The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1569: Experienced tasks (two more)

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The three-month time elapsed. Of course, the treasure of Elder Xieyu could not let a new disciple stay forever. When the three-month time was over, the superhero in Liuhedian was the The new disciples drove out of Scarlet Space.

Speaking of it, being able to let everyone stay in the Scarlet Space for three months is already the biggest limit of Elder Xieyu. His Scarlet Space is his treasure house, and only he can enter in weekdays, even if he is in his seat. Some of his personal disciples should not enter without permission.

The power of the origin in the blood-colored space requires countless years of accumulation to condense. This time it is open to newcomers and disciples, it is also because the master of the Liuhe Palace has spoken. Otherwise, if only Huo Qi's face is completely used, Where can it be cool where it rests.

In the slightly dark and cold hall, a lot of new disciples gathered here again, but compared with the previous situation, at this moment, the atmosphere in the hall is obviously slightly different.

Originally, the atmosphere in this cold hall was depressed, and there was a horrible atmosphere everywhere. However, when a thousand people returned here again, the original depressed atmosphere was completely changed by the joy of everyone.

Among the 1,000 newcomers and disciples, there are almost three hundred of them. At this moment, they are all looking happy, and even can be said to be excited, and these excited newcomers and disciples, each person's body is full of waves. With an unusually turbulent atmosphere, it is clear that these more than 300 newcomers and disciples have all benefited from the scarlet space and have been promoted to the realm of yin and yang.

Xiu was promoted to yin and yang, which is a great thing for them. Under this joy, who cares about the surrounding environment?

As for those who have not been able to advance to the yin and yang realm, their hearts are full of annoyance and regret, but they also have no energy to control the surrounding environment.

"Elder Xieyu, I would like to thank Elder Xieyu. From now on, as long as Elder Xieyu is in trouble, even if he tells his disciples that he will do his best to do things for Elder Xieyu."

At the forefront of the crowd, the named disciple Huo Qi of the Lord of the Sixth Hall of the Palace, at this moment, was greeting the elder Xieyu with a look of joy, and promised very seriously.

This time when he came to the site of Elder Xieyu, the biggest gain was undoubtedly him. Speaking of which, of course, the secret space of Elder Xieyu cannot be completely connected.

In fact, the secret space that a new group of disciples entered was part of Elder Xieyu's entire secret environment, but the real higher secret space was separated by him alone. The secret space that Huo Qi entered this time is exactly the part that Elder Xie Yu divided.

What is gained in the secret world is not known to outsiders, but judging from the breath of Huo Qi ’s body, his strength is definitely stronger than when he just came. It can be seen that within the secret realm, he has really obtained great benefits.

"Ha ha, seeing outside seeing outside, among the distinguished disciples of the Lord, you have the greatest potential, and your future achievements will inevitably be the highest. After you become a disciple of disciples, don't forget this seat."

Hearing Huo Qi's words of gratitude, Elder Xieyu couldn't help holding his small beard with one hand, his face calmly.

For him, a little benefit to Huo Qi is investment. Moreover, his secret place is very large, and Huo Qi will not harm it at will, which means that he will use a little resources at best. For him, there was not much loss.

However, once Huo Qi can become a disciple of disciples, then everything is really different.

Pu Chuan ’s identity is very useful. Although Pu Chuan ’s disciples must respect him respectfully, he knew in his heart that what Pu Chuan ’s disciples enjoyed was actually beyond his enjoyment, and that one day he was promoted to half. In the realm of God, he was even more inferior.

Therefore, it is indeed necessary for him to help Huo Qi.

"Elder Xieyu rest assured. If the disciples can really make a difference in the future, Elder Xieyu will be the disciple's greatest benefactor. I, Huo Qi, will not be the kind of ingratitude."

Huo Qi slammed his chest suddenly, but Huo Qi said it really, but in fact, after this practice, he really has more confidence in the future.

"Okay, you don't have to make up your mind with this seat. It's getting late, you can do your own business, and these people, all taken out, this seat will be clean for a while."

With a wave of his hand, Elder Xieyu sat back on his black lotus again, but ordered a guest order against Huo Qi and others.

He is a man who likes to be pure. Even his disciples rarely stay with him. Instead, he is sent outside to practice. Now that so many people are in his hall, he has long felt Uncomfortable.

He is a person who likes to be quiet, and the cold atmosphere will make him feel relaxed and happy. With so many people gathered here at the moment, he has no mood to chat with so many people.

"That being the case, that disciple will take everyone away first. The elder is in trouble, even if the subordinate will go to me and let me know."

Nodding his head, Huo Qi didn't say much, his voice fell, and he bowed to the Elder Xieyu, and then left with a group of new disciples.

A group of newcomers and disciples had different moods, but they followed Huo Qi honestly one by one, heading towards Huo Qi's Shenglong Temple.

It didn't take long for everyone to return to the Temple of Dragons, and when they returned to the Temple of Dragons, whether it was Huo Qi himself or a group of new disciples, they all felt as relaxed as returning home.

For these newcomers, their first stop is the Shenglong Temple, and it is no exaggeration to say that the Shenglong Temple is their home in Ziyun Palace. As for Huo Qi, this is of course his hometown.

"Hahaha, okay, very good. I didn't expect the newcomers and disciples in this session to have more than 300 people reach the yin and yang realm within such a short time. There are no ancient people before, ha ha ha !!! "Back at the Shenglong Temple, Huo Qi's mood was simply too good, and no matter how many new disciples looked around, he began to laugh and talk.

At this time, the master of the Liuhe Palace gave him the task of adjusting the newcomer, and it took him only such a short time to create so many people in the yin and yang realm. Such achievements must definitely set a record for the Ziyun Palace. He believed that the other nine palaces, no matter how good the cultivation environment, is definitely not as good as the current Liuhe Hall.

Moreover, in addition to this, he also got the opportunity of promotion provided by Elder Xieyu, which is a double happiness, and of course such a good sign, he certainly cannot be unhappy.

"Now, according to Xiu Wei, you are standing on the right side of the yin and yang environment, and standing on the left side of the habitat, from now on, your identity will be different." Laughter fell, Huo Qi could not help but wave a big hand, yes Commanded a new disciple.

One thousand new disciples, although they are still new disciples at this moment, due to the difference in cultivation, it is obviously necessary to treat them differently. At least, in the future, the training of these new disciples will be carried out in different ways. Already.

A group of newcomers and disciples did not dare to delay, no matter whether they were born in a habitat or a yin and yang environment, in Huo Qi's eyes, it was obviously not enough to see, so of course you must be honest.

Of course, for everyone who has been promoted to the yin and yang environment, at this time, even if the order is executed, it feels more comfortable than before, and those who have not been promoted will have some resistance.

However, the training of newcomers and disciples has just begun. Their hearts are clear. In the next time, they will actually have a chance to equalize. What's more, if you are proud of the moment, you may not be able to continue to be proud all the time. Maybe they who have not been able to advance can find opportunities at some moment and become stronger in one fell swoop! After a short period of time, everyone actively organized the team. A group of yin and yang was on the right, and the remaining people in the habitat were on the left. The number of yin and yang was only 300, and the remaining 600 were. Many people are living habitats. However, although there is a considerable difference in the number of people, more than 300 people in the yin and yang environment are definitely stronger and stronger than those in the living environment.

"Yes, it is gratifying to have this result."

Eyes glanced over two groups of people, and Huo Qi's heart became more and more satisfied. There were more than 300 people who were promoted to the yin and yang realm all at once. This was absolutely beyond his expectation and he did not dare to extravagant. With so many people in the yin and yang realm, then the next training task could be Much simpler.

"I have already arranged the opportunities for the three exercises. The next step is to assign tasks for everyone and go out to practice. The process of training is not as simple as the previous three exercises. From then on, each time, I am afraid that there will be some big and small risks. As for whether it can be grasped, it depends on everyone. "

With a positive look, Huo Qi suddenly became extremely serious now. For the newcomers and disciples of this term, he already has a score in his mind, and he believes that the next training task may not be too smooth for everyone present. Fortunately, so many people have broken into the yin and yang realm, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be really difficult.

"Now listen to my instructions and allocate the team first, and then I will tell you the contents of the mission. I hope everyone can seize every rare opportunity and don't let me be too disappointed."

When the words fell, his gaze began to glance at the two teams, thinking about how to group.

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