The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1374: Where the treasure is

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Yuan Feng's shot can definitely be described as leaving no room. First, Yue Yue and his team followed by the evil reputation of Heiqi Palace. The strength of the two groups is not bad. Unfortunately, in front of him, It is not even the slightest resistance.

Even if the evil reputation wants to break his head, he will never think that Tian Yi, who has been with him for many years, has always been loyal and loyal, and he will betray him at this time.

The power of this punch is great, and because there is no defense at all, all the strength is exerted on him completely, let alone he is a man in the yin and yang state, even if he is a person without a limit, It will still be abolished.

The evil reputation eventually failed to stand up. The fist was so badly wounded that he needed a good rest to recover. At this time, his gaze was staring closely at Tian Yi, The bottom of my eyes was full of inquiries.

He didn't know why the other side wanted to shoot at him. This was simply not the case.

However, when he was a little confused, he suddenly wanted to understand something. Obviously, Yuan Feng and Tian Yi should have joined together before, but he still didn't understand what the temptation was to make Tian Yi betray him and stand in a stranger's camp.


Tian Yi's face was not very good-looking. He didn't really want to. He had saved his life in the original bad reputation. Although he had done a lot of things for the other party, the life-saving grace was better than these More real.

Unfortunately, when his life is threatened, he really has no choice. Obviously, he will never kill his life because of evil reputation.

In addition, Yuan Feng ordered him to take a shot, but he did not say that he would take the life of the other party, at best it is to control the evil reputation, so he need not be too real.

"This, this ......... It turned out that, after a long time of trouble, the young master had already inserted eyeliner beside the evil reputation. No wonder the young master can control the whereabouts of these people."

The Yue Yue, which has just been started, can't help but initiate a fight at this moment. He originally wanted to fight against the evil reputation, but he never expected that at the critical moment, Tian Yi next to the evil reputation Actually killed it, it seems that this guy's shot was unreserved, enough to dispel evil reputation for a while.

"It's so incomprehensible for the young master to act!"

He shook his head, but Yue Yue didn't think about it anymore. He knew that a deep person like Yuan Feng was not at his level, so he stepped back honestly, don't let Yuan Feng paid too much attention to him.

This treasure digging must be sacrificed by the strong man in the yin and yang realm. He doesn't want the sacrifice person to be him. But now, it seems that the candidate for the sacrifice seems to be in sight.


When the evil reputation was bombarded with a punch, Yuan Feng's figure immediately followed. Without saying a word, he shot a palm above the evil reputation's head, and under this shot, The latter did not even have a trace of resistance, but simply passed out.

He suffered such a serious injury at this moment, and he was already half asleep, and Yuan Feng's shot, of course, made the other party have no ability to resist at all.

"Well, no matter how evil you were before, from now on, you have no chance to do evil."

One palm was shot on top of the other's head, and Yuan Feng even started to perform the magic of blood curse and put the other party into his account.

Xieyu this person must die, because it is this guy who hit his idea on Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er, this is definitely a death penalty! It's just a pity to kill the other party directly.

"Young Master mighty !!! Young Master mighty !!!"

When Yuan Feng won the evil reputation, the opposite Yue Yue took the lead to speak, and suddenly began to shout loudly. He was really impressed by Yuan Feng at the moment. The main thing is that he was shocked and eager for Yuan Feng's method.

After the evil reputation was taken down, Yuan Feng turned around a few times in the surrounding Xuanzhen space. Soon, the people of the Black Flag Palace brought by the evil reputation were conquered by him. For these guys, they have always been strong with whom. Since the evil reputation is not strong enough, then they will of course give up the dark.

"Very well, let's work together now. After the treatment of the evil reputation is briefly healed, we can start the operation immediately!"

Yuan Feng's face was filled with a smile of joy. He worked a lot, and finally did not waste energy. The people of Heiqi Palace, Ying Yue and others finally controlled all of him. In this way, he knew that the relics of the Promise were already in his hands. And he doesn't need to worry about the news leaking.

The next time, of course, is to follow the map and start to mine the relics of the so-called Promise, but for Yuan Feng, this is the most important thing.

The remnant of the Promise is under the ground deep in Mount Manchu, and countless years have passed. The relic left by this Promise is already buried by the long river of history.

However, the rivers of history can hide the relics, but they have no ability to make them disappear. After burying for countless years, some things that have been sealed for a long time have finally come to life again.

Although Xie Yu's injury was very serious, he recovered very quickly after Yuan Feng and others helped to adjust it. However, although the injury was almost recovered, Yuan Feng didn't give the other party a chance to act arrogantly. What Yuan Feng needs is only a strong yin and yang realm, but it is not an intact yin and yang realm. As long as it is alive, it is almost enough.

Here is a very primitive dense jungle. The entire jungle is like dust that has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years. Some lush vines and weeds like small trees have already covered everything on the ground. No matter what is on the ground, it is hard to see with the naked eye.

However, what an ordinary person cannot see with the naked eye does not mean that there is no way to see it. If there is a specific map, then everything must be a different matter.

A group of six people shuttles through the dense weeds and jungles. The order of the six people is very interesting, but there are five people around and one person in the center. Obviously, the five people on the periphery are to protect the man in the middle. In the event of an accident, it is also the first five people to suffer.

"Young Master, it's almost the front. After bypassing this mountain and passing through a sandy land, we will enter a canyon, and the remaining cave is under the cliff in the canyon."

The six hurried on the road, but Yue Yue was at the forefront, because he had already been to the place where he was hiding, and he would lead the way. Of course, he could save a lot of time and avoid unnecessary dangers.

Along the way, they have gone through several crises. Fortunately, when Yuan Feng discovered it in time, and the five people around him were united in their hearts, this did not cause too much problems.

"Very well, everyone is working harder. Let's get the relics soon, and we can leave this ghost place earlier. Speaking of which, the so-called Mount Manchu is really an extremely dangerous place."

Surrounded by five people in the yin and yang realm, Yuan Feng still does not have much sense of security at all. He has experienced many dangers along the way, and he was very beautiful and magnificent in his eyes. Mountain, it's been a long time since then.

Sinister, terror, and dangerous. This is his new definition of Mount Manchu. He believes that if Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner see this side of Mount Manchu, they will definitely be disappointed and disappointed.

"Young Master rest assured that his subordinates will assist the Young Master to get the relics as quickly as possible. As for the entrance, I am afraid that the Young Master will also take the shot himself."

Since he had already been to the place where the relics were once, Yue Yue was the one with the most confidence, and in talking, he glanced again at the map in his hand, and led the crowd to continue his journey.

The next itinerary will undoubtedly get closer and closer to the relics, and the closer to the relics, the greater the dangers and obstacles on the road. However, these are the most basic obstacles. As long as they are united, they will not There is too much danger.

After almost seven days, Yuan Feng and his team finally crossed the mountains and reached the depths of an extremely deep canyon. In this canyon, many cliffs and cliffs are densely packed like trees. When you see these cliffs, No matter how powerful a person is, he will be completely fainted.

"Young master, that cliff, the relic we are looking for is just under that cliff. The next time, we will see the young master show his skills."

Thermaltake's complexion was a little pale, but his eyes were full of expectations. Although the relics are destined to be without him, even if you take a look, it is good for him to open your eyes.

"Is it finally here? I don't know what this relic can bring me."

Yuan Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, he was also full of anticipation for what would happen next.

ps: Something went wrong, and that's it for today. Xiaoyan will remember how much it owes everyone and will definitely make up for it! !!

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