The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1519: Sea election (second)

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The huge roar made all the people in the block look very shocked. Almost as soon as the sound spread, a small team concealed their bodies and did not dare to stay outright. Already.

At the same time, on the spacious main street, Yuan Feng was still standing there with a lot of time. Opposite him, two young men looked at him with a horror in front, and the old man before him, now But it was missing, there was only a pool of blood on the ground, and it seemed to be saying something!

"Oh, two, what did you guys just say? I have a bad memory. I wonder if the two can say it again?"

A slight smile suddenly appeared on Yuan Feng's face, and he took a few steps forward to speak, and came to the two young men's steps, full of quaint authenticity.

One punch punched the infinitely powerful superman, and he seemed to be doing an extremely trivial little thing, but he could not care for himself, but it was obviously impossible to meet other people in the scene of Shicai. Think so.

"I, we ..."

Two young men, there is a feeling of being scared silly at this moment, they can feel, their master, is really without any breath at this moment, either by Yuan Feng flying too far away, or Already running their tails, they now face the evil star in front of them, which is really a terrible thing.

I never dreamed that a young man who only seemed to have a habitat would be such a terrible superpower. If I had known this, even if they borrowed 10,000 courage, they would not dare to provoke such a character!

Obviously, Yuan Feng in front of her should not have come to participate in the selection of Ziyun Palace disciples. As for the other side's habitat cultivation, Bacheng also made a cover up, just that they could not see it at all.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, this brother, all misunderstanding !!"

The two young people were obviously not ordinary people. When they heard Yuan Feng's words, they took a deep breath and tried to calm down the horror in their hearts, and then they bent over and explained to Yuan Feng.

They just wanted to solve some powerful opponents in advance, but they never expected to encounter such variables. Yuan Feng in front of them did not know who the master was. Right now, their master was blasted by the other party, even if Yuan Feng was not right for them. I am afraid that those around me will never miss such a good opportunity.

The thought of both of them made them bitter and pale.

In fact, the three of them apprentices, like everyone else, want to get in touch with some competitors in this neighborhood. Of course, it is better to solve some potential opponents. Prior to this, there were no fewer than dozens of threatened people they solved. In this neighborhood, no one dared to provoke.

Right now, Feng Shui is taking turns, and looking at them, they seem to be the party to be cleared in advance.

"A misunderstanding? It is a misunderstanding, not a misunderstanding. Since your master is no longer there, then you can follow him, just go away !!!"

Yuan Feng does not care about the intentions of these people, and does not care what these people are. In short, if you dare to disrespect him, you must be prepared to accept punishment.


With a bang, the two young men, like the old man before them, were also blown away by a huge fist shadow, a piece of blood was sprinkled in the air, and then disappeared without a trace.

They don't have the same strength as the old man before. This situation of Yuan Feng almost caused both of them to be severely hit. Even if they could save their lives, they would spend some time in bed.

When all the young and old were blasted off, Yuan Feng could not help but clap his hands, shaking the dust on his body, and his face was full of ease. Obviously, the shot he just made was almost moving his muscles and wasting no strength at all.

"Are there any other moves you want to follow? If so, stand up."

Gaze swept across the surrounding squads looking around, Yuan Feng's mouth cornered slightly, and she was very authentic.

However, the previous scene is just now. How could anyone dare to challenge him now? When his words fell, the small teams in the streets were almost completely hidden, and no one dared to take the lead.

"It seems that no one is willing to enlighten me. In this case ... brush !!!!"

Seeing the small teams starting to hide, Yuan Feng couldn't help but pick up the corner of his mouth, his voice didn't fall, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived. A corner deep in the street, and deep in the corner, two men, one old and one young, are hiding here, looking slightly dignified.


When Yuan Feng's body appeared in front of him, the two men, one old and one young, all took a sip of air, and everyone's complexion instantly became a little pale.

Yuan Feng just shot, and because they were closer, they could see it very clearly. Frankly, when they saw Yuan Feng blasting the old man before, they really couldn't believe their eyes.

They have been in this neighborhood for several months, during which many people have shown their faces and revealed their identities.

The old man who was only able to fly by Yuan Feng was a strong man named Hong Tianxuan who was not far from Ziyun City. His strength, even in the surrounding ten miles and eight cities, was famous. When we learned that this person was in this neighborhood, everyone was hiding away from each other and did not dare to contact each other too much.

However, it was such a super-reputable that was blown away by Yuan Feng in one punch, and it still seemed to be hit hard. When thinking of this, the old man's fear of Yuan Feng became more and more intense.

"You, what are you doing?"

Both the old man and the young man took a step back subconsciously, and their status is also good. Although they are not as good as Hong Tianxuan who was blown up, they are also famous in their own cities. However, regardless of their status in their own city, at this time when they arrived at Ziyun City, they obviously did not have any advantages at all.

"Oh, don't be alarmed, I just ask a few questions. As long as you answer honestly, I won't embarrass you."

Seeing the old man and the young man looked at themselves in horror, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little funny.

When he didn't shoot, everyone present saw him as if he was a prey, and after casually showing his hand, everyone looked at him as if he were treating the wild beast. This change really can't even get him back.

"You, you ...... if you ask any questions, the old man will answer as appropriate."

After calming down, the old man tried to make himself look normal, and then he replied in a deep voice.

"It's not a big problem. I just want to ask your Excellency, what's going on here? Why are they all deserted? Also, you people are hiding here, shouldn't they be hiding cats?"

He is really curious about this barren neighbourhood. In principle, it should not be too far away from the Ziyun Palace, and it should be left idle for no reason at all. If you want to come, as long as Ziyun Palace, you are willing to come here to do business, even if you come here to settle down, I am afraid that you can line up outside Ziyun City.

"Abandoned? |"

Hearing Yuan Feng's problem, the old man's figure shook slightly, and then he looked at Yuan Feng with a little surprise, apparently, he did not expect that Yuan Feng didn't even know this.

"It seems that Your Excellency did not come to collect the apprenticeship from the Ziyun Palace, but he didn't even know these." He shook his head, and the old man relaxed a bit now, and then continued: "It is not deserted here. In fact, at this moment, the entire area of ​​the ring with the Ziyun Palace as the center and hundreds of millions of miles away has been temporarily emptied by the Ziyun Palace, and the circle of this circle is purple. A temporary battlefield opened up by the Yun Palace. As for the purpose, is it to let those who come to participate in the disciple selection to conduct a primary election first, or to reduce the pressure for the regular election six months later ... "

The old man also seemed to feel that Yuan Feng was not hostile. He said that he was completely relaxed, and with his explanation, Yuan Feng finally understood all about the situation here.

According to the old man, the Ziyun Palace admits 10,000 people, and the ten palaces only recruited 10,000 people. However, the people who came here to participate in the selection of the disciples, let alone 10,000 people, even 100,000 million ca n’t be beaten. In order to be able to go to rough deposits, all previous apprentices of the Ziyun Palace will empty out a circular area in the peripheral area.

People in the Ziyun Palace will not intervene in this circular area, and only those who are truly powerful can cross this circular area and enter the area closer to the Ziyun Palace.

Speaking of which, on the day of the apprenticeship at Ziyun Palace, there were only 500,000 places in the primaries. Once the 500,000 places were reached, no matter how talented you were, you could only watch it lively outside.

Obviously, the closer you are to the Ziyun Palace, the greater the hope that the first 500,000 people will arrive at the destination on the day of the admission of the Ziyun Palace. Naturally, everyone will prevent others from approaching the Ziyun Palace. . This is one of the reasons why Hong Tianxuan shot against Yuan Feng before.

"Well, that's the case. I didn't expect Ziyun Palace to have such a customary rule. In this case, there should be a lot of super powerfuls gathered in the direction near Ziyun Palace at this moment, right? "

After listening to the old man's narration, Yuan Feng's heart was to select this disciple of Ziyun Palace, and he yearned more.

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