The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1368: The opportunity has come (second more)

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As the superpower under the Black Flag Palace's evil reputation, Tian Yi has done a lot of things for the evil reputation in these years. He has done everything very neatly and never failed.

However, no one can always succeed. No matter how strong his strength is and how meticulous his mind is, there will still be careless calculations, let alone this time, his opponent is really too strong.

Yuan Feng knew that someone was following him, and the moment he left the restaurant, his devastating Wuling had reminded him that someone was watching them, and moving forward, in fact, six of the black men were second in the restaurant. When Layer noticed them, he guessed what would happen next.

Everything was under his control, and everything that happened next came almost as he expected. During this time, he released his avatar while at the jade shop, and found it here in advance, laid out his own expert Xuanzhen, and when he came to this place with Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, everything was destined.

Today, he has three powerful yin and yang powers in his hands, plus his deity and avatar, that is, he has five yin and yang powers. Five to one, even if Tian Yi is so powerful, he can only hate it.

By the time the Jiuqu Yellow River came out, Tian Yi had no resistance at all and became Yuan Feng's mid-course meal.

After a short time, the master of the Black Flag Palace was surrendered to Yuan Feng's blood curse, and after being subdued by Yuan Feng, his face was full of bitterness.

For so many years, countless actions have never failed, but only this failure has completely changed his destiny. Obviously, from now on, he already belongs to Yuan Feng alone.

"Hey, why, do you feel uncomfortable? If you think this is unpleasant, then I will complete you, anyway, there is no shortage of your subordinates under my hand."

Looking at Tian Yi's face, Yuan Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his face indifferent and authentic. With the existence of the blood curse, the words and deeds of the other party, even a little careful thought, could not escape his control. To put it plainly, he could see through the hearts of every subordinate.

"My subordinates dare not, since their subordinates have been compiled by the young master, then from now on, their subordinates will serve the young master with one heart.

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Tian Yi's face paled slightly, apparently startled by Yuan Feng. Of course, he understood what Yuan Feng meant by completeness, but he hadn't reached the state of being indifferent. In the face of Xiao Minger's threat, he could only obediently surrender and choose to keep his life.

"Huh, it's pretty much the same. You want to count me waiting. I haven't calculated this account with you yet. If you dare to have the slightest heart, then ..."

In the following words, Yuan Feng did not continue, but his meaning was already obvious.

"Young Master rest assured that even if he subordinates a hundred courage, his subordinates will never dare to joke about their lives."

After tearing his lips, Tian Yi realized that from now on, he may not even consider the idea that he should not have, otherwise, if Yuan Feng is unhappy one day, he may not die at any time. know.

"Just understand these."

All that has been said has been said, Yuan Feng can also feel that this Tian Yi is obviously the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death, and such a person does not need him to worry too much.

"Talk about your situation. It sounds like your power is called the Black Flag Palace? I wonder if I'm right?"

Now that Tian Yi has been subdued, Yuan Feng will certainly use it, just like Li Tianyi and Gao Zhensheng before. If this Tian Yi has value, he would very much like to use it.

"If you return to the Lord, the subordinate ’s forces are indeed called the Black Flag Palace. Speaking of them, the subordinates were not originally from the Black Flag Palace, but they were wounded in the fight with others, and finally saved by the evil reputation of the Black Flag Palace. This led him to join the Black Flag Palace, and has been repaying his saving grace. "

Speaking of this, Tian Yi's face could not help showing a touch of relief, and speaking, he has done a lot of things for the evil reputation over the years, and all things add up to the original life-saving Yeah.

"Evil reputation? You should be talking about the black man headed before?"

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng couldn't help recalling the guy he had seen in the restaurant before.

"Yes, that's him." Nodded, Tian Yi continued, "Xie Yu is the son of a veteran in the Black Flag Palace. This person is powerful and has very bad practice skills. Lord, before that, his subordinates had helped him catch a lot of innocent women in order to pay back his kindness, and he was really ashamed. "

For Yuan Feng, Tian Yi dare not conceal it in the slightest, because he knows that even if he wants to hide something, he can't hide Yuan Feng at all. In that case, he might as well explain it honestly!

"Well, it turned out to be such a dreg. If you have the chance, you should learn a good lesson." After listening to Tian Yi's words, Yuan Feng snorted suddenly, apparently a little angry.

It would be better to kill more people than to buy more goods, but what he despises most is the evil generation who bullies a woman. After seizing the opportunity, he must break the root of evil reputation and let him atone for the crimes committed before.

"Yes, what did you go to the restaurant before? Why did you leave so shortly after going up?"

Before, he saw the six people of Heiqi Palace go up to the top floor, but because the top floor was all private rooms, each private room was handled, and he couldn't hear what the people inside said, but he believed that the six Personally, it's definitely not going up to see the scenery.

"Young Master, when it comes to this, his subordinates have to report to you." After Yuan Feng's words fell, Tian Yi's face could not help but become very serious, and seeing him like this, Yuan Feng was also at heart The next move can not help but look a little faintly.

"Young Master, the evil reputation took us to the restaurant before. In fact, someone was invited to the appointment ..."

After sorting out the ideas, Tian Yi told Yuan Feng about all the previous events from 151 to 10, and briefly introduced the situation of Yue Yue. Soon, he was all about the evil reputation and the agreement of the Yue Yue two after March, and it was really due diligence.

"The relic left by the Promise? Is there such a thing?"

After listening to Tian Yi's narration, Yuan Feng's face was already full of bright colors. Obviously, he did not expect that this subordinate who had inadvertently conquered this time brought him such good news.

The time he has come to the boundless realm is still too short, but for many situations of the boundless realm, it is not clear. It wasn't until now that he heard that there was no delusion, but there was a relic left behind by the Promise.

But after thinking about it, this is not surprising. Just like when the life of the lower realm is at the end of life, it is necessary to leave some of his life's work, of course, the people without the delusional realm are certainly not exempt.

"The young master, the relics of the Promise Powerful, is not a trivial matter. This time the evil reputation and Yue Yue agreed to meet in Mengcun Mountain three months later to develop the relics together. Opportunity."

He can see that Yuan Feng's strength should be in the realm of yin and yang, and there is still some distance from the Promise, and such an opportunity is indeed a rare opportunity for Yuan Feng.

"Well, the relics of the Promise Realm are bound to have hope for the Promise Realm, and such an opportunity is certainly not to be missed."

I was still thinking about where to look for opportunities to improve Xiuwei. I didn't expect that I had just arrived in Yuxi City, and the opportunity came to me.

Frankly, the attraction of being promoted to the Promise is really too big. His current practice is only the cave heaven and the Seventh Heaven. If you really get the mystery to the Promise left by the Promise, then even if It was a breakthrough to the habitat, which was absolutely enough for him!

"Tian Yi, you will rush back to Heiqi Palace immediately, go back to that evil reputation and go undercover, and report their every move to me at any time."

As soon as his mind turned, Yuan Feng's heart had a decision. This opportunity is definitely not to be missed for him, but anyway, that evil reputation and Yue Yue are both yin and yang, and if he wants to conquer these two people, he needs to move his mind. .

According to Tian Yi's ideas, Yuan Feng can be a fisherman once, and wait until the two have worked out the results, but Yuan Feng never thought of any fisherman.

How important is the collection of the Promise Strong, he is really worried that the evil reputation and the Yue Yue will mess up good things, so if he wants to get the collection of this Promise, then he must personally Just do it.

The first is of course to collect all these two people. He has now controlled four people in the yin and yang realm. If he then wins the evil reputation and the Yue Yue, then he will have enough under his hands. The subordinates of the six yin and yang realms will then be supplemented by those who are living in the habitat to develop the collection of the Promise of the Promise.

The main thing is that once he turns everyone into himself, everyone can work together. Compared with a few strong men who have the same heart, the former can certainly erupt more powerful powers.

"Young Master rest assured that his subordinates will go back to the undercover and must report the evil reputation and the behavior of Yue Yue to Young Master in a timely manner."

Tian Yi naturally has nothing to say. He is now under Yuan Feng's subordinates, so of course, then he must think about Yuan Feng with his heart and soul. The main thing is that everything in his hands is already in Yuan Feng's hands. He must not be in the slightest carelessness.

"Go, what do you say when you go back, you can find your own reasons, and the next action, you listen to my command."

He waved his hands and Yuan Feng sent Tian Yi back directly, and this time, he obviously had time to play again.

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