The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1542: Happy Power (Five)

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The old man in purple robes got the Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong Lite version provided by Yuan Feng, but he was very excited.

Although Yuan Feng changed the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, and only provided the first six turns, for the purple robe old man, such a skill is enough to make him fascinated or even fascinated.

How subtle is the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, but it is the super skill almost ranked first and second among the three realms. Although there are only six turns, even the first six turns are enough to improve his physical fitness. Level, then in the same level, his power will undoubtedly overwhelm others.

For the old man in purple robes, this is an opportunity for him, an opportunity that is hard to find with a lantern.

"Ahem, what do the seniors need from the younger generation, even if they just say, as long as the younger can do it, they must do their best."

Hearing that the old man in purple robes had to make a deal with himself, Yuan Feng could not help but jump slightly, but his face was a flattered expression. He could actually guess some of the other party's thoughts, and he was obviously happy to see them.

After the change, the first six turns of magic work is still a formed thing. You should know that for the changes of the first six turns of magic work, he used the martial arts spirit for a long time to finalize the final. No one can see that the magic of this paperback version has been altered.

Judging by the subtlety of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, anyone who sees this divine power must have his own impulse, and the old man in purple robe in front of him seems to be no exception.

"My dear, this magical work of yours is very interesting. Anyway, you have already practiced this magical work. I ca n’t see it this way. I use one of my magical skills to exchange this Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, do you think this is good? "

As a demigod superpower, the old man in the purple robe could have directly beheaded Yuanfeng and won Yuanfeng ’s six-turn mystery. However, his identity is there, and naturally he will not do that kind of Bullying small things.

In addition, Yuan Feng was very arrogant and took out the Six Zhuan Xuan Gong to show him. This is a sincere act. If he kills such a person, he will be unhappy. Furthermore, Yuanfeng came to participate in the selection of Ziyun Palace disciples. If a genius like Yuanfeng can join the Ziyun Palace, it will be a good thing for the Ziyun Palace.

Therefore, after taking out six transfers from Yuan Feng, he never thought about beating Yuan Feng, but directly thought of trading with Yuan Feng.

After all, they are stolen, and their names are not upright, but if they were bought with their own things, it would be completely different.

"Where is the predecessor, as the predecessor said, this six-turn Xuan Gong has been fully cultivated by the junior, and it is not very proficient at the moment. Since the predecessor sees this martial art, the junior should be interrupted by the senior Dedicate it to your predecessors. "

Yuan Feng's face was full of sincerity, and in speaking, he gave up the precious martial arts directly to the other party, but there was no trace of hesitation.

"Hahaha, you little guy really has an appetite for this seat, so it's simply for this part of you, and this seat will never treat you badly."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, the old man in purple robe immediately burst into laughter. This time he was able to meet Yuan Feng. It can be said that it was an opportunity given to him by God. At this moment, let alone killing and winning treasure. If it was not because the gap between him and Yuan Feng was too large, he would really like to meet Yuan Feng has made friends.


Laughter fell, the old man in the purple robe raised his hand, and then an animal skin appeared in his hand as well. This animal skin looks very good, and when the animal skin is taken out, the old man's eyes can't help but flash a bit of perseverance.

"Little guy, this is one of my favorite skills. Although it may not be comparable to your six-turn Xuan Gong, it is also very beneficial to you. I will use this martial art to exchange with you. . "

Speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and threw the animal's skin directly at Yuan Feng, without waiting for Yuan Feng to say anything against it. The entire animal skin had already appeared in Yuan Feng's eyes.

"This ...... the seniors are really too polite. How can this make younger ones dare to accept them?"

Subconsciously holding the animal skin in his hands, Yuan Feng could not help but feel a little helpless. This is not completely pretended, he took out a semi-finished Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to fool the other side, but the other side gave him a complete martial arts skill, and he said that he was really unhappy. .

"Is there anything I dare not accept? Little guy, I think you and I have some fate. So, today, I ’m going to study these six transfers of Xuan Gong. I wo n’t leave you much for the time being. Take this martial art. And, also, put this scale on your body first, and after you join the Ziyun Palace, take the scale to the Five Elements Hall to find me. "

The words fell, and a purple scale was added to his hand, which was delivered directly to Yuan Feng's hands.

"This this…………"

The old man in purple robes acted according to his own thoughts, and sent cheats and scale tokens for a while, but it was Yuan Feng who couldn't return to God for a while.

"Well, remember what this seat says, go !!!"

After giving everything that could be given to Yuan Feng, the old man in the purple robe stopped talking and raised his hand to Yuan Feng. Then, Yuan Feng felt the darkness in his eyes. When he stopped again, it was Already appeared in a red world.


With his eyes open, Yuan Feng's eyes subconsciously glanced around, and he immediately determined his position at this moment.

"Come out? This ... I really came out alive?" I glanced around at the entrance to the cave of the underground sea of ​​fire. He entered the underground sea of ​​fire from this entrance.

He subconsciously touched his face, and looked at the animal skin scroll and purple scales in his right hand. Yuan Feng had a feeling of dreaming at this moment.

"Good guy, it really scared me into cold sweat!"

I was sure that everything was true, and he escaped from a demigod superpower, and now he was scared for a while.

He could feel that the old man in the purple robe was too strong and too strong. If the other party wanted to kill him, he had no chance to resist at all. Leaving aside, just because the other side received the energy shield, he was going to die.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect my life to be so hard. In this case, I could never survive. It seems that God really didn't want me to die, hahahaha !!!"

Leaving safely in front of a demigod strong man is indeed worthy of his pride.

Moreover, he didn't just leave from a demigod power this time, because at this moment, in his hands, he was holding two things whose value was unclear!

A modified copy of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, in exchange for a martial arts, and a special purple scales, how to count this business as a profit.

"By the way, martial arts, I don't know what kind of martial arts it is. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing if you want to get a shot from the Demigod Realm?"

Thinking of martial arts, Yuan Feng hurriedly tossed away the joy of being in a desperate place, and with a moment of thought, he spread his animal skin and looked forward to the content with anticipation.

"God-level martial arts flying in the sky? This ...... is really a god-level martial arts !!"

After unfolding the animal skin, a few bright characters appeared in front of Yuan Feng's eyes for the first time, but the four characters of Shenjie martial arts were particularly obvious.

"Well, let me just say, my 9th turn Xuan Gong is extremely strange. Even if it is a lite version, it is worth the value of a martial arts skill. Since the purple robe old man exchanged sincerely, how could it be too cold? ? "

It is absolutely impossible to be too stingy for the Demigod to take a shot. Now it seems that his guess is not false.

"Happy work? Eh, turned out to be an escape skill?"

I glanced at the secret book of this martial art, and soon, Yuan Feng figured out the effect of this martial art called Xiaoyao Shengong. It turned out that this turned out to be a fleeing magic skill.

Xiaoyao's magic, listening to the name is a very overbearing martial art, and after seeing the effect of this magic, Yuan Feng's face suddenly showed an unbelievable smile of joy.

"It's a big money, it's really a big money. The old man in the purple robe doesn't know who it is. He even traded such a martial art with me. This is simply a pie in the sky!"

Holding the animal skin with both hands, Yuan Feng was shaking with excitement.

Although he also guessed that the old man in the purple robe would not be too bad, he did not expect that the other party would use such precious martial arts to trade with him. At this moment, he really did not know how to thank the other party.

Xiaoyao magic, the effect of this martial art is just like its name. It is free, unrestrained, and to put it plainly, this is an escape-excellent science, no matter how strong your opponent is, you can save your life.

Yuan Feng didn't see it too clearly, but the general effect was like this, but there was no need to think about it. As long as the admission of the Ziyun Palace was completed, he could patiently study this pastime and master it. A whole new skill.

Perhaps the old man in purple robes just wanted to exchange such a valuable martial art with him, and did not think he could really make it, but in fact, such a martial art was in his hands, he just found the most Good host.

Xiaoyao Gong, this is a magic skill destined to shine on him.

ps: Five more completed, seeking tomorrow's guaranteed flowers, Xiaoyan really did his best this month! !! !! Keep working hard next month, roar! !! !! !!

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