The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1212: No trace (second more)

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Originally it was a good thing to celebrate, but Yuan Feng didn't expect it. When he thought he could reunite with Dahei, the latter even played with him and disappeared.

Dahei is not a kind of ignorant person. According to normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to leave without leaving a trace of clues. Right now Dahei disappears without a trace, so there must be something wrong in it. Known secrets. Even he was better prepared for it.

For his fellow realm in the Three Realms and his own Warcraft companion, Yuan Feng is definitely very rare, so even if it takes a lot of effort, he has to find Dahei.

The avatar has been active in the Moro Realm. Hundreds of cave realm protection methods, plus hundreds of cave realm of Warcraft. As long as Dahei is still in the Morro realm, no matter who is caught, he will eventually find some Clues.

Yuan Feng's body continued to be busy in the French realm. However, due to the **** heart, Yuan Feng's next action was more violent than before. Moreover, after every capture of the main character of the house, he Almost without saying a word, it is directly invested in the next goal, and even the rest time in the middle is saved.

With the increasing number of powerhouses under his control, the task of conquering other powerhouses at other government levels has become simpler and easier. The thirty-six provinces of the French Realm will soon be 28 in number. The governor of the prefecture was secretly subdued by Yuan Feng and became a powerful subordinate of Yuan Feng, but still free, but there were only eight people left.

At this moment, Yuan Feng has completely let go, and the twenty-eighth house governor is in his hands. At this moment, he can obviously be said to be in control of the entire legal realm. As for the other eight people, even Hard to come, they have nowhere to run.

When the twenty-eighth government-run powerhouse earned income, Yuan Feng did not continue this time, but had to rest for a short time. There is no way, other people are not very tired, but his mother definitely consumes, so he must let his mother breathe a sigh, and then go to find the next goal.

"Fenger, don't be too anxious. Everything has its own set. What should happen will happen after all. Sometimes, God has already destined the test that everyone will endure. Your Warcraft partner may have encountered it. What's better? "

Over the past few years, Jiang Qingwu's performance has been seen in Yuan Feng's performance, and she always feels unhappy and worried when she sees her son. Of course, she feels anxious from the heart.

I want to come before Jiang Qingwu. A Warcraft companion is plainly a pet. In the current situation of Yuan Feng, a Warcraft pet who has just been promoted to Dongtian Realm does not really need to invest so much thought. After seeing Yuan Feng's performance over the past few days, she realized that the friend of Warcraft was probably very important to Yuan Feng!

"Well, the mother understands the truth, but Dahei means a lot to the child. The child really needs this friend."

Jiang Qingwu can understand Yuan Feng's mood, but he doesn't understand the true meaning of Dahei for Yuan Feng. However, there are some things that Yuan Feng can't let Jiang Qingwu know. If Jiang Qingwu knows that he is not her son, but someone who has taken away his son, I am afraid it will be true at this moment. Give him a sword directly!

"Mother take a break, and the baby will calculate with the avatar to see where Dahei can go."

There was a smile to Jiang Qingwu, and Yuan Feng then worked with the avatar to arrange those subordinates who commanded himself, as well as those powerful cave worlds of Warcraft, and began to search and wander around.

Dahei's disappearance has had too much influence on his mood, so he must find a way to find Dahei anyway. To be honest, today's world, only Dahei, can be regarded as his true person.

Many of the magic circle protection methods have exhausted their efforts and began to find the location of Dahei. Speaking of which, Dahe can be captured without resistance, at least it must be at least six or seven days in the cave. Only the strong can do it. Of course, it is not impossible to say that it is the domain master's strong shot, but that level of characters should not appear easily.

You know, Dahei broke through into the heaven and earth in the chaos of time and space. According to the truth, no one in the Moro Realm should be able to sense it.

Yuan Feng has little interest in the main powers of the government, because for him, if he loses the big black, no matter how strong the power is, there is no way to make up for it.

Hundreds of magic law circles have already searched all the magical realms and the surrounding realms, but unfortunately, not only did they not find the trace of Dahei, even the slightest information was not found.

Regarding such a result, Yuan Feng's heart is very helpless, but unfortunately, no matter how helpless he is, Dahei has completely disappeared, as if it had evaporated in the entire Mo Luo world.

This time, the clone was completely cut out. In the following time, he took a lot of the magic protection of the Moro Realm, especially the blood ancestors who initially conquered, and began to take action in the entire Moro Realm, let alone The people in Dongtianjing, even those who are a little stronger, annihilate them, will conquer, and then spread the news to explore the dark.

Although the avatar does not have the blessing of the power of Xiaoba, the strength of the spirit is also not weak. As for the blood demon ancestor who has only practiced the fur of the blood curse, although he cannot conquer the people in the cave, it is also not difficult for him below the cave.

As time goes by, the avatars and the Blood Demon ancestors are running around. Almost half of the Mo Luo Realm have been filtered by them, and there are so many Mo Luo Realms to protect them. They conquer the people of the Mo Luo Realm. Easy and pleasant.

Although no news about Dahei has been found, but invisibly, the entire Mo Luo world has gradually been controlled by the avatars and the Blood Demon ancestors, perhaps, if this continues, then one day, The entire Mo Luo world, I am afraid, will become the possession of Yuan Feng, as long as he has a thought, the Mo Luo world can become an unmanned world.

"Ah, it seems that something really happened that made me unpredictable. It's difficult to find Dahei!"

Even if a kitten and puppy are lost, in the face of such a huge power, there should be a result, not to mention the **** that has been promoted to the cave heaven, thinking about it, the **** must have unexpected Unexpectedly, as for how to find out the other party, you can only touch it slowly.

"Fenger, only the last three prefecture-level figures are not conquered. After the last three are conquered, I and you will go to the Mo Luo world in person and try to find out your Warcraft friends."

After such a long time, not only did Yuan Feng recover from the passage of time, but he became increasingly depressed because he could not find the news of Dahei. In this regard, Jiang Qingwu looked in his eyes, but was in a hurry.

"Ah, I'm afraid it's not that simple. According to the situation under our control, the Mo Luo world has been quiet recently. The super strong in the Mo Luo world have been hiding and practicing now. Said that Dahei shouldn't have been captured by them, weird, really weird! "

Shaking his head and sighing, Yuan Feng's heart was the clearest, and the avatar was searching for information over there, which was actually the same as his body there. Since the avatar was not found, even if his body passed, it was impossible. Find.

Moreover, the situation in the Mo Luojie is not like the French phase. On the other side of the Mo Luojie, the non-phase demon ancestor has reappeared, and the old ancestor of the Mo Luojie is here. If Jiang Qingwu appears in the Mo Luojie, In all likelihood, it will be perceived by the other party. By then, Wuxiang Demon ancestor will see Jiang Qingwu.

People in the Mo Luo world have a deep hatred for the Star Palace, and Jiang Qingwu, as a member of the Star Palace, is naturally on the list of hates of the strong in the Mo Luo world, but it is unnecessary to think about it.

"No matter, let's talk about the last three people first. After the last three people have been controlled, then the entire realm of law will be in my hands. By that time, even if we can do something, There is nothing wrong with us going into the Moro realm. "

Yuan Feng also knows that the current situation is urgent and useless. In this case, it is better to honestly and thoroughly stabilize the side of the French phase, and then consider the matter of the Mo Luo world.

As for whether Dahei can be found, everything can only be left to fate. Having said that, originally, his encounter with Dahei was a legend. It is possible that the fate between them is really only that!

"Also, if Fenger wants to do it, my mother will support you. As for the non-phase demon ancestor of the Moro Realm, I may not be afraid of him."

Jiang Qingwu has long known about the return of Wuxiang Mozu. If it is based on the original situation, she is really not an opponent of Wuxiang Mozu, but if Yuan Feng really wants to enter the Mo Luo world, Then, she has nothing to fear. The big deal is World War I, and more is the end.

What really worries her is nothing more than Hong Haitian, the master of the Star Palace in the dark. This person is extremely ghostly. She is most afraid of being drilled by the other party, and then she will be hurt by both the ancestors of the Moro kingdom. If that is the case, It's really not worth it.

With the plan in place, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu began the process of receiving the last three government leaders. Two of the last three government leaders can be shot directly. However, in addition to these two people, the last government The main character, Yuan Feng did not know how to face it.

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