The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1384: I do my own thing (three more)

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So big, Yuan Feng has never really visited a place like a brothel. However, I have not eaten pork, but at least I have seen pigs walk. As a man, this kind of thing obviously does not need to learn.

Qifeng Pavilion is obviously the most famous place in Yuxi City. When Yuan Feng was surrounded by two women and came to the pavilion, the scene in front of him really shocked him greatly.

"Good guy, is this really a brothel? There are too many strong men in it, right?"

When I came to Qifeng Pavilion, all eyes were full of handsome guys, one by one, young and handsome, as if they had come here to hold a conference, almost the entire Qifeng Pavilion was full.

Many people are only one aspect. What really surprised Yuan Feng was that the young people in Qifeng Pavilion were stronger than one, and they glanced casually. He saw no fewer than thirty or forty yangs. The strong, as for the people who live in the habitat, it is even more numerous.

"Well, it seems that no matter how strong a warrior is, as a person's original instinct, it will never change."

From the current situation, it seems that the scene in Qifeng Pavilion is even more popular than the original Louvre auction. It seems that the attractiveness of women seems to outweigh the attractiveness of those treasures.

"My son, today is the big day for Sister Aoxue to perform for everyone. Later, Sister Aoxue will show up there to perform for everyone. The closer you are, the closer you will be to Sister Aoxue. Don't go up? "

When Yuan Feng was surprised, the two women in the arms were laughing and pointing at Yuan Feng.

"Oh? Performing on the stage? Interesting and interesting. Since Ao Snow Maiden has such a great reputation, of course, you can't miss the chance to get close, walk around, take me up!"

Yuan Feng's eyes followed the guidance of the two, but it was found that in the middle of the lobby of Qifeng Pavilion, there was a suspended square platform, with a table and chairs above it, which seemed very simple. This square is suspended in the air, and the higher it stands, the closer it can be to people on the square. Of course, you can understand with your toes. The more you can get to the top floor of the pavilion, the more Yin Yang Stones you need to spend, of course.

However, Yuan Feng is not afraid to spend money today. The so-called ca n’t bear the child and ca n’t catch the wolf. He came to Qifeng Pavilion today to put in long-line fishing for big fish. This little expense can be counted in the future. come back.

"You don't have to go up, just stay below!"

Looking back, Yuan Feng said to Yue Yuezhi again, with a commanding expression of authenticity. He went up by himself, but his goal was a little bit smaller, and Yue Yue was not an unknown member of Yuxi City in Yuxi City. Although the other party made a cover up, God knows whether it will be recognized by someone with heart. Therefore, it is more convenient for him to act alone.

The main thing is that Yue Yue's strength is much worse than him, and he doesn't need the other party to protect himself, so of course there is no need to take the other party everywhere. Moreover, letting the other party observe below is an extra eyeliner, which is beneficial to his next actions.

"Subordinates obey!"

Yue Yue behaved very obediently. When he heard Yuan Feng's order, he said nothing but hurriedly stooped to say yes. At this scene, the two women couldn't help but see their eyes twinkling and their hearts became more fiery.

A person who can make the strong in the yin and yang realm obey. Obviously, Yuan Feng's identity will never be simple.

"Hey, come here, Xiaohong and Xiaoyue, accompany my son upstairs, I have to take a good look at Snow Snow Girl today."

Unwillingly embraced the two women, while Yuan Feng smiled and walked up and down the pavilion.

"My son, rest assured, the two of us will definitely arrange the best position for my son." The two women identified Yuan Feng as the grandfather, and simply let Yuan Feng play, but in their hearts, they wanted to At that shining yin and yang stone.

Bringing people to higher places naturally gives them more benefits, and the guest in front of them seems to not even need persuasion. This single sale is really easy.

Yuan Feng didn't care about this little overhead. Under the guidance of the two women, he climbed up to the upper floor without hesitation, and at the entrance of each floor, he spent a lot of money. Do not look at yin and yang stones as yin and yang stones at all.

However, no one noticed that when Yuan Feng was climbing upstairs, his eyes were always looking around, and almost everyone in Qifeng Pavilion had been looked at by him. Over and over again.

The entire pavilion is so high. Soon, Yuan Feng came to the top floor under the leadership of two women. However, the height here was just at the same level as the floating platform in the center. The people on the square platform looked up.

"Oh, son, how good is our sister's place for you?"

When they arrived at the top floor, the two women in Yuan Feng's arms couldn't help groping on Yuan Feng's body one by one, and they created Yuan Feng who hadn't opened for a long time. Fortunately, no one can compare his determination, swallowing the heavenly martial spirit, any bad mood is tossed to the side.

"It's not bad, but it seems that this position is not the most positive one, right? How do I think that I can only see the side of Ao Snow Maiden in this position, I'm afraid it is difficult to face it!"

Glancing his lips, Yuan Feng glanced at his position, and glanced around the highest floor of the building, followed by a slightly unpleasant tunnel.

"This ......... Boy, this position is already very good. After Sister Ao Xue's appearance, the boy must be able to see clearly."

Upon hearing Yuan Feng's words, the two women's faces were slightly changed, and they were really worried about this kind of thing. Frankly speaking, Yuan Feng's position now is really a very good position.

The pavilions are circular, and their current position is on the side of the central square. Although this position cannot catch up with the side of the opposite platform, it is much better than the side facing the other platform.

"Well, I don't want to see Snow Maiden's side face, but to see her front face. Besides, it's so spacious there, it seems like only a few people occupy it. I think I should go there. "

Yuan Feng glanced around, but finally fell in the direction facing the central square, and at this moment, a young man was sitting leisurely on the pavilion in that direction. Behind him, two middle-aged men stand respectfully, one after the other, each of whom is motionless, and at first glance they are super strong.

After seeing the situation in this direction, Yuan Feng said nothing but went straight there.

"My son, please be calm and listen to the little girl to explain." Seeing Yuan Feng going in the direction of the opponent's platform, the two women suddenly lost their looks, just like two koalas. Entangled Yuan Feng tightly, not letting the other party go in that direction.

"Why, isn't it so spacious for my son?"

Yuan Feng found that she did have the potential to be a hooligan, and it was really easy to be a bad guy now.

"I don't know. I really can't go there. Don't I know the young master? That's the biggest force in Yuxi City, the young master of Yuxi Palace."

The two women pulled Yuan Feng to death. They brought Yuan Feng here. Although they have made a lot of money, if Yuan Feng rushes to the opposite side at this time, don't say yes I'm divided, even if I can continue to mix in Qifeng Pavilion, I'm afraid it's hard to say!

"Master 13 of Yuxi Palace? Well, what's wrong with Master 13 of Yuxi Palace? He looks at him, I see me, everyone doesn't bother anyone?"

Yuan Feng still didn't have any fear in his face. It seemed that he really didn't fear the giant power of Yuxi Palace, and didn't put the 13th master of Yuxi Palace in his eyes.

The words fell, but his body suddenly trembled. Suddenly, the two women had to let him go and be shaken aside.

"Don't do it !!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng shake them away, she swayed in the direction of Master Yuxi Palace Thirteenth Master. Both women looked pale, knowing that this time it was a disaster.

Master 13 of Yuxi Palace, who in the entire Qifeng Pavilion does not know? Today, Qifeng Pavilion Aoxue is performing publicly. The thirteen master has already taken a half-circle position facing this central square, so that he can face Aoxue alone. If someone squeezes in at this time, That's just killing myself!

Of course, it doesn't matter to them whether the other party is dead or not, but once things get serious and offend this master Yuxi Palace Thirteen, then the two of them may be implicated.

It is a pity that no matter how worried they are, Yuan Feng has passed now, and they want to stop, but they have no chance.

"Go find someone, don't make trouble."

The two women looked at each other and felt that what was happening was beyond the scope of what they could solve. Without saying a word, they hurried to run downstairs.

Although Qifeng Pavilion is not only famous, it also ranks low in the surrounding area. Compared with Yuxi Palace in Yuxi City, Qifeng Pavilion is more than a star and a star. If it really angers the people of Yuxi Palace, the entire Qifeng Pavilion Follow the victims.

The two women have already run down the pavilion. However, at this moment, Yuan Feng did not stop her footsteps. During the time of speaking, his figure had already reached the position of the pavilion facing the square. , And appeared next to the three of Yuxi Palace.


When Yuan Feng's body approached, the young man who had been elegantly tasting elegantly frowned suddenly.

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