The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1193: Do a rake? (Three more)

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Master Pei Zhifeng and Fenglong Long, the leader of the crazy dragon law enforcement team, are negotiating to see an inhuman act, and at this moment, the fluttering voice is suddenly introduced into the room.

"Pei's Pei Zhifeng, come out and die !!!"

The simple words made the atmosphere in the room suddenly tense. The face of Master Pei Zhifeng, Pei Zhifeng, became cold for a moment. He obviously would not have thought that this year, there were people who dared to come to him to make troubles, and also dared to let him go out to die.

In Yunlong's territory, no matter whether it is a large or small force or a family, his Pei Zhifeng is definitely no one to dare to provoke it, but at this moment, someone really came to find excitement.

"Well, who dares to be so blind-sighted and swept away Yaxing of this young master, **** it !!"

Gritted bitterly, Pei Zhifeng felt a fever in his face. At this moment, the members of the crazy dragon law enforcement team were opposite, and Feng Qinglong's identity was not comparable to that of ordinary small characters. He was so abusive in front of the opponent, which was of course very shameful to him. .

However, Pei Zhifeng didn't realize that when the outside sound came into the room, Feng Qinglong and the other two of the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team opposite him all became a little weird.

When Pei Zhifeng wanted to come, the three members of the crazy dragon law enforcement team should be embarrassed because he was abused, but he didn't know that, in fact, the changes in the complexion of the three were definitely not due to embarrassment. .

"Very familiar voice, this voice ..."

Feng Qinglong's complexion was constantly changing, but the sound coming from outside was so familiar to him. At the beginning, in the Snow Dragon Mountain, the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team and the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team encountered. This time, it was definitely the most humiliating time for the Xuanlong Law Enforcement Team, and it was also that time. Run away dingy. And it was a young man who did not know them before.

Although a long time has passed, the young man at the time still remembers it very clearly. Not only their faces, but even their voices, they also remember them fresh.

"Is that man coming back?"

Feng Qinglong's heart suddenly became a little stunned. Before, he dared to calculate the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team because the stranger of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team had disappeared long ago, but if that super-powerful man had a real intention When he comes back, it is definitely a terrible thing for him.

Looking back, Feng Qinglong glanced at the two players he brought with him, but found that the expressions of the two were similar. Seeing this, he was almost certain that the eight achievements were the intention of the original Sword Enforcement Team. Realm strong.

"Oh, why did the perverted guy come back again? It's broken now. If this person understands the previous situation, he must be doing everything right with my mad dragon law enforcement team in the future!"

When Feng Qinglong wanted to come, no matter how strong the Sword Law Enforcement Team was, they would definitely not dare to kill them blatantly. At best, they will need to be careful in their future actions. He never thought of it anyway. At this moment, his mad dragon law enforcement team had already been killed by Yuan Feng for most of the time.

"No, this person must not be allowed to survive. This time, we must use the hands of Pei Zhifeng and the Pei family to completely eliminate this threat."

As soon as his eyes turned, Feng Qinglong had already made a decision.

"Oh, Master Zhifeng, I still don't think there are people who dare not sell Master Zhifeng's face. It seems that someone came to Master Zhifeng, but they reported that they would kill him!"

Feng Qinglong's tone was very light, but when he heard him, Pei Zhifeng, who had already looked ugly, could not help becoming more angry.

"Well, why not, come to my Pei family to make trouble, and also want to put my Pei Zhifeng to death, today, I will let him know what the price is, come, come with me !!!"

Feng Qinglong's words were a little bit agitated. Where does Pei Zhifeng care so much? He is a good-looking person. He lost his face now, so he must find it quickly. Otherwise, how can he cooperate with the crazy dragon law enforcement team in the future?


The words fell, and Pei Zhifeng said nothing but flew away directly, and as his body started to move, several figures in the entire Pei family mansion flew along with him. .

"Captain, we ..."

When Pei Zhifeng took someone out, the two members of the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team hurriedly looked at Feng Qinglong, looking uncertain.

"Stop being calm and impatient, Lai's eight achievements are the guy of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, but this time he dared to go to Pei's house to spread the wild. Then he can only blame him for his own destruction. Pei's ancestors will never let him go. "

Feng Qinglong's eyes narrowed, and his face was full of the expression of Zhizhu holding. When he wanted to come, Yuan Feng Bacheng already knew the day's events, but he couldn't find the trouble of the crazy dragon law enforcement team under the broad daylight, so he had to go to Pei's house to find a place.

"Let's go and take a look. Anyway, everyone is a member of the law enforcement team. He dare not treat us."

With a little thought, he didn't hesitate anymore. In a flash of his body, he took the two of them out likewise ...

Above the sky, as the five members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team lined up in front of Pei's house, and Yuan Feng's provocative sound spread far away, more and more people gathered from the surrounding area.

"What's going on? Who is so bullish and went to Pei's house for trouble?"

"You don't know yet? It's the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, it seems that the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team has suffered a conspiracy from the Dragon Dragon Enforcement Team and the Pei Family. At this moment, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team will get justice!"

"What? It turned out to be the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, but they are too reckless. The Pei family is a big family, but there are old ancestors with a great demise in the mansion. Isn't this asking for fun? Is it me? To find the theory of Pei's family, it would be better to go to the Mad Dragon Law Enforcement Team to cheer up! "

"Che, what do you know, do you think that the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team will let go of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team? Just now, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team has destroyed the Mansion of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, except for Feng Qinglong and the two opponents The other members are not there. The remaining seven have been wiped out by the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team at this time. "

"What? How is this possible? Isn't the Dragon Law Enforcement team so weak? Furthermore, it is strictly forbidden to kill each other between law enforcement teams. If the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team really does this, then it must not be given death by the Lord Yunlong Law Protector? "

"I don't know about these. In short, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team has killed seven members of the Crazy Dragon Law Enforcement Team. This is an absolutely indisputable fact. As for how to be cured, it depends on them."

"Don't say it, don't say it. Look, Pei Family Master Pei Zhifeng appeared. I don't know what kind of sparks can come out this time."

The onlookers talked enthusiastically, and while they were talking, Pei Family Master Pei Zhifeng flew out from the depths of the mansion with a group of people. Seeing this, everyone stopped talking. Instead, they looked at the house of Pei's house, waiting for the conflict between the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team and Pei's house.

"Well, who is so bold and so brave, that he dares to scatter in front of my Pei's house and find it impossible to die?"

Pei Zhifeng's voice came from a distance, it sounded full of momentum.

"Brush brush !!!"

In the time of speaking, Pei Zhifeng has taken a dozen of Pei's strong men to the sky above the mansion, and confronted the five people opposite him.

"Pei Pei Zhifeng, your death is over."

When everyone in the Pei family stood up, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team, which had already hated the itching of the teeth, was one by one exasperated, one-armed chasing the wind, even facing the former. Growled.

"Well? Hahaha, who am I? It turned out to be some of the Sword Enforcement Team, and some of them insulted me Pei Zhifeng for no reason. Is this to challenge the dignity of this young master?"

Seeing the wind, and a few others beside her, Pei Zhifeng's complexion was slightly stagnant, but then she was relieved. There were no witnesses to the incident that day, so he was not afraid of anyone else to know. At this moment, when I saw the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team running to find trouble, it was just the opportunity to destroy several people on the other side and never suffer future troubles.

"My aunt, Pei Zhifeng, what are you pretending to be? At the beginning, you and the Kuanglong Law Enforcement Team conspired against my Divine Sword Law Enforcement Team. Do you dare to do it now?"

Chasing the wind flushed, and hatefully argued to the other side.


As soon as the words of chasing the wind had just fallen, a sound of breaking wind came, and then Feng Qinglong of the crazy dragon law enforcement team appeared with his people.

"Hey, hey, the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team on the opposite side, don't you spray **** people, I am Feng Qinglong here, and have you ever calculated with Master Zhifeng? You have to be responsible for what you said!"

Feng Qinglong's figure stood beside Pei Zhifeng's body. He had seen the familiar and unfamiliar figure in the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team for the first time, but at this time there was Pei Zhifeng in front, and there was a rule that the law enforcement teams could not kill each other, so he also did not Not afraid of how Yuan Feng treats him.

"Hahaha, Captain Feng said that the opposing Sword Law Enforcement Team, relying on your strength, you must spit people everywhere, really intolerable, hum, if you do n’t give this young master an account today, I'm afraid it's very difficult for you to leave and go and surround me. "

Pei Zhifeng was even more straightforward. When Feng Qinglong's words fell, he suddenly waved behind him. Then, a dozen of Pei's strong men were moving towards the Sword Enforcement Team. People rounded up and surrounded the five members of the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team.

"You ... you ..."

Seeing that the people of the Pei family even hit a rake, several people in the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team could not help but breathe, one by one being speechless.

"Well, I'll see you die this time."

When the Excalibur Law Enforcement Team was surrounded by the Pei family, Feng Qinglong's eyes could not help but flash a wicked smile.

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