The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1342: Return with the task (four more)

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There is no news from the Louvre Miss Luo Yan. This is definitely an event that cannot be too big for the Louvre. Everyone knows that the master of the Louvre, Luo Shixin, loves his daughter. Among many children, Luo Yan is definitely one of his favorite. Now Luo Yan has disappeared. It is natural to imagine the mood of the Lord of the Louvre Palace.

For more than half a month, the Louvre almost came out of the nest, but almost all those who had reached the level of good fortune were sent out by Luo Shixin to explore the whereabouts of his daughter.

The Louvre's status in Heji City is very important. Even among the surrounding cities, no one knows the Louvre.

Of course, this Louvre auction is also a hot topic that everyone talks about, but everyone who participated in the auction knows that almost all the auction items were bought by a group of people at this auction, and later What happened to this group of people, that is not what ordinary people can know.

One thing is for sure, the three people who took all the babies are absolutely impossible to leave Heji City easily, but whether anyone has shot them and intercepted them successfully is unknown.

Among the strong who participated in the interception that day, except those who were killed by three young people, of course, they will not be able to publicize this kind of thing. After all, robbery is not a glorious thing. Without success, it is even more shameful to go home.

So, after talking about this incident for a few days, but no follow-up news, they slowly forgot about it.

Compared with what happened at the auction, the disappearance of Miss Lou Yan, the young lady of the Louvre Palace, is the news that everyone is concerned about. Everyone is a little curious. As the pearl of the master of the Louvre Palace, how can Luo Yan disappear.

Of course, why Luo Yan disappeared, this is not the key to the problem, because when the Louvre began to look for Luo Yan, the master of the Louvre Palace Luo Shixin has promised that no matter who it is, as long as Luo Yan can provide the news, You can get more than 100 million Yin Yang Stone as a thank you.

One hundred million yin and yang stones are an astronomical number for countless people. Therefore, after this number spread, the entire Heji City spread the news within half a month. Everyone was searching for Luo Yan's whereabouts intentionally or unintentionally, hoping to earn this. 100 million Yin Yang stone.

It is a pity that even when countless people were thinking about the reward of 100 million Yinyang Stone, their dream was suddenly broken, because just one month after Luo Yan disappeared, the Louvre ’s The young lady returned to the Louvre.

"Yan'er, where have you been these days? You can worry about your father's death!"

Among the huge halls, the master of the Louvre Palace, Luo Shixin, was so excited that he couldn't find any news for so many days, and just now, his daughter came back by herself. No one can imagine how excited he felt in the moment he saw his daughter.

"Worrying my father, it's not my daughter!"

Luo Yan was also a little excited at this time. Anyway, this time she was almost separated from her father, yin and yang, and now she sees her father again.

"Silly boy, just come back, just come back !!!"

Hugging his daughter fiercely, Luo Shixin at this moment did not have a shelf of the master of the Louvre Palace. No matter how strong his strength is, at this moment, he is just an ordinary father, and the fathers all over the world are the same.

"Father, daughter thought she would never see you again." Feeling her father's deep love for her, Luo Yan couldn't help thinking of the thrills before her, and her eyes became blurred.

"Okay, everything is over, isn't this good!"

Gently patted Luo Yan's shoulder, Luo Shixin comforted his daughter, and continued to ask, "Yan Er, what happened in the past month? Where did your girl go?" "

He sent everyone, and offered a lot of rewards. He even looked for himself several times and found no trace of Luo Yan. He couldn't help but be full of curiosity.

"Father and daughter do n’t know what happened this month. Several elders and I stopped the three young men that day, but in the end they were wounded by the three. The daughter thought she was going to die, but it was It was impossible to be saved, and when her daughter woke up, she was already in a dense forest near the Louvre. "

For Luo Shixin's question, Luo Yan apparently prepared the answer long ago, and for what happened during this month, she simply came to know nothing, so as not to make her father suspicious.

"What? What happened?"

After hearing the answer given by his daughter, Luo Shixin couldn't help looking at it. Obviously, he was definitely not satisfied with such an answer. However, his daughter had absolutely no need to lie to him. Moreover, even if she had cheated, it definitely had her distress. He didn't care too much about it.

"If someone really rescued in secret, I don't know who he is, what's the purpose?"

No one will do things for no reason. According to the three people who came back alive from the Louvre, his daughter was absolutely seriously injured, and even a prodigious powerhouse can only do nothing. Obviously, the person who saves people must have transcended the limitless state, and may be the same level of character as him.

A level with him is not a minor problem. When they reach this level, although there are strengths and weaknesses, it is undeniable that they are a group of people standing at the top of the boundless world. If this is the case, This kind of strong man did his hand, but left no clue, which really made him feel a little bit lost.

"Yan'er, don't resist !!!"

With his eyes fixed, Luo Shixin suddenly reached out his hand, and patted Luo Yan's shoulder directly. His huge heart began to scan his daughter over and over again, but to see if anyone had darkened his daughter. trick.

Luo Yan was very well-behaved, letting her father check his situation, but soon, Luo Shixin stopped frowning, apparently without any gain.

"Father, the daughter does not feel any discomfort, that is, he is weak, and he hopes that the father can prepare some conditioning plants for the daughter so that the daughter can recover earlier."

When her father retracted his hand, Luo Yan couldn't help showing a smile, and then said to her father.

"Rest assured that the father will immediately let the best of the Louvre plants be used by Yaner."

After exploring for a long time, no problem was found. Luo Shixin shook his head, but he no longer thought about it. Anyway, the person has returned intact. As long as he pays more attention in the future, he is not afraid of being thought of.

"Thank you father, father, and daughter for their lives. Several elders have paid a lot, and the daughter will thank the elders without disturbing the father first."

She still has her own things to do, and with her father, these things can't be done.

"Yeah, Yaner, don't run around in the future, this time it's your luck, and you don't want to have another time for your father." Nodded, Luo Shixin no longer keeps his daughter, he's It has been delayed a lot, and now we must return to the state of cultivation. Woundless and cruel, he must promote himself all the time, otherwise, the danger is not as simple as his daughter.

In his realm, although the level of cultivation has reached the top, but the strength is very different. Even if the same cultivation is in the realm, the situation of killing opponents is definitely not a minority.

"Father, don't worry, baby knows."

With a slight smile, Luo Yan was indifferent, and then came out of the hall.

"I don't know who saved Yan'er. It seems that in the future, we need to be more cautious." This incident may not be so easy to calm down, but the soldiers came to cover the water and cover the soil. , But no one was afraid. As for the loss this time, it has come to an end, and he is unable to return to heaven. All I can say is that through this incident, the Louvre has learned another lesson.

He shook his head, but he no longer thought about it. He first informed the people in charge of the Louvre Treasury, prepared a lot of heaven and earth treasures for his daughter, and then entered the practice.

Luo Shixin hurriedly entered the practice, and now, after leaving, Luo Yan directly found the three Louvre strongmen who acted with her before. After learning that she returned safely, the three Luofu The strong men in the palace are full of joy and regret.

"Yan'er, you can come back intact, this is simply great, if you really have a three long and two short, the three of us are really dead!"

"Three elders must not say so. Everything is doomed to heaven. This incident is also a calamity that Yan'er needs to experience. It was unexpected that this time, three elders lost their lives. Hey!"

Luo Yan also sighed from the bottom of her heart. She did not expect that after she passed out, two elders died, and it seems that this time the operation really failed completely.

"Ah, that's it, it's useless to think about it." The companion's fall, of course, is very sad for them.

"Yes, Yaner, how is your health, but what do we three need to do?"

For Luo Yan, they always felt a little bit ashamed of each other, so they couldn't help thinking about doing something for Luo Yan to make up for their previous mistakes.

"My body is no longer a big deal. It is a vital injury that requires some special spirits to nourish." Speaking of this, she suddenly flashed her eyes. "Yes, I heard that there are a lot of Wujia in Heji City Warcraft is sold. Some advanced Warcraft are very effective in restoring vitality. I wonder if the three elders can get some live Warcraft for Yan'er? "

"Warcraft? Haha, how difficult is this? I have a good relationship with the current owner of the Wu family, so I'll get you some Warcraft back."

Hearing Luo Yan's request, one of the three men couldn't help laughing and promised directly.

"Thank you Uncle Liu !!"

After listening to the other party's promise, Luo Yan's eyes flashed a bit, but she did not expect that Yuan Feng's first task was completed so easily.

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