time, so before he leaves, he must ensure that Yun Mengchen Safety.

"Brush !!!" Thinking of this, Yuan Feng suddenly raised his hand slightly, and then two old men appeared in front of him and Yun Mengchen.

"See Young Master !!!"

As soon as the two elders appeared, they were saluting Yuan Feng at the first time, but their attitudes were unusually respectful.

"Forget it, this time I call you out, but I have a task to give you. This is my wife. From today on, you two will be responsible for keeping her safe. What she wants you to do, you What to do, if you dare to disobey, or let her have a slight hair injury, I will make you two into the dust of history. "

These two are the two strongest in the realm of law. The cultivation is the realm of the Five Heavens of Heaven and Heaven. Letting these two men stay to protect Yunmengchen should ensure the safety of Yunmengchen. If there are two people who can't solve the problem, he can hurry back to solve it.

"Observe the order of the young master! I have seen young lady !!!"

The two cavemen of the Five Heavens Realm were also obedient, and after saluting to Yuan Feng, they salute to Yun Mengchen. They have now contracted to Yuan Feng, what Yuan Feng said, whatever they want to do.

"Ah, this ..."

Yun Mengchen was still a bit lost, she didn't understand at all, where did Yuan Feng come from such two living people, and it seems that these two guys are obviously good, as if they are better than Qingying Zong's ancestors are much stronger.

"Dream dust, they are all my subordinates. In the time I am away, even if you have instructed them, if you have anything to say to me, you can tell them and they can pass on to me. And , Their cultivation is Dongtianjing Wuzhongtian. Everyone can destroy the old ancestors of the Qingzong ancestor with one hand. From now on, if you do n’t understand anything, learn from them. "

Letting these two people protect Yun Mengchen can also help Yun Mengchen to improve his strength. He believes that with the training of these two people, Yun Mengchen's strength can definitely be improved faster.

"Greater than the old ancestors, can they be killed with one hand?"

Yun Mengchen didn't hear the words in front of Yuan Feng, but she heard the words behind Yuan Feng really. After learning that the two were so powerful, they were left by Yuan Feng to do her. When guarding, she no doubt had a new understanding of Yuan Feng's means.

"Well, I'll send you back first. As for these two people, I will make them a little farther from you, and I will not let them bother you."

The two are left for insurance purposes only, but in fact, there should be no more danger in the Tianlong dynasty today.

In Yun Mengchen's uncertain eyes, Yuan Feng finally sent her back to the Qingzong ancestor. This time, she did not see the ancestor of the Qingzhuang ancestor Hua Yuyan. Go alarm.

The strong men in the two cave heavens and the five strong heavens converged, just like two ordinary people. As long as they are weaker than them, they can't see their strength at all.

Yuan Feng directly sent Yun Mengchen back to her tree house. As for the two strong men, Yuan Feng arranged them outside the tree house, and let the two be Yunmeng's janitors, as long as they The two stood here, so no matter where Yunmeng was, they could be under their protection.

It is conceivable that if the old ancestors of the Qingzong ancestors saw the two men, they would not know what they would be shocked. But having said that, no matter what they are shocked, the existence of these two people is definitely not what they can provoke.

"Dream Chen, in the days when I'm not here, you have to practice seriously. I have left the resources to both of them. Before I return, you must be promoted to extermination. Don't be lazy, you know?"

In the tree house, Yuan Feng made the final instructions to Yun Mengchen. After leaving this trip, he really did n’t know when he would be able to return, or even whether he could return, and Yun Mengchen was definitely assured. One of the best of all.

"Rest assured, I will definitely work hard, even if it is not more than you, it will not be much worse than you."

Yun Mengchen had a faint smile on her face, and she seemed to be telling Yuan Feng that she could do what she was going to do, and she wouldn't have any problems here.

"Hey, good. With your qualifications, one day I will catch up with Xiuwei." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng reached out and touched Yunyun Mengchen's cheek, intentionally or unintentionally.

His cultivation has reached a real bottleneck, and it is absolutely difficult to be promoted in a short while, and during this time, Yun Mengchen can definitely pull the gap between them closer and closer, maybe it is true Before he can be promoted to Dongtian Realm, he can also reach the realm of annihilation.

For the two cave heavens and the five heavens, the former instructed and increased a lot of resources. For Yun Mengchen, it was just to open up for her!

"Okay, obediently practice here, and wait for me to come back." What I have to say will never finish, but Yuan Feng knows that he can't continue to delay.

Taking Yunmeng Chen into his arms, Yuan Feng gently kissed on the other side's cherry lips, and then the other side let go, and disappeared into the tree house between flashes, no longer making the slightest stop.

"Remember to come back early !!!"

When Yuan Feng disappeared, Yun Mengchen's face couldn't help but be full of perseverance. However, she didn't want Yuan Feng to see it.

"I must work hard, break through to annihilation as soon as possible, and then launch an impact towards a stronger realm. One day, I will be his helper, not a drag that will worry him."

Silver teeth clenched, and Yun Mengchen at this moment was obviously bitter. Yuan Feng left her two superpowers and numerous training resources. In any case, she couldn't live up to Yuanfeng's painstaking efforts ...

Yuan Feng did not know what Yunmeng Chen thought. He said to his heart that he left two strong men to protect Yunmeng Chen. As for the cultivation of Yunmeng Chen, he didn't expect much.

Speaking of them, even if Yun Mengchen catches up with Xiu, it is absolutely impossible to compare with him in terms of strength. Moreover, with him present, he does not need Yun Mengchen to practice hard and hard. If he can't even protect his own woman, what else can he do?

After leaving Qingzong Sect, Yuan Feng returned directly to Danxia Sect, and entered Tianlian Demon Palace for the first time.

Until now, he didn't want to have any further delay. The woman in the star house seemed to be imprinted in his mind, so that he could not forget it for a minute.

Regardless of whether the woman is his own mother or not, he must rescue the person as soon as possible, as for the rest, wait until the person is rescued before making sure.

"Get ready to go. Although the strength of the Star Palace is damaged, and we have controlled many people, we want to mix in the Star Palace and do whatever we want in it. We may have to think of some ways."

Without any delay, almost at the moment when he returned to Tianlian Demon Palace, Yuan Feng was ready to leave.

"Leave a few more people to guard Danxiazong, anyway, for us, there are not many differences between a few more subordinates and a few subordinates."

Both the deity and the avatar are always thinking. Yuan Feng's mind has drifted to the Astral Palace of the French Realm, and the avatar is more under consideration.

"Well, the remaining Dongtianjing Wutiantian left half to protect Danxiazong and Heishan Kingdom. In this way, it should be possible to ensure foolproofness."

The deity naturally has no opinion. When talking, they shot together and made the final arrangement before leaving.

He carried more than twenty cavemen and five heavenly men on his body. Two of them were left to Yunmengchen before, but there were still twenty people. This time, he directly left half of the strong men in Danxia. Zongli, in this way, even if there are more dangers, the ten cave heavens and five strong heavens are enough to cope.

After arranging the ten caves and the five strong super powers, Yuan Feng did not startle his elders. Instead, he and his siblings brought the Heavenly Refined Palace and left Danxiazong. Range, headed straight for the endless waters beyond the Tianlong Dynasty.

This time, he is undoubtedly going to desperately. As for the final result, everything depends on whether God has helped.

If you really find your mother and bring someone back, then his father will be very happy and happy!

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