The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1205: No solution (three)

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In the extravagant space of pink, a huge tent is suspended quietly in the depths of the space. Inside the tent, a middle-aged man sits opposite a young man, beside them, this time is There are beautiful female warriors around, and the atmosphere in the entire tent is extremely warm.

"Hahaha, Brother Helian, why are you so free today that you went to your brother for a pastime? It seems that Brother Helian came here last time, a few years ago!"

On the chaise lounge, the owner of the Dog Tooth Mansion sat there with a golden sword. On the side and behind him, there were beautiful women who were always serving.

"Hehehe, Brother Hounds is singing and dancing here, it's just a bliss in the world. Of course, there is such a good place, brother I like it very much."

The lord of Helien House laughed with a sly smile on his face, and he couldn't help but take a female martial artist who was serving him into his arms and play with it deliberately.

Embraced by Helian House, the woman's complexion changed slightly, but then she was relieved. She was brought in by the owner of Doge ’s House, and she has always been reluctant to serve the other party. Now, when Heran ’s house owner arrives, she can only let the other party pick and dare not have the slightest resistance.

They are all powerhouse-level powerhouses, but Helian powerhouse-owners are the same as Houndstooth powerhouse-owners.

"Hahaha, Brother Helian, I don't think Brother Helian is beginning to take a good sip now. When Brother Helian leaves, my brother will pack a few more beautiful women away. How about it?"

Seeing that Herren House owner acted on her own maid manually, the owner of Hounds House did not have any dissatisfaction, except that every woman who was touched by Herman House owner had secretly remembered it, and waited until Herman House owner left. After that, these women must be disposed of.

He will never touch a woman who has been touched by others.

"Okay, Hounds Brother is justification. Since that's the case, I'm not polite to that brother, ha ha ha ha!"

The head of the Helian House looked bright, and speaking, he kissed the woman in his arms, and then he threw the other side aside without touching.

"Brother Tooth is so righteous, I can't help but show that brother. I just got a good baby recently. Brother Cannon, if you like it, it should be a gift for Brother."

The owner of Helien House straightened his body, his face was a little bit authentic.

"Oh? Brother Helian got the baby? Hahaha, everyone in the French realm knows that Brother Helian is the most precious one, and every treasure is a real treasure. It seems to be an eye-opener today. what!"

The eyes of the dog's eyes were bright, and the women beside him were kicked aside. He is undoubtedly more interested in these treasures than those women.

The lord of Helian House treats heavenly treasures and spiritual treasures just as he likes beautiful women. There are countless female warriors in his harem. Similarly, the kingdom of Helian House must also have Countless babies.

"Where and where, it's an exaggeration to open your eyes, but this thing is definitely a treasure, dog brother please see."

The master of Helian shook his head humbly, and then he suddenly raised his hand. Then, a huge black **** tree appeared on the side of the two, and was suspended there.

"His ...... what? This, this is ...... the **** tree?"

The face of the owner of the Dog Tooth Mansion became extremely wonderful, and even bounced directly from the reclining chair. Without a word, he came forward to the black spiritual tree and looked obsessively at the black **** tree.

"Brother Tooth has good eyesight, it is Yun Shen Tree, and it still bears more than a dozen fruits, and looking at Yun Shen Tree, which is about to mature, how about this dog, my Dog Brother does like it?"

The Helian House also stood up and slowly paced to the side of the Dog Tooth House, as if he had approached the other side unintentionally, and explained with a smile.

"What? Brother Helian, do you really want to give me this tree of God? Is this too expensive?"

Hearing that the owner of Helian House actually wanted to donate such a sacred tree to himself, the owner of Hung Yat House was slightly surprised. He knew the preciousness of Yun Shenshu. No one would dislike such a treasure, but the owner of the Helen House actually wanted to give him such a treasure, which made him not surprised.

"Hahaha, where is Brother Hound, if it isn't expensive, how can I take it, brother?"

With a loud laugh, the Lord of Helian House did not care much, just like a treasure of this level, he had the same body.

"Well, haha, right, right, Brother Helian is right, but I've lost my word, hahaha!" With a faint complexion, the owner of Houndstooth rushed to the front, and then laughed aloud, "Since Helian My brother said so, then I have accepted this **** tree! "

"Just take it, Brother Hounds stowed it."

He nodded, and the owner of the Helian House made a please gesture, clear and authentic.

"Thank you very much!" With all that said, the owner of Dogfang Mansion no longer hesitated. When he raised his hand, he gathered the entire Yunshen Tree together with the jade pot of the Shenshu.

"Brother Helian, my brother and I have made a lot of friends, but it must be Brother Helian. It is the righteousness to come. Come here, brother Helian, please sit down quickly. Brother and I will choose some good friends for Brother Helian. Belle, today Brother Helian must have a good time with me. "

When the Yunshen Tree was put away, the owner of the Houndstooth Mansion immediately became more kind to the owner of the Helen Mansion, and the slightest precaution was left at this moment.

Yun Shenshu and other treasures are willing to take out the other party, he did not need to guard against the other party.

"Hey, here comes Inuya here to relax and relax. Even though Inuya is called a few decent beauties, let me open up today."

The lord of Helien licked his lips, and it was an anxious expression, as if he had been holding it for too long, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"Hahaha, okay, since Brother Helian is so upright, then I will take out a few treasured beauties in a moment to make Brother Helian feel better, hahaha, Brother Helian, please sit down."

With a loud laugh, the owner of Houndstooth made a gesture to the owner of Helian, and then the two of them walked back together into the pink tent and sat back to their respective positions together.

The Helian Mansion appeared to have no problems. While he could nod his head and smile, he slowly sat down on the lounger. When he saw him, of course, the Houndsman Mansion did not think too much, and he was equally casual in his speech. Sit down.

However, just as the owner of Doge ’s Mansion sat down, he did n’t find it. He turned his back to his owner of Helen ’s Mansion, but his eyes suddenly flashed a sharp look. The power of the dog came in front of the owner of Inuyafu in an instant, and wrapped the inuyafu master half-sit and half-standing directly.


Just got an treasure, the owner of the Dogfang Mansion was proud of the spring breeze. Suddenly, the huge energy fluctuations suddenly sent him a sudden change of ground, and the feeling of danger suddenly struck his mind.

"Not good, it's dangerous !!!"

The lord-level powerhouse's keen awareness of how dangerous it is is almost instantaneous, and the inuya ward-man is aware of some problems.

It is a pity that the danger lies under his eyelids. At this time, he wants to resist, and where will there be such opportunities?

"Om !!!"

The powerful energy directly blocked the surrounding space. At the same time, the owner of Houndstooth Mansion felt only a sharp breath that enveloped him, and several golden swordsmans appeared in an instant. Into his pupils.

"Well !!!"

The golden sword-mang did not know where it came from. When the owner of Houndstooth House fully realized the danger and wanted to dodge, his limbs were completely detached from the body, regardless of the trunk or limbs. All have been sealed.


Almost at the same time that the power was sealed, he also showed a enthusiastic look at the Helian Mansion. At this moment, he came to the owner of the Inuya Mansion in an instant, and the power of the cavern flowed directly to his body and The limbs were controlled separately, preventing his recovery.

"Ah ... Qin Helian, you, you dare to blame me !!!"

The owner of Houndstooth Mansion is not a fool. Until the moment, he still can't see where he is. He was actually accounted by the owner of Helian Mansion. Obviously, the other party let him step by step and let go of his lethal blow. Everything was obviously It was the other party's calculations, but it was funny that he thought the other party was going to have a deeper relationship with him.

"Hey, the owner of Inuya Prefecture, I'm doing this for your good. I advise you not to yell, the province's host is upset."

The body of the owner of the dog teeth house was imprisoned in person, and the owner of the Helian house couldn't help sighing. After speaking, his gaze was no longer looking at the owner of the dog teeth house, but his position in front of him.


Hearing the words of the Helian Mansion Master, the Dog Tooth Mansion also abruptly held it. Subconsciously, he looked at the other person's eyes.


It was almost the moment when the owner of Fangyafu looked to the side, a gorgeous light suddenly appeared in front of them. Then, a woman in a white dress and a handsome young man appeared. It was before their eyes.

"His ...... beautiful woman !!!"

The owner of Fangyafu immediately set his sights on the woman in front of her, but he did not look at the cultivation of the woman at all, because at this moment, all his spirits were attracted by the woman's appearance. He lived. At this moment, he even forgot that he was already in a different place and was experiencing a huge crisis!

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