The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1516: Before leaving (second more)

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Before heading to the Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng finally established a base in Wulei Realm, and with the opening of Qingwu Palace in Wulei Realm, Yuan Feng now has his own power.

A main hall and five auxiliary halls are designed by Yuan Feng according to the pattern of Jiangjia Mansion. However, the main hall of Qingwu Palace has the guardianship of the Jiuqu Yellow River. Even if outsiders enter it, it can be found. The existence of the main hall is already quite enough.

Of course, around the five vice halls, Yuan Feng also arranged his expert arrays, but these arrays will not start normally, and only when danger comes, he will start these large arrays to ensure light dancing. Palace of security.

Today's Qingwu Palace, in addition to the Yuan family's Yun family and Dan Xiazong's people, is also a lot of Yuan Feng's people. In these years of no delusion, there are really a lot of strong men who have been subdued by Yuan Feng. For now, there are nearly twenty people in the Promise Realm in Qingwu Palace. As for the people in the yin and yang and the habitats, Even hundreds or thousands.

Dozens of Promise Powers, hundreds of Yin and Yang powers, and thousands of Habitat people, it can be said that the scale of the current Qingwu Palace can also catch up with some of the middle forces in Ziyun City.

However, Qingwu Palace's low-key behavior, in addition to the development of muffled sounds, does not appear too eye-catching. From the perspective of outsiders, Qingwu Palace is nothing more than a slightly larger force controlled by a few people in the yin and yang realm. Nothing more.

Yuan Feng detailed the ruling power of Qingwu Palace and divided it into the hands of Dan Xiazong, Yuan Family, and Yun Family. On weekdays, the backbone of these Yuan Jia Yun Family and Dan Xia Zong were in Qingwu Palace. The main hall is practiced, and each person is responsible for a sub hall, managing the resource allocation of the main halls and the movement of personnel.

Although everyone's cultivation is not top-notch, for the management of a power, whether it is the senior Yuan family or the elders of Dan Xiazong, they all have some experience, so they are in charge of the deputies The palace, in fact, also preserved Dan Xiazong and the Yuan and Yun families in disguise.

Of course, among the five deputy halls, Yuan Feng also selected a Promise of the Promise as the leader. These five small leaders are more abundant in experience than those of Dan Xiazong and Yuan Jiayun. Many, but Yuan Feng will not release resources and rights completely to their hands.

Today's Qingwu Palace may not be very powerful, but Yuan Feng is confident that as long as he works hard, Qingwu Palace will definitely get bigger and bigger, and once he can reach the realm of demigod, that At that time, the Qingwu Palace may really be able to use this as a basis to start the hegemony of the whole world.

In the main hall, Yuan Feng has assigned everyone's tasks, and everyone has been dedicated to their posts. Finally, on the entire platform, only Yuan Feng and his two confidantes are left. Enjoying this rare and warm time.

"Yu, finally the Qingwu Palace has been established. Although the feet are a bit off, but how to say it is opened in the world of hopelessness, I hope that in the future, the Qingwu Palace will become better and better!"

Above the platform, Yuan Feng looked behind the hands with a look of hope at the outside scene, and then said quietly with emotion.

In terms of location, the area where Qingwu Palace is located can be described as desolate, but it is also such a desolate place that will not attract the attention of some super powers. As for the general small forces, There was nothing at all in front of Qingwu Palace.

It can be said politely that, in addition to the super powers of the Demigod Realm, the general Promise powers, I am afraid, can only come back, or even directly explain here.

Now Yuan Feng, apart from not daring to provoke the demigod strong, he is not afraid of coming below the demigod.

"Hee hee, Brother Yuan Feng is the most powerful man in the world. I believe you will be able to grow the Qingwu Palace and become the most powerful force in the world of delusion."

Hearing Yuan Feng's emotions, Mu Yun'er, who was on the side, came up for the first time and cheered at Yuan Feng.

This is not a compliment. In fact, in Mu Yuner's heart, Yuan Feng is indeed omnipotent. Since Yuan Feng can build the Qingwu Palace today, it is entirely possible for Qingwu Palace to stand on the ground tomorrow. No delusion on top.

We must know that the transition from the small hilltop in the initial world to the current purple cloud city without boundaries is no easier than standing on top of the boundaries without boundaries.

"Hahaha, then borrow the good words of my sister."

Hearing Mu Yuner's words, Yuan Feng could not help but glance back from a distance, and then laughed. Mu Yuner is always able to mobilize his emotions, but this is unmatched by anyone else.

"Yuan Feng, Qingwu Palace has now been created. What are your plans?"

Yun Mengchen also stepped forward at this moment and asked Yuan Feng a little. She is also responsible for overall planning and consideration, but there is no specific task to do. To put it bluntly, the two of them are the most free existence of Qingwu Palace. Do whatever you want!

No one knows Yuan Feng better than her. She can see that Yuan Feng hastily set up the Qingwu Palace. This is obviously a signal that a Yuan Feng is about to do other things. A signal that will not return for a while.

"Hey, I can't hide anything from you." After hearing Yun Mengchen's words, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, and stretched out his hands to caress each other's pretty face. As long as the resources are allocated, the growth of Qingwu Palace is nothing more than a matter of time. During this period, I still have some more important things to complete. "

Regarding his trip to Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng did not want to say to Yunmengchen and Mu Yuner that he would definitely not take them with him at Ziyun Palace, because he did n’t even know that, Zi How powerful is Yungong, and if he goes there, will he be in danger of being difficult to cope with?

"Are you leaving for a long time?"

After receiving Yuan Feng's response, Yun Mengchen's face flashed a bit of sadness, and then he continued to ask.

She couldn't stop Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng had done so much in the past few days. Obviously, she had already been ready to leave. Even if she tried to stop it, it would only be annoying to Yuan Feng's disciples.

"It may be a little longer, but I will leave the avatar in Qingwu Palace. Speaking of it, there is no difference between the avatar and my deity, you just have to be with me."

At this point in Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng finally decided to go by the deity himself. Although the avatar is comparable to the power of the deity, the deity has a swallowing martial spirit, and it is undoubtedly easier to do things. Moreover, since there is no difference between the deity and the avatar, whether it is the deity or the avatar, he can't afford to lose it.

"Huh, avatar is avatar, how can it be compared to you?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's avatar again as an excuse, Mu Yun'er could not help but chuckle, apparently a little unhappy.

Speaking of which, although Yuan Feng's deity and avatar are generally different, there are two people in this world, but it is easy to distinguish his deity and avatar, and these two people are Yun Mengchen in front of him. And Mu Yuner.

"Hey, Mengchen, sister, you don't need to worry about anything. You can get my information at any time when you have an acquaintance here. Besides, do you think that there is no danger whatsoever for me now?"

With a laugh, Yuan Feng can only hear what is good. Compared to the establishment of Qingwu Palace, laying down his foundation in the world of delusion, he actually cares more about Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner's mood. I was so happy that he did other things, and it didn't seem to make much sense.

"That being said, but ..."

"Okay, do n’t do it. I am going out to do business this time. In all likelihood, I can take it a step further. It is even possible to find a way to the semi-god realm. If I can really advance to the semi-god realm, , Then the whole world has no delusion, we can really go sideways! "

The two women have yet to say more, but were directly interrupted by Yuan Feng. He knew that if he reasoned with the two women, he would definitely fail in the end, so instead of digging into the horns, it would be better to shift the topic and let the two have no words.

"How can the realm of demigods be so easy? You have just reached the Habitat now, or wait until you have been promoted to the yin and yang realm!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Mu Yun'er couldn't help but chuckle and laughed without a hit. She is not a child now, of course, not so easy to flicker. How difficult it is to reach the demigod, she has already been very clear, and Yuan Feng's situation is so special, let alone a demigod, even if it is a Promise, I don't know when to wait!

"Haha, how much do you want me to save some face for me? You will hit me like this."

With a loud smile, Yuan Feng was very confident in his realm. Although the demi-god did indeed have a long way to go, was he really not too concerned about the yin and yang state?

This time is because of busy work, so there is no time to practice systematically, but after he mixes into the Ziyun Palace, maybe he can get the resources of the Ziyun Palace, and it should not be too difficult to be promoted to Yin and Yang. .

Today, his strength is far beyond the average person of the limitless state, and once promoted to the yin and yang state, then at the level of the limitless state, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to be his opponent, even if facing a demigod, His hopes of leaving will be greatly enhanced.

"Well, Mengchen, sister, while I'm still gone, I will check your practice today. Also, when I go out, I will pay attention to the spiritual piano in your hand."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng didn't say much about leaving. Instead, she shifted the topic and took the two women to practice.

This time, he didn't know how long he was going to leave. Although there is a clone to stay here, the clone and the deity are not the same in the final analysis.

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