The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1397: Learn the piano (four more)

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Qifeng Pavilion, a very spacious hall, at this moment, three women are sitting around a table case, chatting twitchily.

There are always endless topics between women, and it is the so-called three women in one play. Once the number of women reaches three, then they will say that for three days and nights, there will be no pause. when.

"Sister Mengchen, you and Yuanfeng seem to have a good relationship. I look at you, even the eyes of each other, seem so tacit."

At the table, Aoxue was holding her chin with one hand, and her eyes were blinking constantly.

After promised Yuan Feng to teach Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner to learn the piano, she came here with her two daughters. However, before she started to learn the piano, she talked with the two daughters. In her words, since the two women are to be taught to learn the piano, it is of course necessary to get acquainted with each other.

Of course, if this is not the case, only she knows it. However, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun'er were so happy. After they came to Wuleijie, although they also contacted many different people, they didn't really have a friend without Wuleijie.

Since Aoxue wants to chat with them and make friends with them, of course they are so happy. Besides, the other party really has to teach them to play the piano!

"Oh, Yuanfeng and I grew up together, but at an early age, there was no such tacit understanding between us. These were all cultivated later."

Speaking of his wishful Langjun, Yun Mengchen's look of happiness suddenly saw Aoxue and Mu Yuner's envy.

"That's it. After a long time of trouble, the two of you turned out to be childhood friends. No wonder he was so good to you, he didn't even look at me straight."

Aoxue's personality is relatively straightforward, and she has to say anything when she has any words. Why does Yuan Feng not even look at her at first? Now it seems that everything is because of Yun Mengchen.


Hearing Aoxue's whisper, Yun Mengchen couldn't help but breathe, but there was a feeling of crying and laughing under his heart.

This kind of words by Ao Xue cannot be continued. She can't say that she is more attractive than the other? But having said that, hearing Aoxue's statement, her heart was full of sweetness. How many men can resist temptations like Aoxue? Yuan Feng's ability to stand still is indeed remarkable.

"Hum, Brother Yuanfeng is just a piece of wood. He doesn't understand anything."

Yun Mengchen didn't say anything, but Mu Yuner couldn't help it. To be honest, she really hates to hear someone say the words Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen's childhood sweetheart. If there is a choice, she hopes that she will be one of them.

"Oh, why did Yuner's sister say this? I don't think Yuan Feng's son is stubborn, but he is very smart?"

Hearing Mu Yuner's cold hum, Aoxue couldn't help but smile slightly and turned to ask. It can be seen that she is obviously deliberately teasing each other. As a woman, how could she not see Mu Yuner's feelings for Yuan Feng? It's just that Mu Yuner is deliberately falling flowers, and Yuan Feng is ruthless!

"He's not smart, he's a fool."

Mu Yuner would never admit that Yuan Feng was clever, at least she would never admit it at the moment.

"Stop that, Ao Snow Maiden, is your home in Yuxi City? By the way, how do you know Yuan Feng?" Yun Mengchen had to start the topic at this time and stopped talking about these sensitive things. She could see that if Aoxue was allowed to tease Mu Yuner again, I am afraid that the entire Qifeng Pavilion would become a vinegar jar.

"How do you know each other? Oh, but this is a long story, but no matter what, I finally know each other." For this question, Aoxue didn't want to answer directly. The process of knowing Yuan Feng was not very glorious. When she thought that she had been suppressed by Yuan Feng everywhere, she didn't want to mention the previous things.

"As for whether I am from Yuxi City or not, the answer is certainly not. My family is in a city far away. If there is a chance in the future, the two sisters can come to my family as guests and I will certainly treat them well. Yours."

They have just met each other, and everyone is not very familiar with each other. Therefore, the words that Ao Xue said are almost always at an end. At this moment, she will never reveal her family background.

"Okay, two younger sisters. The next time, let's start learning the piano. With me, I believe you will soon learn to play the piano, and you will soon become masters of piano skills."

The goal was also achieved, but Aoxue no longer continued to hesitate, and once she raised her hand, she took out a simple harp again.

"Sister Mengchen, take the piano that Yuan Feng had given you to study. Sister Yuner, take this piano to learn, relax, and listen to me at that time."

She only gave Yuan Feng a piano before, but now there are two students. Of course, she will of course take another piano out. Having said that, she has always been accompanied by a piano. Whenever she sees a beautiful piano, she buys it and puts it directly, so the inventory is very rich.

"Sister Lau Aoxue is here."

Ao Xue is already commensurate with her younger sister. Of course, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner must not be too far-fetched. Anyway, this Ao Xue girl seems to be a really good person.

"Learning the piano, first of all, you must make friends with the piano. Only by treating the piano as your own friend and your partner, can the piano sound be more beautiful. Of course, the piano sounds beautiful and kills you. The force will naturally be stronger, and you will slowly understand it in the future. "

Although Ao Xue usually seems to say very little, once she talks about learning the piano, she is almost endless, and a set of theories is just endless. Of course, every truth she said was indeed very reasonable. Even Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, who had never touched the piano, were slowly attracted to her.

The three women ended the chat, but they started to do the business. However, there seems to be no difference between the business and the previous chat, but the content of the chat has become more formal. Nothing more.

If you want to learn to play the piano, whether it is Yun Mengchen or Mu Yuner, obviously it will not be done overnight. To be honest, being a teacher like Ao Xue is their luck. Aoxue is a rare talented piano teacher. After her careful teaching, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner's path to learning piano does not know how many detours to cross!

All three women became very formal, and at the same time, in the room next to the three, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction.

"Well, yes, yes, it seems that Aussie has taught them both, and they should soon be able to learn such skills!"

Yuan Feng's mind has been watching next door, although Ao Xue and Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner are similar in strength, but even so, he is somewhat uneasy, worried that Ao Xue is not good for the two women.

But now it seems that he was worried too much. The three women seemed to be getting along in harmony at the moment, and nothing unpleasant happened.

"Boy, I really have you. Our lady never looks at any man. You are the first one to get in close contact with the lady."

Opposite Yuan Feng, the old man in black was sitting there with his lips pouting, and his face was somewhat weird.

The room opposite was full of women. He obviously couldn't continue to follow Aoxue's side. In the end, he was only able to protect the person he wanted to protect with Yuan Feng next door.

After sitting with Yuan Feng, he couldn't help feeling the unusualness of Yuan Feng. A young man with only yin and yang power can completely ignore his threat, which is not something anyone can do.

"Ha, the predecessors are ridiculous. It's a great honor for Ao Snow Maiden to be able to give a bit of noodles, but this should be our fate!"

With a loud laugh, Yuan Feng couldn't help but put his mind back and chatted with the old man in black. Of course, although his body has completely recovered his mind, his avatar is always watching the opposite side at all times, ensuring the safety of Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner at all times.

Sitting face to face with the old man in black, Yuan Feng actually felt differently. The old man in black robes is not as fierce as it used to be. He can feel the benevolence of the other person, but he is indispensable. No matter what, he must cultivate the other person's crystal Row.

"Don't talk about fate. Everyone meets each other. After each one takes what they need, they part ways. So where are so many fate?"

There was a smirk on the old man's face. He never believed in fate. He just knew that no matter how well the other party behaved, it might just be playing in the field. Therefore, when following Aoxue alone, he will never completely believe in someone.

"Ha, Mr. Old is sitting face to face with me at this moment. Isn't it still fate?" Hearing the words of the old man, Yuan Feng couldn't help laughing, he knew the other party was very alert because he was worried about Aoxue. , But this situation will not last long.

"Old gentleman, don't refuse to be thousands of miles away, while they are learning the piano, and that Yu Chenglong and others have not returned to their respective families, let me accompany you for a few drinks!"

When the words fell, Yuan Feng didn't wait for the other side to agree or disagree. When he raised his hand, he took out the wine and food he had collected.

Taking advantage of this time, he can relax and wait until Yu Chenglong and others arrive at home, then he can't relax even if he wants to relax!

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