The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1216: Waiting for the Rabbit (Part Two)

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Thirty-six masters of the French Realm, now 35 people have been taken into account by Yuan Feng, and the remaining Sapphire masters have also closed the country at this time. They will never show up again in a short time. The legal realm of France has undergone tremendous changes never before.

Mo Luo and his party, Yuan Feng returned without power, and could not find the whereabouts of Dahei. In this regard, Yuan Feng, while anxious and sad, could only be full of helplessness.

Dahei is just like him. He is not a person in this world. Maybe Dahei has secrets that he does not know. Maybe one day, he can find Dahei in an unknown place. Where is it!

After letting go of everything, Yuan Feng didn't go anywhere this time, but just returned to the underground kingdom of Chaos Realm honestly, and began a long rest.

This time the break is arguably the most important adjustment. After this break, he will start a game with Hong Haitian, the star of the Great Palace of Stars, but for the powerful star of the Great Palace of Stars, He really didn't have too strong confidence. After all, it was from the no realm, who was in charge of the superpower who was in charge of one side.

After conquering the thirty-five major government leaders other than the blue jade government chief, Yuan Feng politely collected all the good things from all of them, and the thirty or more caves in the Great Heaven Realm successfully completed. Treasure is not something that can be described simply by richness.

There is no doubt that Yuan Feng is definitely the richest person in the French realm. Even in any middle world, he can never find someone richer than Yuan Feng.

Huge resources are at hand, which makes Yuan Feng have the qualification to do what he wants. This time he rests. Of course, his first thing is to let Xiao Ba produce a large-scale Warcraft army, and with this time he got Of resources, Xiao Ba is simply how much Warcraft he wants to produce, almost as much as he can produce.

This statement may be a bit exaggerated, but in fact, it is really almost rare.

However, although the resources are inexhaustible, Yuan Feng did not really allow Xiaoba to produce Warcraft without restraint, because the too large army of Warcraft is actually of no practical use, and it is almost producing 10,000 heads. At the time of Cave World of Warcraft, Yuan Feng let Xiao Ba stop.

The number of World of Warcraft with 10,000 heads is already an appalling number, and with the production of more World of Warcraft, Yuan Feng is really nowhere to be used.

10,000 heads of cave world of warcraft, thirty-five prefecture-level cave world great conquerors, plus all the people of the cave world of the cave world, it can be said that Yuan Feng this time played a game with the star palace grand Hong Haitian It is simply that the entire French realm is playing against Hong Haitian. First of all, in terms of numbers, Yuan Feng ’s convenience is an absolute advantage.

It is definitely a big deal to deal with the main star of the star palace, Hong Haitian, and if you want to control this person, and eventually **** the god's crystal from the other party, then the first thing is to find the main star of the star palace .

If you rely solely on finding, then a formidable powerhouse hides, it is undoubtedly difficult to find, and excluding the fact that it is to find it in person, it can only be found a way to lead the other party out.

"Mother, how are you now? But you have the energy to play against Hong Haitian?"

In Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu sat opposite each other. Yuan Feng's preliminary preparations had been prepared, and the next step was to look at Jiang Qingwu's status and then decide when to find a way to do it.

"The rest period of this time has allowed me to adjust my condition to the best. Now, even without any assistance, I should be able to fight with him even without any help, and if I have the help of Chixiao He should not be a big problem. "

Jiang Qingwu's complexion was not bad. During the rest of the period, she had already recovered from the exhaustion of the thirty-five government house owners. Moreover, she had not consumed much energy at all, and it was not so troublesome to recover.

"The Red Xiao Sword is definitely used by the mother. If it is possible, it cuts off the head of Hong Haitian. Except for the Red Xiao Sword, the child will let everyone else help to help the mother kill or capture. This person's.

After hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, but she was very satisfied. What he wants is this kind of result. As long as Jiang Qingwu has the strength to defeat Hong Haitian by virtue of the Red Sword, then he will be supplemented by the thirty-fifth major government masters and those powerful cave protection laws. It's not difficult to win Hong Haitian's cave world of Warcraft.

"The specific arrangements are what Fenger will decide by then, and what I need to do, I will do my best to do it."

Jiang Qingwu nodded, but instead handed over all the steps to Yuan Feng to arrange the arrangement. She knew that her son had the best means, and how to do it, the other party must be clearer than her. What she needs to do is to do her best to help Yuan Feng win Hong Haitian.

"There is a working mother, and the mother is affected. The baby is really unwilling. I hope the mother can be considerate."

Yuan Feng is a person who is unwilling to trouble others. If he can do what he does, then he is definitely not willing to trouble others, even his mother.

"Oh, silly boy, I'm your mother. Don't say this again in the future."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu was very relieved. She didn't need her son to thank her for her kindness, but Yuan Feng was so filial and polite, he was very happy.

"Well, Fenger, in the next time, you will start to arrange the Tianluodi net. Once you have arranged the Tianluodi net, then it will be the first time Hong Haitian appears, and he will be defeated."

She knew the rough plan. In fact, the rough plan was the direction she provided to Yuan Feng.

Hong Haitian's sense of smell is very sensitive, and if he wants to hook the other party, then of course there is only one thing that can work. This kind of thing is undoubtedly the **** crystal brought by the five great forces from the boundless world.

Originally, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu had a **** crystal on their bodies, but now they know each other, which means that they already have two **** crystals in their bodies.

If it is only one **** crystal, it may be difficult to draw Hong Haitian out, but if two **** crystals are together, then Hong Haitian will definitely be able to catch this big fish.

The breath of one **** crystal is limited, but the breath of two **** crystals is superimposed together, and will surely be transmitted to infinity, covering the entire French phase boundary. And once Hong Haitian feels the breath of the two **** crystals, then even if the other party knows that there is a conspiracy in it, he will inevitably come.

The secret calculation can be said to be a conspiracy, but the use of Shenjing as a bait is basically a conspiracy, and Hong Haitian, who regards Shenjing as his life, must do it anyway.

In the next time, Yuan Feng began to prepare carefully, which he had never done before. Thirty-five big house owners, hundreds of cave heaven protection law, plus ten thousand cave heaven, World of Warcraft, Yuan Feng must give full play to the power of everyone and every World of Warcraft, of course, if you can lose less, it is better .

For Yuan Feng, this is undoubtedly also a huge test. Whether it can be successfully deployed and eventually the **** crystal on Hong Haitian is in the hands is still unknown ...

In the following time, Yuan Feng first chose the location where he wanted to arrange his calculations, and the final location was in the portal city of Chaos Demon Realm.

Chaos Demon Realm is a world in the gap between time and space. It is arranged here to confuse opponents. Secondly, once the opponent enters the Chaos Demon Realm, as long as the exit is closed, it is generally difficult to escape easily.

When the layout began, Yuan Feng's deity and avatars went into battle together, and gradually, the thirty-fifth major government lords and hundreds of law-protecting figures were summoned by Yuan Feng one after another, even thousands of Dongtian The World of Warcraft began to be arranged by Yuan Feng one after another, and I didn't know what he was doing!

Jiang Qingwu was completely free to let Yuan Feng act boldly, frankly, she did not expect that the strength of Yuan Feng ’s arrangement could compete with the powerful creatures, but she believed that her son ’s arrangement could at least win one. Hard hit, not much resistance exists.

After all, her last performance depends on her performance. If she can seriously damage Hong Haitian, she still has to say a few things, but if she misses, then even if Feng Feng arranges it, it will be difficult to create a realm. The strong stay.

The layout of this time took two full months of Yuan Feng. After two months, Yuan Feng finally finished the last step and completed the big plan this time.

"Mother, what the child can do, the child has already done it. Next, the mother must instruct the child how to bring Hong Haitian here, and then capture or kill it in one fell swoop."

When it comes to combat, Yuan Feng can handle it by himself, but for the use of Shenjing, Jiang Qingwu can only use it, and only Jiang Qingwu can use it to speed up the star palace. Master Hong Haitian attracted.

"Fenger, take out the two **** crystals for the time being. This time we can bring Hong Haitian, it depends on the effect of these two **** crystals."

Jiang Qingwu's brows frowned. As soon as she raised her hand, a tall pillar appeared in the center of the portal city.

"Mother pick it up."

Yuan Feng did not hesitate. When he raised his hand, the two **** crystals were taken out by him and handed them to Jiang Qingwu.


When Shen Jing reached Jiang Qingwu's hand, she raised her hand slightly, and tossed Shen Jing to the top of the pillar.

"Nothing else needs to be done. You just need to lurk around and be ready to go."

Put Shenjing in place, and made a simple arrangement, Jiang Qingwu turned around and smiled slightly at Yuan Feng.

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