The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1229: Unusual world (three)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wuling World!

This is a world full of aura, full of tranquility and peace.

A mountain range that cannot be seen at a glance spreads far away. Among the mountains, a lush tree grows strewn in the mountains and canyons, and among the lush green grass, there are often some weak Warcraft looming. , The entire area of ​​tens of millions of miles, but it is unusually quiet.

And at this moment, in this mountain that is slightly deserted, but very quiet, a young man is standing on a boulder on the top of the mountain, while secretly sighing while breathing the aura of the world's heaven and earth. With.

"It's a wonderful world of bells and spirits, although it is only the most remote and remote place, but it is such a spirit. It seems that this world is really a bit higher than the realm of law."

Looking up, Yuan Feng's eyes can be seen far and far, and wherever his sight is, there is peace everywhere. Although occasionally I can hear the roar of Warcraft, such a roar seems to It has become a kind of embellishment in this reckless mountain forest, it sounds so comfortable.

After breaking the barrier of the world, Yuan Feng came to the world where the fourth **** crystal was located, and as soon as he appeared, he saw such a beautiful sight in front of him. Frankly, such a world really made him feel unbearable to destroy.

Although the gathering place of human warriors has not yet entered this world, just looking at the borders of this world, we can see that this world is unusual.

Fortunately, the powerhouses in this world do not seem to be so alert. Yuan Feng broke through the barriers of the world and did not attract the attention of any powerhouse. It is like this world welcomes outside powerhouses to come and play at any time. same.

"No matter how much it is, the most important thing right now is to quickly get into the warriors of this world, and then first figure out the distribution of the forces in this world. As for where the **** crystal is, it can only be explored slowly. "

Although the current scenery is not bad, Yuan Feng obviously has no mood to appreciate the scenery. The three **** crystals can determine that the fourth **** crystal is in this world, but they cannot point out where the fourth **** crystal is. So, to find the fourth **** crystal, Yuan Feng must find a way Only work.

"The energy fluctuations over there seem to be a little bigger, so start from there !!"

Looking around, Yuan Feng can feel that in his northwest direction, there is obviously an energy fluctuation different from this place. If you want to come to that direction, you should be able to see the warriors in this world.

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, and flew away in that direction.

No matter how much it is, it is an unknown world. Some caution is necessary, but it must be there. Therefore, Yuan Feng simply gave up the movement of space and flew forward in the form of imperial air. Of course, with his great strength in the cave heaven, even if he is flying in the air, that speed is a little faster than the movement of the three or four people in the cave heaven!

The scale of this medium-sized world is definitely not below the boundary of the French phase. After Yuan Feng began to fly, he found that there were no warriors in the edge of the world. Even Warcraft was nothing but weak. Warcraft, the strongest of them, is nothing but a little guy with a hole in the sky.

After flying around for a month or so, Yuan Feng's body has left the previous peaks and peaks, but for a month, he came to an endless stream of time and space, and then stopped. Before the pace.

"This ......... It turned out to be a sprawl of time and space. No wonder there are no warriors in this border area. Such a large area of ​​spatio-temporal flow, even if it is a strong man with a great sky, will never easily come across from the opposite side to find stimulation Right? "

Seeing the endless stream of time and space in front, Yuan Feng now finally understands why he had not seen a living person this month before. With this flow of time and space to block, how could the opposite person survive? ?

"It's really troublesome. It seems that the border area of ​​this middle world should be all sporadic time and space. Only by breaking through this spatiotemporal flow can you truly enter this middle world."

It can be seen that this turbulent flow of time and space should be in a ring shape, which almost surrounds the entire middle world. If it is really to be calculated, the place where he is at this moment can only be regarded as this world. Just the periphery.

But this made him feel relieved right away. He just said, how could it be so quiet in a big world? Such a beautiful mountain range just now, according to normal conditions, I am afraid it has already been occupied.

"Mother, it seems that you still need to do it for the time being. At this time, the world is chaotic, and the child is afraid that it will be impossible."

A little hesitant, Yuan Feng contacted his mother in Qingwu Palace for the first time, and opened his body so that the other party could see the outside world.

Originally for the sake of insurance, he did not let go of this kind of authority, but since he was out of time and space, even if Jiang Qingwu had any action, he would not be discovered by the other party. Therefore, he certainly does not need to worry too much.

"Well? It turned out to be in a world like this, surrounded by time and space. It seems that this world is really a world that is not easy to deal with!"

Through Yuan Feng's body, Jiang Qingwu immediately saw the sight in front of her, and when she saw the existence of this world, her eyes couldn't help flashing a dignified color.

When she first came to the realm of law, she also went to many middle worlds to find other **** crystals. Among the many middle worlds she traveled, many worlds are like the world in front of her. There is a turbulent flow of space and time on the periphery, which isolates the entire middle world from the outside, which can also be regarded as a layer of protection.

According to her experience, the strength of any world with such a protective layer seems to be relatively high. It seems that such a world has evolved more perfectly than the general world. She did not expect that the world of the fourth magic crystal was even stronger than she expected.

"Fenger, you go back to Qingwu Palace for the time being. I will take a shot myself in a moment to help you break through the barrier of time and space chaos. When you reach the other side of time and space chaos, it will be up to you. "

Time and space turbulence is something that even the strong and powerful Dongtian Realm can't play. Only by surpassing the cave realm and reaching the power of creation can we not fear the danger of time and space chaos and walk through the space and time chaos. .

"A working mother!"

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate, thanked his mother, and then he released Qingwu Palace and jumped into it for the first time, handing over the control of Qingwu Palace to his mother. in.


After Yuan Feng entered the Qingwu Palace, and handed the entire palace to his mother, the Qingmai Palace, which has shrunk countless times, has plunged into the chaos of time and space and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The strong person of the realm can discern the direction in the sporadic flow of time and space, and use the power of the fortune to isolate the corrosion of the sporadic flow of time and space, and these are not the things that can be done by those who are in the realm of heaven.

Through Qingwu Palace, Yuan Feng can see that outside is like chaos and chaos without time and space. If you let him discern, you really do n’t know where the southeast and northwest are, and only Jiang Qingwu and other good fortunes. In order to find the direction to dare to come.

When Jiang Qingwu came out, it ’s certainly not a problem to mess with time and space. Yuan Feng did n’t know how long it was. In short, when he resumed vision again, he had already left the strange and chaotic strange area. The bright space appeared at one time, and the turbulence of time and space almost turned into a space storm. It is no longer possible to pose any threat to Yuan Feng.

"Fenger, this excessive space storm, you can handle it yourself, go !!!"

After passing through the chaos of time and space, Jiang Qingwu directly regained his power of creation and let Yuan Feng take over the first time. The next time, she really wanted to hide quickly, because at the moment when she just broke through the turbulence of time and space, he already felt that in this world, there is definitely more than one powerful person in the world.


Yuan Feng's response speed is also extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, she showed her figure, closed up the Qingwu Palace again, and plunged into the space storm.

A space storm is just a turbulent space. This level of Jedi, with the great power of the Yuanfeng Cave Heavenly Realm, can naturally be easily solved. Soon, Yuan Feng flickered from the gaps in space and came to the outside world.

"It's almost the same, but the spirit of killing is obviously stronger than the chaos of time and space. It seems that no world can be truly peaceful. Fighting is the main theme of spiritual practice."

In the eyes, all the scenes are almost the same as the situation of the realm of law. However, the space world here is still rich in aura. For the same cultivation time, the difference between the ten years of practice and the ten years of practice in the realm of law. I'm afraid it will be very obvious.

There is already a clear air of killing in the air, and this breath is like telling Yuan Feng that it is not far from here to see the warriors in this world.

Picking the corner of his mouth, Yuan Feng scooped at his feet and swept away directly in front of him. There was a strong expectation in his heart, which made Yuan Fengfei's speed of picking up more rapid. In a short time, a radiant smile appeared in his eyes.

"City, I finally saw the city of the warrior. Next, I really hope everything goes smoothly."

In the distance, Yuan Feng saw a huge city and saw the emergence of the city. Yuan Feng couldn't help twitching 120 minutes and preparing to start his first contact with the warriors in this world.

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