The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1550: Gray robe people (four more)

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Ziyun Palace recruits newcomers. After all, it is still necessary to conduct some investigation. The first stage of brainwashing is nothing more than making everyone feel more at home with Ziyun Palace. The second stage of information collection is undoubtedly for all newcomers and disciples. A big survey.

For Ziyun Palace, this super power, it is not difficult to train a strong one. Since it is to be cultivated, first of all, it is necessary to ensure that the cultivation is meaningful. If a traitor is cultivated, it will be too much of a loss.

After collecting the information of these 10,000 new students and disciples, Ziyun Palace will send special people to their families to investigate the authenticity of the information left by these people one by one. Once someone is found to be lying, it is definitely a local law. Even the families of such people will be destroyed because of suspicion of bad intentions.

At first, it was not that no one wanted to install Ziyun Palace. However, after this second pass, it was easily spotted by Ziyun Palace. You know, the strong man at Ziyun Palace is not a dry rice eater. If you want to easily get over the border, it is simply a delusion.

Like everyone else, Yuan Feng honestly entered his information into the information gathering stone of the Ziyun Palace, but the information he entered was passed back to the oldest of a family he controlled in the first place. In Zu ’s mind, even if Ziyun Palace sent someone to investigate him, he would not investigate any problems.

The collection of tens of thousands of people ’s information is also a big project, and it took almost an entire hour. These tens of thousands of people have entered their own information into the information collection stone, and the disciples of Ziyun Palace put it Organize and hand it over to a special person for investigation.

The super power of Ziyun Palace is actually a unimaginable big machine. In this big machine, there are branches responsible for various matters. Each branch runs on its own and can interact with other branches. The connection is exquisite.

It is conceivable that for a super power like Ziyun Palace, it is bound to have a huge intelligence team, let alone the entire Ziyun City, even hundreds of thousands of cities around Ziyun City. It is difficult to escape the eyes and eyes of Ziyun Palace if some major incidents happen casually.

"Very well, it seems that everyone has a clear conscience. This is the best way. You should all have heard of the means of Ziyun Palace. Don't let it go with Ziyun Palace, because that will only make you ask for help. Bitter. "

After 10,000 new students and disciples have completed entering the information, the top ten preachers who witnessed the whole process all nodded secretly, in fact they already have some brows.

From the reactions of these 10,000 newcomers and disciples, everyone seems to have no problem, because if there is a problem, it is logically not that the information should be entered into the information collection stone so frankly.

"You guys, you are not afraid of shadow obliques. Since everyone has no problems, let's move on to the next one."

The top ten eunuchs did have some absentmindedness. After the second entry of information was completed, everyone was anxious to hand over these new disciples to liberate themselves. However, rules are rules, and they can never be destroyed casually. They cannot really ignore the existence of rules and just let go.

Talking, ten people acted again, and led the crowd to the depths of the Ziyun Palace.

The Ziyun Palace is really too big. The deeper it goes, the more Yuan Feng and others can feel the horror of this Ziyun Palace, and slowly, it ’s no surprise to them.

"What else do these guys do? Isn't it enough to enter the information? Should you be cautious to this point?"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng, like everyone else, continued to march behind the top ten disciples toward the depths of the Ziyun Palace. The mighty team almost formed a landscape. However, the area of ​​the Ziyun Palace is really too large. Although the number of 10,000 people is indeed quite large, it is not crowded at all within the scope of the Ziyun Palace.

The top ten preachers first walked ahead, and they were obviously slightly anxious. The Ziyun Palace has reached this stage. In fact, there is nothing to continue to care about. At the moment, they really want to hand over people soon, and then do whatever they want!

Of course, not only ten of them are more anxious, but even Yuanfeng and other new disciples are actually a little anxious. Everyone understands that the longer the delay, the more problems will arise. If anything, it was definitely a huge blow to them.

"A huge machine is up and running. It's really beyond the imagination of the average person. This Ziyun Palace has become a scale and a climate. If you want to uproot this force, I'm afraid it's an impossible thing at all?"

Yuan Feng took his heart away and slowly calmed himself down. He was the one who didn't need to worry. In any case, with his ability, he didn't worry about any accidents at all, even if there was an accident, He still has more than 9,000 people standing for him, and in the end he won't be able to resist himself.

With the large army, soon, the party came to a new location, and this location is also not special. To say that the special place, it seems that the scale is larger.

When the ten great ancestors and disciples took the crowd outside this palace, the attitude of the ten people changed once again, everyone's face became very solemn, but it was the same as before to all spirits The garden was somewhat similar.

"Here ... it seems to be more horrible than where I have been before!"

After Yuan Feng stood close to the palace with the large troops, his face was more dignified than every moment before, because at this moment, he suddenly felt a unimaginable authority. Pressing towards him, at the same time, a solemn breath enveloped him for a moment, at this moment, he seemed to feel a sense of impermanence.

"What is this place? How can there be so many strange things in this Ziyun Palace? Is this to scare people to death?"

Standing in front of this hall, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, his heart was full of dignity. There is nothing special about this weird round hall, but he can feel that in this hall, there is definitely a super strong presence. As for repairing, it will be a short while I'm not sure.

The top ten **** disciples, at this moment also completely put down the impatient expression, everyone's face was very solemn. Yuan Feng didn't know where it was, but they knew it very well.

"The disciple Qiao Ke, in collaboration with the nine masters of the ten palaces, brought the newcomer of this session to apply for an identity card, and asked Uncle to show up."

Among the ten people, the spokesman Qiao Ke still exercised his right as a spokesperson, and he screamed loudly at the palace ahead. However, although the voice is loud, the tone is full of respect.

"Please see Uncle Shi."

The other nine disciples, who did not dare to neglect at the same time, opened their mouths at this time, and everyone was also respectful.

"Uh, this ........."

When I saw the ten great disciple disciples in Ziyun Palace, they were so arrogant. All the newcomers, including Yuan Feng, could not help but tremble, apparently startled.

The characters who can make the ten great disciple disciples so obedient, it seems that in this palace, it should be an amazing character.

"Uncle? The one who can be the master of these ten acolyte disciples, alas, it really looks like a great person!"

Yuan Feng's face remained calm, but she was already surprised.

The master and uncle of Chuan Chuan can imagine what kind of big man it will be. It seems that Bachengcheng is a super powerhouse that transcends the limitless state.

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

When the words of the top ten disciples passed down, the palace in front of them suddenly shook slightly. Then, a long gray light radiated directly into the main hall, and immediately enveloped the entire main hall door.

The gray light was awful, even Yuan Feng, who was shrouded in light, felt the coolness on his body. The feeling was definitely something he had never felt before.


With the gray light on, the time spent talking, a gray robe, the whole person is buried in the gray hair, the figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Uh, this is ..."

The gray robe figure appeared in front of everyone, but there was no trace of breath, and the most terrifying thing was that Yuan Feng didn't even feel a trace of vitality on the other person's body. The feeling was like the opposite figure Not like a living person.

"Yu, Ziyun Palace, how powerful are you !!!!"

Seeing the figure of gray hair in this black robe, Yuan Feng couldn't help taking a deep breath this time, but it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

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