The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1203: Giant rich (a more seeking flowers)

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In the vast kingdom of silver and white, there is a quiet place everywhere, and at this moment, in this holy world, three silhouettes are standing two, one is sitting paralyzed, making this empty world look like It was a little more angry.

Above the ground, the owner of the entire silver world, and also the head of the entire Helian House, Qin Helian, was like a fool, sitting there dumbly, still with a thick face on his face. Incredible color.

Qin Helian aside, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu looked at the owner of the Helian government who was sitting there indifferently, but did not rush to disturb each other, but gave each other a process of acceptance.

After Yuan Feng completed the performance of the blood curse, Jiang Qingwu lifted the control of the Helian Mansion Qin Helian, but the Helian Mansion without power control immediately reset his limbs. Over the body. However, although his body recovered, Qin Helian's heart could not be recovered in any way.

"How can this be? My spirit, my spirit is controlled by others? How is it possible, how can there be such a means? I do not believe, I do not believe !!!"

Below the calm surface, the owner of Helien House was roaring silently. Although everything had become a fact, he could not accept such facts anyway.

He can feel that his soul is absolutely incomplete, and the missing part is controlled by the young man on the side. In his feelings, as long as the other party has a thought, then his Helian government The master of the house is going to die out.

Frankly speaking, if he is controlled by such a terrifying means, then he really recognizes that he is in control of his life and death, and it seems that he is a young man who seems to be annihilating.

"Is this punishment for me? Why, why do you treat me like this !!!"

Looking up, the owner of Helien House couldn't help looking at Yuan Feng aside. The young man didn't look too unusual, but it was obvious that the other party had a very unusual relationship with the good-fortune woman on the side. For one thing, it gave him a little comfort in his heart.

"Hey, okay, Qin Helian, I have given you so much time to get used to it, and you should stand up and talk, right? I don't want the first person who has successfully completed the cave, I must It's a pity to be killed directly by me. "

Seeing Qin Helian, the host of Helian House, looking up at himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile slightly, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally to the former.

For him who has been trained in the third level of the blood curse magic skill, no matter what the person under his control is thinking, as long as he wants to know, then it is absolutely impossible to escape his perception. The thoughts of the Helian Mansion were all in his heart, and frankly, he felt very interesting about what the Helian Mansion thought.

"Om !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, the slightly drowsy Helian House lord shook for a moment, and then he hurried up in a hurry. At this moment, he suddenly became Unusually awake.

Although he is controlled by someone who is not as good as himself, his heart is full of unhappiness, but no matter what, his little life is the most important thing. If he is really killed by Yuan Feng ’s thoughts, he will definitely die. Doesn't freak out.

"Hey, you guy is quite smart, not bad."

Seeing the head of the Helian Mansion stood up in solemn expression, and consciously bent down slightly, Yuan Feng could not help showing a touch of satisfaction. Frankly, he was still wondering whether the owner of the Hellen House would choose to die in anger under the control of a young man like himself, but now it seems that his worries seem a bit redundant.

"Hey, that's it, I'm acknowledging it now. I just hope that you can leave me some basic dignity in the future."

The request of the Helian House owner is not high. He never thought that Yuan Feng would treat him like a guest, because that is also impossible. But at least, he did n’t want to be treated like a slave by the other party. Just insult.

"From now on, you will call me the young master. As for your worry, this is not necessary. As my subordinate, you only need to do things as I ordered, and I will not intentionally make things difficult for you. "After looking up and down Qin Helian, Yuan Feng pulled back a little and let his mother out." This is my mother. From now on, she is your master. Shouldn't you have any opinion? " "

Although the Helian Mansion was subdued by him, it was his mother Jiang Qingwu who could subdue the other party. Therefore, it seems that Jiang Qingwu can be the master of the Helian Mansion.

"It's all up to the young master."

When he looked stagnant, what the Helen houseowner wanted to say, but in the end he didn't say anything. It doesn't matter if you are the young master or the master, it doesn't matter. Today, he has a small life in the hands of others. This is the most terrible thing.

"Oh, you don't have to have any resistance, follow me, you will feel very grateful in the future."

Jiang Qingwu was always on the sidelines, but now she couldn't help but smile a little, and suddenly interrupted and came in. She believes that her son will do something great. In his heart, it is an honor for these people, whether they are in the French realm or the Moro realm, to serve her son.

"Yes, my subordinates know."

Taking a deep breath, the owner of the Helian House had nothing to refute. He now had nothing to say. As for Jiang Qingwu's so-called happiness, of course he couldn't believe it.

"Hey, mother, tell him now, he can't listen."

Yuan Feng can always monitor the mind of the Helian Mansion, and naturally knows what the other party is thinking. However, he does not interfere with the idea of ​​the Helian Mansion. As he said, he only needs to The master of Helen's House listened to him. As for the others, he didn't have time to interfere.

"Helian, don't talk about the extra ones, turn in all the resources you have accumulated over the years, and the Yun Shen tree just now, alas, such a good thing, what should you do if you accidentally damage it? It's better to save it for me. "

After conquering the owner of Helian House, Yuan Feng's first thing was, of course, to start brazenly.

The owner of the Helian House is a well-known collector. Even if the treasure on his body is not the most among the 36 houses, it is definitely the top one. For such a guy, if Yuan Feng does not rob one, Fan, I'm sorry for the previous effort!

"This this………"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, the head of the Helian House couldn't help but look pale, and his eyes were bitter.

He had long thought about such a situation, and now it seems that the more he worry about the more and what, in the end, he still cannot escape this result.

"Ah, nothing, things outside of me will never belong to me again!"

Even Xiao Minger has been controlled by others. His hobbies of collecting treasures can be completely forgotten. At this moment, he completely understands what is involuntary.

"Wow !!!!"

Between thoughts, a large number of heavenly materials and treasures, and a large number of spirit stone veins, are like hills, piled up in the eyes of Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu, soon, countless Baby is piled up into several mountains.

"Uh ... there are so many? Is this guy rich?"

Seeing a bunch of babies appearing in front of him, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, and he couldn't help feeling an incredible feeling. It seems that he still underestimated the collection of the main figures of the governor, but think about it, as one of the governors of the thirty-six governors of the French Realm, these people have experienced what the gods will know, and the accumulation will be thousands His Majesty's family is not surprising at all.

"Very good, so many heavenly treasures, and all kinds of spar ore, these treasures are enough for Xiaoba to produce hundreds of caves in the cave heaven world!"

The excitement overflowed in words. At this moment, Yuan Feng was about to love the owner of Helian House.

"Pure God Tree !!!"

Eyes swept across countless babies, Yuan Feng finally looked at a dark **** tree growing in a large jade pot, and this spirit tree was just displayed by the owner of Helian House Connotation tree.

Obviously, among so many treasures, this tree of Yunshen is definitely a treasure among babies. This tree of God alone is worth a lot of treasures.

You know, the Yun Shen Fruit on Yun Shen Tree is a super baby who can even be promoted if he eats it. Although he may not have any effect if he eats it now, his relatives, friends, and His Warcraft friends absolutely need this thing.

"Very well, with this tree of Yun Shen and the fruits of more than a dozen, Dahei's promotion to the cave realm is nothing short of simple. By then, even Jinmoo can be promoted to several realms in order to Help me find more and better babies. "

These treasures are not too many, but how to use these dozens of fruits must be considered very seriously.


With a change of heart, Yuan Feng said nothing, just put the Yun Shen tree for the time being and put it in his own Qingwu Palace, where the Yun Shen tree can grow better and provide him more help.

"Helian, is that all you have in your collection? It should be more than that!"

Folding the Yunshen Tree, Yuan Feng suddenly felt that the mind of the Helian House was obviously slightly changed, and in this case, it seemed to be a feeling of concealment.

"This, these are just a few, and there are some heavenly treasures and energy crystals. These are all in the palaces of their subordinates now, and please invite the young master and master to come with me."

Said by Yuan Feng, the owner of Helian House shook his lips and explained honestly.

"Uh, there really are?"

Yuan Feng just asked so casually, but he didn't have much hope. However, the answer given by the owner of Helien House made him helpless.

ps: Chrysanthemums are tight, brothers and sisters, baoju! !! !! Please recommend coffee and recommend coffee! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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