The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1285: Divide and eat (three)

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In the huge mysterious space, the five masters of the Ziyun Palace, plus the four people in the dry light world, were all looking complex at the moment. Everyone had a feeling of sullenness and even breathlessness.

Tracking the target for more than a month, but in the end, they were actually counted by the target, and they were caught in the space of the mysterious array arranged by the other party. This feeling is really not uncomfortable.

Of course, the uncomfortableness of being calculated by the other party is only one aspect. The most important thing is that at this moment they have all realized that the space of the mysterious array now seems more terrifying than they thought. Leaving this mysterious array seems not easy.

"The terrible mysterious array not only has no trace of yin and yang power, it has also suppressed my strength, and it is nowhere to be found. The people who arrange these mysterious arrays must be at least the strongest in the realm of creation. Ah! "

Yan Yan had already taken it seriously at that moment. He just used his 70% of his strength just for that sword. However, Qicheng ’s blow did not have any effect at all. Imperious and weird.

The Xuanzhen way is definitely the most weird one. Because of this, if you want to cultivate Xuanzhen well, it will become more difficult. It is said that you want to use Xuanzhen to the extreme, only Those who have reached the realm of God can do it, because only those who have reached the realm of God and condensed the primitive **** can truly become one with the Xuanzhen.

Reaching the realm of God is obviously not to say that reaching it can be achieved. Moreover, if you really meet the strong man in the realm of God, where else do you need to arrange a mysterious array? In the face of those guys of that level, even if they are a powerful person who is infinitely creative, it is nothing more than to be wiped out.

However, when he was trapped in Xuan Zhen, Yan Xuan always felt that the Xuan Zhen was very unusual. In his cognition and experience, it seemed that he had never encountered such a mystery. Mysterious array.

Ordinary creatures do not seem to be able to arrange such exquisite mysterious arrays, and then they are led by their noses when they are connected to this path. In the end, they are trapped in the mysterious arrays. I can't help feeling a bad feeling.

"Brother, this time seems to be in trouble. Our opponents should already know our whereabouts. I am afraid that every action we take has long been seen by others and counted in our hearts!"

At this moment, not only Yan Yan felt the problem was wrong, but everyone else was aware of the terrible situation.

Obviously, from the beginning they came to the dry light realm, their opponents already knew their existence, and only in this way, when they left the dry light realm, the whole dry light realm was looted Even the superpowers they took were arrested without fail.

At this moment, as soon as they entered this strange world, they were directly counted into the mysterious array, which also showed the fact that they have been in the game. Whether they are willing to admit it or not, the facts are facts. They cannot be tolerated.

Everyone is an inexperienced person. Everyone can see that this mysterious array is really too mysterious at the moment. It is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to create a mysterious array of this scale. Their hearts are also full of anxiety.

If their opponents are really not those who create the realm of life, but those who create the realm of yin and yang, then this time, let alone success, I am afraid that they will be able to go back. You know, a person who is proficient in the yin and yang creation of the mysterious formation, even if their brother Yan Yan, is also willing to worship the disadvantage.

"Don't panic. There can be no flaws in any of the mysterious formations. Let's break up and search for the flaws in the mysterious formations together. Remember not to be too far apart, and you must step up precautions at all times."

Yan Yan's complexion was already full of dignity, and without anyone's reminder, he knew everything. At this moment, he had treated his opponent as a strong man of the same level.

However, he did not even think that his opponent was not a strong yin and yang creature, or even a creature of life, but he did not understand the opponent's mysterious means.

You need to know that although someone does not have something like Yuanshen, even without Yuanshen, he can practice advanced martial arts of the **** level. It can be seen that in his body, there must be something comparable to Yuanshen.

A glance at each of the nine powerful creatures followed by a simple grouping. Obviously, it is not insurance to act alone. For the sake of insurance, there are at least two people in each group. The two in the Shadow Shark Palace and the two in the Yunxi Sect are of course grouped together. People are divided into three groups. Obviously, with the analysis of the realm of yin and yang, it will never be with other people.

The strong must have the arrogance of the strong. If he takes the initiative to join the others, then obviously he is telling others that he is already afraid. And this kind of thing, of course, he is not allowed to happen.

Nine people were divided into five groups, and began to spread carefully, looking for the loopholes in Xuanzhen. In their hearts, the person who arranged this mysterious array should just want to trap them here, but they will not show up in person and fight with them. Therefore, although everyone is very careful, it is not true. Feeling the danger to life.

The five groups of people were divided into five directions, and began to carefully explore outwards, but, soon, they found out how stupid the decision to scatter to investigate the mysterious array.

"Om !!!"

Almost as soon as the five groups of people were separated, almost a few kilometers apart from each other, the whole purple space suddenly shook slightly, and then a shocking scene appeared to everyone in the mysterious space.

"Brush brush !!!"

With five groups of people as the center, the body of each group of people seems to turn off the lights suddenly, and it becomes dark like ink all at once. In this dark environment, everyone is surprised and powerful. Like them, it's even hard to see the surrounding scenes. Everywhere in the eyes, it's so dark that even the people around them can't see it at all.

"No good, this mysterious array is weird, and everyone will get together soon !!!"

Sudden changes suddenly surprised Yan Yan. He originally thought that this mysterious array could have such a terrible prisoner ability, so there should not be too many other variables, but it now looks like he has some Think wrong!

"Brush !!!" As he shouted, his figure began to move towards the impression for the first time, and the group closest to him approached the past, but just when he thought he could get together with each other, he It was shocking to find that a group of people who were close to him before could not even feel a breath at this moment.

"Dong Han? Often?"

The energy works, and he even hesitates to use his own power of yin and yang to shout and drink, but when his words fall, he responds to him, but there is a dead silence. The surrounding space is even a trace of No response.

"Asshole, what is this mysterious array? How can there be such a delicate mysterious array in places like the middle world? Who can arrange such a terrible mysterious array?"

Yan Xuan's heart was completely panicked, and the energy was running. At this moment, he was like a bird that was shocked by a bow, and he did not dare to carelessly.

In his memory, how long has he never felt so helpless, at this moment, he feels completely isolated in a boundless void, and he will spend the next half of his life as if he were here. The fear that radiated from the outside and then from the inside to the outside really made him very uncomfortable.

"Impossible, no one can trap me, drive me !!!"

The long sword in his hand waved again and again, the lights of the sword flickered one after another. However, this strange black space does not seem to allow light. No matter what kind of light is, it almost disappears as soon as it appears.

"Hell, have you been so busy for so long, is this the result of waiting for me?"

Seeing one's Jianguang was devoured by darkness one by one. Although he is strong, no matter how strong he is, he is born with absolute fear of darkness. When he encounters darkness, he can rely on his power to avoid being affected by darkness, but the darkness here is obviously different.

"Calm down, never panic !!!"

No matter how they are, they are super strong in the realm of yin and yang. Soon, he calmed down a little, because he knew clearly that the other party had created such a black space.

"Well, I'll see how you can do me !!"

The power of yin and yang works, and Yan Yan forces himself to calm down, at least, calmly, he can respond to possible dangers at any time and ensure his safety.

Not to mention, after he calmed down, he really felt that he was not so scared. It seems that all the fear is nothing more than frightening himself.

However, although Yan Yan slowly calmed down, the other people who came with him did not have such a mind.

"Where am I? How did this happen? Brother Changfa, Brother Yan Yan, where have you all gone?"

"Come here, where have you all gone? Come out, come out soon!"

Everyone who was trapped in the darkness felt that they were isolated, no matter how they wandered around, there was darkness all around, as if they could never get out.

All of a sudden, the powerful men who had been full of enthusiasm at the moment were all cowardly people who had shrunk.

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