The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1165: Hidden danger (two more)

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For Hong Haitian, Jiang Qingwu has always been resentful, but at this moment, when Hong Haitian's betrayal left, even when the entire Star Palace looked at the collapse, she had no matter how much hatred she had, The wind dissipated.

In the beginning, there was no right or wrong. Everyone was thinking for their own interests. There was nothing wrong with it. What Hong Haitian did was not bad for him, but it was just a bit too radical.

The matter has passed, and the other party has already received the due punishment. If she keeps pursuing it, then it will be really without measure!

Of course, the most important point is that Hong Haitian, as the main lord of the Star Palace, has great strength. Although he is now a wounded person, if he really fights, Jiang Qingwu cannot guarantee it. Outperform each other, not to mention she is distracted to protect Yuan Feng now.

Although Yuan Feng said that she did not need to protect her, in her heart, of course, it was impossible to take such words to heart. For Yuan Feng's strength that can be compared with that of Dongtianjing Sixth Heaven, for her cultivation, it is simply not enough!

Jiang Qingwu is also tired. Now she just wants to spend some ordinary people's life peacefully. As for pursuing fame and fortune, that is not what she likes.

Therefore, when she saw that Samsung ’s boss had left proudly, leaving Hong Haitian alone, she wanted to let the other person go.

However, although there is a large number of adults, Jiang Qingwu does not want to compete with Hong Haitian, but Hong Haitian does not think so.

"I don't think that this palace is countless, and even the people who did not see it clearly, Jiang Qingwu, you are very good, and you have secretly conquered so many people. It is really good!"

Hong Haitian's complexion changed, and now he had calmed down. At this point, he has almost nothing, and his proud capital is gone. On the other hand, Jiang Qingwu, not only emerged from difficulties, but his strength is obviously better than before. What's more terrible is that under the opponent's hands, he did not know when a group of this size was gathered.

Hundreds of Dongtianjing strong, even he can not be underestimated.

"Well, you do n’t need to understand my business, Hong Haitian. From now on, Jiang Qingwu is no longer a person in the Astrological Palace. Let ’s go all the way to the sky. Let ’s go each side!”

Jiang Qingwu did not explain. She naturally would not push her son to the top of the waves. If you let the other person know that these people were subordinated by Yuan Feng, then from then on, I am afraid that Yuan Feng will not have a birthday. Already.

"Hahaha, you want to be beautiful. You are the five-star lord of my horoscope. If you want to get away now, get out. How easy is that?"

When Jiang Qingwu's words came down, Hong Haitian suddenly laughed loudly. Even if he suddenly looked cold, the whole body was filled with cold cold intentions.

"Jiang Qingwu, if you want me to let you go, you can just give me the **** crystal you are in charge of, and then I will let you go. Otherwise, you will never want to have a birthday."

At first, the five forces took control of a **** crystal, and then the star palace destroyed one of the five forces, but it snatched the other **** crystal into the hands, which caused the star palace to control the two **** crystals.

However, after settling in the French realm, the remaining strong men in the Star Palace agreed that the two **** crystals should be separated and controlled by different people. In this case, even if the main palace Hong Haitian had Unexpectedly, but there is no need to worry about the absence of the **** crystal in the star house.

As the strongest player in the Palace of Stars, second only to the Grand Palace Master, Jiang Qingwu naturally became one of the masters of the Jingjing. In fact, the original Grand Palace Master Hong Haitian sneaked in to attack her, in fact, because he wanted to put The **** crystal grabbed it back.

At this moment, Hong Haitian had nothing left, and the only thing that concerned him was the **** crystal left in Jiang Qingwu's hands. After getting this **** crystal, then at least he still has two **** crystals in his hand, but there will be no chance of a comeback.

"Hong Haitian, this **** crystal, I will not give it to you, so you still die this heart!"

Of course, she could not agree to Hong Haitian's request. The significance of Shenjing is very important. Naturally, she will not casually give this kind of treasure to Hong Haitian, especially if the other party's heart is not correct. If she really gets more Shenjing, she will definitely be a super big trouble.

"Okay, good, since you do n’t want to surrender the **** crystal, then from now on, you should always be careful, I hope you do n’t fall into my hands again, otherwise, it is not as simple as seal imprisonment, Hahahaha !!! "

Hong Haitian also knows that it is definitely not that easy to let the other side surrender the **** crystal. Unfortunately, in the state he wants to be, it is impossible to **** the other **** crystal. Everything, wait until he After recovering from the injury, it is not too late to plan.

"Jiang Qingwu, you wait for me !!!"

In a flash of his body, Hong Haitian disappeared directly, but his warning came from afar, echoing around Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng.

Hong Haitian was obviously at a loss at the moment. He couldn't understand the situation at the moment. How exactly Jiang Qingwu got out of trouble, he didn't understand it yet. Theoretically, there should be a strong person rescued from the outside, so that Jiang Qingwu can be rescued, but Shi Caicai has explored the surroundings, and he did not feel the breath of the super strong person at all.

Such a weird situation made him very worried that superpowers were lurking around him, so he had no other way to think about than to retreat temporarily.

As for Jiang Qingwu's side, Yuan Feng didn't observe too much at all, because when he felt the breath of the cave heaven and earth in the fifth or sixth day, he no longer had the desire to observe.

The whole sky finally calmed down, but Jiang Qingwu's face was a little ugly.

She knows Hong Haitian very well, and the other side has spoken ruthlessly. Then from now on, I'm afraid she must really be careful in her life. Even, she has to think about whether she should live alone, because that ’s the only way. She can't affect other people.

"Mother, should you tell your child about you? At least, let your child know who you are?"

Just as Jiang Qingwu's face changed, thinking about how to face revenge from Hong Haitian in the future, Yuan Feng's voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts in the future.

From the beginning to the present, Yuan Feng has almost never said a word, because he knows very well that with his current strength, he is not qualified to challenge the powerful creatures. What he can do is just watch and watch. If he can help, he will not be too late.

He has actually listened to the conversation between his mother and the other two strong men. Although he had some speculations before, he still didn't expect that his mother would be a person in the star house.

"Fenger, with your ingenuity, I believe that even if I don't say it, you should understand." After seeing his son asking himself, Jiang Qingwu set aside the troubles and started to Yuan Feng simply Explain it.

"My identity is the five-star master of this celestial palace. At first, because he did not do things according to the request of the main palace master Hong Haitian, he was secretly attacked by him, and then sealed in the depths of the celestial palace. Let Fenger you have such an exciting future, it seems that heaven is really not thin to me. "

Simply talking about my situation, Jiang Qingwu's heart is really full of gratitude. Frankly speaking, if she didn't leave Yuan Feng and his son, but stayed with the two, then the situation would not be known! It was precisely because of her departure that Yuanyuan was so powerful now.

For her decades of imprisonment, in exchange for Yuan Feng's current strength, she felt it was worth it.

"Sure enough, the Five-Star Lord of the Astrological Palace, so to speak, the mother should be a person of no delusion?"

After being confirmed by Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng nodded, and then asked again in depth. Both the Tianxing Palace and the Tianlian Demon Palace are derived from Wulei Realm. If your mother is the five-star master of the Tianxing Palace, then you must also be a figure without Gaoli.

"You know the boundless world? Fenger, do you even know the boundless world?"

Jiang Qingwu was startled when he heard Yuan Feng's mouth telling her history. The matter of no delusion is very secretive, and it is impossible for ordinary people to know.

However, only for a moment, she realized something slowly, and there was a flash of sorrow in her face.

"Yes, your child can conquer so many strong men. According to you, there should be strong men in the Astrological Palace before, and it should be no surprise to know that there is no delusion."

Yuan Feng can conquer even the strongest realm in the dharma realm and the magical realm. To understand that there is no delusional realm, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

"Not only do I know that there is no delusional realm, I also know that the five forces of the original delusional realm fled to the lower realm because of the five **** crystals, and among these five forces, the celestial palace came to the realm of law, and the heaven refining magic palace was Coming to the Mora kingdom, these should be all right? "

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng, like several Jiazhen, enumerates the information he controls.

"You child, it seems that you really have a lot of information in your hands. When you get to a safe place, you must talk to your mother. What wonderful experiences you have had in these years."

Jiang Qingwu has nothing to say. She has seen the excellence of this child, but now she suddenly realized that this son who looks like herself should be better than what she saw right now!

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