The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1288: One after another (two more)

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Here is a purple dreamy space. At this moment, in a corner of this purple space, two young men are standing opposite each other. One of them stands tall, the other bends down and bows his head, beside the two. , A woman and eight tall mysterious giants stood by, paying attention to every change in the field at any time.

Two young men stood for a long time. One of them barely lifted their heads, while the other kept their hands behind their backs and looked at the man looking down with a smile, looking good.

"Hey, okay, Dong Han, I have given you a lot of time to accept the facts now, why, do you think you can't accept this situation? If so, then you say it, I will immediately Just give you a ride so as not to waste everyone's time. "

Seeing that Dong Han had been silent, Yuan Feng didn't want to give the other party more time to think, so he suddenly laughed slightly and said with a look of indifference.

The violent disciple of Ziyun Palace has been completely conquered by him at this moment, and this time of conquest has undoubtedly a great significance for him.

He did n’t know anything about Ziyun Palace at first, but now he has such a subordinate of Ziyun Palace. He wants to know everything he can know through the other party. No doubt, from now on, Ziyun The palace is no longer mysterious to him.

"Hey, do I have any choice until now?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Dong Han, who had been silent for a long time, finally sighed for a long time, raised his vote, and looked complexly at Yuan Feng.

This time he was captured by Yuan Feng and his team. This was not an unacceptable situation for him. After all, the opponent had full combat power of nine fortunes, but he was the only one on his side. On a one-to-nine basis, he did not lose at all.

However, when he was controlled by the other party for life and death, and was still controlled by a young man who was not a creature, it was definitely something he could not accept for a while.

Originally, he thought that behind the scenes, all of this should be a super powerhouse of yin and yang, and at least a top powerhouse at the peak of life and chemistry. In that case, his heart may be more comfortable. But it's better now, a guy who has not yet reached the level of good fortune has taken control of him. If you say it, you can really make people laugh!

Having said that, no matter who is in control of his life, is it not shameful? In short, he definitely does not want to die, so at this moment, he has no choice but to be honest.

"Oh, it ’s good if you understand, and do n’t be in conflict, I can tell you, everyone who comes with you will be the same as you, not even your current treatment, so you should be glad That's right. "

Seeing Dong Han's compromise, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction. A super-powerful person who created the realm, He was transformed into a cave-like person by the ultimate mystery of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and conquered it with the power of blood curse. Frankly, this feeling is really very comfortable Cool.

"Tell me about the situation of other people. I want to clearly control the strength and methods of other people, especially the guy who is in the realm of yin and yang."

Yuan Feng didn't talk to each other, and when she spoke, she asked directly what she wanted to know.

"We have five people here. The strongest is our brother named Yan Xuan ..." Dong Han didn't hesitate. First, he turned to look at the woman and the eight huge mysteries. The giants, and then began to talk about Yuanfeng one hundred and fifty, and did not dare to neglect.

Jiang Qingwu and the eight mysterious giants stood aside, and the former held the appalling golden sword in his hands. Speaking of which, he had no other choice at all.

In a short time, Dong Han told the party and their visits to Yuan Feng and others. After learning about these situations, whether it is Yuan Feng or Jiang Qingwu, he has a heavy face. It all became easier.

The so-called confidantes know each other, and they are not frightened. Although they were able to grasp each other's whereabouts before, they did not know anything about the other side. Now they are okay. After learning so much, they can fully take precautions and not leave the other side behind. Any chance.

"It turns out that the fifth **** crystal is actually in the Ziyun Palace. It seems that I want to put together the five **** crystals, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

From Dong Han's narration, Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu learned that the fifth gold **** crystal had already been taken back by the strong man in Ziyun Palace, and he wanted to take the fifth god. The difficulty factor can be imagined when Jing got it.

"Mother Mo Ji, since the fifth **** crystal has been determined, it is better than nothing, as for how to get that gold **** crystal, there will be opportunities in the future."

Seeing his mother frown, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, comforting each other.

Anyway, he has now determined the position of the fifth **** crystal. As for how to get the **** crystal, he can slowly find a solution in the future. Like the fourth **** crystal, maybe in the future, he can completely get the last **** crystal through the people around the owner of the fifth **** crystal.

"Oh, you child is very optimistic!"

I can still laugh when I see Yuan Feng. Jiang Qingwu is also very relieved. She also worried that Yuan Feng would feel angry and desperate because she could not get the fifth **** crystal. Now it seems that she is obviously worried Some more.

"Fenger, judging from the current situation, in the middle world, we are afraid that we can't really stay any longer. At this opportunity, we must find a way to go to the world without paranoia. When we get there, even the purple The Yungong Palace is absolutely afraid to arrogantly. Moreover, Fenger's cultivation is probably only able to break through in the realm of imagination. In the middle world, it is difficult to make progress. "

Yuan Feng's situation is too special. In a place like the middle world, it is impossible for him to break into the cave world, just like in the middle world, a person who is born and created is absolutely impossible to reach the creation and creation.

"Do you want to go to the vain world? This is indeed going to go, but the troubles before us must be solved one by one!"

Wulei Realm is not to say that you can go. At the moment, if you want to go to Wulei Realm, it seems that there is only one way to do it. That is to grab the space-time boat and star map in Yan Xi ’s hand. Of course, if you can Captured the opponent directly, and that was no problem.

However, it seems that it is not an easy task to **** the analysis of time and space and capture the opponent.

"We have the initiative now, but there is no need to be too anxious. The face analysis is at the end. Now I will remove the others one by one. Then I don't know if other people can be as smooth as this time."

The rice has to be eaten bit by bit, and the road has to be taken step by step. The analysis of the face is definitely to be dealt with at the end, but other people, it seems that it is relatively easy to win from the action this time.

"That's right, mother, let's go ahead. This time I choose the regular one. There should be no problem if I want to come to this one."

From Dong Han, he has learned the situation of the remaining few people. Among the remaining four, Yan Yan left aside for the time being. Of the remaining three, Chang Fa is the one who is most greedy for life and the other one. The guy named Sui Yuan is very weak. As for the last Hu Yue, this person is not only strong, but also an unyielding breed. It is very difficult to conquer.

The eight Xuanzhen giants and Jiang Qingwu started again, and with the last run-in, this time, whether it is the cooperation between the eight Xuanzhen giants and Jiang Qingwu, or the cooperation between Yuan Feng and Jiang Qingwu, Obviously all became more tacit.

Of the five people in the Ziyun Palace, Changfa's strength is pretty good, but this person has always been known for his greed for fear of death, so it is almost impossible to say that this person's conquest is difficult. Because no matter what you do, the other party will not share the same thoughts.

Under the command of Yuan Feng, Jiang Qingwu took the eight mysterious giants with almost no effort, and captured Chang Fa. Of course, in order to allow Yuan Feng to conquer it, he would repair the opponent's repair. Going to the cave heaven is a must. In any case, Yuan Feng will not allow a time bomb to create a realm to stay by his side.

Reduce these people's cultivation to below the level of creation for the time being, then leave it to him, and in places like the middle world, these downgraded guys want to re-cultivate to the level of creation. Is zero.

Perhaps, one day after returning to the realm of no delusion, these people should be able to re-create the realm with some assistance. Of course, the premise for them to return to the realm of creation is that Yuan Feng's cultivation has reached the cave heaven and has the ability to control the strong of the realm of creation.

After Changfa, Yuan Feng chose Sui Yuan. The strong man in the Ziyun Palace was not prominent, and his capture was considered assured. In the meantime, the other party once showed the same situation, but it was obvious that the willpower was not determined, and was directly interrupted by Jiang Qingwu chopped into pieces.

By the time the other person regained his human form, Xiu Wei had become a great consummation of Dong Tianjing, and then he became the person in the palm of Yuan Feng honestly.

In this way, Yuan Feng spent only half an hour of time, which is to control three of the five strongest players in the Ziyun Palace, but these three are relatively easy to conquer, but the next two People, I'm afraid it takes some thought.

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