The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1258: Chance of Fire Dance (four more)

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When Yuan Feng said his intentions, no matter Mu Yuner or Huomao Fengzhu, they were all stunned.

Seeing Yuan Feng this time, Mu Yun'er was naturally very happy, but she never thought of leaving the Lord of the Fire Dance Peak and leaving the Five Elements Soul Fire Peak.

Over the years, she has been cultivating with Fire Dance Peak while learning about the Five Elements in Fire Spirit Peak of the Five Elements Sect. Over the years, she has adapted to the life here and has slowly fallen in love with her. Here. Although she also thought about leaving sooner or later, the day that came was completely beyond her expectation.

"Brother, me, are we leaving now?"

After a moment of silence, Mu Yuner finally had to ask. Although he is very reluctant to the Five Elements and the Lord of Fire Dance, but if she is allowed to choose between Yuan Feng and other people and other things, of course he will not have any hesitation, but some She's mood is absolutely inevitable.

"Well, Dan Xiazong has grown tremendously, and you still do n’t know, my mother has returned today, and her mother ’s strength is so powerful that I want her to teach you and others to cultivate, so that you may become as soon as possible. Real strong. "

Yuan Feng still didn't hide anything. He just came to pick up each other. Naturally, he had to express his thoughts. As for whether Mu Yuner would go back with him, he wouldn't force it.

"Ah, my brother's mother?" Mu Yun'er suddenly whispered when she heard about this, but almost immediately after she heard the news, she had a decision in her heart.

Just kidding, do n’t go back this time, when do you wait? She was very clear in her heart. Yuan Feng always has no shortage of outstanding women, just like Yunmeng Chen. The other party ’s qualifications must be above her. Now that Yuan Feng ’s mother returns, if she does n’t go with her, then I am afraid that there will be no real competitiveness in the future.


A heart had flown back to Dan Xiazong, but when he thought of his master Huo Wufeng, Mu Yuner couldn't help but hesitated.

The Lord of Fire Dance has taught her a lot of things these years. When she thought of the need to be a master like this big sister, her heart was full of perseverance.

"Oh, Yuner, go back. Now that Yuan Feng is here to pick you up, go with him. Speaking of it, you haven't been back to Danxiazong for a long time!"

When Mu Yuner was hesitant, the master of Huomaofeng chuckled aside, slowly came forward, and said to Mu Yuner.

For the Lord of Fire Dance, it is actually very nice to have such a little sister with her, but she is more clear in her heart. By now, she can not teach each other much, only Only a super strong person like Yuan Feng can teach Mu Yuner more.

If Mu Yuner stays with her, it is a real delay.

"Master, disciple can't bear you."

Mu Yun'er didn't hide away, in front of Yuan Feng and Fire Dance, she didn't need to hide any emotions.

"It's okay, Dan Xiazong is not far from the Five Elements, and there is Yuan Feng in there, don't you want to come back anytime? Maybe the next time you meet again, your cultivation is better than me. A lot, a lot! "

The owner of Fire Dance Peak still maintained her signature smile, but although she tried hard to hide it on the surface, she could not hide her perseverance.

"No matter how strong the disciples are, the master will always be the master."

Hearing the main story of Huomaofeng about cultivation, Mu Yun'er shook his head, and then he was extremely firm. She also knew in her heart that with Yuan Feng helping her, her cultivation would definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and it wouldn't be long before she would be able to surpass the Lord of Fire Dance.

"Oh, with your words, I don't want to talk to you and me." When Mu Yun'er's words came down, the Lord of Fire Dance couldn't help but smile and felt contented.

"Ahem, Master Huomaofeng. Over the years, Master Huomaofeng has worked hard to teach her sister, this kindness, both me and my sister will keep in mind. I have some gadgets here. Master Huomaofeng must not quit, want to come Things can help you to achieve an invincible state at an early date. "

Yuan Feng stood up at this time in a timely manner, facing the main road of Yiwu's Fire Dance Peak, and when the voice fell, he raised his hand to take out a large number of precious treasures. Every treasure is enough to make Fire dance has benefited a lot.

"Uh, this is ... a lot of treasure !!"

When seeing these rare treasures from Yuan Feng, the Lord of Fire Dance was undoubtedly shocked. How come she has seen such precious and so many treasures in a place like Tianlong Dynasty?

"Oh, you guys really do. There are so many good things that weren't brought out earlier. Since you thank me, I'm welcome."

Stabilizing the spirit, the main dancer of the fire dance smiled at Yuan Feng and raised his hand to collect these treasures. She's not that kind of person. She knows that Yuan Feng's strength is superb, and she has a lot of treasures on her body, and these things are really what she urgently needs.

"This ......... you two keep talking, am I just plugging in?"

Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by the other person's words, but his embarrassment flickered away, and his gaze was glanced up and down on the main body of Huomaofeng, and he could see that the other person's body was stiff stand up.

How powerful Yuan Feng is today. In front of him, Fire Dance is almost unguarded, and the feeling is almost the same as being naked.

"Lord of the Fire Dance, I think your cultivation should be stuck in the Dandan Realm for a while, and the foundation should be fine. In this case, let me help you! Offended !!!"

After observing the whole body of the other side for a while, Yuan Feng suddenly stared at his eyes and raised his hand. The owner of the fire dance on the other side suddenly floated up and then sat unconsciously sitting cross-legged. At this time, Yuan Feng ’s Suddenly there was a precious plant in his hand, which was crushed directly by him.

"go with!!!"

The spiritual vegetation is crushed, and a large amount of energy directly wraps the fire dance. Then, the energy slowly penetrates into the body of the opponent, which is almost a few breaths. The body of the fire dance is There was a light noise, and all the energy enveloping her was absorbed into her body.

"Get it !!!"

After doing all this in hand, Yuan Feng was as if he had lifted his feet and trampled a small ant, but when he closed his hands, the fire dance sitting cross-legged opposite him had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

"I ... I ... I broke through to extinction?"

The Lord of Fire Dance Peak was obviously unable to return for a while. Just one minute ago, she was still a complete warrior of Dandan Realm who did not know how to advance to the annihilation. But in a blink of an eye, she turned into a change and became directly With a annihilated powerhouse, everything is almost like a dream.

"Okay, it's amazing !!" The eyes were a little dull. At this moment, the owner of Fire Dance Peak really didn't know how to describe his feelings. However, one thing is certain, at this moment, she has really been promoted to oblivion.

"Master, you, you ..."

Obviously, Mu Yun'er was a little bit lost, and now she also has the strength to form a dandan realm. Naturally, you can see the change of the Lord of Fire Dance, but this change is really too big and fast. Ah!

"Hey, I haven't been able to break through the practice for several years, but I was broken directly in your hands. It seems that people are more angry than others, really mad at people!"

The Lord of Fire Dance Peak slowly returned from the shock, but his face couldn't help flashing a bitter smile. After arduous training, she could not reach Yuan Feng's minute-by-minute shots. Frankly, she really felt a little bit boring.

"This ... Lord of Fire Dance Peak, do n’t think too much. I can help you. In the final analysis, it is because your foundation is good enough. My shot is nothing more than an auxiliary role. If you only have Yadandan Yae "If you do it, I can't help you break through."

Yuan Feng could see that Fire Dance apparently felt her own stupidity because of his shot, and this was obviously not the result he wanted to see, so he hurriedly explained.

In fact, he can help those who are born in the Dan Realm to advance to annihilation, but as he said, the only way to cultivate this kind of thing is to practice one step at a time. If you rely on others to help, then Practicing is absolutely no good.

Of course, if Jiang Qingwu's and other strong players take the shot, the side effects should be smaller, or even no side effects at all.

"Well, I know what you mean, rest assured, I won't think about it." Listening to Yuan Feng's explanation, the main figure of Huomaofeng immediately put down the mustard and showed a charming smile again.

"Yuner, it seems that you really should go back with him. This guy's power is simply unfathomable. Follow him, your future will definitely be stronger than the master and me."

Standing up, Fire Dance's heart is naturally very happy, anyway, the bottleneck that has troubled her for a long time finally broke through, which is obviously a rare opportunity for her. Moreover, all the treasures left by Yuan Feng are extremely precious. With those things, her strength can be greatly improved.

It seems that it was a very correct decision to accept Mu Yun'er as an apprentice at first. How could she be on the line of Yuan Feng without the original apprentice?


Mu Yuner wanted to say something, but he talked a lot, but he couldn't say it in the end.

"Well, let's go. If you have time, remember to come back and see me more."

She patted Mu Yuner's shoulders, and Fire Dance knew that from now on, the friendship between her and Mu Yuner's apprenticeship would come to an end!

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