The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1236: New journey (four more)

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Jiang Qingwu's energy is full, and she is in a good state. This is obviously a great time to go immediately to find the fourth **** crystal. However, just when Jiang Qingwu proposed to be promoted, Yuan Feng was hesitant.

Looking for Shenjing, of course, is what Yuan Feng wants to do very much, but his desire for Shenjing is far from reaching the point where he can't give up.

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment did not speak, he did not agree with Jiang Qingwu's proposal, but he did not say anything against it. However, his performance has explained a lot of problems.

"Fenger, do you have anything to say? If there is anything, you can just say it directly. Don't get caught in your heart. It is difficult for yourself and you must worry about your mother."

Of course, Jiang Qingwu could not see the abnormality of her son. When she saw Yuan Feng suddenly hesitant, she seemed to be unable to say anything, and she couldn't help but worry, and then asked directly.

"Mother, five five-element **** crystals, we already have three, and the remaining two, if they are destined to be us, then sooner or later will be ours, so the baby feels that we don't seem to need to rush to find The fourth magic crystal. "

After a little hesitation, Yuan Feng roughly organized the language, and then smiled at his mother.

"Well? Don't hurry to find the fourth magic crystal? Is there anything else for Fenger to do?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu could not help but hesitated slightly, and then asked subconsciously. For example, when the big trouble of Xing Gong has been resolved today, and she is in a good state, Yuan Feng also has the great combat power of Dong Tian Jing. This is simply the best time to continue looking for the fourth **** crystal, so when listening When Yuan Feng said such a thing, she felt immediately that Yuan Feng should have something to do.

"Cough, mother, baby has nothing to do, but mother thinks, should we go back and see our father?"

Seeing his mother didn't understand what he meant, Yuan Feng had to give a cough, and made it clear.

Before, he and Jiang Qingwu did not dare to return to the Tianlong dynasty easily, because they were worried that people such as Hong Haitian would find that they would cause great trouble to the Tianlong dynasty. However, now that the Star Palace is annihilating, Hong Haitian is sealed by them in Qingwu Palace. At this moment, they really should return to the Tianlong Dynasty.

"Go back and see your father? This ..."

After listening to Yuan Feng's words, Jiang Qingwu realized that his son was thinking about this problem. However, she really felt a bit uncomfortable answering Yuan Feng's question.

Back to the Tianlong Dynasty and Yuan Qingyun's reunion, she didn't know what kind of attitude she was. To tell the truth, she is missing Yuan Qingyun now, but faintly, she is a little scared to see Yuan Qingyun.

When she first met and fell in love, she did not know whether it was right or wrong. Before she left without saying goodbye, she definitely brought unthinkable pain and torture to Yuan Qingyun. Therefore, at this moment, she was really scared to see Yuan Qingyun.

No one can understand this conflicting mood. As for whether she should go back to see Yuan Qingyun, the answer she gave herself was that she was not ready to see him again.

"Fenger, we must go back to Montenegro, but not now."

After a brief stupefying and thinking, Jiang Qingwu's face couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"Not now? When is that?" After tearing his lips, Yuan Feng didn't know what the other party said was not going back for the time being. When he wanted to come, at this moment, it seemed to be the best time to return to the Tianlong Dynasty Already.

"Fenger, my mother wandered around for a lifetime, I really felt a little tired, so if I return to the country of Montenegro, then I don't plan to leave anymore, so I want to do what I can and do Everything is done, so that I can safely return to the country of Montenegro and never leave. "

Jiang Qingwu is tired of wandering around. If he returns to the country of Heishan, he doesn't want to go out and run around. So, before going back, she wants to do everything she can do for Yuan Feng. Going back, you should be able to live more comfortably.

"Uh, this ..."

Hearing Jiang Qingwu's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look dull, but there was no language to refute. He did not expect that his mother turned out to be such an idea. But then again, Jiang Qingwu's statement is true. All the trivial matters have been completed, and it will be a good choice to go back to reunite with peace of mind.

"Well, it's all up to the mother."

Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a bit of regret for his father. He really wanted to let his father meet with his mother earlier, but Jiang Qingwu also made sense. He really has nothing to refute.

Having said that, everything his mother is doing now is all for him. In the final analysis, it seems that he is sorry for his father!

"Be sure to find the fourth **** crystal sooner, and then let the mother reunite with his father at ease as soon as possible."

Secretly gritted his teeth, Yuan Feng's heart was determined, he must make a quick decision, and he must find a way to make himself stronger, so that he can be independent on his own, without always bothering himself Mother.

"Fenger, take out the three **** crystals. Let's start looking for the fourth **** crystal. The fourth **** crystal will definitely not be too close to me. This time, I ca n’t say how many more I will go with Fenger The middle world is here! "

Jiang Qingwu didn't know Yuan Feng's thoughts at this time, but she was thinking about how far the fourth **** crystal would be from them. It is almost certain that this fourth **** crystal is absolutely impossible to be in the realm of law, but where is it? I am afraid they will find it slowly.

"Are you going to another world? It seems that this time it is a super-distance fulfillment!" With his eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Feng also realized that this journey may be far away. However, he now controls the power of Dong Tianjing's great consummation, is accompanied by an artifact such as Qingwu Palace, and is accompanied by a super strong man like Jiang Qingwu. No matter which big world he goes to, he has nothing to worry about.

In a place like the middle world, there is not much natural creation. The power of Dongtian Realm is almost the power of the peak, and now he is the real completion of Dongtian Realm, and it is covered by Jiang Qingwu. And there is also a tyrannical Xuanzhen giant available to dominate. Which kind of power is there in the middle world?

"Mother, before leaving, the baby wants to keep the avatar and let him go back to the Tianlong Dynasty to sit in town, so as to protect the people of the Yuan family."

I'm afraid I don't know when I will return when I leave the French realm this time. If it goes well, it may not take long to return, but if it does not go well, it will not be impossible for a few years and decades, and in the meantime, it is naturally necessary to ensure that the Tianlong Dynasty can be secure and stable.

"It's okay to leave the clone and leave enough combat power for him to command. This will solve your worries."

With a slight smile, Jiang Qingwu was becoming more and more satisfied with his son. Powerful, meticulous character, today Yuan Feng already has the prototype of a big man.

Yuan Feng was very popular. When he was talking, he began to make distributions with his avatars. The main powerhouses of the thirty-fifth largest government house were indistinguishable at the moment. They could only put those who were not put into the mystery. Among the giants in the battlefield, the strong Dongtian Realm is divided into avatars, and a large number of Dongtian Realm demon * are controlled by the avatars.

In the end, Yuan Feng gave him all the power he could give to the avatar, so that the avatar took Yunlong's protection, and from there came back to the Tianlong dynasty.

There are a lot of initial worlds under each of the protectors, and the initial world that wants to return to the Tianlong dynasty can only return from the territory of Yunlong protectors. In addition, there is no other channel.

With regard to Yunlong's protection, Yuan Feng did not treat others like him. Although Yunlong's protection was also subdued by him, he did not treat each other like his subordinates. He even gave the latter no With less resources, the current Yunlong Guardian has grown to the realm of the Five Heavens of Heaven, which is actually a blessing to him.

Obviously, Yunlong's law-enforcement will not regret Yuanfeng. He understands that being conquered by Yuanfeng is caused by the environment and secondly by himself, and Yuanfeng can treat him like this. He is really satisfied.

"Mother, let's go. Except for Luo Luojie, the baby hasn't been to any other world yet. This time, I can't say that I need to have good knowledge."

When the avatar and Yunlong Guardian were sent away, Yuan Feng turned her head and said to her mother.

"Hehe, there is nothing to see. The number of medium worlds is huge, but the size of each world is similar. A world like the French phase world is actually relatively large."

Jiang Qingwu originally traveled through many worlds. In general, the French Realm was indeed a relatively large one in the middle world. After all, the Astral Palace existed before the French Realm, which intensified this world. strength.

"Fenger, in other worlds, remember to be careful about everything. Some worlds are relatively old, and there must be characters of good fortune. Then we'd better avoid them and try to get as little trouble as possible."

The charge is still to be charged, although she has the power to create a realm, but her physical injuries have never really recovered, so if she can fight less, she will be happy.

"Relax, mother, baby knows what matters."

Nodded, Yuan Feng's mouth slightly picked, but under his heart, it was inevitable that some faintly looked forward.

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